作者 主题: 庄周(5E)  (阅读 10867 次)

副标题: 原文链接:https://www.enworld.org/threads/mythological-figures-zhuang-zhou-5e.666598/

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« 于: 2020-01-16, 周四 14:30:58 »
到目前为止,《神话人物》(Mythological Figures)专栏/《A Touch More Class》联动中已经有:夏洛克·福尔摩斯(savant)、尼古拉·特斯拉(tinkerer)、比利·基德(Billy The Kidd)(gunfighter)、保罗·班尼安(Paul Bunyan)(与蓝牛贝贝(Babe The blue ox)并肩作战的monster tamer),以及上周哈里·胡迪尼(Harry Houdini)(fatebender) 众筹目前正在进行中(如果你还没众筹的话就去吧!)所以我将继续这个系列,尽管今天我们要回到遥远的过去,远离我们最近看到的文学和历史人物。


劇透 -   :
The Mythological Figures column / A Touch More Class experiment has thus far seen: Sherlock Holmes (using the savant), Nikola Tesla (built as a tinkerer), Billy the Kidd (the gunfighter), Paul Bunyan (a monster tamer alongside Babe the blue ox), and last week Harry Houdini (fatebender in the house!) The Kickstarter is live right now (go pledge if you haven’t!) so I’m continuing the series, although today we’re going way, way back to the distant past, far from the literary and historical figures we’ve recently looked at.

This subject is close to my heart (I read the book he’s attributed with, even!) because I’m a taoist but even so, most of you will not be familiar with him. Don’t feel bad however--despite his influence there’s sadly not much information about the author Zhuang Zhou!

我选择这个人来发表今天的帖子的原因之一是他的相对默默无闻。庄周(又称庄子)是公元前400年一位非常有影响力的哲学家和学者,他的著作被称为 ‎《庄子》(一本道教书籍)。他还写了很多尖刻的讽刺和一些诗歌,他对进化有一些先卫的信念。考虑到从他的时代到我们的时代之间有2500年,我们不应该惊讶于没有太多关于他的资料。然而,由于他是一个至关重要的道家——因为风水(feng shui),探地术(geomancy)的一种,就植根于道教——他是一个完美的探地术师(Geomancer)候选人!


设计师说明:由于关于庄周的信息很少,我专注于造一个探地术师中的探地术师,专注于物理层面与探地术师的缔造者(architect)模板。或者作为药剂师——去掉原型的专长(存在地基, 命中注定, 隐密居所,和神秘石匠)并添加气治疗(通过元素魔法造成类似治疗伤害、神莓、次级复原术、revify、和行动自如的效果),气补充和气移情(通过生命领域造成类似如生命之门徒和医疗祝福的效果)的治疗。然而,我认为这个构筑是一个很好的职业例子,很好地说明了术士原型和使用相同框架的职业构筑之间的区别!

AC 16(胸甲)
HP 38 (7d8+7)
速度 30尺

9 (-1)14 (+2)12 (+1)14 (+2)16 (+3)16 (+3)

豁免 Int +5, Wis +6
技能 洞悉+6、医药+6、自然+5、宗教+5;绘图工具(cartographer’s tools) +5, 草药工具包(herbalism kit) +6
感官 被动感知13
语言 汉语
CR 4 (1,100 XP)

背景专长:神圣链接(Divine Connection)庄周是老子的后继者,他对宇宙总是有一种超自然的、令人不安的和神秘的理解。

元素魔法(短休恢复)庄周是一个7级施法者,他使用感知作为施法能力(法术豁免DC 14;法术攻击+ 6)。要施展探地术师法术,他必须使用该等级或更高的元素法术槽,并且他必须满足该法术的环境要求。他可以从探地术师的法术列表中释放以下4级法术(2槽):

  • 戏法:修复术、燃火术、提升抗力
  • 土——庄周总是能通过存有地基获得这些法术:防护能量伤害、粉碎音波、护盾术、石肤术、塑石术
  • 火——离庄周30英尺范围内必须有一个中等或更大的火焰:燃烧之手、火球术、火焰刀、灼热金属、闪电束、火墙术
  • 金——离庄周30英尺范围内必须有一个中等大小或更大的金属物品:放逐术、解除魔法、人类定身术、反XX法阵,魔化武器、虔诚护盾
  • 水——离庄周30英尺范围内必须有一个中等大小或更大的水体:操控水位、造水/枯水术、云雾术、隐形术、雪风暴、水面行走
  • 木——离庄周30英尺范围内必须有一个中等大小或更大的植物或木制物品:树肤术、枯萎术、纠缠术、植物滋长、刺石








匕首。 近战或远程武器攻击:+5,5英尺近程或20/60英尺远程,一个目标。伤害:4(1d4 + 2)穿刺伤害。

轻弩。远程武器攻击:+5,80/320英尺,一个目标。伤害:6(1d8 + 2)穿刺伤害。



劇透 -   :
One of the reasons I chose this fellow for today’s post has to do with his relative obscurity. Zhuang Zhou (aka Zhuangzi or Chuang Tzu) was a very influential philosopher and scholar in 400 BC, penning the kind of obviously named Zhuangzi (a taoist book). It’s written elsewhere that he also penned a lot of scathing satire as well as a few melodies, and he had some forerunner beliefs on evolution. Considering that we’re coming up on two and a half millennia between his time and ours, it shouldn’t surprise us that there’s not much material about him. However since he was a critically important taoist--and because feng shui, a type of geomancy, is rooted in taoism--he’s a perfect candidate for a geomancer build!

Download the geomancer class for free over here!

Design Notes: Since details about Zhuang Zhou are sparse I focused on making a geomancer’s geomancer, concentrating on physicality with the architect geomancer order. Alternatively this might be reworked as an apothecary--drop the archetype features (The Ground of Being, Arrange Fates, Impenetrable Hermitage, and Mystic Masonry) and add Chi Healing (access to cure wounds, goodberry, lesser restoration, revify, and freedom of movement via Elemental Magic), Chi Abundance and Chi Empathy (as Disciple of Life and Blessed Healer from the Life domain). As it stands however I think this build is a great example of what the class is and does, wonderfully illustrating the difference between a warlock archetype and a proper class build using the same framework!

Zhuang Zhou
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic good geomancer (architect) 7
Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
Hit Points 38 (7d8+7)
Speed 30 ft.

9 (-1)   14 (+2)   12 (+1)   14 (+2)   16 (+3)   16 (+3)

Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +6
Skills Insight +6, Medicine +6, Nature +5, Religion +5; cartographer’s tools +5, herbalism kit +6
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Chinese
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Background Feature: Divine Connection. As a close understudy of Lao-Tzu, Zhuang Zhou has always had a preternaturally unnerving and mystical understanding of the universe.

Elemental Magic (Recharges on Short Rest). Zhuang Zhou is a 7th-level spellcaster that uses Wisdom as his spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14; spell attack +6). To cast a geomancer spell, he must spend an elemental spell slot of that level or higher, and he must meet that spell’s environmental availability requirement. He can cast the following spells from the geomancer’s spell list as 4th-level spells (2 slots):
Cantrips: mending, produce flame, resistance​
Earth―Zhuang Zhou always has access to these spells from The Ground of Being: protection from energy, shatter, shield, stoneskin, stone shape​
Fire―There must be a Medium‐sized or larger flame within 30 feet of Zhuang Zhou: burning hands, fireball, flame blade, heat metal, lightning bolt, wall of fire​
Metal―There must be a Medium‐sized or larger metallic object within 30 feet of Zhuang Zhou: banishment, dispel magic, hold person, magic circle, magic weapon, shield of faith​
Water―There must be a Medium‐sized or larger body of water within 30 feet of Zhuang Zhou: control water, create or destroy water, fog cloud, invisibility, sleet storm, water walk​
Wood―There must be a Medium‐sized or larger plant or wooden object within 30 feet of Zhuang Zhou: barkskin, blight, entangle, plant growth, spike growth​

Impenetrable Hermitage. Zhuang Zhou knows the spell tiny hut. He can cast it as a ritual or by using Elemental Magic spell slots.

Mystic Masonry. Whenever Zhuang Zhou casts tiny hut, he can instead use the spell to produce a stonework house. To do so, he must have adequate materials present. Available stone, clay, and other materials in a 20-foot cube are reshaped instantaneously into an earthen abode 20 feet on each side and one story tall. The floorplan is Zhuang Zhou’s choice (average contains 4 rooms).

Numinous Acquaintance. Zhuang Zhou can cast detect evil and good at will, without expending a spell slot.

Stone’s Blessing (3/Long Rest). If he is holding his sacred stone or if it is on his person, Zhuang Zhou can use a bonus action to grant 10 temporary hit points to himself and each friendly creature he can see within 30 feet.

The Ground of Being. Zhuang Zhou always has access to Earth element spells.

Written in Stone. Zhuang Zhou can cast augury with Elemental Magic or as a ritual. His sacred stone suffices for the material components. If a divination spell he casts requires a focus or material components which are not consumed, his sacred stone counts as a substitute material worth 175 gp.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage.

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage.

Arrange Fates. Zhuang Zhou can use his reaction to apply a +5 bonus or –5 penalty to any one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw made by a creature he can see within 30 feet. He can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use this feature, but he must decide before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Zhuang Zhou begins with 1 use of this feature, and gains 1 more use each time he uses Stone’s Blessing (maximum 4 uses). His number of uses resets to 1 whenever he finishes a long rest.

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Re: 庄周(5E)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-01-16, 周四 22:08:34 »

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Re: 庄周(5E)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-02-21, 周五 18:24:00 »

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Re: 庄周(5E)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-05-09, 周六 16:09:27 »

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Re: 庄周(5E)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-05-30, 周六 23:30:08 »


旧国旧都,望之畅然。虽使丘陵草木之缗入之者十九,犹之畅然,况见见 闻闻者也,以十仞之台县众间者也。

夫灵公也,死,卜葬于故墓, 不吉;卜葬于沙丘而吉。掘之数仞,得石槨焉,洗而视之,有铭焉, 曰:‘不冯其子,灵公夺而里之。’夫灵公之为灵也久矣!之二人何 足以识之。

中国科学院地理研究所李宝田先生,曾为《郭璞葬书考》作序:"风水是中国独树一帜的文化现象,是集古代科学、哲学、美学、伦理学、心理学、民俗乃至生态观念于一体的综合性理论,应当说博大精深。由于中国古人深信天地人之间存在一种深奥莫测的因果关系,为在选择阳宅和阴宅时找到一块能顺天应人、得地脉吉利的风水宝地而创建的一种理论体系,而深受中国传统哲学范畴的影响。" "……风水理论的重要学术特点,是运用传统的哲学范畴,在宇宙人生序列关系的探索中建立起一套具体的准则和方法,在对自然环境对人类作用的解释上,无论在总体还是在细节的各层次上具有合理性。中国的古代建筑,上起京城、宫苑、坛庙,下至村镇、民宅、坟茔,都曾在风水观念指导下建造,科学史权威李约瑟称中国古代风水为准科学,是中国古代的景观建筑学,并指出风水理论包含着一种美学成分。美国城市规划权湍林奇在其著作《都市意象》中,称风水理论是一门前途无量的学问。"