作者 主题: 【HoG】龙国操念使(Kineticists of the Dragon Empires)  (阅读 12921 次)

副标题: 操念使职业选项

离线 晴澈之空

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龙国操念使(Kineticists of the Dragon Empires)
出自Heroes of Golarion,26~27页

天夏的操念使们已经掌握了各种独有传统,使得他们能够以符合其种族独有特征的形式来使用元素力量。下列独特的通用原力(Utility Wild Talents)是龙国各源流操念使的代表性能力。

念力溶影(Kinetic Dissolution)
元素:通用 类别:通用(Su) 等级:1 超载:0
从溶影儿(Dissolution's Child)替换种族特性或光与暗(Light and Dark)种族特性中选择其一。即使你本日已经用尽了所选种族特性的使用次数,你也可以承受1点超载来再次使用该特性。

迷诱使者(Mesmerizing Elementalist)
元素:通用 类别:通用(Su) 等级:1 超载:0
你获得催眠凝视(Hypnotic Gaze)替换种族特性。如果你已拥有该特性,则该特性的豁免DC+1。即使你本日已经用尽了该特性的使用次数,你也可以承受1点超载来再次使用该特性。

九尾操念使(Nine-tailed Kineticist)
元素:通用 类别:通用(Su) 等级:1 超载:0
即使你本日已经用尽了魔性之尾(Magical Tail)专长授予你的类法术能力使用次数,你也可以承受1点超载来再次使用它。你必须能够使用与额外尾巴数目相同级别的原力(Wild Talents)才能如此使用魔性之尾授予的类法术能力。(例如,你必须达到15级且能够使用8级原力才能使用该原力施放魔性之尾授予的支配人类Dominate  Person类法术能力)。此外,当你习得新注能原力或通用原力时可以选取魔性之尾专长作为代替。

往世唤师(Past Life Evoker)
元素:通用 类别:通用(Su) 等级:2 超载:0
每日一次,你可以承受1点超载来选择一个来自任何元素的简易念袭(Simple Blasts)原力。你获得该简易念袭1分钟且该念袭使用你操念使等级-2来决定伤害。你不能用以此法获得的建简易念袭来满足任何先决条件。

天狗异刃(Tengu Blade Lore)
元素:通用 类别:通用(Su) 等级:1 超载:0
先决条件:念刃(Kinetic Blade),天狗

咔哒洞穴(the Clicking Caverns)坐落于娜迦国(Nagajor)与舍海(Xa Hoi)之间。愿意冒险深入此地的探险家能够获得对金属元素无与伦比的操控力。

发条心脏(Clockwork Heart)
元素:土 类型:通用(Su) 等级:3 超载:—
先决条件:轰钢(Metal Blast)
你透过自己对金属的掌控力为自己的身体添加了发条装置。只要这些发条组件处于驱动状态(参见发条亚种特性),你便获得精通先攻(Improved Initiative)和闪电反射(Lightning Reflexes)专长的好处。
(速查: 发条驱动 Winding, Ex:发条生物必须通过特殊的发条钥匙驱动。一般而言,上足发条可以活动的时间等于每 HD 1 天。但驱动时间可以被延长或缩短。)

发条傀儡(Clockwork Puppet)
元素:土 类型:通用(Su) 等级:5 超载:0
先决条件:轰钢(Metal Blast)
你可以编织金属与发条创造发条构装体攻击你的敌人。能力如以太傀儡(Aether Puppet)般运作,除了火花物体获得发条亚种且不能获得岩石结构(Stone)构装体能力。

创新火花(Spark of Innovation)
元素:土 类型:通用(Sp) 等级:5 超载:0
先决条件:轰钢(Metal Blast)
你将金属塑成发条生物,如同生命火花(Spark of Life),除了你召唤一个发条土元素。该元素属于构装体(发条亚种),且获得构装体特性和发条亚种特性取代元素特性。该生物不具备它通常拥有的任何类法术能力和超自然能力。若你掌握高等元素语者(Elemental Whisper, Greater)通用原力,则你可以获得一只发条魔宠(Clockwork Familiar)作为进阶魔宠取代土元素。
(译者:原译生命闪烁Spark of Life、高等元素低语Elemental Whisper, Greater)
(速查:发条魔宠Clockwork Familiar高等元素低语Elemental Whisper, Greater


毒素混注(Venom Admixture)
元素:通用 类型:性质注能 等级:2 超载:2
先决条件:毒素语者(Venom Speaker)
你可以向念袭中注入毒药。要使用该注能,你必须持有一剂毒素或能以专长或种族特性制造毒素(例如喷毒Spit Venom专长或毒性皮肤Toxic Skin替换种族特性)。这剂毒素或你所使用的专长或种族特性的使用次数会被消耗,而受到该注能念袭伤害的生物受该毒素影响,使用与该毒素相同的类型、豁免、豁免DC、频率、效果和治愈。

毒素注能(Venom Infusion)
元素:通用 类型:性质注能 等级:4 超载:3
先决条件:毒素语者(Venom Speaker)

高等毒素注能(Venom Infusion,Greater)
元素:通用 类型:性质注能 等级:7 超载:4
先决条件:毒素语者(Venom Speaker)),毒素注能(Venom Infusion)
该注能类似于高等萃毒注能(Toxic Infusion, Greater),除了影响所有受该念袭伤害的生物。

毒素语者(Venom Speaker)
元素:通用 类型:通用(Su) 等级:1 超载:0
你获得调查员的毒剂学识(Posion Lore)职业能力且使用你的操念使等级作为调查员等级,此外,你可在用手或肢体握持毒剂时使用念力凝聚(Gather Power)职业能力。6级起,当你习得新通用原力时可以选取炼金术师的迅捷上毒(Swift Poisoning)职业能力或下列炼金术师科研发现之一作为代替:浓缩毒药(Concentrate poison),毒素转换(Poison Conversion),粘性毒药(Sticky poison)。


元素:气 类型:塑形注能 等级:3 超载:2
关联念袭类别:电刺(Electric Blast),风雷击(Thunderstorm Blast)

念力恫吓(Kinetic Awe)
元素:通用 类型:通用(Su) 等级:1 超载:0
你展示元素力量的恐怖。此原理如炫目技巧(Dazzling Display)般运作,除了你可以标准动作使用。若你在同一轮内使用了念力凝聚(Gather Power)则你可在威吓检定上获得操念使等级一半的加值,如此使用会消耗凝聚力量。该原力也被视为炫目技巧专长,所有影响炫目技巧的专长和其他效果(如粉碎防御Shatter Defenses)也适用于它,且你可将该原力视为炫目技巧来满足战斗专长的先决条件。

行空(Sky Walk)
元素:气 类型:通用(Sp) 等级:7 超载:1
先决条件:气流缓冲(Air Cushion)或空气跃动(Air's Leap),大气之翼(Wings of Air)

<img src="https://s3.ax1x.com/2020/11/11/BvRXzq.png" alt="BvRXzq.png" border="0" />

劇透 -   :
Kineticists of the Dragon Empires
Tian  Xia  is  a  land  famous  for  its  people’s  connections  to  the  spirits  and  elements,  and  as  a  result,  many  races  and  cultures  native  to  the  Dragon  Empires  have  developed  unique  traditions  that  allow  them  to  brandish  elemental  power in styles all their own.

Kineticists  throughout  Tian  Xia  have  mastered  a  variety  of  unique  traditions  that  enable  them  to  wield  elemental  power  in  tandem  with  their  races’  unique  physiologies.  The following utility wild talents represent several unique powers that kineticists of different stripes from the Dragon Empires have mastered.

Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisites wayang, chosen racial trait
Choose either the dissolution’s childARG alternate racial trait or the light and darkARG racial trait. You can use the chosen racial trait by accepting 1 point of burn, even if you have no daily uses of that racial trait remaining.

Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisite nagaji
You gain the hypnotic gaze nagaji alternate racial traitARG. If you already have this trait, add +1 to the trait’s save DC instead. You can use the hypnotic gaze racial trait by accepting 1 point of burn, even if you have no daily uses of that racial trait remaining.

Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisite kitsune
You  can  cast  a  spell-like  ability  granted  to  you  by  any  Magical TailARG  feat  you  have  by  accepting  1  point  of  burn,  even  if  you have no daily uses of that spell-like ability remaining. You must be able to use wild talents of a level equal to the number of extra tails required to use a spell-like ability granted by a Magic Tail feat to use this ability to cast that spell-like ability (for example, you would need to be 15th level and able to use 8th-level wild talents to use this talent  to  cast  the dominate  person spell-like ability  granted  by  Magical  Tail).  In  addition, you  can  learn  a  Magical  Tail  feat  that  you qualify for in place of gaining a new infusion or utility wild talent.

Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 2; Burn 0
Prerequisite samsaran
Once per day, you can accept 1 point of burn to choose one simple blast wild talent belonging to  any  element.  You  gain  the  chosen  simple blast  wild  talent  for  1  minute,  using  your kineticist  level  –  2  to  determine  the  blast talent’s damage. The simple blast wild talent you  gain  in  this  way  does  not  allow  you  to meet any prerequisites.

Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
Prerequisites kinetic blade, tengu
Whenever you use kinetic blade or an infusion that lists kinetic blade as a prerequisite, the weapon you create counts as having one  of  the  following  weapon  special  features  of  your  choice: blocking, brace, deadly, disarm, distracting, sunder, or trip.

Nestled  between  Nagajor  and  Xa  Hoi  lie  the  mysterious  Clicking Caverns. Explorers willing to risk these depths can gain unrivaled command over the element of metal.

Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 3; Burn —
Prerequisite metal blast
You  have  used  your  power  over  metal  to  add  clockwork components  to  your  own  body.  So  long  as  these  clockwork components  are  kept  wound  (per  the  winding  ability  of  the clockwork subtypeB3), you gain the benefits of both the Improved Initiative and Lightning Reflexes feats.

Element earth; Type utility (Su); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite metal blast
You  can  weave  metal  into  clockwork  parts,  creating  clockwork constructs to attack your foes. This functions as the aether puppet wild  talent,  except  the  object  animated  gains  the  clockwork subtype and cannot have the stone Construction Point ability.

Element earth; Type utility (Sp); Level 5; Burn 0
Prerequisite metal blast
You shape metal into a clockwork creature, as spark of lifeOA except you summon a clockwork earth elemental. The elemental’s type is changed to construct (clockwork) and it gains construct traits and clockwork traits instead of elemental traits. The creature loses any spell-like abilities or supernatural abilities it normally has. If you have the greater elemental whispers utility wild talent, you can take a clockwork familiarB5 as an improved familiar with that ability instead of an earth elemental.

Venokineticists draw forth deadly toxins from the elements.

Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Prerequisite venom speaker
Associated Blasts any simple or composite
Saving Throw see text
You can infuse your kinetic blast with poison. To use this infusion, you must be holding a dose of poison or have at least one use of  a  feat  or  racial  trait  that  produces  poison  (such  as  the  Spit VenomARG  feat  or  the  toxic  skinARG  grippli  alternate  racial  trait). One  dose  of  poison  or  one  use  of  your  feat  or  racial  trait  is consumed  if  applicable,  and  creatures  damaged  by  the  infused blast are affected by the poison. Use the same type, save, save DC, frequency, effect, and cure as the consumed poison.

Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 4; Burn 3
Prerequisite venom speaker
Associated Blasts any simple or composite
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
All  of  your  blasts  are  mildly  toxic.  Creatures  that  take  damage from your blast are sickened for 1 round.

Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4
Prerequisites venom speaker, venom infusion
Associated Blasts any simple or composite
Saving Throw Fortitude negates
This  talent  functions  as  the  greater  toxic  infusion  wild  talentUW, except it affects any creature that takes any type of damage from the blast.

Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You  gain  the  investigator’s  poison  lore  class  feature  (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 31), using your kineticist level as your investigator level, and can use your gather power ability even while holding a dose of poison in one of your hands or appendages as long as you could otherwise use that ability. If you are at least 6th level,  you  can  learn  the  alchemist’s  swift  poisoning  class  feature or one of the following alchemist discoveries in place of a utility wild  talent,  using  your  kineticist  level  as  your  alchemist  level: concentrate poisonAPG, poison conversionUC, or sticky poisonAPG.

The people of Yjae, the last remaining of the ancient Shory flying cities, are masters of the art of elemental air.

Element air; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Associated Blasts electric blast, thunderstorm blast
Saving Throw Reflex half
You unleash a bolt of lightning above an enemy within 30 feet and  send  it  spiraling  down  with  tremendous  force.  Each  bolt  is a 5-foot-wide, 30-foot-long, vertical bolt, dealing your full blast damage  to  creatures  within  the  line.  If  all  squares  in  the  bolt’s area are outdoors and in a storm, the blast deals an additional 1 point of damage per die. The saving throw is Dexterity-based.

Element universal; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You  create  a  terrifying  display  of  elemental  power.  This  ability functions as Dazzling Display, except you can use this ability as a standard action and you add half your kineticist level as a bonus on your Intimidate check if you’ve used gather power during the same round; doing so expends the gathered power. This ability otherwise  counts  as  the  Dazzling  Display  feat;  feats  and  other effects which affect Dazzling Display (such as Shatter Defenses) apply to it, and it counts as Dazzling Display for the purpose of meeting combat feat prerequisites.

Element air; Type utility (Sp); Level 7; Burn 1
Prerequisites air cushion or air’s leap, wings of air
By accepting 1 point of burn, you can enable your allies to fly, as mass fly, except the duration of the effect is 10 minutes.
« 上次编辑: 2020-11-11, 周三 23:48:29 由 晴澈之空 »

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Re: 【HoG】龙国操念使(Kineticists of the Dragon Empires)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-12, 周四 21:03:06 »


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Re: 【HoG】龙国操念使(Kineticists of the Dragon Empires)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-11-13, 周五 09:35:50 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【HoG】龙国操念使(Kineticists of the Dragon Empires)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-11-13, 周五 10:41:07 »