作者 主题: 【Heart】【核心】游玩方式 / How to Play  (阅读 33253 次)

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【Heart】【核心】游玩方式 / How to Play
« 于: 2020-11-06, 周五 15:51:16 »
理解你的角色所用到的规则,以此做出知情决定(informed decision)吧。例如,如果你的角色有一项不寻常的进阶(advance),那就要理解这项进阶所用的规则。记住你的角色所拥有的技能和领域,以及这些技能和领域的用途。
劇透 -   :
As a player, your main job in the game is to take on the role of a single character – someone who has chosen or forced to venture into the City Beneath. You’ll speak for them, dictate their actions and make the choices that guide them through the underworld.
You’ll create this character – probably in a group with the other players, but maybe on your own. Make a character that you’re keen to play and who has questions that aren’t answered. Instead of writing reams and reams of background text about what your character’s done in the past, focus on what they’re doing right now and how that manifests in tangible terms. Don’t worry about coming to the table with something complete; it’s much more fun, and easier, to bring a character with gaps that you can fill in during play.
Your character should be someone that the other characters can, at the very least, tolerate. Heart is a game about sticking together against the odds and uniting to gain strength from each other, so if you want to make a hard-bitten, laconic scumbag without a heart of gold or a self-serving occult weirdo who never uses one word when twenty would do, don’t be surprised if things don’t work out for you. Be someone worth adventuring with!
When you’re in charge of your character, make interesting decisions. If your character was the sort of person who only did sensible things,they wouldn’t be in the Heart; so make dangerous choices.Perform thrilling and exciting actions: trek out into the unknown wilderness, sacrifice everything you’ve got to uncover knowledge,put your life in danger to help people.Be bold and take risks.Don’t get too attached to your character,because they’re probably not going to survive; instead,try and have a glorious,colourful, entertaining demise.
Make informed decisions by understanding the rules your character uses –for example,if your char‐acter has an unusual advance, learn the rules for it. Remember what skills and domains they have access to,and remember what those skills and domains do.
Finally, the most important thing you need to do as a player is to remember that this is a game and you’re just as responsible for making it a sat‐isfying experience as the gamesmaster. Be kind to the other players, respect their choices and generally try to be the sort of person you’d like to play a roleplaying game with.

劇透 -   :
As a Gamemaster, you’ll control of everything in the game world that isn’t a player character. You’ll be in charge of all the non-player characters and the environment, but you’ll also be responsible for interpreting the rules and managing the flow of the game. Like the players, it’s your job to make interesting choices and push the story in an engaging direction–you’ll be reacting to the player characters and changing the world in response to their actions.
We’ve written a full guide to being a Games‐master later in this book – it begins on p. 104, and it has advice for everyone of all skill levels.
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-06, 周五 17:40:51 由 Rincewind »
幾年石を積み続け / 年复一年持续堆积石头
見えた先は石要らぬ世界だ / 却看到前面是 不需要石头的世界

Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky.
The shelves deserted and the checkout lines / are longer than all the tinsel tying up the trees

个人分区(semi-active) | 独立规则Spire: The City Must FallHeart: The City Beneath的翻译分区  说不准会在2022年重启。

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Re: 【Heart】【核心】游玩方式 / How to Play
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-06, 周五 15:56:06 »

劇透 -   :
Heart uses the Resistance system, which focuses on what’s at stake in every conflict. Player characters have five resistances; your character can take stress to any of them based on what’s happening in the story.
BLOOD: Physical exhaustion, pain, blood loss and injury.
ECHO: Twisting of the body and mind by the unreal energies of the Heart.
MIND: Madness, instability and weirdnesses.
FORTUNE: Bad luck, incompetence and over-confidence.
SUPPLIES: Loss of resources, damaged equipment and debt.
Your character class, calling, equipment and abilit‐ies might provide you with protection, which can reduce the amount of stress you take. For more details on stress and how to apply it, see p. 73.

劇透 -   :
Skills are things you can do; domains are areas of knowledge and experience.  Skills apply specifically to actions, while domains are broader and might affect your contacts and/or your abil‐ity to function in different areas of the Heart. Both are ways of giving your character a particular flavour and specific types of expertise. A character with the Mend skill and the Religion domain will likely have a very different personality and play style than one with the Kill skill and the Cursed domain.
Your character will have access to skills and domains when the game begins, and will have the opportunity to gain more through advancement. Your character class and calling may automatically give you certain skills and domains, and others may be available as choices. There are no levels or values in these – you either have them or you don’t.

劇透 -   :
COMPEL: Make people do what you want via threats, lies, flattery or reasoned argument.
DELVE: Progress into dangerous or unknown territory.
DISCERN: Understand the world by drawing on accessible information.
ENDURE: Resist the effects of the Heart on your body and mind.
EVADE: Get away from someone or something that’s trying to track you down.
HUNT: Track down someone or something that’s trying to get away from you.
KILL: End the lives of people and things with weapons or your bare hands.
MEND: Repair something or someone that is broken; build something new.
SNEAK: Hide yourself or things from the atten‐tion of others.
If you have a skill, you add one D10 to your dice pool and pick the highest result when you perform the action associated with the skill.There’s no such thing as an “untrained” skill; everyone can attempt most actions without penalty. Having a skill denotes a serious devotion to the practice.

劇透 -   :
CURSED: Actively harmful locations. Places touched by the Heart.
DESOLATE: Wastelands and abandoned towns.
HAVEN: Settlements where people live, work and form communities.
OCCULT: Hidden knowledge and black magic.
RELIGION: Gods,and things worshipped like gods.
TECHNOLOGY: Machines, buildings and devices.
WARREN: Cramped, dense corridors.
WILD: Wilderness, vegetation and animals.
If you possess the relevant domain for a situation, add one D10 to your dice pool and pick the highest result.  Domains  aren’t  intrinsically  linked  to action types, but to areas of the Heart, broad sub‐jects of knowledge and connections you might have with the people of the City Beneath.

劇透 -   :
If you possess a skill or domain and gain it a second time, you get a knack. This is proficiency with a particular facet of the broad spectrum covered by the skill or domain. Using a knack allows you to roll with mastery, but you cannot gain more than one dice from mastery per roll.
幾年石を積み続け / 年复一年持续堆积石头
見えた先は石要らぬ世界だ / 却看到前面是 不需要石头的世界

Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky.
The shelves deserted and the checkout lines / are longer than all the tinsel tying up the trees

个人分区(semi-active) | 独立规则Spire: The City Must FallHeart: The City Beneath的翻译分区  说不准会在2022年重启。

离线 Rincewind

  • Wizzard
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  • 帖子数: 501
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  • Flipping Machine
Re: 【Heart】【核心】游玩方式 / How to Play
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-11-06, 周五 17:37:35 »


幾年石を積み続け / 年复一年持续堆积石头
見えた先は石要らぬ世界だ / 却看到前面是 不需要石头的世界

Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky.
The shelves deserted and the checkout lines / are longer than all the tinsel tying up the trees

个人分区(semi-active) | 独立规则Spire: The City Must FallHeart: The City Beneath的翻译分区  说不准会在2022年重启。