作者 主题: 【SG】化铅为円 TURNING LEAD INTO NUYEN,P209~211  (阅读 7202 次)

副标题: 施工完毕

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« 于: 2019-07-23, 周二 10:38:00 »

劇透 -   :
The ideals of alchemy have been around for a long time. It gained popularity as a pseudoscientific attempt to change mundane metals into precious ones. Transmutation and elemental magic have their roots in alchemy. Since the Awakening, alchemy has also been used for retrieving reagents. Enchanting skills have progressed from foci and fetishes to other permanent magical items and the pairing of magic and technology known as “manatech.” More than sixty years of dabbling and esoteric research have produced a wide variety of items, with some presented in Shadowrun, Fifth Edition (pp. 304–306, SR5) and here.

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-07-23, 周二 10:38:22 »


劇透 -   :
From potions to flying carpets to scrolls containing words of power, legends have told of miracles wrought through the skills of the enchanter. Since the Awakening, such items can be created in the Sixth World as preparations. Preparations, like almost all magic, require a lynchpin, which channels magical energies from the astral plane to the physical plane. With preparations, the lynchpin is not only the words and images used but also the object that accompanies them. Anchored spells and foci contain a lynchpin that acts as the conduit for magic; when casting a spell, the magician himself is considered the lynchpin. And like geeking the mage, destroying a lynchpin breaks the magic. Damage to a preparation, even a scratch, can destroy the object’s lynchpin properties and release the magic within. The object itself may still be functional, but the prepared magic is gone. This is a preparation’s primary weakness.

劇透 -   :
Many alchemists have attempted to use a preparation as “manatech” weapon. They soon discovered that bullets and other high-velocity projectiles make poor preparations as they or the natural materials used in the preparation are scratched, heated, and/or deformed when fired. Low-velocity projectiles like arrows and knives have better success. Usually a command trigger is used: the magician’s partner fires the projectile, and the magician activates the preparation’s trigger. Contact triggers carry inherent risk to the projectile’s firer, and if the projectile misses, odds are it will be too damaged to act as a lynchpin or will remain live and potentially trigger when a friendly or a bystander touches it. With a command trigger, even a prepared shot that misses can still be effective if it’s connected to an area-effect spell.

劇透 -   :
Alchemical preparations are not as smart as anchored spells (p. 152). Once the trigger condition has been met, the preparation (not the magician) sustains the spell for a finite duration, which cannot be stopped unless a magician dispels the spell early. The advantage of preparations is they remain in a suspended state that allows them to be transported through wards (see p. 297, SR5). Preparations are a single-use spell. Once the spell has been triggered, the preparation must be re-prepared to cast the spell again with the same trigger. Compared to traditional spellcasting, repeated use of preparations is impractical.

劇透 -   :
Basic preparations a magician learns represent objects inscribed or decorated with their tradition’s formula for the alchemical spell. However, the idea of potions and poultices as preparations is not lost to alchemists. Studying advanced alchemy is required for learning how to combine ingredients into a preparation (see p. 218) or magical compounds.


劇透 -   :
According to Platonic legend, the priest-kings of ancient Atlantis discovered orichalcum, but by Plato’s time it was known only by name. This orange-gold alloy is utterly absurd from any metallurgical standpoint, as only alchemy can create it. For a brief time during the passing of Halley’s comet, orichalcum could be found in the earth. This came as a surprise to alchemists and parageologists who believed orichalcum could not occur naturally. The orichalcum rush was short-lived, however. After Halley’s comet passed, the minable veins of orichalcum disappeared. Some suspect that the ore’s discovery was coincidental to the passing of Halley’s comet and miners had actually unearthed archeological remnants of a very old age.

劇透 -   :
Scientific examination is difficult because spectroscopic analysis breaks orichalcum down into its component mundane metals. Orichalcum possesses many of the physical properties of gold, such as being dense and highly malleable. It alloys easily with iron, making it preferred for weapon foci construction. Aqua regia dissolves orichalcum, but the magical metal can be reclaimed.

劇透 -   :
A magician can create a single dram of orichalcum with the Alchemy skill. It takes thirty drams of radical reagents: ten of gold, ten of copper, and ten of cinnabar. The reagents circulate in an alchemical lab for an average of twenty-eight days, with different traditions adding or subtracting a day or two. Hermetics tend to have formulae relating to the orbit of the moon, which is twenty-seven days, while most shamanistic traditions adhere to a full twenty-nine-day lunar cycle—from new moon to new moon. Regardless of the time, this circulation involves the slow heating, cooling, blending, and precipitation of the reagents; any faster and the magic is lost. The magician must tend the circulation by checking the process and adjusting things every ten hours or so. Again, hermetic mages and more modern traditions tend to adopt the industrial revolution’s work shift of eight hours, while shamanistic traditions follow a twelvehour schedule and tend to the circulation at sunrise and again at sunset. After the circulation time, the magician completes the cool-down process, which results in one coin-size dram of orichalcum from the gases and ashes of the reagents. Note that the amount of orichalcum is small compared to the amount of materials used in its creation. Magicians have attempted to collect and condense the remaining vapors into more orichalcum, but this is just as hazardous as failing to create orichalcum in the first place. Failure to create orichalcum presents a risk of magical and neurological damage from alchemical lead vapors produced by the slag.


劇透 -   :
A magician can use the Alchemy skill to distill raw reagents into refined reagents and radical reagents. Refined reagents are a step up from raw reagents collected from the field. Radical reagents are powerful, at least for reagents. Refined and radical reagents open more options for the Enchanting skill.

劇透 -   :
To distill a batch of raw reagents into refined reagents, the alchemist must circulate ten reagents in an alchemical lab for around ten hours. Again, hermetic and modern traditions have adopted the industrial eight-hour work shift for their formulae, while shamanistic traditions have a slower, twelve-hour process tied to sunrise and sunset. At the end of this circulation, the alchemist makes an Alchemy + Magic [Astral] (3) Test. Success results in one dram of refined reagents, and the raw reagents’ magic is used up. Failure to meet the threshold means that some of the reagents’ magic escaped. The failure difference to the threshold is how many raw reagents were consumed and have to be replaced when trying again. A critical glitch in this test means that all the raw reagents were wasted and the magician needs a new batch to start over.

劇透 -   :
Refined reagents can be distilled into radical reagents by using the same method: every ten full drams of refined reagents distill into one dram of radical reagents.

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-07-23, 周二 10:38:31 »

关于制剂(核心规则书第304-306页)ABOUT PREPARATIONS (PP. 304–306, SR5)

• 一个制剂通过一个核心维持魔法法术(核心规则书304页)。
• 未被激活的制剂被认为与创造它的魔法师存在交感链接(146页)。
• 每个战斗轮只能使用一个简单动作激活一个制剂。
• 当制剂激活时,投掷强度+效力【强度】,就如同它的法术刚刚被施放一样。试剂不改变已经激活的制剂上限;它们只会在创造制剂的过程中增加效力。
• 制剂只有在激活时才具有双重性质,因此它们不能从星界触发。
• 通过与物品的接触,制剂可以被消除附魔。
• 一旦制剂的法术被触发,它就可以像其他法术一样被解除或抵抗。
• 同一时间一个制剂只能装载一个炼金术法术。
• 一旦触发,制剂的魔法就会释放。
• 在魔发师完成制剂并二次触摸制剂后,带有接触触发的制剂将对魔法师和对手产生同样的影响。这类似于手榴弹的延迟。
• 与成功的触摸攻击一样,接触触发制剂的主体无法躲避攻击,只能抵抗效果。
• 如果制剂哪怕只受到一格物理伤害,魔法效能就会丧失。
• 一旦触发,除非被解除法术或持续时间结束,否则无法停止。
劇透 -   :
• A preparation sustains the magic for the spell through the lynchpin (p. 304, SR5).
• A preparation that is not active is considered a sympathetic link (p. 146) to the magician who created it.
• Only one preparation can be activated per Combat Turn, using a Simple Action.
• When the preparation activates, it rolls Force + Potency [Force] as though its spell was just cast. Reagents do not change the limit for the preparation’s activation; they only increase potency during creation.
• Preparations become dual-natured only when active, so they cannot be triggered from the astral plane.
• A preparation can be disenchanted through contact with the object.
• Once the prepared spell is triggered, it can be dispelled or resisted like any other spell.
• A preparation can only handle one alchemical spell at a time.
• Once triggered, a preparation’s magic is released.
• Preparations with a contact trigger affect the magician and opponent alike after the magician completes the preparation and stops touching the preparation. This is similar to the delay from a hand grenade.
• As with a successful touch attack, the subject of a contacttriggered preparation cannot dodge the attack and can only resist the effect.
• If the preparation takes even a single box of Physical damage, the magic potential is lost.
• Once triggered, the spell cannot be stopped unless it is dispelled or its duration ends.


劇透 -   :
At the end of the circulation, the magician must make an Alchemy + Magic [Astral] (3) Test. Failure to meet the threshold of this test consumes the reagents but results in alchemical slag (unusable for magic purposes). Success produces one dram of orichalcum.

劇透 -   :
With a failure, the magician must make a Body + Magic (3) Test to resist the detrimental effects of radical lead vapors. Failing this test means the character suffers the occasional effects of disorientation (p. 409, SR5) from hallucinations. Each net deficit results in eight hours of hallucinations. This disorientation isn’t continuous, but it occurs during stressful or long events in that time period; exactly how this madness plays out is up to the gamemaster. Every subsequent failure to create orichalcum permanently adds an additional eight hours to the next orichalcum-creation failure. This represents the slow spiral into alchemical madness.