作者 主题: 【DA】冥思启悟(Meditations and Revelations)  (阅读 8605 次)

副标题: 神术选集章节补译,风味文字与背景、专长部分

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【DA】冥思启悟(Meditations and Revelations)
« 于: 2020-11-13, 周五 13:58:13 »
冥思启悟(Meditations and Revelations)
出自Divine Anthology,10~15页
双魂阿姆维拉克(Amvirak Twin-Souls),原名阿姆维拉克·多勒雷斯,生平大部分时间都是神圣信仰的鲜明反对者。在远征期间,他不遗余力地将自己的观念强加于虔信者身上。在身为塔尔多北部小领主的同时也是技艺高超的法师,阿姆维拉克追缉牧师、武僧、先知和其他虔信者与称信者。他将逮捕的所有人关押在庄园地下的牢房中,对他们进行一系列骇人的长期拷问,他残忍地折磨信徒们,嘲笑神祇抛弃了他们,声称他们的信仰毫无意义。最终放弃了信仰的人得到了释放,但坚持信仰的人则被他囚禁在地牢中数年乃至数十年。

《冥思启悟》虽然未必受欢迎,但在内海、乌笃剌(Vudra)、天夏(Tian Xia)等地广泛传播。书中介绍的方法与技巧高度主观,不同的读者时常从中得到截然不同但同样有效的解释。在某些地区,这本书已经吸引了不少信徒,他们对书中内容仔细研究并添加注释,形成了具备指导思想的独特特征。下列信仰背景并不限定仅有来自这些地区的角色选取,但角色背景应该有机会直接学习《冥思启悟》的智慧,或者间接地接受一位导师的指导。

留神预备Heedful Readiness(信念):多年的冥想和正念令你能够在瞬间的专注下正确行动。每日一次,你可以在先攻检定中加上感知修正。

冥想休息Meditative Rest(信念):当你确定需要充分休息多长时间来准备法术时,你可以忽略休息期间第一次打断,但中断时间不能超过15分钟。若你在这段时间中施法,你不将这些法术计入你醒来后准备法术时的每日法术限制之中。

由于《冥思启悟》充满希望的信息与对精神的激励给予了反抗政府压迫政权的黛丝娜信徒以力量与安慰,阴影朝廷(Umbral Court)对它持否定意见。持有该书已被定为非法,被发现携带此书会遭受酷刑乃至被处死,然而反对阴影朝廷的人们仍能通过该书来坚定决心。
黎明前的黑暗Darkest Before Dawn(信念):即使所有人都已陷入绝望,你的敬拜仍会支持你。你在对抗情绪(emotion)、恐惧(Fear)或痛苦(Pain)描述符的法术的豁免检定中获得+2背景加值。每日一次,你可将该加值提升至+4,但你必须在尝试豁免前做出该决定。

顺从力量Strength of Submission(信念):你对拉兹密尔教会的信仰和对拉兹密尔的顺从赋予你力量与明晰。当你受到胁迫(Compulsion)效果影响时,你在攻击检定和伤害骰上获得+1背景加值。


先决条件:崇神仪典(Deific Obedience),宗教知识5级,与信仰神祇阵营一致。




已有翻译,见神术选集【Divine Anthology】——冥想,冥想法术

已有翻译,见【Divine Anthology】《神圣选集》 全职业变体及相关背景资料翻译整理,遵从变体、神伐先勇与神圣典范。

劇透 -   :
Meditations and Revelations
Amvirak Twin-Souls, born as Amvirak Doleres, spent much of his life as an outspoken critic of all things divine, and frequently went to extreme lengths in his crusade to enforce his views upon the devout. Lord of a minor province in northern Taldor and an accomplished wizard, Amvirak would seek out clerics, monks, oracles, and other devout or outspoken worshipers. He imprisoned those he could capture in cells below his manor and subjected them to a series of grisly secular inquisitions wherein the faithful were submitted to grim tortures, taunts that their deity had forsaken them, and claims that their faith was worthless. Those who eventually renounced their religion Amvirak released, but those who persevered he kept imprisoned in his dungeons for years, or even decades.
Late in his life, though, the cruel Lord Amvirak experienced a powerful spiritual awakening when one of his prisoners, a priest of Sarenrae, managed what the others had not. He turned Amvirak's arguments back against him, forgave him, and redeemed him. The nature of what this nameless priest said to Amvirak is unknown—but the effects were swift. Amvirak released his prisoners and sold everything he owned, splitting the proceeds of the sale among his surviving victims. He then accompanied the priest of Sarenrae back to Qadira, where he spent the rest of his days in seclusion in a remote monastery. He took the name “Twin-Souls” at this time, claiming that his old, tainted soul had been stripped from him and a fresh new one had been granted in its place.
Amvirak lived the rest of his days in that monastery, where he worked off the spiritual debt he'd incurred in his persecution of the divine. He penned many lengthy works about his experiences, and while the earlier ones wallowed in self-pity and remorse, Amvirak's observations on faith grew more astute as his own devotion grew. He never accepted Sarenrae as his patron deity (although he certainly admired her), instead spending his time seeking a way to help others learn that faith was not a crutch or a f law but a great source of strength worthy of pursuing. His f inal treatise was the lengthy tome for which he is most well-known: Meditations and Revelations.
The pages of this tome outline Amvirak's spiritual awakening, but not a trace of his earlier self-pity and shame is apparent in the text. He records nine revelations that he received from the divine, as well as a number of essays on meditation techniques and the power and importance of prayer and worship. The book is not specif ic to any one god, and while the religions of many different deities f ind it to be useful, it is generally considered secondary reading material. Those that value it most generally do so for its meditative techniques, rather than its philosophy.

Meditations and Revelations enjoys widespread distribution, though not necessarily popularity, in the Inner Sea, Vudra, Tian Xia, and beyond. The methods and techniques detailed within are highly subjective, and two different readers can easily come away with two entirely distinct but equally effective interpretation. In certain regions where the book has gained traction among the faithful, their careful study and exegesis of the book's contents have resulted in the development of unique traits that can guide one's mind. A character need not hail from any one of these source regions to select one of the following faith traits, but should have an opportunity in her background to have studied the wisdom of Meditations and Revelations, either directly or through the guidance of a learned mentor.

The meditative techniques described in the book are particularly valued by the monasteries on the isle of Jalmeray, and many of the isle's devout have incorporated these techniques into their training. While many of these techniques were f irst developed ages ago in the distant land of Vudra, they are not constrained to Jalmeray, and the methods are spreading quickly throughout the Inner Sea region, particularly through the nearby lands of Qadira, Osirion, and Katapesh.
Heedful Readiness (Faith): Your years of meditation and mindfulness allow you to act correctly on a moment's notice. Once per day, you can add your Wisdom modif ier to an initiative check.

Many elves appreciate the meditative techniques found in Meditations and Revelations, though those who pursue them generally do so less for self-improvement and more to f ind peace, tranquility, and mindfulness. A handful of very devoted readers from Kyonin have even discovered a way to augment sleep with meditation so as to make the daily ritual of spell preparation f low even more smoothly.
Meditative Rest (Faith): When you rest, you ignore the f irst time you are interrupted during that rest for the purposes of determining how long you need to rest in full to regain the capacity to regain spells, provided the interruption lasts no more than 15 minutes. If you cast spells during this interruption, you don't count these against your daily limit of spells when you wake and prepare spells.

The Umbral Court takes a dim view of Meditations and Revelations, whose hopeful message and spiritual aff irmations lend strength and comfort to the Desnans who defy the government's oppressive regime. Ownership of the book has been outlawed, with the penalties for being caught with a copy ranging from torture to death, yet those who would f ight against the Umbral Court f ind much within the pages to bolster their cause.
Darkest Before Dawn (Faith): Your devotion sustains you when others would fall to despair. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against spells with the emotionUM, fear, or painUM descriptor. Once per day, you can increase this bonus to +4 for a single save, but you must make this decision before you attempt the saving throw.

Unsurprisingly, the priests of Razmir have little love for Meditations and Revelations, as its message lies in the power of faith itself (and otherwise blends poorly with their doctrines). The church of Razmir distributes a heavily edited and altered version of the book that lacks most of the meditative techniques. What remains has been reworked to focus on Razmir as the only god worthy of worship, but these new techniques have inspired a certain strength in the faithful of Razmir who take the revised book to heart.
Strength of Submission (Faith): Your faith in the church of Razmir and willingness to surrender yourself to him lend you strength and clarity. Whenever you are under the effects of a compulsion effect, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Meditations and Revelations contains extensive instruction on the importance of opening the mind and soul to one's deity, and in so doing achieving spiritual communion and harmony. The following feats are commonly taken by those who follow the book's teachings.

Your intense faith in your deity allows you to gain boons not granted to most followers.
Prerequisites: Deif ic ObedienceISG, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, alignment must match that of your worshiped deity.
Benefit: You are treated as though you had 2 more Hit Dice than you actually do for the purposes of determining what divine boons you gain as a result of performing your deity's obedience. Diverse Obedience doesn't allow access to divine boons granted through prestige classes early, as those boons are tied to prestige class levels gained, not overall Hit Dice. If you take levels in a prestige class or archetype that offers accelerated access to a boon, this benef it may be superf luous.
Additionally, whenever you would gain a boon as a result of your Deific Obedience feat (and not through a prestige class), you can choose among the options available for evangelist, exalted, or sentinel boons. Once you make the selection, it is permanent, but you can choose from a different category each time you gain a new boon as you increase your Hit Dice.

Your close, personal connection with your deity grants you insight into his or her wishes.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, alignment must match that of your worshiped deity.
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you can ponder whether or not your deity would approve or disapprove of a particular course of action, and whether that action would impact your alignment. The GM decides if the action is one your deity would approve of, and if it is, you gain an insight bonus equal to your Wisdom modif ier (minimum of +1) on any d20 roll made in association with that action during this round. For every 3 ranks you have in Knowledge (religion), you can use this ability an additional time per day, to a maximum of 6 times a day.

You can call upon your deity for a minor miracle.
Prerequisites: Wis 12, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, alignment must match that of your worshiped deity.
Benefit: Choose two domains associated with your deity (if you have access to one or more domains already, the chosen domains can be the same ones you already have access to, or different ones). Once per day, by presenting a holy symbol of your deity and calling out in supplication, you can cast the 1st-level spell associated with either of the two chosen domains as a spell-like ability. You choose which domain's spell you cast at the time you use the ability. Your caster level for this effect is equal to your total Hit Dice, and the saving throw DC, if any, is Charisma-based.

Your intense belief in your deity allows you to benef it more from divine magic he or she provides.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 1 rank, alignment must match that of your worshiped deity.
Benefit: Whenever you are the only target of a divine spell cast by a follower of your chosen deity other than you, the spell's caster level is treated as though it were 2 higher than it actually is. Additionally, whenever you regain hit points as a result of a worshiper of your deity other than you channeling energy or casting a cure spell, you regain 1 additional hit point per die rolled for the healing gained.
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-13, 周五 14:09:27 由 晴澈之空 »