作者 主题: 【RF】狂奔者生活的调剂 THE SPICE OF RUNNERS’ LIVES,P37~41  (阅读 7607 次)

副标题: 施工完毕(马丁未完成的部分补完,其中“夫妻店MOM & POPS”为“非常嫌疑人THE UNUSUAL SUSPECTS”的子项)

离线 失语

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  • 帖子数: 971
  • 苹果币: 2

我们欣赏了一些有趣的地方,但是那些有趣的人呢?世界上的其他角色不仅仅是暴徒、混混、掮客之流。——他们可以是丹尼克·格林(Danik Gron),一个为暴徒工作的兽人,因为这是他在家人死后唯一成长起来的家庭,但他不知道的是,正是暴徒杀死了他们。或者是谢莉·瑞德(Shelley Red),一个能同时捣毁三个不同街头帮派的矮人,仅仅只是因为她能。或者是莉贝特·卡西迪(Lillbet Kassidy),一个痴迷于亚特兰蒂斯的精灵,她坚信一个对她的研究至关重要的古代遗物就在五行旗下银行的保险库里。所有这些人都有自己的故事,而这些故事的片段可以把狂奔者从主管的压榨中拉出来,进入他们人脉的个人问题中。
劇透 -   :
We looked at some interesting places, but what about interesting people? The other characters in the world aren’t just thugs, mooks, fixers, etc.—they’re Danik Gron, an ork working for the mob because it was the only family he had growing up after his family died, but he doesn’t know the mob killed them. Or they’re Shelley Red, a dwarf about to screw over three different street gangs at once just because she can. Or maybe Lillbet Kassidy, an elf obsessed with Atlantis who is convinced an artifact critical to her research lies in the vault of a Wuxing-owned bank. All these people and more have a story, and pieces of those stories can pull the runners away from executive extractions and into the personal problems of their contacts.

招聘人员还可以为工作增添风味和多样性。你可以拥有一位穿着法兰绒高尔夫球裤和雨靴的埃里翁先生(Mr. Erewhon,译注:捏他的是无何有之乡),代替标准三件套西装的约翰逊先生。他们可能在品味上兼收并蓄,或者在谈吐上深奥难懂,毕竟觉醒者的古怪是出了名的。约翰逊先生的魔法流派可以发挥相当大的作用。赫尔墨斯法师可能会要求在博物馆会面,萨满可能想要在公园会面,或者伊斯兰流派的追随者可能想要在他们当地的清真寺会面。所有这些地方都提供了有趣的背景和风味来改变事件,给狂奔者的工作带来多样性。
劇透 -   :
Next up for interesting employers and their potential operations are the arcane organizations of the Sixth World. These can range all the way from mom & pop level talismonger shops up to the United Talismonger Association (p. 58, Street Grimoire); from the local chapter of the Painted Horse Society (p. 69, Street Grimoire) or the Planestriders (p. 75, Street Grimoire) up to the Illuminates of the New Dawn (p. 59, Street Grimoire); or even into the realm of “smaller” corporations like Manadyne or the Atlantean Foundation. The source of the work tends to flavor the operation differently, as does the location or target of the jobs.
When working for a group filled with people who are not bound within a single world or set of planar laws, personal interactions may be very different. Mr. Johnson may be Awakened and frown on active spells in his presence. He may also make strange stipulations like, “No runner with a soiled soul may enter the temple,” or “Blood cannot be spilled once you have possession of the artifact”—things that give runners something to think about, or elements that may throw a wrench into the works here and there. This can also give gamemasters the chance to think of interesting things to do when characters fail to obey Mr. Johnson’s rules. Maybe the rules are nothing but talk, or maybe the forbidden acts will awaken guardian spirits (p. 193, Street Grimoire), release a powerful spell, or completely block the entry/exit.
The people who do the hiring can also add flavor and variety to the job. Instead of the standard Mr. Johnson in a three-piece suit, you can have a Mr. Erewhon dressed in golf pants, a flannel, and rain boots. They can be rather eclectic in their tastes or esoteric in their speech because of the eccentric ways for which the Awakened are notorious. The magical tradition of Mr. Johnson can come into play quite strongly. Where a hermetic mage might meet in a museum, a shaman may want to meet in the park, or a follower of the Muslim tradition may wish to meet in their local mosque. All of these places provide interesting background and flavor to change things up and give variety to the runners’ jobs.
These kinds of employers also tend to ask runners to go to strange places and look for even stranger things. Whether it be a trip to the Mojave for a sample of sand from Death Valley, a jaunt to Yakut to deliver a message to a spirit near Tunguska, or just meandering down into Aztlan to procure a sacred cuahuitl, these runs can take characters anywhere in the Sixth World. And even better, these jobs can push them into encounters with anything from paranormal critters to Awakened jungle tribes and carnivorous plants to hidden corporate installations. Gamemasters may decide to throw teams for a loop when they make plans for a trip to the Amazonian jungle and suddenly come across a big concrete bunker leading to a high-security secret lab.
Troubles for these types of runs also come in the form of poor intel security. These kinds of groups, unless they’re secret societies (p. 65, Street Grimoire), aren’t as secure as megacorporations, and a significant number of information leaks can occur. This means competition is far more likely, and depending on who is supporting that competition, it could mean anything from trouble with a street gang or local runner team to an encounter with dangerously bored security operatives just itching for somebody to shoot at.

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While not the powerhouses they once were, government and shadowrunning go hand in hand. There are careers to be made, information to be stolen, and of course defense contracts that pour significant sums into the coffers of the Big Ten. Government employers offer plenty of opportunities for runners to visit different locales, getting a taste of the local flavor through interactions with their delightful government officials. Blackmail operations are quite common and often require runners to visit fancy resorts, hang around posh hotels, or scope out secluded locales such as quaint hunting lodges or chalets. Political sabotage can occur through misdirection with rally infiltrations, planting evidence of misdeeds, or modifying voting results through Matrix, magic, or muscle. And don’t forget these jobs can run the gamut, from local elections all the way to the big ones for Prince or President. There is always someone who wants political power and is willing to pay to ensure they get it.
In the corporate-controlled Sixth World, governments need corporate backers to survive. Defense contracts, food-supply deals, infrastructure maintenance, and dozens of other corporate deals suspend the government between their megacorporate masters like a marionette. They sell their Matrix infrastructure rights to NeoNET so they can buy guns and tanks from Ares, while contracting Saeder-Krupp to build their highways and paying for it by allowing Renraku to install GridGuide across the nation. And that’s the tale for “powerful” governments like the UCAS, CAS, England, France, etc. The weak nations simply sell themselves to the highest bidder and become a hotbed of corporate espionage and treachery. In the end, governments provide a chance to do jobs similar to corporate runs, but with a whole different cultural flavor and interesting exotic locales.

现在,还有什么比在两个辛迪加之间狂奔更糟糕,更会给个人带来麻烦的呢?那么OCS内的工作又如何呢?想想阿特苏•希戈里(Atsu Higori)试图削弱迈克尔•希戈里(Michael Higori),莫雷里(Morelli)顾问试图把内部竞争转移到他的黑手党头目身上,或者是格里高尔•维里连科(Gregor Virilenko)试图扫清通往巅峰的道路——所有这些都会创造可能把狂奔者队伍卷入各种各样坏消息的工作。这些工作几乎可以保证比大多数公司狂奔者所习惯的更加个人化,包括站边——或者更有可能被收买或受到威胁而站边。这项工作提供了一些角色驱动的选项并且带来的影响远远超出了工作范围。与莫雷里家族太过亲密,狂奔者可能会失去人脉和工作机会,或者更糟的是,他们成了团体中试图削弱新朋友的目标。
为你的暗影狂奔游戏增加风味和多样性的另一个重要考虑是组织本身的性质。为黑手党工作,和为极道、三合会、首尔派(Seoulpa Rings)或律贼工作有很大的不同。除此之外,你还有各种各样的街头帮派,每一个都有自己的疯狂滋味。正如帮派一样,上述每个组织在不同的党派、家族、组等之间都有其特色和多样性。黄莲教(The Yellow Lotus)可能会把失败视为不再雇佣小队的理由,而99万花(the 99 Blossoms)可能会把失败视为不尊重的体现,并让狂奔者受到痛苦的回应。所有这些团体都提供了独特的风味和本质,GM可以利用它们建立超越大众感知的第六纪,并真正让他们的玩家挖掘信息而不是停留在刻板印象中。
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Honor amongst thieves must truly be limited to thieves in the shadows, because no other criminals really force honor onto themselves when dealing with their rivals. Though there are the occasional exceptions, such as within the extremely traditional Yakuza, dealings between the various criminal organizations are usually ruthless. They also make an interesting change of pace from the standard corp job. But working for an Organized Crime Syndicate (OCS) brings several different flavors and options into your regular Shadowrun game, especially when considering the groups they are hiring the runners to work against.
While doing jobs between corps is all about the bottom line, working for an OCS versus a corp is usually a different story. An OCS doesn’t have the kind of funding a corp would and often operates a bartering system of Favors (p. 389, SR5) in order to sweeten deals for runners on the fence. Though money is a strong motivator, the ambiguous nature of a favor can be even more tantalizing and can lead to more jobs, access to sweet toys, or even a little extra comfort sleeping at night knowing the local gang owes you a few favors. These also tend to be the kinds of jobs that don’t have an immediately obvious outcome or may be a single move in a larger chess match. The local Mafia hiring the runners to damage a few pipes under the local Ares office might be a distraction, a strange message, an act of sabotage to get some guys in to fix the problem, or a move to undermine the work of another OCS or corp. Another potential complication is that an OCS makes a great layer of deniability for another megacorp. Theycan contract out the local gumi to hire some runners to work against another megacorp and be hidden, pulling the strings from behind the curtain of the OCS.
Then there’s the tricky issue of working in the territory between one OCS and another. This stuff happens all the time as each OCS tries to solidify their operations and territory. Runners can be great assets for this when one group needs to muddy the trail early on before they make their big moves. This kind of work can be lucrative and continuous, so it’s very attractive. But life is not all wine and roses here—an OCS is not a bottom-line-driven corp, and they tend to take their affairs a little more personally. This means that job results are far more likely to elicit emotional, and possibly irrational, behaviors by their employers. While a megacorporation may be a massive, emotionless entity that looks at success and failure in black and red, that consigliere the runners are targeting might take the kidnapping of his daughter quite personally, and so might the girl’s brother, mother, boyfriend, close cousin, secret admirer … you get the gist. One job can cascade into a lot of trouble for a runner working in the realms of the OCS.
Now, what can be worse and create more personal troubles than doing runs between two syndicates? How about jobs within an OCS? Consider Higori Atsu trying to undermine Michael Higori, the Morelli consigliere looking to remove internal competition to his Don, or Gregor Virilenko trying to clear his path to the top—all of these create jobs that can embroil a team of runners in all sorts of bad news. These jobs are almost guaranteed to get far more personal than most corp runners are going to be used to, including choosing sides—or more likely being bought or threatened into choosing sides. This work offers some character-driven options and carries ramifications far beyond the job. Get in too close with the Morelli Family and runners can lose contacts and job offers, or worse become a target for groups trying to weaken their new friends.
One more great opponent when playing the OCS game is the government. These aren’t the monolithic powerhouses they once were, but their scrappy underdog status can make them interesting to work with—and against. An OCS may do a fair amount of business with various governments in order to keep their more legitimate operations functioning and laundering money, and they can be tenacious in chasing down the contract scraps the megacorps leave behind. These jobs are also the kind of ops that new runners can cut their teeth on. Government facilities aren’t nearly as well protected as corporate research labs, and government employees are part of a big enough machine that they don’t take things personally. Even if they do, they tend to lack the cash flow to really do much damage to a runner or her career. These jobs run a wide range. Government facilities and datastores hold original blueprints for many buildings, infrastructure layout documents, city-planning data, blackmail materials on overconfident officials’ commlinks, and so on. It’s a target-rich environment, full of opportunities depending on what the goal of the OCS is.
Another big consideration for adding flavor and variety to your Shadowrun game is the nature of the organizations themselves. Working for the Mafia is going to be way different than working for the Yakuza, the Triad, the Seoulpa Rings, or the Vory. On top of that, you have the many and varied street gangs, each with their own flavor of crazy. And like the gangs, each of the above organizations has a lot of flavor and variety between all their different sects, families, gumis, etc. The Yellow Lotus may look at failure as a reason to not hire a team again, while the 99 Blossoms may see failure as a sign of disrespect and make sure the runners feel the sting of response. All of these groups offer flavor and texture that a gamemaster can use to build up the Sixth World beyond the perceptions of the masses and really get their runners digging for info instead of resting on stereotypes.

对于GM而言,这些结社是非常好的,允许用来延伸自身脑洞的例子。秘密结社就是这样,在有人把它们写进书里之前——尤其以文字书写——就已经神出鬼没,所以GM完全可以让那些教典见鬼去吧。变得野蛮疯狂,并且用他们想要的任何奇怪方式取悦玩家。这个世界充满了疯狂,而那种疯狂往往聚集在一起才能成倍增长,所以享受创造疯狂秘密结社的乐趣吧。如果像埃尔维斯教会(the Church of Elvis,译注:猫王教会,以史诗歌手埃尔维斯·普雷斯利为偶像的宗教团体,其粉丝对他激发近乎宗教的崇拜)这样的团体在第六纪的光天化日下都是公开且可接受的,那想象一下在深渊中还有什么是不可存在的。
劇透 -   :
What better place to find jobs outside the brand-hammering megacorps than a clandestine group that is willing to kill anyone who even whispers a word about it without express permission? The Black Lodge, the Aleph Society, the False Face Society, and more are out there, ready to be dropped into your game. They have jobs that start with wetwork to eliminate loose lips and move on from there. The secret societies of the Sixth World often use their fellow denizens of the shadows in order to further their ambitions. A trio of great focuses for jobs in this doubly shadowy realm are runs against other groups squatting in the dark corners of the world, operations to keep an organization secret, and work to remove cancers that may have grown within their own shadowy ranks.
First and foremost, the most likely work a runner will get from one secret society is against another secret society or an opposing, more public, society. While secret societies may operate in opposition to some megacorps or an OCS, they rarely take on such large foes directly. Jobs against other shadowy societies offer runners a chance to try out their social infiltration or interrogation skills, and that’s just to make sure they aren’t chasing ghosts. Some of these jobs pull runners further down into the shadows than they already live, and as the shadows get darker, they get deadlier. But the fun thing about darker and deadlier shadows is that they make cleverness and smarts that much more precious. The fear of death around every corner keeps runners on their toes.
For the gamemaster, these societies are great because they allow them to stretch their imaginations. Secret societies are exactly that, and often come and go before anyone ever puts them into a book, especially those written in-character, so canon can kiss the gamemaster’s keister. Get wild, get crazy, and entertain the players in whatever strange way they might desire. The world is full of crazy, and that crazy often gathers in order to grow exponentially, so enjoy creating crazy secret societies. If a group like the Church of Elvis is public and acceptable in the daylight of the Sixth World, imagine what the darkness holds.
Now, how do these groups stay hidden? That answer would require the secrets of dozens of runners, both living and dead, to be revealed. Jobs to eliminate investigators, or even simply inquisitive spouses, can test the limits of the runners’ moral flexibility. And when the team’s hacker gets a little too nosy about who is paying their tab, they may make the team a target for the next group of runners. Datasteals against news firms, police corps, private citizens, and even the big boys are sometimes required to keep a society on the down low.
The dirtiest of deeds that all runners may get involved with is a common contract for secret societies. These groups are full of dark souls, but the occasional spark of light, and accompanying guilt, can create a rift between the society and their wayward member that can only be sealed with blood. In order to keep investigations from digging into the members and risking revelation, runners can be tapped to eliminate the problem. These jobs often come with a variety of stipulations, such as making it look like gang violence or suicide or making sure it points to person X, who is a nobody working down at the Stuffer Shack. Nothing tests the moral fabric of a runner like murdering one person and pinning a life (or death) sentence on another, totally innocent, individual. They may take the job, they may walk away, or they may work to expose what is clearly a dangerous, immoral group to the light of day—these are the decisions that make gaming especially interesting.

你听说过这些吗?你必须了解,因为它们即将撼动你的暗影世界。这一肮脏而黑暗的故事可以在《风暴前沿》(Storm Front),《被窃灵魂》(Stolen Souls),和《封锁》(Lockdown)中挖掘。其宽泛的定义归结于一种技术病毒,该病毒利用纳米技术将人工智能的人格写入受害者的大脑里,同时抹去受害者的原始人格。简而言之,通过技术,纳米病毒攫取了身体。许多参与者看起来表里如一,但实则其内在完全不同,甚至是那些你熟知的角色也可能并非如你想得那样被操控着,或者他们可能在不知情的状况下从不止一个角度被操控。
劇透 -   :
Have you heard of these yet? Get caught up because they are about to rock your shadow-world. The dirty and dark story can be dug into in Storm Front, Stolen Souls, and Lockdown. The broad strokes come down to a technological virus that uses nanites to write AI personalities into victims’ minds while erasing the original personality. In short, it’s body snatching through tech. Many of the players look the same, but other players aren’t what they seem, and even those characters who look familiar might not be working the angle one might think, or they could be working more than one angle without even knowing.
Let’s start at the top. Megacorporations were taken by surprise by this virus. The new Matrix came about due to a number of factors, but one was that the CFD virus was already sneaking out, and the corps realized a free and open Matrix could lead to high rates of infection across the globe. They didn’t want to see that, particularly since they were having enough trouble with the cases already out there. The corps have been scrambling for subjects to study to help them understand what is happening and how they can fight it. With the high risk of infection, they have been more than happy to let shadowrunners take the risk instead of their own operatives or security forces. That means extraction jobs that may be veiled as missing persons, high-value targets, or anything in between to keep the runners from knowing they are about to come into contact with one of the most dangerous viruses of the twenty-first century. Corps are willing to let runners risk infection in this, but they may be missing the big picture. If runners get infected, they could help spread the CFD virus in the shadows, where monitoring and health care is rare. This could lead to an even faster spread of the problem. It’s a dangerous game, but it’s the one the corps are playing, and smart runners might even be able to get a little extra nuyen for the risk and protect themselves from becoming the next target.
The next big group of contractors that runners may come across are the wolves in sheep’s clothing looking for other well-camouflaged lupines—that is, head cases looking for their kin in order to understand what has happened to them, to gather in order to further their nefarious plans, to seek protection in numbers, or simply to find a friend. These jobs offer some interesting Mr. Johnsons. Squatters who suddenly have the nuyen to hire runners thanks to newfound abilities but who still haven’t realized the value of appearance to metahumans; a corporate middle manager contracting a team to find a random waitress in Redmond who they suspect is a mistress but is nothing more (or less) than another head case; a regular fixer who starts calling in all the favors runners owe her to kidnap a list of targets with no connection to each other or her; or a ganger contact who asks his buddy to pull his corporate chica from her ivory tower, though when the runner arrives she has no idea who the ganger is. These are just a few of the hundreds of possible stories that can be created by a virus that knows only the limits of its signal and the presence of nanites.
The last two run ops we’ll look at are two sides of the same coin and could even turn out to be two parts of the same run. Runners are a great pool of resources to dip into for an AI that has learned the secrets of CFD and is looking for a body. Or the flipside is an AI that has written itself into a body and really doesn’t like needing to eat, sleep, defecate, or suffer at the whims of the chemical menagerie that is the metahuman form. And remember that metahumans are not the only group that suffers from the effects of the CFD virus. Nearly any biological organism with a decently developed brain can get over-written. Imagine the look on the runner’s faces when they realize the virtual Johnson that hired them is actually the persona of the mangy mutt that has been following them all day.
« 上次编辑: 2020-04-06, 周一 21:17:59 由 失语 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-04-03, 周五 10:23:44 »

劇透 -   :
If you and your players need to shake things up, look into some alternate campaign ideas by changing up the characters’ roles in the Sixth World. Some of the different roles discussed in this section can start as side scenes where the runners take on the roles of their contacts and investigate a crime scene, snag an injured client, kick in the door of a rival Yakuza gambling den, or listen in on the conversation between their boss and that weird guy from Assets Management while trying to look nonchalant. Heck, they may get caught or do enough damage to their benefactors rep to get Hung Out to Dry and stuck in the shadows anyway. Maybe this gets them started on a new path, or maybe it simply represents a brief change of pace in their lives. Either way, it’s good to explore new ways of pulling in a few nuyen.
The following section is not the end all be all of alternate campaign options—in fact it’s really just a taste of options, not even a full meal. This is a brief look at where else a game could go if you want to play something a little different while still playing Shadowrun.

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Playing some of the good (or less bad, or whatever) guys for a bit might be a nice change of pace for the group. The work tends to be more direct when it comes to altercations, though the planning time is shorter, and life on the other side of the corporate fence can be explored to provide some more Sixth World flavor. The group can build an HTR team and step into the world of extracting injured runners while their target’s team and the local corp sec are providing obstacles and interference. Gamemasters can create some personal dilemmas by setting up a situation for medics who can’t stand seeing injuries go untended where they have to decide to risk crossing those two meters of extraterritorial property to pull the client out to the street. They may also have to decide when to help innocent bystanders and when to focus on their job, watch the bottom line, and collect their paycheck. Doc Wagon offers that nice guy feel with a dark twist when business and morals collide.

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A campaign or one-shot adventure playing as the cops (or deputies, or guys who stole some uniforms and a patrol car) can be a great way to get a different feel or vantage point for a group. These games can give perspective to the restrained power of these corporate cops that have to balance the bottom line on the scales of justice. SWAT teams can have the cool van, all the toys, the big guns, and the rules that go along with them. Characters can explore their feelings and the ways others in the world view shadowrunners to create the desired flavor. Are they anti-heroes, just plain criminals, or a source of trid fodder? The whole while they see shadowrunners through others’ eyes, understanding the low esteem in which most people in the world hold them. At the same time, you can put a face on the faceless mirrored visor of law enforcement while creating a story that gives the players a chance to feel for the other guys.

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What about being on the other side of the corporate glass? Maybe the group wants a campaign where they are all Company Men, looking to move up the corporate ladder and willing to do whatever it takes to reach that next rung. Are they willing to risk failure to knock a competitor down a peg? Are they looking to shine so bright that another corp might want to extract them? Are they really working for another corp, trying to keep tabs on a rival’s operations or attempting to access a specific project? These questions are just the start of what can be a great campaign where it isn’t about where the next meal ticket is coming from, but instead about how far they are willing to go to succeed in the corporate devil rat race.

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The last alternate campaign here stays on the criminal side but becomes more coordinated. Players can put together members of the Mafia, Yakuza, Triads, Seoulpa Rings, Vory v Zakone, or any of the hundreds of gangs in the Sixth World to work together—or at least, not against each other. These campaigns can develop the flavor for their respective organizations, pit rivals within the organizations against each other, put the players into the behind-the-scenes roles of the crime syndicate, explore just why these guys hire out runners instead of risking their own, or give the players a break from scrounging in the shadows and get a taste of the good life of a made man with resources and a family to call upon for help. Working for an organized crime syndicate provides a chance for gamemasters to build their players’ worldview.