作者 主题: 【BotD】阿巴拉克萨斯——终极魔咒之王  (阅读 12316 次)

副标题: 新人渣翻,求轻喷,求矫正,求补图

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« 于: 2019-08-19, 周一 18:54:24 »

第一神恩:扭曲奥术Warped Arcana(sp):魔法灵光magic aura3/day,愚者之触touch of idiocy 2/day, 或解除魔法dispel magic 1/day
第二神恩:隐毒秘仪 Poisoned Mysticism(su):你的魔法被灌注了阿巴拉克萨斯的毒素知识,你把你的智力调整值加在专注检定和穿透法术抗力或解除持续中的魔法效果的施法者检定上。如果你已经拥有了类似的能力,则改为感知调整值,并且,无论你用何种方式毒害了一个生物(毒击术,武器附魔或其他方式),其毒素豁免DC+2,治愈这个毒素效果需要一个额外的成功豁免,并且想要治愈这个效果的治疗者需要在施法者检定上承受-4惩罚,你不会因为自己的武器而受到这个效果的影响,最后,每天一次你可以用类法术能力施展毒击术
第三神恩:反转魔法Invert Magic(sp):终极魔咒之王赠予你能够将法术返还给释放者的力量,你得到11+你的HD的法术抗力,如果你有类似的能力,则改为法术抗力+5,无论如何当你被法术影响时,你都能用法术抗力进行豁免,即使那不是你的回合。每日一次,你能以一个自由动作将一个以你为目标且穿透法术抗力失败的法术返还给施法者,如同法术反转
第一神恩:隐秘学识Secret Lore(sp):鉴定术identify3/day,占卜术augury2/day,迷幻手稿illusory script1/day
第二神恩:异端启示Heretical Revelation(su):每天三次,你能以一个标准动作向一个相邻的目标低语恐怖的秘密,目标必须通过一个成功的意志豁免(DC=10+1/2HD+魅力调整值)否则震慑一轮,之后困惑1d4轮,再之后反胃2d6轮,这是个影响心灵的效果。
第三神恩:次末魔咒Penultimate Incantation(sp):每天三次,你可以对60尺内的单一敌人释放高等解除魔法,如果你以此方式成功驱散了一个法术,则对目标造成等同于你解除魔法的施法者检定结果的伤害。
第一神恩:蛇之骑士Serpent Knight(sp):剑刃鞭笞blade lashACG3/day, 极度柔韧extreme flexibilityACG2/day,或召唤怪物IIIsummon monster III1/day(仅限1炼狱大蟒或1d4炼狱毒蛇)
第二神恩:獠牙鞭Fanged Lash(su):你使用的任何鞭子都将长出蛇的鳞片,并在末端长出一个蛇头,你的鞭子造成致命伤害并能伤害到穿着铠甲的敌人。鞭子的伤害增加1d6,每分钟一次,你能以迅捷动作让被鞭子打中的敌人染上黑蛇毒Black adder venom(核心手册558),毒素的豁免DC等于10+1/2HD+体质调整值
第三神恩:大师的工具Tools of the Master(su):你可以在武器中注入阿巴拉克萨斯本人的回声。当你进行服从仪式时,选择一个鞭子和一个轻或重盾作为灌注对象,一个被灌注的盾牌获得活化附魔,一个被灌注的鞭子能从每一击中虹吸敌人的魔法能量:每天三次以一个迅捷动作,当你用鞭子击中敌人时,你可以尝试吸取敌人的魔法。当你这么做时,目标必须进行一个意志豁免(DC=10+1/2+魅力调整值)若成功只收到1d4点智力、感知或魅力伤害(取其高者),若失败则受到1d6点属性吸收作为代替,并且从目标身上吸收一个法术。若目标是一个自发施法者,则会失去一个最高等级的法术(随机确定),而你得到一个相等或更低等级的法术位(你自己可以选择,若你不是自发施法者,则无法享受该好处),如果目标是一个准备施法者,则目标失去一个最高等级的法术(随机确定),并且那个法术将储存在你的鞭子里(类似于高等储法戒指),你在同一时间只能以此方式储存一个法术,如果你用鞭子从别的目标抽取了一个新的法术,则旧的法术被替换。


劇透 -   :
CE male demon lord of forbidden lore, magic, and snakes
Domains :Chaos, Evil, Knowledge, Magic
Subdomains: Arcane, Demon, Memory, Thought
Favored Weapon: whip
Unholy Symbol: demonic face encircled by a serpent with two
snake tails descending from a mouth
Temples :libraries, reliquaries, vaults
Worshipers: drow, sorcerers, spirit nagas, those who seek
forbidden secrets
Minions: mariliths, snakes, xacarbas B2
Obedience:Self-flagellate with a small whip or tree branch,punctuating each stroke with utterances of mystic words ofpower. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against charm effects and written magical effects.
1: Warped Arcana (Sp) magic aura 3/day, touch of idiocy 2/day, or dispel magic 1/day
2: Poisoned Mysticism (Su) Your magic is imbued with the toxic lore of Abraxas. You add your Intelligence bonus on concentration checks and on caster level checks to penetrate spell resistance or dispel ongoing magical effects; if you already add your Intelligence modifier on such a check, add your Wisdom bonus instead. In addition, whenever you poison a creature via any method, whether from a spell such as poison or prismatic spray, from an envenomed weapon, or any other means, the saving throw DC of the poison effect is increased by 2. Curing this poison effect requires one additional successful save, and caster level checks to cure this poison effect (such as that required for neutralize poison) take a –4 penalty. You never risk accidentally poisoning yourself when you apply poison to a weapon. Finally, once per day, you can cast poison as a spell-like ability.
3: Invert Magic (Sp) The Master of the Final Incantation grants you the power to turn magic back on its source. You gain spell resistance equal to 11 + your Hit Dice; if you already have spell resistance as a result of a racial ability, it instead increases by 5. Whenever you would be affected by a spell, you can allow it to bypass your spell resistance, even when it’s not your turn. Once per day, as an immediate action when a spell that targets only you fails to penetrate your spell resistance, you can reflect that spell back on the original caster, as if you were under the effect of spell turning.
1: Secret Lore (Sp) identify 3/day, augury 2/day, or illusory script 1/day
2: Heretical Revelation (Su) Three times per day as a standard action, you can
whisper terrible secrets to an adjacent target. The target must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1 round, then confused for 1d4 rounds, and then nauseated for 2d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect.
3: Penultimate Incantation (Sp) Three times per day, you can affect a single creature within 60 feet with a targeted greater dispel magic. Each spell or effect so dispelled deals an amount of fire damage to the target equal to the result of your caster level check to dispel that effect.
1: Serpent Knight (Sp) blade lash ACG 3/day, extreme flexibility ACG 2/day, or summon monster III (1 fiendish constrictor snake or 1d4+1 fiendish vipers only) 1/day
2: Fanged Lash (Su) Any whip you wield grows serpentine scales, and the tip of the whip becomes a biting snake’s head. Damage with your whip deals lethal damage, and you can damage creatures wearing armor. The whip deals an additional 1d6 points of damage on a hit, and once per minute as a swift action as you strike a foe with a whip, you can cause the whip to poison the target with black adder venom (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 558). The saving throw DC of this venom is equal to 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier.
3: Tools of the Master (Su) You can imbue your weapons with echoes of those wielded by Abraxas himself. When you perform your obedience, choose a single whip and a single light or heavy shield you have to become imbued. An imbued shield gains the animated special ability. An imbued whip can siphon magical energy from spellcasting foes it strikes: up to three times per day as a swift action as you strike such a foe, you can attempt to drain magic. When you do so, the target must attempt a Will save (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier). If the target succeeds, it takes 1d4 points of ability damage to its Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score (whichever is highest). If the target fails, the whip deals 1d6 points of ability drain to this ability score instead, and it absorbs one spell from the target. If the target is a spontaneous caster, one of its highest-level available spell slots is expended, and you regain a spell slot of an equal or lower level (your choice; if you don’t have the ability to spontaneously cast spells, you receive no benefit from this). If the target is a prepared spellcaster, one of its highest-level spells (determined randomly) is lost as if cast, and that spell becomes stored in your whip (as per a major ring of spell storing). Your whip can store only one spell at a time in this way; if you drain another spell while your whip already contains one, the contained spell is replaced by the new spell you drain.

Abraxas is a hideous creature with the head of a deformed, fanged bird and two writhing vipers in place of legs. His torso is humanoid, and he wields a whip and shield, both of which have eerie and deadly powers: the whip can steal portions of a thinking creature’s mind or its prepared spells and give them to Abraxas for his use, while the shield can animate and attack foes as it continues to defend the demon lord. Abraxas knows countless destructive secrets and eldritch magical formulae, particularly those that cause great devastation and pain. He claims to know secrets ranging from the magic the aboleths used to call down death from the skies for Earthfall to the true and unclean source of the mortal soul and the location of an    unguarded back door into the vaults of the planar city of Axis. However, his greatest weapon is the dreaded “Final Incantation,” a single potent word that can unmake magic itself. Abraxas has only rarely used the Final Incantation, for its use temporarily negates many of his own spell-like and supernatural abilities, but in the past he has used the Final Incantation to destroy minor artifacts, forever strip spellcasting creatures of their ability to use magic, and to remove all knowledge of a certain spell from an entire world’s libraries and minds.
Although Abraxas’s following is quite strong among the drow of Golarion, small cults of his worshipers can be found in most large cities on the surface. His cult is particularly strong in Nex’s capital city of Quantium, where his followers maintain a notorious library called Scrivenbough, a fortified stone structure with countless rare books in its holdings, where cultists tattoo their greatest secrets on their ownbodies. Some of those who have delved into the deepest corners of Scrivenbough claim to have encountered Abraxas himself in those depths and found the demon lord strangely friendly and willing to chat about magical theory, yet after each such encounter, the speaker worries that she may have accidentally revealed something of great import to Abraxas—a secret the nature of which she has forgotten.
Abraxas dwells in the realm of Pleroma, a deceptive world of false paradise maintained by complex illusions and clever construction. A visitor to Pleroma may not even realize she wanders an Abyssal realm, as the nefarious region reshapes itself—between blinks and around every corner—into arrangements the traveler might view as serene and beautiful. Abraxas himself rules Pleroma from the spiral city of Diovengia. Hypnotic in its beauty, Diovengia consists of thousands of library towers and fortified repositories of hidden knowledge. Populated by serpents, enslaved souls, and plenty of demons, Diovengia’s libraries are sometimes visited by brave and curious seekers of knowledge, although travelers must be wary when bargaining with the custodians therein. The city as a whole is protected by a cabal of powerful marilith demons, who are themselves ruled by one of Abraxas’s favorite consorts and minions, the marilith Alistraxia, a master of many exotic weapons and the grisly art of evisceration.
While Abraxas is served by all manner of serpentine minions, the creatures known as xacarbas are his favorites. These tripartite serpents can often be found as guardians in the largest of his hidden temples or libraries.
« 上次编辑: 2019-11-10, 周日 16:21:25 由 ForestDew »

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Re: 【BotD】阿巴拉克萨斯——终极魔咒之王
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-08-20, 周二 15:16:17 »

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Re: 【BotD】阿巴拉克萨斯——终极魔咒之王
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-01-25, 周六 20:07:26 »

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Re: 【BotD】阿巴拉克萨斯——终极魔咒之王
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-01-27, 周一 10:57:00 »