作者 主题: 欧克诺-黄色之城  (阅读 3323 次)


离线 雾音

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« 于: 2019-10-27, 周日 23:42:49 »



中立邪恶 大型城市
腐败 +7;犯罪 +1;经济 +8;秩序 +5;文化 +3;社交 +0
特质 惡名昭彰,繁榮,種族容忍(豺狼人)奴隶贩子天堂,戰略要地
危险度 +25


政府 霸主統治
人口 13700(5200人类,1400豺狼人,440半身人,380鼠人,220半兽人,150精灵,80半精灵,830其他,还有5000各色种族的奴隶)
议长 Morio Midasi(中立邪恶 男性人类 盗贼9)
漕督Permelia “Peg-Leg” Cockle(绝对中立 女性人类 游荡剑客7)
鬣狗公主 Njano(中立邪恶 女性豺狼人 望族1/吟游诗人12)
法官Hanbal(守序中立 男性人类 阿巴达尔牧师14)
拍卖师Sarfaraz al-Qoor(中立邪恶 男性人类 望族2/盗贼6)


基础购买价值 14872gp;购买限额 112500gp;施法服务 7级
次级物品 4d4;中级物品 3d4;高级物品 2d4[/quote]

奴隶贩子天堂 这里是内海地区为数不多的港口,虽然允许奴隶贸易但这里也的确是一经济中心。来自各地的奴隶贩子会来到这里出货,当然也必须遵守这里的法规(經濟+2,秩序+2)

劇透 -   :
Okeno towers above the south shores of
Stonespine Island. Roiling mists hang above
the Yellow City and occasionally descend to
hide its tortuous streets. Okeno is called the Yellow
City because of the yellow sails of the slavers’ ships
that flock here. Slavery is why the city
exists; it is Okeno’s trade and life’s
blood,  which  still  pumps,
despite the harassment of
Andoren Eagle Knights and
abolitionist privateers who
forever seek to drive a lance
through its heart.
Okeno has been likened
to the scattered pieces of a
jigsaw puzzle, its mazelike
alleyways and haphazardly
constructed districts seemingly jumbled
around each other without thought.

NE large city
Corruption +7; Crime +1; Economy +8;
Law +5; Lore +3; Society +0
Qualities notorious, prosperous,
racially tolerant (gnolls), slavers’ haven,
strategic location
Danger +25
Government overlord
Population 13,700 (5,200 humans, 1,400
gnolls, 440 halflings, 380 ratfolk, 220 half-
orcs, 150 elves, 80 half-elves, 830 others, plus
5,000 slaves of varying races)
Governor Morio Midasi (NE male human
rogue 9)
Harbormaster Permelia “Peg-Leg” Cockle
(N female human swashbuckler ACG 7)
Hyena Princess Njano (NE female gnoll
aristocrat 1/bard 12)
Justice Hanbal (LN male human cleric of Abadar 14)
Master of Auctions Sarfaraz al-Qoor (LE male
human aristocrat 2/ranger 6)
Base Value 14,872 gp; Purchase Limit 112,500 gp;
Spellcasting 7th
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major
Items 2d4
Racially Tolerant (gnolls) Okeno is notorious for its
large gnoll population. The hyenafolk are unruly
and ruthless, but their proficiency in the slave
trade brings steady business to the Yellow City’s
fleshfairs. (Corruption +2, Danger +5, Economy +2)
Slavers’ Haven Okeno is among the few ports in
the Inner Sea region where the slave trade not
only is permitted but serves as the core of the
local economy. Fleshpeddlers of all sorts are
welcome here and bring with them both their coin
and a severe adherence to the laws of the trade.
(Economy +2, Law +2)
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future

离线 雾音

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-10-27, 周日 23:49:04 »

最初海盗们看中了石脊岛这里陡峭的瀑布,将这里作为了他们的根据地。而这里数量众多的小海湾和天然港口也为这些人提供了绝佳的掩护。直到AR3496这片不法之地才初次建立起制度。Ilmatis Okeno船长自封为港口的主人并为这里的人提供庇护。这是一位智商卓越且魅力出众的领袖,她统治了这里数十年。但最后因企图吞并其他海盗而招致死亡。
接下来的数个世纪,尽管没有领导者但欧克诺港依旧蓬勃发展。在AR3721,这里的贸易受到了阻碍,一艘塔爾多舰队袭击了来往切利亚斯与塔尔多之间的奴隶船(这是如今的安多安人,他们在一千年后建立了自己的国家安多安)为了抵御袭击,一位名叫Lash-Handed Neguli的海盗把控了这里,无情地摧毁了所有未向其效忠的进港船只。这长达数月的冲突被称作“租帆之年”此后Neguli成立了欧克诺海盗议会以统治这里。
接下来的一千年这里都保持着相对的稳定,他们会反击袭击者,也会谨慎地结交盟友。现在的议长,专行独断且恣意妄为的Morio Midasi从他的前任身上学到了不少东西;比起武力他更喜欢用智慧执行法律。他在这里耳目众多,有时在酒吧的陌生人中也许就是他的眼线。他甚至花了23000gp雇佣了这里有史以来最奇特的生物作为自己的保镖—一位可爱的古革巨人(Bestiary 2 151)

劇透 -   :
The breathtaking waterfalls that tumble from the
Stonespine Mountains were the reason pirates first used
the area just west of the Yellow Harbor as an anchorage.
The many coves and natural harbors across the island
also served as excellent cover for the visitors’ activities.
However, it wasn’t until 3496 ar that the lawless shambles
attained a ruler. Captain Ilmatis Okeno proclaimed herself
lord of the port and offered protection to those who came
to the settlement that soon bore her name. Okeno was
something of a genius, a charismatic leader who ruled the
port for a decade before her misguided attempt to unite
pirates under her banner resulted in her death.
For the next few centuries, the port of Okeno
thrived, steadily growing despite the lack of centralized
leadership. In 3721 ar, Okeno experienced the first major
resistance to its trade when an armada of privately
owned Taldan ships from the region now known as
Andoran attacked slavers between Okeno and ports in
Cheliax and Taldor (this was an early appearance of the
abolitionist spirit that would come to define Andoran a
millennia later when it became an independent nation).
To defend against the Andoren attacks, a pirate slaver
named Lash-Handed Neguli took control of the city
and ruthlessly sank any ship to enter the port without
declaring allegiance to him. The months-long conflict
became known as the Year of Rent Sails, after which
Neguli maintained loose control of Okeno through the
newly established Okeno pirates’ guild.
A decade later, the Pactmasters, recently arrived in
Katapesh, brought order to the pirate haven by annexing
it into the larger nation of Katapesh. They permitted
the Okeno slavers to continue their trade so long as a
Katapeshi governor oversaw the city’s operation and kept
taxes flowing into the Pactmasters’ coffers.
In the intervening millennium, Okeno has remained
unified, its raiding carefully targeted and its friends
carefully assessed. The present governor of Okeno, the
pragmatic and unscrupulous Morio Midasi, has learned
well from his predecessors; he uses his brains rather
than his rapier to enforce the few laws Okeno has.
Midasi has allies across the city; his eyes and ears slink
around every corner, lean against bars telling tall tales,
and lurk at the shoulder of strangers. Midasi keeps one
of the most exotic creatures ever to be sold at Okeno’s
fleshfairs as his personal bodyguard—a charmed gug
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 151), for which he is believed to
have paid 23,000 gp.
Huddled beneath Stonespine’s imposing mountains,
Okeno has no walls or fortifications. None could be as
strong as its defenses: intrigue, bribery, and espionage.
The natural harbor that forms at the foothills of the
mountains offers calm anchorage even during the worst
monsoons. The bay is roughly 700 yards across and deep
enough to allow even the mightiest warships. A vast
district of ashen stone rises out of the waters. Carved
seemingly from a single piece of bedrock, Stonetown is
the thriving heart of the city, where mundane markets
bustle and where most of the commonfolk—artisans and
merchants—live and trade.
Beyond and above, the lords and ladies dwell in lofty
Bowsprit. The notorious High Road, which leads toward
the upper mountains, is patrolled by guards eager to
keep the nearby fields of pesh and the mountain tracks
leading to slavers’ secret strongholds secure. This district
is better maintained and has broader streets than the
rest of Okeno, and while visitors are welcome at the
Black Circus and the lower streets of this district, anyone
venturing higher is subject to close scrutiny.
The rest of Okeno is a slippery mass of alleyways
and streets, a confusing maze of sunless dead-ends and
corners where cutthroats happily welcome those with
bulging pockets. However, all roads lead to the great
fleshfairs, the seemingly endless auctions where slaves
are bought and sold. The greatest of these, the Old
Fleshfair, lurks within the city’s windings, and hundreds
of thousands of lives have passed this way.
There are scores of lesser fleshfairs in the rambling
district that shares their name. In truth, all one needs is
a pit with a viewing area and a supply of slaves to begin
trade. Unfortunately, such trade is fickle, and owners and
fairs come and go on an almost daily basis. The Laughing
Fleshfair houses the majority of Okeno’s native gnolls,
and many of the slavers have townhouses with hidden
courtyards—sometimes of enormous size—lurking
behind their magnificently carved doorways.
The oldest part of the city, the Harbor District,
features two distinct areas: Yellow Harbor (the original
slave dock) and New Dock. Between the two harbors,
the Harbor District grips the rocky shoreline, which
is smothered by buildings offering entertainment to
visitors. This strip of land—in places barely 60 yards
wide—occupies the flat land at the shore’s edge. The
strip is at its narrowest as it passes over the Shipyards,
where it rises above the docks on a series of boardwalks.
The entertainments offered here are brutal, expensive,
and dangerous. Rogues find a happy hunting ground
in the Shipyards, but are careful to avoid the grinning
gnolls who form part of the local watch; these gnolls
are smarter than their kin, generally female, and always
eager for amusement.
The portion of the city known as the Ships’ Graveyard
is built primarily from parts of shipwrecks, stolen
sections of vessels, and other flotsam and jetsam. In its
more extreme sections, it resembles a ship on land, in
others a seaside township. The district, one of rougher
trades, industry, and alchemy, draws away from a focal
point just behind the harbor district at the haphazard
plaza known as the Shipwreck.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future

离线 雾音

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-10-27, 周日 23:50:39 »
1.黄海港Yellow Harbor:一面巨大的黄色奴隶船在这里欢迎人们来到欧克诺。这里(有时也称Skindock)是这里最古老的区域,石头建筑上满是历史的痕迹。码头分为两层,下层是运输奴隶的汗渠(见上)上方的码头(用木头搭建)则用于搬运货物,停泊船只和人们行走。这里的旅游业十分发达,许多外国商人,贵族都会来这里购买奴隶,这使得这里随处彰显着国际化的气息。
这里有一群吵闹的豺狼人在Nexor Halfhand(中立邪恶 男性拳师6/盗贼3)的看管下监视着奴隶,他是监管者城市所有奴隶流向的拍卖师Sarfaraz al-Qoor的得力助手。
这里经常可以看到臭名昭著的奴隶贩子和海盗,包括Undertow的船长Xiren Bhey,Sea Gargoyle的船长兼来自切利亚斯的奴隶贩子Brelitt Vinneau。详见玩家伴侣:内海海盗。
议长Morio Midasi最信任的顾问船长Permelia “Peg-Leg” Cockle(在失去一条腿后成为了漕督)负责向船只收税。她承担着城市最艰苦的工作之一,也有着大批的鼠人手下(当地人称其为摩尔)以打探消息,发掘有没有人偷税。她的副手Akall ni Hatrass(中立邪恶 halfling natural wererat 盗贼5)是个中好手。“Peg-Leg” Cockle是这里最常被贿赂的人,即使是其雇主(也可能是神秘契约主)的秘密也尽在脑中,但Midasi知道没有人能做的比她更好,所以他默许了这一切并打算在时机成熟时收获掉她的一切。
3.鼠尾巴:这个由破船的部件制成的摇摇欲坠的赌场挂着百来个花哨的标记,坐落于海湾边上。店主Ritheeri Halmas(中立邪恶 男性halfling natural wererat 炼金术师6)挂着说得上欧克诺港最大的笑容—而他也应当笑,因为据闻他是这里的首富并在觊觎着Morio Midasi的议长之位。Halmas危险又富有魅力。有的人可能只是来了几分钟,但在数月再次回来他依旧会记得这些人并与其交谈。他是鬣狗公主的朋友和崇拜者(见P39)尽管他期待着公主被毒死—他希望将其拖入豺狼人那特殊的残忍游戏中。他会避免参与漆黑马戏团的残忍娱乐(详见P67)但只是参与到动物搏杀的赌博之中。
4.舰队广场:如果幸运的话,船长会让水手在欧克诺停泊期间留在船上。但是,大部分人会前往舰队广场过夜(这里最恶心最脏乱的地方之一)这里道路错综复杂,里面充满了酒馆,客店,浴室和棚屋,使这里变得如同一个无穷的迷宫。这里相对安静和精制的地区会令游客十分满意(CRB P159上价格的十倍)但也鲜少有人承担得起。这里由上尉Dziban Menkent(守序中立 女性温蒂尼 吟游诗人5)管理,她脾气暴躁而且会不断鞭笞仆人,奴隶和士兵。她喜怒无常,捉摸不透,与她打交道十分危险。
5.塔法尔神殿:这座拥有大穹顶的教堂以其建筑师命名,这里的穹顶通往Stonetown的哥茲萊神殿,这里比起欧克诺的其他神殿都更有活力。大部分当地人对于这里年迈的双胞胎主祭,Niharo(绝对中立 男性人类 哥茲萊牧师8)和Owayu(绝对中立 女性人类 德鲁伊8)都抱有敬意,虽然他们易怒且性格极具争议,但他们是这里祝福船只离港的人。
8.船厂:在沉船广场10码开外是这里的船厂,船工会在这里维修和改良船只。Falak Tubaa(女性人类 专家9)被认为是这里最出色的船工。但豺狼人奴隶贩子抓走了她唯一的女儿Zahwah做人质,要挟她时而破坏船只以便进行劫掠。
拍卖师Fleshlord Sarfaraz al-Qoor身材矮小但因主持拍卖而声名远播,他有时会受贿以暗中定下卖家。他手下有20名奴隶,他对美丽女子的喜好臭名远扬。尽管久经沙场,但在面对豺狼人上层女子时还是有所收敛,因为据闻她们都欲壑难填。
12.漆黑马戏团:臭名昭著的漆黑马戏团在这里十分有名,每周和重大的节日或圣日他们都会进行表演,而这时所有人都会涌去看那血腥的表演,而主持人Ictarias(守序邪恶 女性提夫林 死灵系法师14)总是热衷于此。他澳门经常会在贩场收购新的“演员”以加入到他们那由奴隶,表演者,动物和受害者的表演中。
14.蜜石大殿:这里现在是议长Morio Midasi的住所。这座金碧辉煌的宫殿原本是Ilmatis Okeno船长在AR3499建造的,但每一任议长都会进行修筑。这里戒备森严,围绕着中央花园耸立着不少造型精美的塔楼。现在的议长买来许多奴隶,而且还有一些可怕的生物,其中就包括他的保镖古革巨人。 Midasi对于他认为能掌控的小团体的到访十分欢迎。据闻神秘契约主因无人知晓的原因而对其工作不甚满意,并企图推翻其现在的地位。

劇透 -   :
Many of Okeno’s most notable locations are listed below.
1. Yellow Harbor: A vast wall of yellow slavers’ sails
greets visitors to Okeno. The Yellow Harbor (sometimes
called Skindock) is formed from ancient stone and is the
oldest part of the city. The docks are built upon two levels:
the lower level is used to transport slavers and the slaves
in their charge through the countless sweatways (see the
sidebar above), while the upper piers (usually built from
timber) allow trade goods to be taken off the ships—as
well as any crew and passengers. Okeno hosts a thriving
tourist trade, and the countless merchants, aristocrats, and
foreigners who come here to buy slaves make this portion
of the city remarkably cosmopolitan compared to the rest.
A band of quarrelsome gnoll guards tend to the slaves
under the expertise of Nexor Halfhand (NE male gnoll
brawler ACG 6/rogue 3), the enormous right-hand man of
the master of auctions, Fleshlord Sarfaraz al-Qoor, who
oversees all the city’s slaving operations.
Yellow Harbor teems with laborers for hire, all
loudly shouting their superior strength and knowledge.
Theoretically these laborers are free people, although
most work like slaves on behalf of greedy masters. While
these employers acquire most of their slaves
through fleshfairs, many scheme to snatch the
odd slave through various nefarious methods,
especially scams involving fake escapes.
Among the more noted slavers and pirates
that are regulars at the docks are Captain
Xiren Bhey, captain of the Undertow, and
Brelitt Vinneau, a Chelish slaver who captains
the Sea Gargoyle. For more information on
these and other notorious captains of
the Okeno slavers, see Pathfinder Player
Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea.
2. New Dock: Once a ship is
emptied of its cargo, it is towed
to anchor at New Dock. Here,
a framework of wood rises from
the sea, a confusing mass of piers and
walkways, cranes and rope, seemingly
nurturing the ships gathered about it. It is by
now far from new, and vast and ancient ship’s timbers
make up its skeleton. Lashed by storms and eaten
at by the frequent mists that fall from the mountain
of the Stonespine, the framework truly appears like
bones. The entire dock is under constant repair, but
the endless demands of arriving ships makes proper
repair impossible. New Dock is therefore the result of
hundreds of years of making do and improvising, and,
as a consequence, is a surprisingly dangerous place in a
dangerous city. According to Okeno legend, a visitor is
far more likely to die because of a loose nail upon arrival
than with a knife in her back—hence the phrase, “A rusty
nail is the deadliest weapon in the Yellow City.”
Governor Morio Midasi’s most trusted advisor, Captain
Permelia “Peg-Leg” Cockle—the one-legged former pirate-
turned harbormaster—collects taxes from visiting ships.
She has one of the hardest jobs in the city, and has a nest
of wererat helpers (known locally as the Moles) to locate
and open up the endless secret holds hiding goods from
taxation. Her lieutenant, Akall ni Hatrass (NE female
halfling natural wererat rogue 5), is a legend at sniffing out
such goods and secrets. That Peg-Leg Cockle is the easiest
person to bribe in Okeno is a poorly kept secret, even to
her employer (and likely his Pactmaster overlords), but
Midasi knows the harbormaster is no worse or better than
anyone else to have held the post in his tenure, so he allows
her to think she is fooling him, fully intent upon taking
everything she has when the time is right.
3. Ratstails: Surrounding by a hundred gaudy signs,
this ramshackle gambling house made of old ship parts
leans over the calm waters of the bay. The owner, Ritheeri
Halmas (NE male halfling natural wererat alchemist APG 6),
smiles the widest smile in Okeno—as well he should—for
rumor has it he’s the richest person in the city and that
he’s eyeing Morio Midasi’s position as governor. Halmas is
dangerously charming and has an uncanny memory for
detail. Visitors might spend a few minutes in his
company and not return for months, but when
they do, Halmas remembers them and the
conversations they had. A particular friend
of the gnoll slavers and an ardent admirer
of the Hyena Princess (see page 39)—
despite his wish to poison her someday—
Halmas cunningly engages the gnoll’s
inherent cruelty in special games. He
avoids the brute entertainments of the
Black Circus (see page 67), preferring to
confine his nastiness to sadistic bets
involving animals.
4. The Fleet: If sailors are lucky,
their captain lets them stay aboard
ship during a stay in Okeno. Most
do not, however, and so those who seek
a night’s sleep head for the Fleet, one of
the most disgusting, flea-ridden pits in Golarion.
A vast maze of old ships partly floating in the harbor,
the Fleet is a bewildering fusion of flophouse, tavern,
bathhouse, and slum rolled into one endless shambling
structure. However, the Fleet has one luxurious area,
known as the Stern. This more sedate and refined area
puts most visitors off with its high prices (10 times those
listed on page 159 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook), to
the relief of those few who can afford them. It’s run by
Admiral Dziban Menkent (LN female undine B2 bard 5),
who controls an army of servants, slaves, and guards
with her quick temper and the ever-present whip at her
side. Menkent can be a delight, a terror, or an enigma;
interactions with her are perilously unpredictable.
5. Shrine of Thaffaar: Named for the architect who
carved the great dome that crowns this temple to Gozreh
in Stonetown, the shrine sees more activity than nearly
any other religious institution in Okeno save the bank
of Abadar. The aged Tian priests, brother and sister
Niharo (N male human cleric of Gozreh 8) and Owayu (N
female human druid 8) are held in high regard by most
locals, in no small part because, despite their feisty and
argumentative natures, they bless so many ships set to
depart the Yellow Harbor.
6. Slaver’s Vault: A huge tower winds its way up from this
squat marble building, whose ornately decorated interior
is formed about a central opening, where an astonishingly
large golden candelabrum said to be worth 40,000 gp
hangs. The vault, the largest bank of Abadar in Katapesh
aside from the grand temple in the capital itself, is the
most admired and visited place in Okeno. The original
candelabrum was actually stolen by a master thief called
Pherkad almost 300 years ago, but the forgery is so perfect
that no one has ever noticed (a successful DC 40 Appraise
check is required to note it is a fake, and even then only
upon close examination). The present priest and local judge,
Justice Hanbal, sits as the appointed official on all matters
from theft to murder. Harsh and humorless, Hanbal
takes his duties very seriously, and is perhaps the
only person in Okeno who cannot be bribed.
7. Okeno Tanning Pits: The tanners of
Okeno maintain this open courtyard, which is
100 yards across and houses the tanning vats
and pits of local traders. Immediately behind
and around this district, huge piles of animal
feces are mounded against the back walls
of buildings; their stench often wafts
across the whole city.
8. Shipyard: Lurking below
the entertainment district of
the Ships’ Graveyard—which
is suspended here at least a
dozen yards above on timber
boardwalks—the Shipyard houses
artisans who repair and enhance vessels.
Falak Tubaa (N female human expert 9) is regarded as the
most successful and gifted shipbuilder in Okeno. Sadly,
gnoll slavers hold her only daughter, Zahwah, hostage, and
occasionally force Falak to sabotage vessels so the gnolls can
overtake and rob them later.
9. The Shipwreck: A juddering mass of ship’s timbers
have been lashed together in this portion of the Ships’
Graveyard to form an open plaza. A series of towering
houses, many of which are modified sterns from large ships,
overlook this broken place. A recent spate of tremors in the
Shipwreck’s supports has left the structures contorted and
largely abandoned, but criminal elements have taken to
using the somewhat luxurious, if dangerous, residences as
bases of operation, banking on the area’s instability to keep
the law from meddling in their affairs.
10. The Old Fleshfair: A snaking maze of alleyways
meander through this portion of the fleshfairs, an area of
exposed paths set above sandy pits between 10 and 30 feet
below. These pathways are governed by a strict hierarchy
system, formed out of respect—and often enforced through
violence—with the oldest and most established traders
getting the best and safest viewpoints, while lesser slavers
or those who prefer to operate anonymously are given
dangerous perches. The Old Fleshfair is linked to the docks
by the various sweatways of the city.
The auctions do not follow set timetables, although
some religious days of Abadar are used as excuses to hold
enormous slave markets; a notably vast slave market is held
each Market’s Door, during which the population of the
city has been known swell to nearly twice its normal size as
slaves and traders flow into the fleshfairs.
The master of auctions, Fleshlord Sarfaraz al-Qoor, a
diminutive man with an incredibly deep, far-reaching voice,
hosts the auctions, and has been known to take bribes to
hear certain bidders above others. He runs a downtrodden
staff of 20 and is infamous for his affection for attractive
women. An experienced lothario, he nonetheless remains
particularly cautious when in the presence of high-
ranking gnoll females, having heard rumors of
their sexual insatiability.
Fleshfairs do not always deal in humanoid
wares alone; the monsters that pass through
the fleshfair often appear later in private
menageries or are used as guards for wealthy
foreigners seeking unique defenders.
11. The Laughing Fleshfair: Gnolls have their
own fleshfair, where they can trade with each
other. Although non-gnolls do come
to this place, they tend to attract
attention, particularly if they
are not accompanied by gnolls.
Nervous guards are everywhere,
but those brave enough to attend
these auctions sometimes find bargains
on certain slaves, as gnolls are generally
far more interested in flesh or entertainment than brains
and artisans.
12. The Black Circus: The infamous and enormous
Black Circus is the main entertainment in Okeno, putting
on a show every week and during important festivals or
religious days. For bigger shows, everyone flocks to the
circus, where the emphasis is all about putting on a bloody
spectacle, something the master of ceremonies, Ictarias (LE
female tiefling necromancer 14), is always keen to do. The
show requires a small army of slaves, performers, animals,
and victims, and Ictarias is often seen in the fleshfairs of the
city, shopping for new acts.
13. Palace of Waterfalls: One of many homes of the most
famous gnoll slaver, the Hyena Princess Njano (see page
39), this palace is graced by spring water falling from high
in the Stonespines. The water is used to great effect here,
with a whole wing built above a lake. The paranoid Njano
changes her home from time to time, even taking quite
humble lodgings on occasion—providing each can offer
her daily baths in milk.
14. Palace of Honeyed Stone: The Palace of Honeyed
Stone houses the governor of Okeno, Morio Midasi. The
golden palace was originally built in 3499 ar by Captain
Ilmatis Okeno, although each lord since has added to
the structure. Heavily patrolled, hideously trapped, and
beautifully decorated, the palace is a series of towers built
around a central fragrant garden. The present governor
prides himself on his exotic slaves, and boasts among
his captives a number of monstrous creatures, including
his gug bodyguard. Midasi welcomes many visitors, but
always in small, easy-to-repel groups. Rumor has it that the
Pactmasters are displeased with his service for unknown
reasons and wish to replace him soon, but further details
into this affair are as secret as the mysterious masked
overlords themselves.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future