作者 主题: [PF翻譯]【UW】秘學士變體:探地者(Geomancer)  (阅读 3997 次)


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« 于: 2018-07-28, 周六 16:51:50 »


本職技能(Class Skills):探地者將知識(地理)、知識(自然)、生存加到他的本職技能中,而不是解除裝置、知識(工程)、知識(宗教)。

探地心智(Geomantic Focus, Su):當探地者將心智點填充到當天的靈器中時,他可以將其中一些心智點儲存在周圍的地形中。只要他與該地形保持身體接觸,他就會在對應的等級獲得生存專家共鳴能力,以及縮地步,領地之力和地形之牆靈器之力。

探地術(Geomancy, Su):探地者在1級時會少習得一個靈器學派。相反,他的已知法術部分地取決於他目前所處的地形類型(以及他所能施放的法術環級)。當他離開一種地形時,他失去了地形所賦予的已知法術,並知曉他所進入的新地形所賦予的已知法術。如果一個特定的地形屬於多種地形,那麼探地者選擇他在進入該地形時獲得的法術列表。下面列出了不同地形的每個法術環位的法術。

       寒地(Cold):1環—凍傷(FrostbiteUM);2環—極寒之觸(Frigid TouchUM);3環—雪風暴(Sleet Storm);4環—蠕行冰川(Creeping IceACG);5環—冰封之牢(Icy PrisonUM);6環—冰封法球(Freezing Sphere)

  沙漠(Desert):1環—陽炎武器(Sun MetalUC);2環—流沙術(Shifting SandAPG);3環—塵埃之飲(Cup of DustAPG);4環—火焰護盾(Fire Shield);5環—焰擊術(Flame Strike);6環—燃燒之風(SiroccoAPG)

  森林(Forest):1環—糾纏術(Entangle);2環—樹化術(Tree Shape);3環—植物交談(Speak with Plants);4環—巨樹之錘(Arboreal HammerUM);5環—融身入林(Tree Stride);6環—橡樹守衛(Liveoak)

  叢林(Jungle):1環—毒針吹刺(Nauseating DartACG);2環—毒液糾纏術(Sickening EntanglementACG);3環—毒失咒(Venomous BoltAPG);4環—毒擊術(Poison);5環—靈蛇杖(Snake StaffAPG);6環—血肉蟲群(Swarm SkinAPG)

  山脈(Mountain):1環—石拳術(Stone FistAPG);2環—召岩術(Stone CallAPG);3環—塑石術(Stone Shape);4環—黑曜之流(Obsidian FlowUC);5環—洞穴之牙(Cave FangsUW);6環—地動術(Move Earth)

  平原(Plains):1環—坐騎術(Mount);2環—造風術(Gust of Wind);3環—植物滋長(Plant Growth);4環—雄鹿之型(Aspect of the StagAPG);5環—操縱風相(Control Winds);6環—兵蟻長鞭(Whip of AntsACG)

  位面(除了主物質位面)(Planes (Other Than the Material Plane)):1環—忍受環境(Endure Elements);2環—魔繩術(Rope Trick);3環—閃現術(Blink);4環—次元錨(Dimensional Anchor);5環—位面適應(Planar AdaptationAPG);6環—異界傳送(Plane Shift)

  沼澤(Swamp):1環—泥球糊臉(MudballARG);2環—爆射蕁麻(Burst of NettlesUM);3環—步步生(Lily Pad StrideAPG)—;4環—礙事淤泥(Slowing MudACG);5環—疫病蟲群(Insect Plague);6環—群體死疽(Fester, Mass)

  地下(Underground):1環—快速挖掘(Expeditious ExcavationAPG);2環—黑暗視覺(Darkvision);3環—融身入石(Meld into Stone);4環—回聲定位(EcholocationUM);5環—絞殺(Suffocation);6環—召喚黑布丁怪(Conjure Black PuddingUM)

  都市(Urban):1環—城鎮恩典(Urban GraceARG);2環—共用語言(Share LanguageAPG);3環—都市遷躍術(Urban StepUI);4環—靜默之域(Zone of Silence);5環—心靈連線(Telepathic Bond);6環—雕像術(Statue)

  水(Water):1環—氣泡術(Air BubbleUC);2環—水流術(SlipstreamAPG);3環—水中呼吸(Water Breathing);4環—液體形態(Fluid FormAPG);5環—間歇泉(GeyserAPG);6環—操縱水位(Control Water)


生存專家(Survivalist, Su):在2級時,探地者每在地形中填充一點心智點,就會在生存檢定上獲得+1加值(最多等於他的秘學士等級)。

縮地步(Terrain Stride, Su):在5級時,作為一個迅捷動作,探地者可以花費1點填充在地形中的心智點,使他的所有移動速度增加10呎。在5級時,探地者可以花費2點填充在地形中的心智點,將他的所有移動速度增加20呎。這僅影響他已有的移動方式。

領地之力(Dominion, Su):在7級時,作為一個標準動作,探地者可以花費1點或更多的填充在地形中的心智點,將大地之力注入他到自身和他30呎範圍內的每個盟友中。每消耗一點心智點,受影響的生物會在攻擊檢定,傷害骰和強韌豁免上獲得+1士氣加值。這些加值持續1分鐘,且加值不能超過探地者的秘學士等級的四分之一。

地形之牆(Wall of Terrain, Sp):在13級時,作為一個標準動作,探地者可以花費3點填充在地形中的心智點,在周圍地形中塑造出堅固的牆壁,無論地形的實際構成為何。此能力作用如同石牆術,使用探地者的秘學士等級作為施法者等級。通過額外花費一點共用心智點,他可以將牆壁的硬度增加到10,並且每吋厚度額外增加5點生命值。

劇透 -   :
A geomancer studies every type of land, deriving power from the differences between types of terrain.

Class Skills: A geomancer adds Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), and Survival to his list of class skills instead of Disable Device, Knowledge (engineering), and Knowledge (religion).

This alters the occultist’s class skills.

Geomantic Focus (Su): When a geomancer invests mental focus into his implements for the day, he can store some of it in the surrounding terrain. As long as he remains in physical contact with the terrain, he gains the survivalist resonant power and the ability to use the terrain stride, dominion, and wall of terrain focus powers as appropriate for his level.

This alters mental focus.

Geomancy (Su): A geomancer learns one fewer implement school at 1st level. Instead, the spells that he knows are partially determined by the type of terrain he is currently in (and the level of spells he can cast). When he leaves a type of terrain, he loses knowledge of the spells that terrain grants and instead knows the spells granted by the new type of terrain he has entered. If a specific terrain falls into more than one category, the geomancer chooses which list of spells he receives when he enters the terrain. The spells at each spell level for the various types of terrain are listed below.

Cold: 1st—frostbite, 2nd—frigid touch, 3rd—sleet storm, 4th—creeping ice, 5th—icy prison, 6th—freezing sphere.
Desert: 1st—sun metal, 2nd—shifting sand, 3rd—cup of dust, 4th—fire shield, 5th—flame strike, 6th—sirocco.
Forest: 1st—entangle, 2nd—tree shape, 3rd—speak with plants, 4th—arboreal hammer, 5th—tree stride, 6th—liveoak.
Jungle: 1st—nauseating dart, 2nd—sickening entanglement, 3rd—venomous bolt, 4th—poison, 5th—snake staff, 6th—swarm skin.
Mountain: 1st—stone fist, 2nd—stone call, 3rd—stone shape, 4th—obsidian flow, 5th—cave fangs, 6th—move earth.
Plains: 1st—mount, 2nd—gust of wind, 3rd—plant growth, 4th—aspect of the stag, 5th—control winds, 6th—whip of ants.
Planes (Other Than the Material Plane): 1st—endure elements, 2nd—rope trick, 3rd—blink, 4th—dimensional anchor, 5th—planar adaptation, 6th—plane shift.
Swamp: 1st—mudball, 2nd—burst of nettles, 3rd—lily pad stride, 4th—slowing mud, 5th—insect plague, 6th—mass fester.
Underground: 1st—expeditious excavation, 2nd—darkvision, 3rd—meld into stone, 4th—echolocation, 5th—suffocation, 6th—conjure black pudding.
Urban: 1st—urban grace, 2nd—share language, 3rd—urban step, 4th—zone of silence, 5th—telepathic bond, 6th—statue.
Water: 1st—air bubble, 2nd—slipstream, 3rd—water breathing, 4th—fluid form, 5th—geyser, 6th—control water.

This alters implements.

Survivalist (Su): At 2nd level, a geomancer gains a +1 bonus on Survival checks for every point of mental focus invested in the terrain (to a maximum equal to his occultist level).

This replaces magic item skill.

Terrain Stride (Su): At 5th level, as a swift action, a geomancer can expend 1 point of mental focus invested in the terrain to increase all of his movement speeds by 10 feet. At 5th level, the geomancer can expend 2 points of mental focus invested in the terrain to instead increase all of his movement speeds by 20 feet. This affects only movement speeds he already has.

This replaces aura sight.

Dominion (Su): At 7th level, as a standard action, a geomancer can expend 1 or more points of mental focus invested in the terrain to infuse himself and each of his allies within 30 feet of him with the might of the land. Affected creatures gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and Fortitude saves for every point of mental focus expended. These bonuses last for 1 minute and can’t exceed one-quarter the geomancer’s occultist level.

This replaces the focus power gained at 7th level.

Wall of Terrain (Sp): At 13th level, as a standard action, a geomancer can expend 3 points of mental focus invested in the terrain to fashion a solid wall of the surrounding terrain, no matter its actual composition. This functions as per wall of stone, using the geomancer’s occultist level as his caster level. By expending an extra point of generic mental focus, he can increase the hardness of the wall to 10 and give it an extra 5 hit points per inch of thickness.

This replaces the focus power gained at 13th level.
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