作者 主题: 【Book Of the Damned】西斯 乌苏格,腐败荒原王子(Cyth-V'sug,Prince of the Blasted Heath)  (阅读 14914 次)

副标题: 非常慈父的恶魔领主

离线 星云迷蒙

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西斯 乌苏格

混乱邪恶 男性恶魔领主 职权為疾病,真菌,寄生虫


领域  混乱、土、邪恶、植物
连接子域 窟、腐朽、恶魔、滋长
偏好武器 弯刀
邪徽 螺旋形排列的发霉断裂触手
邪兽 蜈蚣
邪色 黄色和绿色
神殿 洞穴,死亡或倒下的树木,疫病森林,下水道
信徒 炼金术士,黑龙,迪洛人,卓尔,邪恶的孢子人,前德鲁伊,污染者
仆从  真菌生物,真菌皇后,巨型害虫,曼陀罗草,集群
遵从仪式 在1小时的盛宴中食用长着寄生虫的腐肉和由稀有真菌蒸馏出来的腐败酒精。在对抗疾病和导致反胃效果的效果的豁免检定中获得+4亵渎加值。

第1神恩 污染腐蚀(Contamination , Sp):恶心射线(Ray of Sickening) 每天3次、疱疹咒 (Pox Pustules) 每天2次、或菌皮疫 (Fungal Infestation) 每天1次
第2神恩 毒性云雾(Cloud of Toxicity, Su):以一个标准动作,你可以吐出20尺锥形的恶臭瘴气来活化疾病。锥形范围内的每个染病生物必须进行一次强韧检定(DC=10+1/2HD+魅力调整值);如果失败,那么就会视为疾病立刻发作并产生效果,如同所有强韧检定都失败一样,并且这个疾病的持续时间立刻结束。你每天可以使用这个能力等同于你的魅力调整值。
第3神恩 肆虐重伤(Ravaging Harm,SU):每天3次,你可以以一个成功的接触动作来削弱一个活物的免疫系统。除非目标通过一个成功的豁免检定(DC=10+1/2HD+魅力调整值),否则会在接下来24小时内,该生物豁免失败而受到的属性伤害中的1点变成永久属性流失。这是一种诅咒效果,可以使用移除诅咒法术来进行解除。(将你的总HD视为施法者等级)。


第1神恩 内在疾病(Sickness Within,Sp)::衰弱射线(ray of enfeeblement) 每天3次、曲木术(warp wood) 每天2次、或疫病术 (Contagion) 每天1次
第2神恩 寄生连结(Parasitic Link,SU):每天一次以一个成功的接触攻击,除非目标通过一次成功的豁免检定(DC=10+1/2HD+体质调整值),否则你可以向一个活物体内植入微小的侵蚀寄生虫。这些寄生虫和你之间有些不洁的连结,可以消耗目标生物的能量来转移给你。这种寄生侵蚀可以持续10轮,在此期间,你视为拥有法术加速术的效果下行动,而被寄生者则会恍惚。以一个迅捷动作,你可以加快寄生虫的侵蚀—这回减少1轮剩余持续时间,但是目标会因为寄生虫加速侵蚀而受到1d3魅力伤害。你同时只能保持一个寄生连结。这些寄生虫视为疾病效果。
第3神恩 真菌崩坏( Fungal Ruin,Sp):每天1次,你可以对一个生物使用法术灰飞烟灭。被这个效果杀死的生物会立刻崩坏为一团赤褐色霉菌(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 273)并且在半径20尺内立刻释放一团孢子云进行爆发。


第1神恩 致命自然(Deadly Nature, Sp):荆刺标枪(Thorn Javelin) 每天3次、毒液纠缠术(Sickening Entanglement) 每天2次、或命令植物 (Command Plants) 每天1次[/size]
第2神恩 恶毒荆棘(Vicious Thorns,SU):以一个标准动作,你可以使你周围5尺半径爆发内的地面长出扭曲荆棘。尝试穿越这片区域的生物必须板粟否则就会受到等同于1/2你角色等级的流血伤害;如果你在有许多植物(草,树,灌木等)的区域使用此能力,那么这些区域也会变为困难地形。这些效果持续1分钟,随后荆棘崩坏为灰尘。可以不受阻碍穿越自然植被的生物可以忽略此能力的影响。你每天可以多次使用这个能力,次数等同于3+魅力调整次。[/size]
第3神恩 蔓生形态( Shambling Form,SU):每天1次以移动动作,你可以进入超大型蔓生怪形态。你在力量上获得+8体积加值,在敏捷上获得-2敏捷减值,在体质上获得+4体质加值,以及+6天防。你获得紧勒特殊攻击和2次造成2d8+力量调整值附带攫抓特殊攻击的挥击。你获得黑暗视野(60尺)和20点闪电和火焰抗力。此外,如果你受到造成闪电伤害的攻击而未击穿你的抗力,你可以获得等同于你等级的临时生命值。你会在1小时后损失这些临时生命自豪。你会在10分钟后回到自己的真实形态,或者使用一个自由动作消解此能力,以先到者为准。

  当凡人的生命出现时,所有与之相关的罪恶也都诞生了,当罪恶的灵魂前往来世时,深渊就将其中一些变成了恶魔。由于凡人的生育能力和在残酷上的无限潜力,随着时间的推移,深渊中充满了众多的恶魔。好战的恶魔与古魔为了控制位面而发生冲突,尽管它们还比较年轻,但它们具有人数优势。 它们在一次又一次的冲突中获胜,并以此增加自身实力,直到一部分成为了可以与实力最强的古魔匹敌的恶魔领主。
古魔领主西斯 乌苏格并不想参加这场永无止境的战争所以呆在自己的领域之中。他杀死了那些尝试入侵他地盘的恶魔,但是不断的猛攻很快就让他疲惫不堪。经过仔细观察,他意识到他那些强力的敌人正受到自我毁灭的凡人所崇拜。他将意识的卷须送到了物质位面,当他发现绝望的生物渴望某人(或某物)来回应他们的祈祷时,他回应了这些恳求。尽管这帮助他增强了力量,但西斯 乌苏格最终还是被迫与其他古魔一起潜入了深渊最深最偏远的区域。
当西斯 乌苏格潜伏在这些黑暗领域中,他继续聆听着他信徒的恳求。他们不断索求着更多—来自神祗的更多神礼和反应。这些贪婪对古魔领主产生了奇怪的影响:他开始体验到渴望这种凡人情感。他开始想要回到他原本的家。他想要饱饮更多恶魔之血。随着时间推移,其他古魔领主—特别是奥欧昂—注意到了这一变化,并对此不满。他们以毁灭来威胁西斯 乌苏格,因此他选择离开来到了深渊的上游。
西斯 乌苏格很快就意识到他已经变得很像他所厌恶的恶魔,但是这个预兆并没有平息他膨胀的食欲。他继续要求追随者进行献祭,并因此逐渐变为了一个完全的恶魔领主。尽管他现在是同类,但他对于恶魔的仇恨永不终止。他的最终目标是消灭物质位面的所有世界与其中的凡人生命,这样可以让恶魔们丧失灵魂来源并且让古魔重回故土。这个计划也许也会导致他自身的毁灭,但西斯 乌苏格对此毫不在意,因为这意味着他的饥渴终将被满足。
西斯 乌苏格的领域既是一块土地也是一个生物—一只叫做劫害菌瘤的巨大寄生真菌,可以将卷须扩展到其他位面,腐化世界,并且将其拉入深渊扩展自身。这个颤动着的球形真菌凝胶的大笑让宇宙最大的行星相形见拙。劫害菌瘤位于一个巨大洞穴的中央,由附着在周围裂谷上的白色细丝所悬挂着。扭曲的真菌龙(带有真菌模板B4的版半炼狱绿龙或蓝龙),真菌皇后祭司B6,腐败蔓生怪(巨形 24HD半炼狱蔓生怪),苍白巨虫(超巨形 32-HD 炼狱紫虫),和各种恶魔都只不过是劫害菌瘤危险的一部分。西斯 乌苏格居住在在真菌球体的中央,这是一只硕大的怪兽,相互缠绕的真菌块茎,尖锐爪刺和触手覆盖在长着马勃状的眼镜和锯齿碎牙的巨龙尸体之上。西斯 乌苏格是一只会感染并消灭世界的寄生兽,并将它产生的废物填入那不断扩张的深渊领域之中。
作为西斯 乌苏格最伟大的仆从之一,新生恶魔领主毁木者在对西斯 乌苏格政变失败后,最近在物质位面上建立了一片领域,但奇怪的是,腐败荒原王子并没有回击他那任性的仆从。

劇透 -  原文:
CE male demon lord of disease, fungus, and parasites
Domains Chaos, Earth, Evil, Plant
Subdomains Caves, Decay, Demon, Growth
Favored Weapon scimitar
Unholy Symbol severed, mold-caked tentacle coiled in
a spiral
Temples caverns, dead or fallen trees, diseased forests, sewers
Worshipers alchemists, black dragons, derros, drow, evil
vegepygmies, ex-druids, polluters
Minions fungal creaturesB4, fungus queensB6, giant vermin,
mandragorasB2, swarms
Obedience Eat moldering flesh rife with parasitic worms and
drink putrid alcohol distilled from rare fungi during a 1-hour
feast. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against
diseases and effects that cause the nauseated condition.
1: Contamination (Sp) ray of sickeningUM 3/day, pox pustulesAPG
2/day, or fungal infestationUM 1/day
2: Cloud of Toxicity (Su) As a standard action, you can exhale
a 20-foot cone of a disgusting miasma that exacerbates
disease. Each diseased creature in the cone must attempt a
Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your
Charisma modifier); if it fails, it immediately takes damage
as though it had failed its Fortitude saves against all of its
diseases, and any remaining onset times for these diseases
end. You can use this ability a number of times
per day equal to your Charisma modifier.
3: Ravaging Harm (Su) Three times per day
with a successful touch attack, you can weaken
a living creature’s immune system unless the
target succeeds at a Fortitude saving
throw (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice +
your Charisma modifier). For the next
24 hours, when a creature that failed
its save takes ability damage,
1 point of that damage becomes
permanent ability drain instead.
This is a curse effect, and it
can be removed with a remove
curse spell (treat your total Hit
Dice as the caster level).
1: Sickness Within (Sp)
ray of enfeeblement 3/
day, warp wood 2/day, or
contagion 1/day
2: Parasitic Link (Su)
Once per day with a successful
touch attack, you can infest a living
creature with tiny, gnawing, parasitic
worms unless the target succeeds at
a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half your Hit
Dice + your Constitution modifier). These
parasites retain an unholy link to you,
draining the target creature’s energy and
transferring it to you. This infestation persists for 10
rounds, during which you act as if under the effects
of a haste spell and the infested victim is staggered.
As a swift action, you can quicken the parasitic
infestation—this reduces the remaining duration by
1 round, but the target takes 1d3 points of Charisma
damage as the parasites feed at an accelerated rate. You can maintain a parasitic link with only one creature at a
time. These parasites count as a disease effect.
3: Fungal Ruin (Sp) Once per day, you can target a creature
with a destruction spell. A creature slain by this effect
crumbles into a mound of russet mold (Pathfinder RPG
Bestiary 273) that immediately releases a cloud of spores in
a 20-foot-radius burst.
1: Deadly Nature (Sp) thorn javelinACG 3/day, sickening
entanglementACG 2/day, or command plants 1/day
2: Vicious Thorns (Su) As a standard action, you can cause the
ground in a 5-foot-radius burst centered on you to sprout
twisting, thorny vines. Creatures moving through the area
must travel at half speed or take bleed damage equal to
half your character level; if you activate this ability in an
area with numerous plants (grass, trees, weeds, etc.), the
area also becomes difficult terrain. These effects last for 1
minute, after which the vines crumble to dust. Creatures able
to move through natural undergrowth unhindered ignore the
effects of this ability. You can use this ability a number of
times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
3: Shambling Form (Su) Once per day as a move action, you
can assume the form of a Huge shambling mound. You gain
a +8 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4
size bonus to Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus. You
gain a constrict special attack and two slam attacks that each
deal 2d8 points of damage plus your Strength modifier and
have the grab special attack. You gain darkvision (60 feet)
and resistance 20 to electricity and fire. In addition, if you
are struck with an attack that deals an amount of electricity
damage that is less than your resistance, you gain temporary
hit points equal to your level. You lose these temporary hit
points after 1 hour. You return to your true form after 10
minutes or when you take a free action to dismiss this ability,
whichever comes first.
When mortal life came into being, so did all of its associated
sins, and as sinful souls passed into the afterlife, the Abyss
transformed some of them into demons. Thanks to the
fertility of mortals and their boundless potential for cruelty,
the Abyss over time filled with legions of demons. The
belligerent demons clashed with the qlippoth for control
over the plane, and though they were relatively young, the
demons had the advantage of numbers. They won skirmish
after skirmish and, in doing so, increased their strength
until some became demon lords to rival the most powerful
of the qlippoth.
The qlippoth lord Cyth-V’sug wanted no part in this
endless war and so stayed within his realm. He slew those
demons that attempted to invade his sanctuary, but the
constant onslaught soon began to wear him down. After
careful observation, he realized that his more potent foes were
worshiped by self-destructive mortals. He sent tendrils of his
consciousness onto the Material Plane and, when he found
desperate creatures longing for someone (or something) to
answer their prayers, he responded to these pleas. However,
while this helped to increase his strength, Cyth-V’sug was
still ultimately forced into the Abyss’s deepest, most remote
areas alongside the other qlippoth.
As Cyth-V’sug lurked in these dark domains, he continued
to hear the entreaties of his worshipers. They constantly
wanted more—more divine gifts, and more responses from
their deity. This greed had a strange effect on the qlippoth
lord: he began to experience this mortal emotion of desire
himself. He wanted his original home back. He wanted to
taste more demon blood. He wanted vengeance for being
driven out. In time, the other qlippoth lords—Oaur-Ooung
in particular—noticed this change and were not pleased.
They threatened Cyth-V’sug with destruction, and so he fled
to the upper reaches of the Abyss.
Cyth-V’sug soon realized that he had become like the very
demons he hated, but this revelation did nothing to quell his
expanding hunger. He continued to demand sacrifices from
his followers, and as he did so, he slowly transformed into
a full demon lord. Though he is now one of their kind, his
hatred for demons burns no less hot. His ultimate goal is
to consume every world of the Material Plane that contains
mortal life, thereby cutting demons off from their source of
souls and allowing the qlippoth to return from exile. That this
plan may also result in his own destruction does not matter
to Cyth-V’sug, as it means his appetite will finally be sated.
Cyth-V’sug’s realm is both a place and a being—an
immense parasitic fungus called the Jeharlu, capable of
extending tendrils into other planes, corrupting worlds,
and then drawing them into the Abyss to expand itself.
A quivering, spherical clot of fungal matter that dwarfs
the largest of planets, the Jeharlu lies at the center of an
immense cavern, suspended by thick white filaments that
attach it to the surrounding rift. Deformed fungal dragons
(half-fiend green or blue dragons with the fungal creatureB4
template), fungus queenB6 priestesses, moldering shamblers
(Gargantuan 24-HD half-fiend shambling mounds), pallid
giant worms (Colossal 32-HD fiendish purple worms), and
all manner of demons are but a few of the Jeharlu’s dangers.
At the heart of this fungal sphere dwells Cyth-V’sug himself,
an immense monstrosity that appears as a tangled mass
of fungal tubers, grasping claws, and tentacles topped by a
heaving draconic body with puffball eyes and jagged teeth.
Cyth-V’sug is a parasite that infests worlds and consumes
them, adding the waste that he creates to his ever-expanding
Abyssal realm.
One of Cyth-V’sug’s greatest minions, the nascent demon
lord Treerazer, recently established a domain on the Material
Plane after a failed coup against Cyth-V’sug, but curiously,
the Prince of the Blasted Heath has refrained from striking
back against his wayward minion.

« 上次编辑: 2020-05-21, 周四 19:45:02 由 星云迷蒙 »

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have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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