作者 主题: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色  (阅读 19465 次)

副标题: 先弄到人物类型,后面的再说

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【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:29:51 »
GURPS Cyberpunk为玩家提供了一个创造其他传统题材的游戏中所没有的角色的机会。这是一个非常凶险的世界。即使是赛博朋克的英雄也是锋芒毕扬的凶徒,他们遵循自我的准则,无视社会的准绳。而反派们通常会做一些让兽人都会感到恐惧,或者让普通的星际死亡突击队队员都会感到反胃的事情。
劇透 -   :
GURPS Cyberpunk offers players a chance to create characters not generally seen in other, more traditional genres. It's a very tough world. Even the heroes of cyberpunk are sharp-edged rogues who follow their own codes and ignore society's. And the villains routinely do things that would horrify an Orc, or turn the stomach of the average Stellar Death Commando.
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:51:20 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:30:40 »
劇透 -   :
The cyberpunk environment is always dangerous. Foes include roving packs of desperate nomads, warring street gangs in vicious turf battles, ruthless corporate enforcers or the cold amorality of artificial intelligence gone bad. The streets bristle with weaponry: cybernetic enhancements, high-tech handguns, powerful explosives and sharp, pointy things too numerous to mention. People play for keeps, and they have the hardware to do the job right. With competition this tough, it seems only fair to give the PCs an edge, so they can stay alive long enough to learn their way around the urban nightmare. Therefore, the GM may want to start his campaign with characters having more than the standard GURPS  100 points.

劇透 -   :
150 Points  —"Swimming With The Sharks" This level will give a campaign in which the PCs start out at the bottom of the barrel. Initially, almost any opponent they face will have them out-muscled, out-gunned, and out-equipped. They will have to be very good and very lucky to make the long climb up the power ladder. The disadvantage here is that a player will probably go through several characters before hitting upon one with the right combination of good luck and good play to survive. Admittedly, this can be very discouraging. The advantages of this style, however, are threefold. First, this is an accurate portrayal of many definitive cyberpunk books — the protagonist starts out as a pawn, but slowly grows in power, connections and ability until he is a force to be reckoned with. Second, the character will have a much deeper background. By the time he's ready to play in the big leagues (250+ points), a PC will have a fully developed "story," a large number of NPCs he's interacted with (and who may owe him favors — or want to see him snuffed),and a wealth of knowledge about how the GM's world works. Finally, the player will have a real sense of accomplishment when he does hit it big. He can sit back and reflect on each minor victory (and setback!) on his "road to the top," and will have some great stories to tell.
200 Points —声名鹊起 "The Kid’s Got A Rep"
这是GURPS  Cyberpunk  中的角色的默认初始层级。额外的50点可以用来把设备从低端升级到高端,或者多购买一两个赛博增强(无论是用点数购买还是通过用点数换取现金购买)。即使在蔓生都市三部曲中的赛博朋克世界中,200分的牛仔或“街头武士”也是很特别的。他们可能不是最可怕的,最受欢迎的,或最常被谈论的人物,但他们是会被注意到的角色。他们最初的力量不足以对付重量级的人物,但他们可以联合起来,一起进行对付中层特工、公司或帮派的重要行动。
劇透 -   :
This is the default starting level for a GURPS  Cyberpunk  character. The extra 50 points can be used to upgrade equipment from the low end of the spectrum to good quality, or for the purchase of an extra cyber-enhancement or two (whether by point expenditure or trading the points for cash). Even in the urban sprawl of a cyberpunk world, 200-point cowboys or "street samurai" will be special.They may not be the most feared,sought-after or talkedabout, but they will be noticed. They will not initially be strong enough to run with the serious heavyweights, but they can put together significant operations of their own against middle-level operatives, corporations or gangs.
250 Points — 恶名昭彰"Bad News On The Net"
这个级别的角色可能拥有某种强大的力量。如果把所有250点都花在个人装备上,PC将成为最受欢迎的员工之一。如果这些点数被用来加强他的权力基础(财富、声誉、人脉等),他将一言千金,并可能拥有听命于他的特工密探。这是PC开始吸引大公司、政府、犯罪组织和街头干员们(street ops)的注意(无论好坏)的门槛。最适合GM和参与者在全球范围进行的战役——没有琐碎的邻里政治;世界可以被征服!
劇透 -   :
A character at this level probably wields significant power of some kind. If all 250 points are spent on personal gear and equipment, the PC would be one of the most desirable employees around. If the points were spent on enhancing his power base (Wealth, Reputation, Contacts, etc.), he'll have a voice that commands attention, and probably control operatives of his own. This is the threshold at which the PCs start attracting the attention (for good or ill) of major corporations,governments,criminal organizations and street ops. It is best suited for a campaign in which the GM and players are thinking on a global scale — no petty neighborhood politics here; there's a world to be conquered!

劣势点数Disadvantage Points
不少赛博朋克世界中的角色都有着劣势——无论是精神上还是身体上——会远远超出标准的40点的限制。为了准确地反映出这一点,这里建议将劣势的上限定为80点,或为两个不论点数为多少的劣势。很多角色可能没有充分利用他们的劣势,可能是因为他们选满劣势后变成了残疾人或短命鬼,但选项就摆在那里。但GM应该密切关注这些问题,以确保所他们选择的劣势在他的战役理念中既有意义,也有效力。如果用这种方式做出的奇怪的个性和背景让他感到困扰,GM可以将上限降至60或40点,但请记住——在赛博朋克的世界中,只有平凡的东西才会被认为是奇怪的。在制定战役的起始点数时,GM应该记得增加劣势的上限。一个275点的角色,劣势80点,Quirk5点,角色总共有360点要花!尽管如此, cyberwear 还是很贵的——这些点数很快就会被花完。
劇透 -   :
Many characters in cyberpunk worlds are loaded with disadvantages — both mental and physical — that go far beyond the normal 40-point limit. To accurately reflect this, it is recommended that the ceiling on disadvantages be raised to 80 points, or any two disadvantages of any point total. Many characters may not take their full quota of disadvantages, and those who do may be short-lived (or dysfunctional), but the option should be there. The GM should keep an eye on them, though, to ensure that the disadvantages chosen are neither meaningless nor totally disabling within the concept of his campaign. If the rather eccentric personalities and backgrounds produced in this manner bother him, the GM should feel free to lower the ceiling to 60 or 40 points, but remember — in cyberpunk, only the mundane are considered odd. The GM should remember the increased level of disadvantages when choosing the starting point value of his campaign. A 275-point character with 80 points in disadvantages and five points in Quirks will have a total of 360 points to spend! Still, cyberwear is expensive — those points will go quickly.
« 上次编辑: 2019-10-26, 周六 11:43:37 由 cmoon »

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:31:23 »
角色类型Character Types
劇透 -   :
In cyberpunk, as in other genres, characters should never be pigeonholed into narrow "classes" that restrict what they can and cannot do. The following character types describe some of the most common stereotypes from cyberpunk literature. The player is the judge of how closely his character will follow a particular pattern. Some types will be inappropriate or wildly altered in different GM's worlds. The GM should be prepared to discuss with his players how various character types fit into his world; he need not follow any more of the literature than he wants to. The list is by no means exhaustive. Players should feel free to alter these as they see fit, combine two character types (who says you can't have a combination cop/tinkerer?), or come up with their own, entirely new character conceptions

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:32:46 »
劇透 -   :
Life may be cheap, but death costs money. As long as there are people willing to pay to see an enemy or competitor permanently removed, there will be someone willing to do the removing - for a price.
An assassin may have grown up on the street, or perhaps he is an ex-soldier or cop who was deemed "undesirable" by his superior officers. Common advantages for assassins include Night Vision, Combat Reflexes, Alertness and Patron. Disadvantages could include Enemies (the friends and/or relatives of those he's killed), Megalomania, Overconfidence or any of a large variety of Odious Personal Habits and Trademarks. Combat skills are a must, although many assassins specialize in areas such as Demolitions or Poisons. Other important skills might be Area Knowledge, Climbing, Criminology, Disguise, Driving, Running, Shadowing, Stealth and Tracking. Some assassins rely very heavily on cyberwear - custom eyes, body weaponry (usually concealed), drug-amplified reaction time, chipped combat reflexes, etc. Others look disdainfully at cyborgs, and take great delight in defeating them with nothing more than their "natural" abilities. Most fall somewhere in between - a little bit of skill, a little bit of cyber.
Types of assassin include:
Corporate Gun: Some companies prefer to succeed in business the old-fashioned way - by liquidating the opposition. A corporate gun may be sent to eliminate key personnel from competing firm, uncooperative public officials, or disloyal employees of his own company.
The corporate assassin has a relatively cushy job. He usually has access to a great deal of high-tech equipment, cash and company resources. He will usually have the health and life insurance benefits that regular employees have, paid vacation, and all the other perks of corporate life (see pp. 12-13). The people that he works with will usually be the best — or the best his company can afford, anyway. He will always have a great deal of information about his target before he goes hunting.
But should the corporate gun want to quit, he may find that he is now a target — he knows too much! And if by some chance he should live to retirement age, it's anyone's guess whether he'll get a gold watch or a steel slug as a parting gift.
Enforcer: While corporations might occasionally need to eliminate someone, it's an almost daily necessity for a criminal organization. This requires a good deal of hired muscle. An enforcer never knows who his next target will be — a smart enforcer learns not to try and guess. Some jobs will be easy — a fat storekeeper who is late on his "insurance" payments, or a street punk who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and saw something he shouldn't have. Other jobs are tougher - rival criminals, most of whom have heavily armed and highly motivated bodyguards.
 The enforcer doesn't have many of the legitimate benefits that a corporate gun possesses. Unless the organization he works for is enormous (in which case it is probably incorporated anyway!), there is always the chance that he'll show up for work one day to discover his employers are dead or in jail.
But the enforcer is usually known on the street — his reputation brings him a fearful respect that he wouldn't get as a corp, and he's usually better paid than his business counterpart.
The freelance assassin is owned by nobody. He may be a fierce-ly independent loner or a member of a tightly-knit op team (see p.121).Whatever the case, his quality of life depends on his abilities. A reliable, discreet freelancer who proves he can pull off the big jobs can name his own price. A freelancer who blows an assignment or talks about his clients may make headlines — but he won't be there to read them. The freelancer's most precious asset is his reputation — if he becomes known as a loser, no one will hire him. For this reason, it's usually a bad move for someone to speak ill of an assassin, even if they're telling the truth! Freelancers often have extensive contacts, both legitimate and otherwise, to facilitate their work.

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:33:12 »
保镖可能拥有的优势包括敏锐听觉、警觉、战斗反射、高痛阈、执法权、广角视觉和强韧( Toughness)。推荐选择的劣势有外貌(越吓人越好)、阉人(某些阿拉伯国家的雇主坚持要让他们的后宫保镖有这个劣势)、狂热、遵纪守法、疑神疑鬼、责任感或誓言。
劇透 -   :
In the danger-filled world of cyberpunk, the wealthy and powerful are constantly under threat of kidnapping, assault or assassination. Those who wish to survive take steps to ensure they are protected.
 A bodyguard has unique opportunities to move in the social circles of the political, economic or criminal elite without actually being noticed. People tend to think of him as a piece of furniture. A sharp operator can pick up lots of useful information this way. Many assassins try to get hired as bodyguards for their intended victim — what better way to learn about his security procedures?
 Some possible advantages for a bodyguard include Acute Hearing, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, High Pain Threshold, Legal Enforcement Powers, Peripheral Vision, and Toughness. Good choices for disadvantages include Appearance (the more intimidating,the better),Eunuch (employers from some Arabic countries insist that their harem bodyguards have this disadvantage), Fanaticism, Honesty, Paranoia, Sense of Duty or Vow.
All bodyguards will have some type of combat — but this could be anything from Beam Weapons to Brawling. Other useful skills include Criminology, Detect Lies, Driving (many are employed as chauffeurs), First Aid, or Languages. A bodyguard who can also act as a translator is worth a higher salary. On the other hand, translation can distract a guard at the wrong time — and some employers don't want the bodyguard to understand what they're talking about!
Most bodyguards have some sort of cyber-enhancements — grafted muscles, reflex boosters, weapon implants and anything else that might give them an edge over an opponent

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #5 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:36:41 »
掮客靠他的关系生存和死亡。他通常会拥有网络狂奔( netrunning )技能,或与有这个技能的人有密切的合作。欺骗一个掮客通常不是一个好主意——他知道有人能够做到这事(甚至可能欠他一个人情)。
清道夫可能会与其他类型的经纪人保持良好的关系——很多清道夫不会直接与客户打交道。杰出的清道夫除了有那些列出的所有经纪人共有的技能之外,还会拥有一些技术性技能。他们经常发现自己卡在了枪林弹雨之间,并且必须保持良好的身体状况。许多人都热衷装上于搭载了各种技术的 cyberwear ——内置传感器、开锁器和其他赛博潜行硬件都很重要。一流的清道夫一般会拥有自己的技师团队和执行者团队。
劇透 -   :
There are many different economic levels in most cyberpunk worlds. But no matter what level he operates at, the broker is in it for the money. A successful broker has mastered the art of supply and demand — a good salesman can sell anything!
Brokers bridge the gap between the smoothly organized corporations and the chaos of the street — most have contacts in both. Most brokers don't want to work for a corp. They're their own boss — they keep their own hours and do their own deals, and they reserve the right to refuse service to any-damn-one they please.
The broker knows who's buying and who's selling, and how to get them together. Some brokers deal in black- or gray-market goods and services; others remain strictly legitimate. They all find certain skills useful: Administration, Computer Operation, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Economics, Languages, Merchant, Scrounging, and Streetwise are common. The differences lie in their advantages and disadvantages.
Black Marketeer: He supplies things that aren't available through normal channels. Unregistered weapons, illegal cybertech, drugs, dangerous chemicals, explosives, military equipment, secret documents, slick ice and icebreakers — or just information — he can supply it, if the price is right. Many black marketeers act as fences, paying anywhere from 10% to 25% of the value of stolen goods, then reselling them at half price. A broker who specializes in software knows that newness is everything… every day that he holds on to his goods decreases their value.
Most black marketeers prefer to remain ruthlessly neutral — but some of them will take sides, or at least stay bought. Still, it never pays to be too friendly with someone who'd sell his own grandmother.
Typical advantages include Intuition, Luck, Mathematical Ability, Contacts, and Wealth. Disadvantages may include Greed, Code of Honor, Miserliness, Social Stigma and physical disadvantages of all types. Outside of comm gear (brokers like to stay in touch with their markets), he rarely has need for cybertech.
Fixers: Fixers are confidential employment agencies. If someone needs to put together an op team (see sidebar, p. 121), they can talk to a reputable fixer — he'll provide reliable operators who have the required skills. A fixer gives the GM a great method for bringing together PCs, or for introducing important NPCs. Some fixers will only assemble teams for legal operations, others only for purposes they "believe in." Less moral fixers can arrange anything from an assassination to a military coup.
 A fixer lives and dies by his contacts. He'll usually have some netrunning skills of his own, or work in close cooperation with someone who does. Doublecrossing a fixer usually isn't a good idea — it's a solid bet that he knows someone who can even the score (and who might even owe him a favor).
Fixer advantages can include Contacts, Charisma, Eidetic Memory and Reputation. Enemies and physical disadvantages fit in well. Many fixers keep their client database chipped into a skull socket.
Scavengers: These brokers specialize in used hardware. They know every junkyard within 300 miles, and probably have one or two military supply sergeants on their payroll. If there's a wreck or firefight, scavengers will quickly descend on the scene to pick up the pieces — everything from hubcaps to body parts.
Scavengers will probably be on good terms with brokers of other types — many don't deal directly with the customer. A good scavenger will have some technical skills in addition to those listed for all brokers. They often find themselves in the middle of the action, and have to be in good physical condition. Many are heavily into cyberwear of the technical variety — built-in sensors,lockpicks and other cyberstealth hardware are all important. A big-time scavenger will have his own team of techies and enforcers.
Street Dealers: This is the low end of the economic spectrum — drug pushers, pimps and other low-life. Street dealers generally sell illegal goods to the dregs of society. Some aspire to a higher station in life; others are quite happy where they are. They usually have contacts in a criminal organization, and will often deal with other types of broker.
Useful advantages for a street dealer include Danger Sense, Contacts and Patrons. Disadvantages include Addiction (for those who sample their own goods), Illiteracy, Social Stigma, Poverty and Youth.
Few street dealers can afford cyberwear; those who can are most likely to choose some sort of personal protection or weapon system.
The GM should discourage PC brokers from becoming a free supply shop for the other characters — this can throw the game out of balance.

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #6 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:37:13 »
GM还必须决定名人对大众的影响力有多大,有什么样的影响力。(改变刻板印象会带来有趣的结果;例如,在诺曼·史宾拉德(Norman Spinrad)的小说《大闪光》(The Big Flash)中,美国政府利用一个摇滚乐队来获得公众对投掷原子弹的认可。)。这对名人PC来说尤其如此,他们的主要能力将是操纵和激励(或打击)大众的能力——他们的魅力对其他PC几乎没有影响。
劇透 -   :
Celebrities are an ancient phenomenon — lewd verse about favorite gladiators was found scrawled on the walls of Pompeii. Those in power will always try to use popular figures to help sway the masses; sometimes it works.
What constitutes a celebrity, and how much and what kind of influence they have over the average citizen, will depend largely on the individual GM. In some worlds, movie stars are a thing of the past — nobody watches anything but TV. In other worlds, gladiatorial combat has reappeared, with heavily-cybered combatants duelling to the death in front of millions of home viewers. Or maybe autoduelling is the current rage, with helicopter crews patrolling the highways, looking for a show. In still other worlds, rock 'n roll rules!
A peculiar type of celebrity that could only exist in a cyberpunk world is the star netrunner, known to millions of adoring fans only by his handle and for his ability to break into and out of network feeds at will, usually to sing vulgar songs or deliver vaguely revolutionary messages. Popular politicians, religious figures, authors, poets or anyone else who rises to a position of public influence could also be celebrities.
The GM must also decide how much and what kind of influence celebs have over the masses. (Inverting stereotypes can lead to interesting results; for instance, Norman Spinrad's story The Big Flash has the U.S. Government using a rock group to gain popular acceptance for dropping an atomic bomb.) This is especially true of PC celebrities, whose main power will be their ability to manipulate and inspire (or demoralize) masses of people — their charms will have little effect on other PCs.
Whatever their area of expertise, there are certain things that are a must for a truly popular celeb. Appearance, Charisma, and Wealth top the list of advantages — add Musical Ability and Voice in many cases. Common disadvantages include Addiction, Alcoholism, Compulsive Behavior, Enemies, Lecherousness, Megalomania and Overconfidence
Some important skills for a celebrity might be Acting, Artist, Bard, Dancing, Leadership, Musical Instrument, Performance, Poetry, Politics, Public Speaking, Savoir-Faire, Sex Appeal, Singing, Theology or Writing. A celeb PC will be in the public eye at all times. If he or she wants to engage in any shadowy activities, a second (and secret) identity may be necessary.

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #7 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:38:03 »
劇透 -   :
The role of the police also varies from world to world. In an urban jungle, the cops are often satisfied to keep the criminals isolated in certain sections of town. Actual arrests, at least in this "Zone," are rare. In a police state, though, a police officer may have absolute power as on-site judge, jury and (if need be) executioner.
 Some police departments will discriminate against would-be officers with obvious cyber enhancements — others encourage this kind of modification, and may offer to pay a percentage of the cost for their officers. All cops need skills such as Area Knowledge (of their beat or precinct), Beam Weapons, Brawling, Criminology, Detect Lies, Driving, Fast-Draw, First Aid, Guns, Interrogation, Running, Shortsword (baton), Speed-Load, Shadowing and Streetwise.
Bad Cop: In a corrupt and capitalistic cyberpunk world, there will always be graft within the police department.Many cops will be owned lock,stock and barrel by a criminal organization,corporation or private party.In return for his services, the bad cop can expect regular payoffs.
 Not all bad cops are on the make — some are merely badge-wearing thugs who take great pleasure in abusing their position. They will shake down street dealers, steal from merchants and beat up drifters. They will cheerfully commit perjury to protect themselves or their cronies.
Common bad cop advantages include Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, Legal Enforcement Powers and Toughness. Disadvantages often found are Alcoholism, Bad Temper, Bloodlust, Bully, Duty, No Sense of Humor, Sadism and Bad Reputation.
 Good Cop: Even in the grim world of cyberpunk, there will still be idealists who want to change the world for the better. The good cop operates "by the book" — anyone offering him a bribe will find himself behind bars. He is often unpopular among his fellow officers, as he can be ruthless in ferreting out corruption within the department.
 Good cops (PCs or otherwise) will quickly accumulate an impressive list of Enemies. Other disadvantages include Code of Honor, Duty, Honesty, Sense of Duty,Truthfulness and Vow.Common advantages are Charisma,Empathy,Legal Enforcement Powers, Strong Will and Reputation.
Maverick: A maverick is a cop with a crusade. He has one or more issues that he feels strongly about (drug abuse, youth gangs, illegal cybernetics, net crime, etc.), and he is fanatical in his pursuit of them. He will often be considered the department "expert" on his particular peeve. Mavericks are notorious for breaking (or at least bending) the rules in their pursuit of justice; for this reason, a maverick may get demoted regularly — only to have his rank reinstated after the next spectacular bust!
 Common advantages for a maverick cop include Combat Reflexes, Legal Enforcement Powers, Reputation, Strong Will and Toughness. Disadvantages might be Compulsive Behavior, Duty, Enemies, Fanaticism, Sense of Duty and Vow.

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #8 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:38:58 »
许多这样的“西装男”将配备某种赛博科技——sockets, plugs等。如果整个世界都对显而易见的实体cyberwear皱眉头,那么成功的生意人就会回避它(或尽可能地隐藏它);要不是这样的话,赛博科技就是因人而异的了。
劇透 -   :
The role of corporations will vary from world to world. In some places, they have been taken over by an all-powerful government that controls production, manufacturing and distribution of everything. In this case, any corporate characters will be mid- to upper-level civil service bureaucrats. But in other worlds the corporations are the government; either they have replaced traditional forms of government with a corporate state, or the government is weak and ineffective enough to be unable to stop the megacorps from doing as they please.
Either way, in most cyberpunk worlds the corporations of today have mushroomed into ocean-straddling giants, with tentacles reaching from algae farms beneath the ocean to satellite factories in space. It is in this world that playing a corporate character becomes challenging.
 A "corp" is not a merchant — that's for brokers. Instead, he is a middle- or upper-level executive in a large (usually multinational) business. His job is to see that the best interests of his company are forwarded — along with his career!
 Competition is stiff inside most megacorps; an executive will always have to deal with jealous rivals envious of his success, competitors who scrutinize him for any sign of weakness, ambitious underlings who want his job, and paranoid upper-management types who see him as a threat to their jobs.
In some corporations, very civilized rules govern what is and isn't permitted in pursuit of the company's goals (see the Rizome Corporation in Islands in the Net by Bruce Sterling, for instance). Other companies conduct murder, sabotage and industrial espionage with ruthless efficiency.
All corporates must have the Duty disadvantage (usually on a 12 or less) — by definition, they work for someone. The problems that they must deal with are generally handed to them by superiors, though the method used to handle the problem is left up to the individual. This does not, however, mean that they have a Sense of Duty to the corporation! Many corporate characters will have private agendas of their own, and their goals may not coincide with that of the company Board of Directors.
As NPCs, corporates provide the GM with a good method of bringing the PCs together. They are always putting together op teams for some mission or another, and they often prefer to use non-company personnel, in order to preserve deniability.
The GM should be careful to limit the amount of corporation resources that PCs can draw upon — megacorps are in business to make a profit, not to outfit entire mercenary crews with state-of-the-art equipment. Of course, if the stakes are high enough, the operation important enough, and the PCs good enough, then the corporate purse strings will be loosened as much as necessary.
Typical corporate advantages include Charisma, Patrons (the corporation itself is usually an expensive Patron), Status and Wealth. Disadvantages such as Enemies, Jealousy, Sense of Duty and Odious Personal Habit (Workaholic) are all fairly common.
Necessary skills will vary widely from company to company, but some common ones are Accounting, Administration, Computer Operation, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Politics, Public Speaking, Teaching and Writing.
Many "suits" will have some sort of neural cybertech — sockets, plugs, etc. If the world as a whole frowns upon obvious physical cyberwear, then successful businessmen will shy away from it (or hide it as much as possible); otherwise, cybertech will vary from individual to individual.

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Re: 【GURPS cyberpunk】第一章 角色
« 回帖 #9 于: 2019-10-25, 周五 23:41:20 »
劇透 -   :
The cyberprep world is the flip side of cyberpunk. What are those outlaws rebelling against? There is a safe and secure world in the c-punk future, though it's available to few. Just think of the things that today's yuppies would do if they could augment their bodies and plug their minds into the net. Expensive, decadent fun.
 The cyberprep character has lots of money to spend on himself, and no concept of what the real world is like. Typical advantages would be Appearance Contacts, Status and Wealth. He might even be smart and talented, but, by definition, he doesn't have the street tough or the corporate ruthlessness that goes into cyberpunk.
 Cyberpreps aren't likely to have any significant physical disadvantages; Mummy and Dads had them fixed years ago. Mental disadvantages are much more likely. In particular, the typical c-prep also suffers from the 15-point Delusion "None Of This Is Real." When he encounters the gritty world of the streets — or, for that matter, of boardroom realities — he's likely to treat it as a game, where everybody gets their marbles back at the end of the evening.
Few of the cyberpreppie's skills would have been acquired for practical reasons. Area Knowledge (of the good side of town), Carousing, Languages, Savoir-Faire, Sex Appeal, and sports and vehicle skills would be common. Scrounging, Streetwise and most other thief/spy skills are right out! But a pleasure-seeker might wind up with high levels in a few useful skills, such as Judo or Karate, Netrunning, or any  weapon.
A cyberprep type might have any modifications (cost is no object), or none at all. If augmentations are in fashion, he'll be solid chrome. If obvious mods are considered "declasse," all his improvements will be invisible.
A single cyberpreppie, slumming, might fit into a "normal" cyberpunk PC group… if he had abilities that made him worth babysitting. If nobody wants to play this poor innocent, he makes a good NPC.