作者 主题: 【HR】咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)  (阅读 14839 次)

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【HR】咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)
« 于: 2019-06-27, 周四 15:03:06 »
咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)
出自惊骇国度《Horror Realms pg. 10》

  當一個角色呼喚大自然中的一個孩子的幫助与友誼時,他会建立起一個神聖的契約來照顧和珍惜那生物。作為交換,那动物伙伴则充當她的引導者和監護者。兩者之間的羁绊被強化,使得动物伙伴超越了它的原始本能,它的靈魂在茁壯成長。这种超凡卓越既美麗又奇妙,但如同所有的魔法一样,总是会有風險。当动物伙伴的意識在增強时,它有时侯能吸引到无處不在而又隐藏在众目睽睽之下的精魂能量(spiritual energies)的注意。雖然這些能量当中的一部分是正派或漠不關心的存在,其它则潛伏在虛空中,在只有死亡在等待的最深層的阴影中。当时机成熟,这些较社陰暗的存在以惡毒的渴望縈繞在這些輝煌的同伴身上。如果角色未能保護他的同伴,腐化则湧現並將邪惡的意圖裝滿在那些曾經出色的生物之中。經歷了诅咒与腐化,这些动物伙伴带着坏掉、傷痕累累、悲痛欲絕回到他们的主人身边。这是一个他们必需共同承受的诅咒,因為當凡人不能保護跟他们自己連繫的动物同伴时,这些凡人又應当遭殃。

獲得咒怨伙伴(Gaining an Accursed Companion)

咒怨伙伴的表現形式(Accursed Companion Manifestations)
  所有的表現形式(Manifestation)在战斗中会给与动物伙伴優勢但也会给予其主人劣勢。一个动物伙伴的咒怨显现能被兩种方式激活:以一个移动动作,伙伴的主人能通過一个DC 20的馴養動物或野性認同檢定來故意觸發,或那表現形式可以在發生特定觸發因素时生效,详情見每個表現形式的條目。
  当一个咒怨动物伙伴显现其狀態时,它的主人可以以一个成功的意志豁免(DC=10+1/2咒怨伙伴的HD+咒怨伙伴的感知调整值(最少為0))来抵抗或緩和那劣勢的副作用。但是,恒定的表現形式(例以溃烂肉体(festering flesh)或害虫之友(unsavory friends))对于伙伴的主人有着同样恒定的影响,这些效用不能以任何方式被抵抗或緩和。除非表現形式是恒定的,咒怨伙伴每小时只能被影響1次。所有生效于咒怨伙伴的主人的副作用都是[影響心靈]效果。
顷刻凶殘(Bestial Flashes,Su):此动物伙伴被前任在死亡时的恐懼和痛苦所縈繞。此表現形式在咒怨伙伴受到造成的傷害超過當前生命值的一半的單次打擊后將自动觸發。当咒怨伙伴遭受顷刻凶殘时,它在使用天生攻击的所有攻击检定和伤害检定獲得+2士气加值,在確定重击时獲得+4士气加值。一旦被觸發,顷刻凶殘持續1分钟。当顷刻凶殘生效时,动物伙伴的主人的腦海里塞滿了野蠻獸性的影像。他变得困惑1d4轮然后在顷刻凶殘生效的这分钟的余下时间持續噁心。一个成功的意志豁免能使主人只噁心1d4轮。


潰爛肉体(Festering Flesh,Su):此动物伙伴的外表看起來很恐怖,而且聞起來更糟了。它腐爛的血肉在發臭,跳蚤、蜱蟲與其他令人噁心的寄生蟲在里面蠕動。儘管它如此荒誕醜怪,其实它相當溫柔有愛,也許甚至有些過头了。此表現形式是總是生效——咒怨伙伴免疫噁心和反胃狀態。而另一方面,它的主人则因恐懼着被接觸傳染以至在所有對抗疾病效果的检定受到-2罰值。


猛烈嘔吐(Palsy,Su):咒怨动物伙伴的嘴边总是覆蓋着一团白沫。此表現形式在任何战斗中的第3轮时自动觸發——在那回合,咒怨伙伴总是会以一个标準动作呕吐病態的膿汁和胆液,范围為15尺錐形(若它能尽量捕捉更多的敌人,它能移动后才呕吐)。所有在此范围里的生物必須成功通过一个強韌豁免检定(DC=10+1/2咒怨伙伴HD+咒怨伙伴的体质调整值),否则变得反胃1d4轮並感染狂犬病(rabies)(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 87)。成功通过检定则只噁心1d4轮。当咒怨伙伴作出呕吐攻击时,其主人的口腔也会溢滿病態膿汁的感覺。他会震懾一轮后再反胃1d4轮,成功的意志豁免能使主人只会变得噁心1d4轮。


不定狂气(Unexpected Frenzy,Su):此咒怨动物伙伴看似正常,但有一些条件或词组(phrases)会令动物勃然陷入杀气腾腾的瘋狂之中。当咒怨伙伴獲得此狀態时,由GM決定可以触发不定狂气的三种特定情况,例如角色抚摸动物伙年的头,例如「好狗狗」这类关键字或关键词组,或看到10尺里有特定类型的生物。每天的第1次发生3个触发中的1个时,咒怨动物勃然陷入杀气腾腾的瘋狂。它的双眼发光,它发出任何声音都会产生一种怪异的空洞的回音。此伙伴如同在加速术的效果影響下行动1d4轮,然后回歸正常,它通常会攻击其触发来源。当其伙伴陷入瘋狂,主人的內心被羞耻和绝望所壓垮,如同受到極度絕望 (Crushing Despair)法术影響,持續时间等同咒怨动物陷入瘋狂的兩倍。成功的意志豁免能使此效果無效。

害虫之友(Unsavory Friends,Su):此动物伙伴设法吸引不太好的物种同行。它有一种寻找蜈蚣、蝙蝠、老鼠和其他害虫的不可思议诀窍,即使在这些害虫可能不常见的地区也是如此。更離奇的是,此伙伴养成了与这些生物玩耍的习惯,若任何東西威脅到它的害虫朋友则变得愤怒和有戒心。此表現形式是恒定的。此动物伙伴免疫来自所有群集的扰乱心神效果,甚至樂於接受其朋友那令人作呕的感觉,对此感到舒適。不幸的是,此伙伴的主人永远不会习惯在伙伴的附近发现扭动的虫子或蠕动的蛆虫,他在对抗任何群集的扰乱心神效果受到-4罰值。
劇透 -  原文:
Accursed Companion
Source Horror Realms pg. 10
When a character calls upon the aid and companionship of one of nature’s children, she forges a sacred pact to care for and cherish that creature. In exchange, the animal companion serves as her guide and guardian. The bond between the two strengthens, and the animal companion moves beyond its primal instincts and its soul blossoms. This transcendence is both beautiful and wondrous, but as with all magic, there is always a cost. As an animal companion’s consciousness grows, it can sometimes attract the attention of the spiritual energies that hide in plain sight everywhere. While some of these forces are good or indifferent, others lurk in the void, in the deepest shadows where death waits. When the right moment comes, these darker entities latch onto these proud companions with a vicious hunger. Should the character fail to protect her companion, corruption ebbs forth and fills the once-magnificent creatures with vile intent. Cursed and corrupted, these companions return to their masters broken, scarred, and distraught. Theirs is a curse they are bound to share, for when mortals fail to protect their bonded companions, so too shall those mortals suffer.

When a cavalier, druid, hunter, ranger, or other character loses an animal companion to a disturbingly gruesome death, particularly if that fate could have been avoided through an act the character chose not to or was unable to take, the soul of the slain animal companion sometimes remains bound to the character. In such cases, this scarred soul infests the next companion the character takes.

Gaining an Accursed Companion
Any character with the animal companion or mount class ability can choose to gain an accursed animal companion once a previous animal companion has suffered a violent, humiliating, or particularly horrible death. The character must then choose to gain an accursed companion while performing the ritual to replace the slain companion. At the GM’s discretion, the player might automatically gain an accursed companion unless she takes the time to seek atonement for allowing her previous companion to die.

Accursed Companion Manifestations
An accursed companion’s unnatural condition manifests in one of the following ways, chosen at the time the companion is gained. Once selected, the choice cannot be changed. Who gets to choose the manifestation depends on the GM’s preference (the manifestation may even be randomly determined).

All manifestations grant a boon in combat to the animal companion but a disadvantage to the master. An animal companion’s accursed manifestation can be activated in one of two ways: the companion’s master can deliberately trigger a manifestation by making a successful DC 20 Handle Animal or wild empathy check as a move action, or the manifestation can take place when a specific trigger occurs, as detailed in each manifestation’s entry.

When an accursed companion manifests its condition, the companion’s master can resist or mitigate the debilitating side effect with a successful Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the accursed companion’s HD + the accursed companion’s Wisdom modifier [minimum +0]). However, manifestations that are constant (such as festering flesh or unsavory friends) have an equally constant effect on the companion’s master, and these effects cannot be mitigated or resisted in any way. An accursed companion can only be affected by a manifestation once per hour unless the manifestation is constant. All side effects on an accursed companion’s master are mind-affecting effects.

Bestial Flashes (Su): The companion is haunted by the previous companion’s fear and pain during its death. This manifestation is triggered automatically whenever the accursed companion takes damage from a single blow in excess of half its current hit points. When an accursed companion suffers bestial flashes, it gains a +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls and damage rolls made on natural attacks, and gains a +4 morale bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits. Once triggered, a bestial flash lasts for 1 minute. When a bestial flash occurs, the mind of the companion’s master is overwhelmed with images of feral savagery. She becomes confused for 1d4 rounds and is then sickened for the remainder of the minute that the bestial flash persists. On a successful Will save, the master is instead sickened for only 1d4 rounds.

Bloodthirsty (Su): The companion becomes consumed with bloodlust that drives it into a frenzy of savage ferocity. This manifestation is triggered automatically whenever the accursed companion makes a successful critical hit with a natural attack. When the companion becomes bloodthirsty, it flies into a rage and gains +2 Constitution and +2 Strength, but it also takes a –2 penalty to its AC. The rage lasts until the battle is over or for 1 minute, whichever is shorter. It cannot end its rage voluntarily. The companion’s master is overwhelmed with rage as well for this period, although this rage is unfocused and distracting, preventing the master from doing anything but growling, hissing, shrieking, and making other animalistic howls, during which time the master cannot speak or use spells with verbal components. A successful Will save reduces the duration of the master’s rage to 1 round.

Festering Flesh (Su): The companion looks horrific and smells worse. Its rancid flesh reeks of rot and crawls with fleas, ticks, and other vile parasites. Despite its obvious grotesqueness, the creature is quite affectionate, perhaps even overly and inappropriately so. This manifestation is always active—the accursed companion is immune to the sickened and nauseated condition. The master, on the other hand, becomes consumed by fears of contagion to the extent that she takes a –2 penalty on all saving throws against disease effects.

Palsy (Su): The poor creature is stricken with palsy. It drools constantly and its muscles spasm with tics and twitches. The palsy doesn’t impact its abilities, and actually aids the accursed companion when it loses mobility from other sources. The first time each day that the accursed companion becomes paralyzed, grappled or otherwise has its movement impaired, a freedom of movement effect automatically activates on the accursed companion. This effect persists for 1 minute, during which time the companion’s master becomes nauseated unless she succeeds at a Will save (in which case she is merely sickened for the duration).

Rabid Vomit (Ex): A crust of froth lines the rim of the accursed companion’s mouth. This manifestation is triggered automatically on the third round of any combat—on this round, the accursed companion always takes a standard action to vomit diseased pus and bile in a 15-foot cone (after moving, if it can, to capture as many enemies in the area of effect as possible). All creatures in this area must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the accursed companion’s HD + the accursed companion’s Constitution modifier) or become nauseated for 1d4 rounds and contract rabies (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 87). On a successful save, the targets are merely sickened for 1d4 rounds. When the accursed companion makes this vomit attack, its master is overwhelmed by the sensation of a mouthful of diseased bile. She is stunned for 1 round and nauseated for 1d4 rounds thereafter unless she succeeds at a Will save, in which case she is merely sickened for 1d4 rounds.

Scavenger (Su): This companion is particularly intrigued by undeath, often playing with carcasses and presenting decaying body parts as gifts to its master. This manifestation is triggered automatically when the companion successfully damages a corporeal undead with a natural attack. For 1 minute, the companion gains a +2 bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against undead. During this time, the companion’s master becomes more susceptible to the undead, and takes a –2 penalty to all mind-affecting effects created by any undead creature.

Unexpected Frenzy (Su): The accursed companion looks normal, but some conditions or phrases cause the animal to fly into a murderous frenzy. When an accursed companion gains this condition, the GM determines three specific situations that can trigger the manifestation of the unexpected frenzy, such as a character petting the companion on the head, a keyword or key phrase such as “good dog,” or the sight of a specific type of creature within 10 feet. The first time each day one of the three triggers occurs, the accursed companion flies into its frenzy. Its eyes glow, and any sounds it makes take on an eerie, hollow echo. The companion acts as if under the effects of haste for 1d4 rounds before returning to normal, and it typically attacks the source of its trigger. While her companion is frenzied, the master is overwhelmed with shame and despair, suffering as if under the effects of a crushing despair spell for twice the length of the accursed companion’s frenzy. A successful Will save negates this effect.

Unsavory Friends (Su): The companion manages to attract the company of less desirable species. It has an uncanny knack for finding centipedes, bats, mice, and other vermin, even in areas where such pests might not be all that common. Even more unusual, the companion makes it a habit to play with such creatures and becomes angry and defensive if anything threatens its vermin friends. This manifestation is constant. Immune to the distraction effect caused by all swarms, the animal companion is comfortable and even welcomes the nauseating sensation of its crawling friends. The companion’s master, unfortunately, never gets used to finding squirming bugs or wriggling maggots in the companion’s vicinity and takes a –4 penalty on all saving throws against any swarm’s distraction ability.
« 上次编辑: 2022-05-01, 周日 14:47:03 由 犬良人 »

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Re: 【Horror Realms】咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-06-27, 周四 16:41:15 »

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Re: 【Horror Realms】咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-06-27, 周四 17:18:16 »
所以说dm殴打pc专用 :em032或者直接拿来坑害卖狗人士


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Re: 【Horror Realms】咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-06-27, 周四 20:36:40 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【Horror Realms】咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-06-27, 周四 22:12:58 »
这不是当然嘛 :em027

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Re: 【HR】咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2023-06-12, 周一 09:45:29 »
大佬能发下原版书吗 对这主题很感兴趣但站内翻译不全 :em006

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Re: 【HR】咒怨伙伴(Accursed Companion)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2023-06-12, 周一 15:35:47 »
大佬能发下原版书吗 对这主题很感兴趣但站内翻译不全 :em006