作者 主题: 【万法全书】更名的法术  (阅读 11830 次)

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« 于: 2019-03-09, 周六 16:05:32 »

阿迦纳萨喷火术Aganazzar's Scorcher)            灼烧(Scorcher)
air bubble(出自龙杂314)                  深呼吸(Deep Breath)
阿拉曼瑟之召返(Alamanther’s return )            复制施法(replicate casting)
analyze opponent(出自龙杂317)               辨析敌手(know opponent)
解析抗力(assay resistance)                  解析抗力(assay spell resistance)
欧吕尔之花(Auril's flowers)                  寒冰绽放(ice flowers)
阿祖斯至高三重(Azuth’s exalted triad)            三分法术(triadspell)
阿祖斯秘法护盾(Azuth’s spell shield)            群体法术抗力(mass spell resistance)
巴勒刚铁号角(Balagarn’s iron horn)            雷霆号角(ironthunder horn)
破敌弓(bane bow) (未翻译,出自cd)         破敌武器(foebane)
巴伦蟹行术(Barlen’s crabwalk)               横行霸道(crabwalk)
比格比手滑术(Bigby’s slapping Hand)            手滑术(Slapping Hand)
音之桥(bridge of sound)(出自ss)            影之路(dark way)
卡立加德利爪术(Caligarde’s claw)               力场之爪(force claw)
chamber(出自位面手册(3e))               以太监牢(ethereal chamber)
避役术(Chameleon)                        伪装术(camouflage)
野兽之爪(claw of The Beast)                  巨熊之爪(claws of the bear)
climb(出处不明)                        壁虎游墙(climb Wall)
瑕疵诅咒 (curse of Petty Failing)               厄运诅咒(curse of ill fortune)
群体瑕疵诅咒 (curse of Petty Failing,legion’s)      群体厄运诅咒(mass curse of ill fortune)
达松之药剂(Darsson’s potion)                  快速药剂(quick potion)
耳聋喷吐(Deafening Breath)                  纳入到 混合能量喷吐(Breath Weapon Admixture)
杜拉克的玻璃转化 (Dhulark’s Glasstrike)            镜变(Glass Strike)
伊莉丝翠的恩惠( Eilistraee`s Grace)            恩典(Grace)
伊尔明斯特光辉提炼(Elminster’s effulgent epuration)   光辉提炼(effulgent epuration)
伊尔明斯特逃生术(Elminster’s evasion)            顷刻庇护(Instant Refuge)
伊尔玛特的恩赐(favor of Ilmater)               殉道者的垂怜(Favor Of The Martyr)
力能撞(force ram)                        攻城槌(Battering Ram)
力鞭术(force whip)                        声波之鞭(sonic whip)
fugue of Tvash-Prull(出自龙杂328)            赋格曲(fugue)
封印异界门(Gate Seal)                     封印传送门(Seal Portal)
古鲁斯托斯的金属熔解 (Ghorus Toth’s Metal Melt)      金属熔解(Metal Melt)
高等咆哮术(Great Shout)                     纳入到 高等咆哮术(Shout, Greater)
green oath(出处不明)                     植物躯体(Plant Body)
Grimwald 的灰色诅咒(Grimwald’sGraymantle)      灰之斗篷(graymantle)
引导箭矢 (Guided Arrow)                  导向射击(Guided Shot)
托姆之手 (Hand of Torm)                     忠诚之手(Hand Of The Faithful)
和谐术 (Harmony)                           启发之音(Inspirational Boost)
霍瑞兹考勒的轰鸣 (Horizikaul’s Boom)            音波爆发(Sonic Blast)
霍瑞兹考勒的呛咳 (Horizikaul’s Cough)            猛然惊响(Sonic Snap)
霍瑞兹考勒的多效共鸣(Horizikaul’s Versatile Vibration)   喧嚣之音(Sonic Rumble)
伊格卓札的沼气 (Igedrazaar’ s Miasma)            迷乱之云(Malevolent Miasma)
improved alarm(出自位面手册)               高级魔法警报(Alarm, Greater)
高等钢铁护卫 (Greater Ironguard)               钢铁守护(Ironguard)
考皮尔的敏感神经 (Kaupaer’s Skittish Nerves)         英勇迅捷(Nerveskitter)
克蓝沃的恩赐 (Kelemvor's Grace)               生命礼赞(Life's Grace)
凯尔本的飘浮沉默 (Khelben’s Suspended Silence)      延迟静默(Suspended Silence)
雷洛的锋锐之手 (Laeral’s Cutting Hand)            锋锐之手(Cutting Hand)
腐息术(Laogzed's Breath)                  反胃吐息(Nauseating Breath)
李欧蒙隐匿小屋(hidden lodge)               隐匿小屋(Hidden Lodge)
manifest, mass(出自位面手册)               群体显现术(Make Manifest, Mass)
梅斯提尔的强酸吐息 (Mestil’s Acid Breath)         强酸吐息(Acid Breath)
梅斯提尔的强酸护罩 (Mestil’s Acid Sheath)         强酸守护(Acid Sheath)
Minor Reflection(出处不明)                  射线偏斜(Ray Deflection)
萌童仆从(Minor Servitor)                     构装启智术(Awaken Construct)
怪物式再生 (Monstrous Regeneration)            高级回春术(Vigor,Greater)
魔邓肯扰乱蜂鸣(Mordenkainen’s buzzing bee)      扰乱蜂鸣(Buzzing Bee)
魔邓肯力场飞弹(Mordenkainen’s force missiles)      力场飞弹(Force Missiles)
密斯特拉之雾(Mystra’s miasma)               魔法之雾(Magic Miasma)
恩凯撒的闪亮球体(Nchaser's glowing orb)         白炽球(Glowing Orb)
尼柏的柔和提醒 (Nybor’s Gentle Reminder)         叱喝术(Rebuke)
尼柏的温缓警告 (Nybor’s Mild Admonishment)      高等叱喝术(Rebuke, Greater)
尼柏的严厉斥责 (Nybor’s Stern Reproof)            终结叱喝(Rebuke, Final)
尼柏的愤怒惩戒 (Nybor’s Wrathful Castigation)      愤怒惩戒(Wrathful Castigation)
欧提路克解咒屏(Otiluke’s dispelling screen)         解咒屏(dispelling screen)
欧提路克高等解咒屏(Otiluke’s greater dispelling screen)   高等解咒屏(greater dispelling screen)
浦里斯博的月弓(Presper's moonbow)            月之弓(Moonbow)
拉瑞异界连结(Rary’sInterplanar Telepathic Bond)      异界连结(interplanar Telepathic Bond)
recall spirit(出处不明)                     招魂曲(Revenance)
医护中度伤 (Remedy Moderate Wounds)            回春术(vigor)
正义之怒(righteous fury)                     该法术的模型手册版本重命名为 犀牛之冲撞(Rhino’S Rush)
rogue wave(出处不明)                     潮汐奔涌(Tidal Surge)
薛勒刚的恒固刃 (Shelgarn’s Persistent Blade)         永恒之刃(Persistent Blade)
欣布的骨骼融解 (Simbul’s Skeletal Deliquescence)      软化形体(Corporeal Instability)
欣布的法术矩阵 (Simbul’s Spell Matrix)            次级法术矩阵(Spell Matrix,lesser)
欣布的法术序列 (Simbul’s Spell Sequencer)         法术矩阵(Spell Matrix)
欣布的法术即发 (Simbul’s Spell Trigger)            高等法术矩阵(Spell Matrix,greater)
欣布的转医秘法 (Simbul’s Synostodweomer)         转医秘法(Synostodweomer)
史尼洛雪球群(Snilloc's Snowball Swarm)            雪球术(Snowball Swarm)
群体传送术(teleport, mass)                  纳入到 传送术(teleport)中
高等谭森漂浮碟(Tenser’s floating disk, greater)      高等浮碟术(Floating Disk, Greater)
堤路梅尔的能量法球 (Tirumael’s Energy Spheres)      能量法球(Energy Spheres)
Tvash-Prull’s bonefiddle(出自COR,未翻译)      白骨之弦(Bonefiddle)
绝对重力 (Undeniable Gravity)               大地束缚(Earthbind)
Vaeraun’s nightshield(出处未知)               夜之盾(nightshield)
萨吉芒的雪崩 (Zajimarn’s Avalanche)               雪崩术(Obedient Avalanche)
萨吉芒的冰爪监牢 (Zajimarn’s Ice Claw Prison)      寒冰利爪(Ice Claw)


劇透 -   :
This book includes spells from many sources, including Dragon
magazine, web articles previously published on the Wizards of
the Coast website, and supplements such as Complete Arcane
and Manual of the Planes. Most of the spells are presented
with little change, but some material has been revised to v.3.5
based on feedback from thousands of D&D players comparing
and debating the strengths and weaknesses of spells at gaming
conventions, on message boards, on email lists, and over the
counters of their friendly local gaming stores. We hope you like
the changes we made to some of these spells.
If you have been playing with a spell we’ve picked up and re-
vised for this book, you should strongly consider updating your
character or campaign to the new version. The simplest way to
do this is simply offer a “mulligan” to any character who needs
tweaking. It’s pretty easy to note that a spell has a different dura-
tion or that another class can now cast the spell.
Most of the changes we made to previously published mate-
rial we made to create an improved version of that material—to
help out spells that were formerly suboptimal choices, to adjust
spells that were simply too good, or take whatever steps the
D&D 3.5 revision made necessary. Of course, if you’re play-
ing with older material and it’s working fine in your game, you
shouldn’t feel compelled to change. It’s your game, after all.