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《地狱叛军 Hell's Rebels》玩家手册
« 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 10:42:12 »

在切利亚斯帝国,一股新的威胁正在崛起,并挑战着斯戎家族,迫使切利亚斯政府对大部分城市采取了戒严,《地狱叛军》的冒险之路随之拉开了序幕。本战役基本上完全聚焦于金塔格(Kintargo)这座城市,它又被称为“银之城”,一个名为巴基莱·斯戎(特鲁恩,Barzillai Thrune)的强大审判者成为了新市长,玩家的角色既可以是这座城市的本地人,也可以是那些在新市长接管这座城市时被滞留在城内的人。随着金塔格的压迫越来越沉重,革命的种子也在发芽壮大,PC们将奋战在革命的前线!因此这个冒险之路最适合渴望看到金塔格自由或者渴望挑战强大的斯戎家族和邪恶的阿斯莫迪斯教会的角色。

叛军集结(Coming Together)
自切利亚斯内战结束的4640 AR年起,三重诅咒的斯戎家族在阿斯摩蒂斯教会的帮助下,将切利亚斯帝国的统治权稳稳的握在手中。但是在今年,从神爪(Godclaw)的地狱骑士团重获艾奥梅黛的圣物开始,一系列事件便挑战着斯戎家族的统治。一个遭切利亚斯流放的艾奥梅黛圣骑士为了恢复家族的荣耀,集结了一众圣战者并向神爪的老巢丁亚(Dinyar)城堡进军,他们酣畅淋漓地打败了地狱骑士后取得了那个强大的艾奥梅黛圣物。接着,收复格拉里昂政权运动的召唤如野火般侵袭着切利亚斯帝国的南部和东部。斯戎家族则迅速地采取了措施,派遣了亲信特务到帝国的各个重要城镇执行戒严令。
      《地狱叛军》的故事并不是关于收复格拉里昂政权运动与斯戎家族的冲突——这个故事会在下一个冒险之路——《地狱复仇》中讲述(详见第四页边栏“What Hell’s Rebel Is Not!”)。《地狱叛军》发生在银之城金塔格,是关于把银之城的人民推向反抗斯戎家族的革命边缘的故事。
      冒险之路始于金塔格的咏歌公园(Aria Park),它位于当地著名的歌剧院正南边,这里正进行着一场起初还相对和平的示威活动,你和其他PC们集结于此。后面所介绍的战役背景不仅包含了你的角色参与这一冒险之路的第一部分的个人任务目标,还给予了角色出席这一示威活动的缘由。其中一些背景给出了你早已认识其他PC的理由,但你也可以选择在冒险之路的第一部分——“踏入光明的地狱阴影”(In Hell’s Bright Shadow)开始时结识你的伙伴。
引述: 边栏
别对地狱叛军想太多!(What Hell’s Rebels is Not!)
地狱叛军是一个关于金塔格,和一群革命者为保护这座城市免受斯戎家族残酷而不公正对待的英勇故事。它不是一个可以让你的玩家解放整个切利亚斯帝国的地方,也不打算让你的玩家与光复军(Glorious Reclamation)的新骑士结盟。在切利亚斯其他地方发生的事情将影响,在某些情况下,会使地狱的叛军发展,但总的来说,这条冒险之路仍然存在于金塔格和周围的瑞瓦诺(Ravounel)大公国。冒险之路计划中紧随地狱叛军(Hell's Rebels)的是地狱复仇(Hell's Vengeance),在那个冒险之路中,玩家扮演斯戎家族的邪恶盟友,并且保护切利亚斯帝国——光复军骑士是主要的敌人,虽然他们是一个守序善良的组织,但是他们并没有被规划为玩家角色选项中,并且也不打算在地狱叛军冒险之路中有很多存在感。

劇透 -  原文:
The Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path begins soon after a new threat to Thrune rises in the empire of Cheliax, forcing the government to place its largest cities under martial law. This campaign is focused almost entirely on the city of Kintargo, and your characters are either natives of that city or those caught within its walls when a new lord-mayor, a powerful inquisitor named Barzillai Thrune, takes control of the so-called Silver City. As things grow more and more oppressive in Kintargo, the need for rebellion grows as well, and your PCs will be at the forefront of that rebellion! As a result, this Adventure Path works best with characters eager to see Kintargo’s freedom, or with characters eager to face off against the might of House Thrune and the sinister church of Asmodeus.
Ever since the end of the Chelish Civil War in 4640 ar, the thrice-damned House Thrune has, with the aid of the church of Asmodeus, controlled the empire of Cheliax without fail. But in the current year, a series of events finally challenges that rule, starting with the recovery of an Iomedaean artifact by the Hellknight Order of the Godclaw. An expatriate of Cheliax and paladin of Iomedae, herself eager to reclaim her family’s name, rounds up an army of crusaders and marches on Citadel Dinyar, the Order of the Godclaw’s home, and soundly defeats the Hellknights to reclaim the potent holy artifact. The call of the Glorious Reclamation spreads like wildfire through southern and eastern Cheliax, and House Thrune is quick to react by sending trusted agents out to place the empire’s greatest cities under martial law.
    Hell’s Rebels does not tell the story of the conflict between the Glorious Reclamation and House Thrune—that tale will be told in the next Adventure Path, Hell’s Vengeance (see the “What Hell’s Rebels Is Not!” sidebar on page 4 for more information). Instead, it tells the story of the Silver City of Kintargo, and of the events that finally pushes its population over the edge into open rebellion against House Thrune.The Adventure Path begins with the PCs drawn together at what is initially a relatively peaceful protest in Kintargo’s Aria Park, just south of its famous opera house. Each of the campaign traits presented later in this adventure carries with it not only a personal goal for your character to seek during the first part of the Adventure Path but a reason to be in attendance at the protest. Some of these traits might suggest ways your character could already know one of the other PCs, but you could just as easily end up meeting your new companions for the first time in Aria Park as the first adventure, “In Hell’s Bright Shadow,” begins.
What Hell’s Rebels is Not!
Hell’s Rebels is about Kintargo, and the valiant efforts of a group of rebels to protect this city from the cruelties and injustices of House Thrune. It is not intended to be the Adventure Path wherein your PCs liberate the entire empire of Cheliax, nor is intended to be one where your PCs ally with the new knights of the Glorious Reclamation. The events taking place elsewhere in Cheliax will influence and, in some cases, enable developments to come in Hell’s Rebels, but by and large, this Adventure Path remains in Kintargo and the surrounding Archduchy of Ravounel.The Adventure Path scheduled to follow Hell’s Rebels is called Hell’s Vengeance. In that Adventure Path, the PCs take on the roles of evil allies of House Thrune and work to preserve the empire of Cheliax—the knights of the Glorious Reclamation are the primary antagonists, and while this group is a lawful good organization, they are not intended to be player character options, nor are they intended to have much of a presence in the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path.

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角色建议 Character Tips
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 10:42:30 »
角色建议(Character Tips)

你正要开始地狱叛军冒险之路,但你应该扮演什么样的角色?制作适合金塔格的角色并在遭遇中表现出色的最佳方法是什么? 以下提示、建议和角色选项旨在帮助您创建一个非常适合帮助守护金塔格的角色,并克服地狱叛军冒险之路为您和您团队带来的挑战。这些建议并非详尽无遗,并且有数千个可行的角色概念可以在这个活动中发挥作用。 有关地狱叛军探险之路中角色的更多讨论,请访问paizo.com上的论坛,并与正在进行此战役的其他人分享您的经验。

变体职业与进阶职业 Archetype and Prestige Classes

ISC盗贼金塔格叛乱者Kintargo Rebel
ISM吟游诗人切利亚斯歌姬Chelish Diva
牧师隐牧师Hidden Priest
ACO战争祭祀自由之刃Liberty’s Blade
ACG战争祭祀信仰先锋Champion of the Faith
游荡剑客大胆渗透者Daring Infiltrator
神秘复仇者Mysterious Avenger
宫廷诗人Court Bard
街头艺人Street Performer
德鲁伊城镇德鲁伊Urban Druid
游侠都市猎人Urban Ranger
ARG先知社群守卫(半身人)Community Guardian
天策Divine Strategist
野蛮人都市野人Urban Barbarian

ISWG刺客或红螳螂杀手Assassin or Red Mantis Assassin只要你能够避开与冒险之路的主题有所冲突的宗教信仰(阿斯莫迪斯、诺格巴、宗-库山,或其他魔鬼半神),你所扮演的一名刺客便可以在这严峻的时期,为叛军提供独特的思路和技能以决定胜败。要谨记,一个角色阵营的邪恶,并不是产生玩家与玩家冲突的借口,也不是通过秘密行动对抗银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)来破坏情节展开,使团队其他成员无法享受冒险乐趣的理由。
POP铃花耕作人(旧译铃花阡陌客)Bellflower Tiller铃花会,这个半身人组织有着长期反抗斯戎家族的传统,特别是反抗切利亚斯的奴隶制。在冒险之路伊始,铃花会正处于艰难时期。一个拥有铃花耕作人进阶职业等级的角色,可以找到支持你角色扮演的一些绝佳机会、主题或独特选项。
晨花讨逆者Dawnflower Dissident尽管晨花会成员在切利亚斯的东部更常见,但这些叛逆的圣斗士们同样在金塔格扮演者重要角色,而并不仅仅是因为最近城里唯一的莎伦莱神龛遭遇了一场神秘大火。在冒险之路中,这些家伙们隐藏本性的能力迟早能派上用场。
地狱骑士ISWG或地狱持节士Hellknight or Hellknight Signifer尽管表面上这不是一个成为地狱叛军的好选择,但金塔格的革命发展确实给予了地狱骑士参与其中的机会。你需要与你的GM讨论,GM会给出你最好能加入的骑士团。不管在什么情况下,你都应该避免在你的角色中加入更多职业可选的炼狱或魔鬼化元素。
贵族后裔Noble Scion切利亚斯拥有着引以为豪的贵族掌权与世袭传统,金塔格也不例外。扮演一个被卷入革命的贵族成员无疑会给你带来独特而难忘的体验。
APG间谍大师Master Spy这一进阶职业(以及其他所有能够增强你的情报能力的进阶职业)是为那些想要专注于秘密潜入、阴谋诡计,和使用巧妙方法来造反的玩家们的绝佳选择。
PFS历史探索者Pathfinder Chronicler由于探索者们因斯戎掌权而难以维持在切利亚斯的活动,这一进阶职业(以及其他所有探索者协会的进阶职业)可能会是一个有趣的选择。金塔格没有探索者分会,而探索者们在革命中亦无足轻重,但是,如果你能够扮演探索者的一个进阶职业,并在解放金塔格的过程中为探索者协会回归切利亚斯铺平道路,那么或许你能够书写历史的新篇章。

血统和秘示域 Bloodlines and Mysteries


魅力 Charisma

《地狱叛军》是一场别开生面的政治阴谋大戏,玩家们需要扮演叛军团伙“银渡鸦”的领头羊。所以说,魅力属性在这个冒险之路中是重中之重,特别是在你的角色需要成为叛军管理者和领导者的时候。当然,一个低魅力的角色也能够在冒险中找到自己的位置——途中会有大量的战斗——但你同样需要了解魅力属性在冒险之路中的额外作用。(详见P. 26~32革命活动规则)

魔宠和动物伙伴 Familiars and Animal Companions


偏好地形和宿敌 Favored Terrains and Favored Enemies


专长和技能 Feats and Skills


隐藏宗教信仰:在金塔格,一般来说,你的宗教信仰可能会使你陷入麻烦,特别是当你信仰了不合法的宗教时,这些信仰包括卡莉丝翠(Calistria)、凯登·凯利恩(Cayden Cailean)、黛丝娜(Desna)、密拉妮(Milani)或莎伦莱(Sarenrae)。许多角色职业(特别是神术施法者)需要将他们的圣物和标识放在身边才能使用职业能力,那么你可以通过唬骗、伪装或巧手检定来对抗欲求获悉你宗教信仰的生物的察觉或察言观色DC,从而保证职业能力的使用又不会泄露你的秘密。(通常GM会决定NPC使用察觉或察言观色中的一种来识破你的扯皮)

语言 Languages


出身 Origins


种族 Races


宗教 Religions


阿巴达尔:在金塔格,阿巴达尔教堂被称为“金色面纱之屋”(House of Golden Veils)。这座神殿原本属于卡莉丝翠,但在斯戎家族夺取了切利亚斯的统治权后,崇拜卡莉丝翠是非法的了。虽然因为市民们倾向于抵制金塔格的制度和组织,这对于金色面纱之屋产生了很大影响,但是对于阿巴达尔的崇拜其实从未真正地在金塔格产生潮流。结果是金色面纱之屋在金塔格更多地是作为银行而不是朝拜之地而存在着。教堂的主教是一位名为梅尔伦·盖斯特里尔(Mhelrem Gesteliel)的半精灵,他是一个耐心的男人,尽管他清楚市民们对于信仰阿巴达尔的观点,但他仍然乐于接受新的成员加入他的教团。


凯登·凯利恩:金塔格的凯登·凯利恩教堂在切利亚斯内战中付之一炬。没人知晓它为何被烧毁的具体情况,但是许多人相信教堂被毁事件涉及到斯戎家族,并且政府还篡改了事件发生的具体缘由和过程,以及凯登·凯利恩信仰在金塔格的历史。如同卡莉丝翠教会,凯登·凯利恩的信徒们现在只能在小团伙中,担惊受怕地避免被斯戎家族发现组织势力从而招来杀身之祸。凯恩·凯利恩神殿曾经的位置已易主,现为宗-库山的神殿,称为“阴影广场”(Shadowsquare)。金塔格的许多妓院、赌场和酒馆还偷偷地供奉着酒神,他们一般把神龛藏在密室中。传闻,包括现已失踪的前市长吉莉雅•拜尼鲁斯(Jilia Bainilus),许多金塔格的市民现在仍然是酒神的信徒。

黛丝娜:黛丝娜信徒们总是游荡在这一地区的各个角落,当斯戎家族掌权后,这里已经没有“星辰之歌”(Song of the Spheres)的神殿去摧毁了。黛丝娜的信仰在环绕着金塔格周边的贫穷地区有着强大的势力,特别是靠近奈多(Nidal)边境的北部平原,在那里,她的追随者们对抗着国家的阴影力量。在金塔格,信仰黛丝娜是非法的,然而这不能阻止她的信徒们私藏神龛,在他们的家里或者集结在秘密地点暗中进行朝拜活动。







不适宜宗教:对于邪恶神祇的信仰不适合地狱义军的主题,特别是对阿斯摩蒂斯、诺格巴、宗库山以及任何大魔鬼、 地狱公爵、雄霸魔或者娼妓女王的信仰,是极其不适合这场冒险之路的!如果你希望你的角色信仰一名邪恶神祇,请跟你的GM沟通,即使如此,避免以上列出的任何一名神祇。如果你真的渴望信仰一名魔鬼或者类似的邪恶神祇,滚去下一个冒险之路,《地狱复仇(Hell’s Vengeance)》去!
劇透 -  剧透:
You’re starting the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path, but what kind of character should you play? What is the best way to make a character that will fit into Kintargo and excel at the encounters to come? The following hints, suggestions, and character options are designed to help you create a character perfectly suited to aiding in the defense of Kintargo and overcoming the challenges the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path has in store for you and your party. These suggestions are not exhaustive, and there are thousands of viable character concepts that can shine in this campaign. For more discussion of characters in the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path, visit the message boards at paizo.com and share your experiences with others who are playing through this campaign.

Archetypes and Prestige Classes
Hell’s Rebels is primarily an urban campaign—while there will be some excursions into the surrounding hinterlands and a fair amount of classic dungeon delving, your characters will never be far from the city of Kintargo for long. All classes are suitable for the Adventure Path, but some classes have more useful options. As a campaign that places the PCs in the role of rebels against a lawful evil government, chaotic and good characters will be the most thematically appropriate. Lawful characters can certainly take part, particularly if they seek to see the end of even a small part of Thrune’s control over Cheliax, but characters who sympathize with House Thrune or the church of Asmodeus will find themselves increasingly fighting against Hell’s Rebels’ themes and plots.
      As an urban campaign, classes that excel at wilderness themes, such as druids and rangers, should make sure to focus on choices that will allow them to function well out of their usual environments. Likewise, classes such as bards, investigators, and rogues will find themselves fitting into this Adventure Path with great ease.
     The following archetypes from various Pathfinder products are all good choices for this Adventure Path.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat: Kintargo rebel (rogue).
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic: Chelish diva (bard) or hidden priest (cleric).
Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins: Liberty’s blade (warpriest).
Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Balance: Negotiator (bard).
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide: Champion of the faith (warpriest), cleaner (slayer), daring infiltrator (swashbuckler), infiltrator (investigator), mastermind (investigator), mysterious avenger (swashbuckler), or sleuth (investigator).
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide: Archivist (bard), court bard (bard), detective (bard), investigator (rogue), rake (rogue), spy (rogue), street performer (bard), urban druid (druid), or urban ranger (ranger).
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide: Community guardian (oracle) or saboteur (alchemist).
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat: Charlatan (rogue), crusader (cleric), divine strategist (cleric), falconer (ranger), tactician (fighter), or urban barbarian (barbarian).
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic: Celebrity (bard), demagogue (bard), heretic (inquisitor), infiltrator (inquisitor), or separatist (cleric).

      Many prestige classes are appropriate choices for the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path. Those that require lawful or evil alignments to qualify for tend to be tricky choices (mostly due to the alignment factor), but if you can justify why a lawful or evil character of that prestige class would want to work with a bunch of chaotic good rebels and oppose a lawful evil overlord, then (with your GM’s permission) feel free to try out such a class! Some specific prestige class choices that would have particularly unusual, on-theme, or challenging elements are mentioned below.

      Assassin or Red Mantis Assassin (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide): As long as you avoid a religion that clashes with the theme of the Adventure Path (Asmodeus, Norgorber, Zon-Kuthon, or any of the diabolic demigods), an assassin who throws in with the rebels could offer a unique mindset and skill set that, in grim times such as these, could spell the difference between success and failure. Just keep in mind that an evil-aligned character should not be viewed as an excuse for player-versus-player conflict, or as an opportunity to undermine the enjoyment for the rest of the group by disrupting the unfolding plotline by secretly working against the Silver Ravens.
      Bellflower Tiller (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Paths of Prestige): The Bellflower Network has a long tradition in Cheliax of opposing Thrune and, in particular, opposing the practice of slavery. The network faces hard times ahead in the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path, but a PC member who takes levels in this prestige class should find the choice well supported in opportunities, themes, and unique options for roleplaying.
      Dawnflower Dissident (Paths of Prestige): While the Dawnflower dissident is more common in the east, these rebellious holy warriors have a key role to play in Kintargo as well—and not just because the only shrine to Sarenrae in the city recently suffered a mysterious fire. The class’s ability to hide its true nature will come in handy later on in the Adventure Path.
      Hellknight (The Inner Sea World Guide) or Hellknight Signifer (Paths of Prestige): While on the surface this might seem an inappropriate choice for Hell’s Rebels, the development of the rebellion in Kintargo actually does set up opportunities for a Hellknight PC to take part. You should speak to your GM about this option if you wish to play a Hellknight hopeful, as he or she will have advice on what orders would be best to join. In any event, you should avoid focusing your character on the more infernal or diabolic options available for the class.
       Master Spy (Advanced Player’s Guide): This prestige class (along with all prestige classes that enhance your abilities for espionage) is an excellent option for a character who wants to focus on infiltration, trickery, and the more subtle aspects of revolting against the government.
       Noble Scion (Paths of Prestige): Cheliax has a proud tradition of noble families holding positions of power, and Kintargo is no different. Playing a member of a noble family caught up in the rebellion could bring about unique and memorable opportunities for play.
       Pathfinder Chronicler: This (along with all other Pathfinder Society prestige class options) could be an interesting choice, since the Pathfinders have had a difficult time maintaining a presence in Cheliax since Thrune took over. There is no Pathfinder lodge in Kintargo, and the Pathfinders themselves don’t play a role in the Adventure Path, but that could change if you want to take one of these prestige classes and play a character who’s seeking to pave the way to welcome the Society back to Kintargo when and if the city can be freed.

bloodlines and mysTeries
       While all bloodlines are good choices, sorcerers who wish to mesh well with the themes of the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path should consider the following bloodlines: aquatic, arcane, celestial, destined, maestroUM, and martyred (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels). The infernal bloodline is an excellent choice if you want to play a sorcerer tempted or influenced by the very forces she seeks to oppose in the campaign.
      The oracle mysteries with the strongest ties to the themes of the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path are the ancestorUM, battleAPG, loreAPG, metalUM, and wavesAPG mysteries.

Take note that Hell’s Rebels has strong themes of political intrigue and puts the PCs into the roles of being leaders of a rebel group, the Silver Ravens. As a result, Charisma is a more important ability score in this Adventure Path than most, particularly if you want your character to play a more significant role among the management and leadership of the rebellion. A low-Charisma character will still have his or her place in this campaign—there’s going to be plenty of combat to be had—but make sure you’re aware of the additional role Charisma has to play in this Adventure Path as well. See pages 26–32 for rules on how the rebellion works.

Familiars and animal Companions
The following familiars are commonly found serving spellcasters in Kintargo: bat, blue-ringed octopusUM, cat, donkey ratUM, foxUM, hawk, lizard, otterB3, owl, raccoonB3, rat, raven, thrushUM, and weasel. For improved familiars, carbunclesB3, cassisian angelsB2, celestial hawks, dire rats, faerie dragonsB3, lyrakien azatasB2, pipefoxesB4, pseudodragons, silvanshee agathionsB2, spritesB3, stirges, and voidworm proteansB2 are the best choices. Imp familiars are very poor options.
The following animal companions can all be found in Kintargo or the Archduchy of Ravounel: aurochs, axe beakB3, badgerB2, bear, bird (eagle, hawk, or owl), boar, cat (small), dire bat, dog, dolphin, elkB3, frog, goblin dog, horse, lizard (giant gecko)B3, lizard (monitor lizard), octopus, orca, pony, ramB2, roc, seahorse (giant)B4, shark, snake (constrictor), snake (viper), squid, stagB4, trumpeter swanB4, vulture (giant)B3, weasel (giant)B4, and wolf. For the most part, animal companions do not cause much of a concern in Kintargo, so long as they remain well behaved, although some shops and locations might not allow your lumbering pets inside!

Favored Terrains and Favored enemies
The majority of the action in Hell’s Rebels takes place within the city walls of Kintargo, but there are several excursions to the areas beyond. Urban is without a doubt the single best choice for a favored terrain, but forest, mountain, underground, and water are strong secondary choices.Solid favored enemy choices include aberration, dragon, humanoid (human), monstrous humanoid, outsider (lawful or evil), or undead, but other types of creatures will be encountered sporadically as well.

FeaTs and sKills
Feats that augment or enhance a character’s talent at deception and tact are excellent choices in this Adventure Path, but with ample opportunities for combat and dungeon exploration and several chances to explore wilderness later on, no one particular feat stands out as a singular option.

Skills, on the other hand, are a different story. Hell’s Rebels has a fair amount of focus on espionage, politics, subterfuge, and outright rebellion. As such, certain skills will become quite useful during the Adventure Path. Skills such as Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Linguistics, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth will all come in handy quite often when navigating the treacherous waters of Kintargan politics or attempting secret missions against the oppressive government. Perform will have multiple opportunities to shine as well, for the people of Kintargo adore entertainment never more so than when an oppressive regime has imposed martial law. Numerous knowledge skills will help as well, particularly Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), and Knowledge (religion).
In addition, in Hell’s Rebels, you’ll have opportunities to perform some unusual things with skills, as summarized below.
     Concealing Religion: Often, your religion can get you into trouble in Kintargo, particularly if you worship a recently outlawed faith such as that of Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Desna, Milani, or Sarenrae. Yet many characters (particularly divine spellcasters) need their religious gear and symbols close at hand to function. You can hide your religion while keeping your symbols handy by making either a Bluff, Disguise, or Sleight of Hand check when someone from whom you wish to keep this secret interacts with you—the result of your skill check sets the Perception or Sense Motive DC to notice your faith. (Generally, the GM will make the call as to which of these two skills the NPC will use to try to see through your deception.)
     Examining and Creating Documents: At times during this Adventure Path, you’ll need to examine old documents, complex contracts, and other written works. Some of these documents are simply archaic and written strangely, but others contain hidden messages or obfuscated truths. Doing so generally requires both knowledge in the language in which the document is written and a successful Linguistics check against a set DC known by your GM. In addition, you can use Linguistics checks to create secret messages, much in the same way you use Bluff to verbally pass a hidden message to another. Someone who doesn’t know the code must make a successful Linguistics check to decipher your message (DC = the Linguistics check result you achieved in creating the message in the first place).
      Hiding Bodies: Now and then, you’ll need to hide a body, either because you’re trying to maintain a stealthy cover or because the discovery of a corpse might attract the wrong sort of attention. In most cases, when you hide a body, you attempt a Stealth check; the result is the DC of the Perception check at which someone must succeed to spot the body. If instead you simply want to make a body appear to be sleeping or meditating or simply sitting in a chair while appearing to listen to a musical performance, you instead attempt a Disguise check to set the Perception check DC. Hiding or disguising a body takes 1 minute of work—or 20 minutes of work if you wish to take 20. You must not be observed by anyone you hope to trick in this way while hiding a body.

Hell’s Rebels has a lot of roleplaying opportunities and numerous political machinations for you to navigate. Fortunately, most people you’ll be encountering speak the Common tongue. Infernal would be a good choice to learn if your character plans on spying on the enemy or wishes to be able to read clues left behind by Thrune agents. Elven, Halfling, Shadowtongue, and Strix are relatively commonly heard languages in the region as well.

Hell’s Rebels begins in the city of Kintargo and assumes the PCs have a strong tie to this location; as such, PCs who come from or have lived for some time in Kintargo make the most sense. If you come from elsewhere, you should work to come up with a reason your character would come to Kintargo and would want to stay in the city. Fortunately, Kintargo is quite cosmopolitan, and the city openly welcomes travelers from throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond.

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 10:42:51 »

唯恐天下不乱(Looking for Trouble):你是否喜欢斯戎市长大人处理当前局势的方法并不重要,重要的是你喜欢示威现场人头攒动的样子。这意味着你不仅能从几个粗心家伙的钱包里提个款,说不定还能干点儿别的!总之,金塔格的公众抗议还能闹上一阵!你在抗议活动期间进行的所有唬骗和巧手检定都获得+2加值。

追随偶像(Looking for Your Idol):作为立足艺术和表演的城市,出自切利亚斯玫瑰如此众多的著名艺术家和演员从金塔格开始崭露头角,不足为奇。然而自从巴基莱•斯戎接管这座城市开始,这座城市的氛围越来越压抑,不仅是因为新市长关闭了大剧院充作自己的宅邸,还因为戒严而在街上越来越多的巡逻守卫,想要抓到一名爱豆比以前要难得多了。而你仰慕这一名特别的金塔格艺术家(见12页的追星族特质中的明星列表),此人在过去一周中,明确的消失于公众视线之外。你听到一个传言,你热衷的偶像将会出席(也许是处于强迫)咏叹公园的抗议活动,于是你也选择了参加。你意识到这个谣言可能是假的,但如果不是呢?你不能错过看到偶像的机会!你在抗议活动期间进行的所有察觉和察言观色检定都获得+2加值。

秘密会晤(Meeting a Contact):你对银鸦仰慕已久,你或许只是认同他们自由金塔格的政纲,或许赞许他们的精神,或者你只是喜欢秘密会社的感觉。你或许知道一些人被怀疑是银鸦成员;有些人甚至是你的父母、兄弟姐妹甚至爱人,斯戎家族戒严前一周,银鸦消失了。他们的领导人都被抓获或杀害的谣言在流传,但是没有迹象表基层成员信息被找到。当然你的朋友或者家庭成员消失了,你开始担心,并希望发现这个组织到底发生了什么。在进行了一些调查后,一个你朋友的朋友的朋友找到了你,并且宣称知道些银鸦的事。你不知道这个联络人是谁甚至不知道他的名字,但是你知道他是个人类男性,并且他安排你和他在咏叹公园的抗议中会面。他会在右手带上黑色皮手套但是左手没有手套,你会凭此认出他的。你在抗议活动期间进行的所有察觉和察言观色检定都获得+2加值。

紧跟时事(Staying up on Current Events):公开抗议是一个搜集灵感和信息的好地方,特别是从抗议者那里获得被抗议者的。你去咏叹公园的主要目的是去观察人群,但是同时也确保你能紧跟时事。毕竟,在政治性的公共集会上,总会发生一些事。如果你错过了抗议并且还真发生了什么大事的话,你肯定会狠狠锤自己的。除了听写蜚短流长,对你而言这也许还是个蛊惑乌合之众们的契机,通过一次表演或者仅仅是运用交涉就能操作和引导群众的挫折与愤怒。你在抗议活动期间进行的所有表演和交涉检定会获得+2加值。

紧密陪同(Tagging Along):你并不打算去参加抗议,或许你嫌弃人群嘈杂,或许你担心它会失控,或仅仅因为你对政治不感冒。但是你发现你最重要的一个朋友(另一个PC最适合成为这个朋友)计划前往,你只好勉强同意陪同,只为保证你的朋友能够远离麻烦。你对抗议没有兴趣,因而你可以对任何会升级抗议的事情都保持警惕。如果需要有个人看着你的朋友,有谁会比你更适合呢?你在抗议活动期间的所有察觉检定和先攻会获得+2加值。

抗议示威(To Protest the Government):斯戎家族接管金塔格的行动完全可以字面理解——接盘,然后管制。虽然政府宣称新的市政长官只会在遥远东南沿海的光复军叛乱期间执政金塔格城,但你心里清楚,巴基莱•斯戎和他的宵禁令怕是会呆在这里不走了。 是时候为了反抗压迫而奋斗了,要让这座城市的呼声被听到。如果金塔格的市民都是如墙头草一般并接受他们的新生活,那让这座城市回归人民手中将变得难如登天。你决定参加咏叹公园的抗议活动,因为这是最大而且最有组织的抗议活动了,如果有任何机会能所有人听到你的声音,那就是现在了!你在抗议活动期间的所有唬骗和威吓检定会获得+2加值。

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劇透 -  原文:
The Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path begins with a public protest in Aria Park against House Thrune’s institution of martial law in the city. Your character needs a reason to attend this protest; several possible reasons are listed below. If none of these appeal to you, work with your GM to develop a different suitable reason to attend. Your preparation and eager anticipation for the protest grants you additional bonuses, depending on your reason for protesting. These bonuses are listed below, and only apply for the initial encounter of the campaign.
    Looking for Trouble: You may or may not approve or disapprove of the way Lord-Mayor Thrune has handled the situation, but the thing that interests you the most about the protest is the fact that there’ll be a nice big crowd of people there. And that means you’ll have a chance to not only pilfer a few coins from unsuspecting pockets, but perhaps do a little something more! Kintargo could use a bit more public disobedience these days, after all! You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks made during the protest itself.
   Looking for Your Idol: As a city built on arts and performances, it’s no surprise that many of the most famous entertainers and performers to come out of Cheliax rose to prominence in the city of Kintargo. Since Barzillai Thrune took over the city, though, Kintargo’s atmosphere has grown increasingly oppressive, and not just because the new lord-mayor closed down the opera house to make it his home. With a curfew now in place and guards patrolling the streets in greater numbers than ever before, catching a glimpse of a favorite idol has become difficult at best. In your case, you’ve long
admired a specific famous Kintargan (see the Star Struck trait on page 12 for a sample list of famous Kintargans). This person’s been conspicuously absent from the public eye over the past week, so when you heard a rumor that the object of your infatuation (or perhaps obsession) might be in attendance at the Aria Park protest, you made a point of attending. You realize that this rumor is most likely a false one, but what if it’s not? You can’t miss the chance to see your idol in person! You gain a +2 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks made during the protest itself.
    Meeting a Contact: The Silver Ravens have long fascinated you. You might just agree with their politics for a free Kintargo, or perhaps you admire their spirit. Maybe you just like the idea of a secret society. You might know someone who was supposedly in the Silver Ravens; that someone might even be a parent, sibling, or lover. When House Thrune established martial law a week ago, though, the Silver Ravens went dark. Rumors that their leaders have all been captured or killed circulate, and no sign of the rank-and-file members can be found. Certainly, your friend or family member has gone missing. You’re starting to worry, and hope to find out what happened to the group. After doing a bit of research, you were contacted by a friend of a friend of a friend who claimed to know something about the Silver Ravens. You don’t know who this contact is or even his name, but you do know that he’s a human man, and that he’s arranged to meet with you at the Aria Park protest. You’ll know him because he’ll be wearing one black leather glove on his right hand and no glove at all on the left. You gain a +2 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks made during the protest itself.
     Staying up on Current Events: Public protests are a great place to gather inspiration and information alike, more so from those who are being protested against than from the protesters themselves. You’re heading to the Aria Park protest primarily to watch people, but also to make sure you stay up to date on current events. Things have a way of happening at politically charged public gatherings, after all, and you’d kick yourself if you missed the protest and something big happened. Beyond listening for rumors, it might be an interesting opportunity for you to rabble-rouse a bit, either by making a performance or simply using diplomacy to sway or guide the crowd’s frustration and anger. You gain a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy and Perform checks made during the protest itself.
     Tagging Along: You hadn’t planned on going to the protest. Maybe crowds bother you, or you worry that it might get out of hand, or perhaps you’re just not political. But when you found out a close friend (one of the other PCs works best for this friend) was planning on going, you reluctantly agreed to come along, if only to make sure your friend stays out of trouble. You aren’t as interested in joining the protests as you are keeping alert for anything that might escalate the protest into something more. Someone has to watch out for your friend, and who better to do that than you? You gain a +2 bonus on all Perception and initiative checks made during the protest itself.
      To Protest the Government: Thrune’s takeover of Kintargo is just that—a takeover. Despite the government’s claims that the new lord-mayor will only remain as long as the rebellions of the Glorious Reclamation to the distant southeast continue, you fear that Barzillai Thrune and martial law might be here to stay. The time is right to strike a blow against the oppression and to make the voice of the city heard, for if Kintargo’s citizens simply roll over and accept their new lives, restoring the city to its people will become nearly impossible. You’re planning on attending the Aria Park protest specifically because it’s the largest and most organized protest yet, and if there’s any chance to make your voice heard, it’s now! You gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Intimidate checks made during the protest itself.

Want to Read More?
A number of other books can help accentuate your Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path experience. Listed below are other resources that, while not necessary, can greatly enhance the experience of playing through this campaign.

For Game masters
To learn more about Cheliax, its people, and its dangers, check out Pathfinder Player Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils or the upcoming Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Cheliax, The Infernal Empire. In addition, the Council of Thieves Adventure Path contains a wealth of information about Cheliax, the Hellknights, and other foes and dangers you can use to enhance your Hell’s Rebels campaign. The contents of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned, Vol. 1 can help you in presenting the numerous devilish foes the PCs will be facing. Politics and roleplaying encounters play a key role in this campaign, and using Pathfinder Cards: Social Combat can help to make these numerous interactions with Kintargo’s NPCs even more memorable to your players.

For Players
For information on playing a character from Cheliax, refer to Pathfinder Player Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils. As building an organization of rebels is a key part of this Adventure Path, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign can help further understand the rules for this aspect of play.

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Re: 《地狱叛军 Hell's Rebels》玩家手册
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 10:43:27 »

金塔格贵胄(Child of Kintargo):你很幸运(或者不幸,取决于你的观点)出生于一个金塔格贵族家庭。你优渥的成长环境给予了你独特的优势:足以进入上流社会的知识以及适当的继承权。在如今酝酿在金塔格的新形式下,可能将遭遇洗牌的城内贵族越发受到关注。此前一家贵族的宅邸被焚为灰烬,就是这种可疑情况的最好见证。政府或者反抗军都会宣称对方需要为这起惨案负责。如果选择这个背景特质,那么假定你属于一个小贵族家庭(你可以决定家族的姓氏),这种情况下,你的家族在绿荫区有一处小庄园。如果你想要扮演金塔格主要贵族家族的一员,你必须在1级时选择贵族后裔这个专长。你在知识(贵族)上获得+1背景加值,并且知识(贵族)成为你的本职技能。你在选择贵族后裔专长(见11页边栏)时不需要满足魅力先决条件。额外的,你会获得一套贵族服装,一枚玺戒,以及一剑不超过200gp的非魔法物品 。如果你选择了贵族后裔专长,你的姓氏(last name)可能是以下之一:奥拉玛,奥洛连,戴隆日,贾维斯,哈特罗,萨里尼,塔内森或者瓦什纳;如果你不是人类,那么你以养子身份进入这个家族,如果你没有选择这个专长,你可以决定自己的姓氏。

变体专长——贵族后裔(Noble Scion)

歌王路上(Diva in Training):歌剧也许是金塔格最重要也最受尊崇的娱乐形式了,而金塔格歌剧院则是所有歌剧院中最著名的。你虽然从未作为巨星在金塔格剧院的舞台上演出过,但是也曾在几个小歌剧院中有过演出。最近你获得了突破性的进展,你赢得了著名的歌剧“英雄女猎手”中的一个角色,你开始是疯狂的学习并研究这个角色,然而戒严的开始导致你的愿望落空了。现在金塔格剧院已经被巴基莱•斯戎所霸占,所有的演出都被取消,而你的这次成功的机会看起来也就这样随风而去。但你并没有放弃希望!你仍然磨练着自己的技巧,也许有一天金塔格歌剧院会重新开放,而那时你会成为舞台的焦点!


吾心吾行澄如明镜 所作所为皆为正义(Fed-Up Citizen):金塔格对于自认为守法公民的你来说不算一个好生活的地方,所以虽然你和大多数金塔格的其他人一样认为斯戎家族的法律过于严苛,但是你仍然尽可能的遵纪守法。你信仰一个例如阿巴达尔或者艾奥梅黛这样的——守序中立或者守序善良并且被允许在切利亚斯传教,当然是在限制下——神祇。尽管问题多多,斯戎家族一直让切利亚斯成为一个宜居的安全之地。但是随着最近的事件,真是够了。尽管痛苦但是你必须承认,现在这片土地上所实行的法律是如此清楚显眼是恶法,而且必须做些什么来反对这种滥用公权。如果这意味着你需要和一些例如银鸦之类的叛军组织联合,那就这样吧。

讽刺天赋(Gifted Satirist):你成长与金塔格的演员和艺人之间。或许你的父母或哥哥姐姐在金塔格歌剧院演唱,或许你只是一个靠街边卖艺勉强糊口的流浪儿。无论如何,你长久以来以无害的娱乐形式伪装你严厉的政治批评。无论是用小说、演奏、快板或者大字报来承载你的讽刺,你的名字现在还算不上金塔格政治任务中的一员。但是随着时间推移,你希望改变!

叛军史学者(Historian of the Rebellion): 你一直以来对银鸦——这个由于切利亚斯内战而在金塔格声名鹊起的自由战士团体——的遗产非常感兴趣。如今关于这个组织的咨询少的令人沮丧,你怀疑关于银鸦的绝大部分记录早就已经被政府特务所篡改或者删除了,但你史海钩沉,从中找取出了一些碎片。你绝大部分的知识并不算是特别针对银鸦,而是泛对整个叛军群体和自由斗士们反抗政府的通史,当然包括切利亚斯和更早的。
  你对叛军群体如此熟悉,在冒险之路第一本期间,一旦叛军重建,你可以选择一个组织检定,在该检定上获得+2加值。在叛军活动的维护期,你可以更改选择的检定。你长期为加入银鸦而进行的准备也磨练了你不引人注意的技巧, 你在隐匿上获得+1背景加值,并且潜行总是你的本职技能。

天生领袖(Natural Born Leader):无论何时,当你发现自己被卷入了各种各样的事情时:和兄弟姐妹一起处理家族事务;和朋友一起密谋策划恶作剧;或者被派遣和同事一起处理工作中意想不到的突发事件,你总是会在最后处于领导地位。或许你完全不知道为何自己会处于这种地位;或许是你刻意谋求的这种职位,知道你可以管理任何团队来让他们比简单的人数总和做的更多。无论你做了什么,你出众的组织管理能力总是会将你推向台前。

模式追寻者(Pattern Seeker):模式存在于世界的各个角落,有的是自然的,有的是人为的。只要能够正确认识万物背后的模式,就能悟出世界的真实。你长期以来为这种隐藏着的模式感到着迷,也许因为你的兄弟姐妹或者父母沉迷于此至死不渝,也可能是因为之前一次你所挖掘的规律令你获得了无法替代的成就感。在金塔格有一种独特的模式,阿斯摩蒂斯神殿顶上的钟声像是随机被敲响的。没有人知道谁或什么东西在敲钟,也没有任何能够准确预测这个所谓的“魔鬼之钟”钟声的模式。许多人尝试过通过现有的广泛却不完整的文献资料寻找“魔鬼之钟”的规律。于切利亚斯内战结束的时始,那些钟声便已记录在案,那时,阿斯莫迪斯教会第一次在废弃的奥罗登神殿神殿上称立神权。或许,你能够成为那个解开“魔鬼之钟”模式的人?

追星族(Star Struck):只要长于金塔格,就很难不成为城中名流的一名粉丝。这里有如此之多的明星可以选择,而且他们都是如此迷人、富有而且成功!如果有一天,遇见他们中的一个会不会是很神奇的经历?或者更进一步,让自己成为金塔格名流中的一员?你对这名金塔格名流的兴趣完全是良性的,这名NPC仅仅扮演缪斯,灵感源泉或者作为人生榜样指导你做出选择走到了现在。又或者你的兴趣更像是一种迷恋,你希望有一天能过上像你想象中的偶像一样的生活,甚至有一天你会和你的偶像成为朋友(或者更进一步)。但是,请记住,有时候一个名流的公众形象和他的真实人格可能是完全不同的两种东西。如果有一天你遇见了自己的偶像,你可能会为真相惊讶。传言,事实也是如此,所有你的消息都说明你的偶像自从斯戎家族宣布进入戒严期间开始就消失了,这令你非常担心,你多希望他们能安然无恙!实际上,所有下列的五位本地传奇人物都有谣传和银鸦有所联系,而这进一步引起了你的注意。考虑到这个组织在过去的一周内似乎被巴基莱•斯戎的特工所特别针对。这五位金塔格偶像的命运将会在地狱叛军冒险之路的某一个节点上被揭露,但是请注意,其中一些人的命运可能不是一个会令人愉快的发现。

都市侦探(Urban Sleuth):许多金塔格的历史已经遗失或被隐藏,你知道,因为你在刻意寻找着那些秘密。本地的都市传说和奇怪的历史传言早已令你神往已久——谁知道有多少关于金塔格过往的惊人历史已经被斯戎家族篡改而永远的遗失了呢。是什么导致了白石学院的满分教授成为了这座城市最臭名昭著的连环杀手?巨龙伊杰卡什(Adrakash),伊森诺斯( Ithanothaur),雷沃查妮亚(Rivozair)到底是什么来头,和金塔格又有什么关系?为什么阿斯摩蒂斯教堂的魔鬼之钟会随机被敲响,这个钟声内是否有某种规律?在内战中保护了金塔格的银鸦到底是何许人也,又为何在战争结束后神秘消失?这么多的谜团,谁比你更更适合去寻找答案?
劇透 -   :
Child of Kintargo: You had the fortune (or perhaps the misfortune, depending on your viewpoint) to be born into one of Kintargo’s noble families. Your experience growing up among the city’s well-to-do has given you an upper hand when it comes to knowledge of high society, and you start the game with a modest inheritance. With the new situation in Kintargo brewing, there is much concern about an eventual restructuring of the city’s nobility. Already, one noble estate has burned to the ground under what can best be described as suspicious circumstances, but whether the government or rebels were responsible depends on whom you ask. With this trait, the assumption is that you belong to a minor noble family (and can make up your family name). In this case, your family keeps a small manor in the Greens. If you want to be a member of one of Kintargo’s major noble families, you must take the Noble Scion feat at 1st level. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks, and Knowledge (nobility) is always a class skill for you. The Noble Scion feat (see the sidebar on page 11) does not have a Charisma prerequisite for you. In addition, you start play with a noble’s outft, a signet ring, and a single additional nonmagical item worth no more than 200 gp. If you take the Noble Scion feat, your last name is probably Aulamaxa, Aulorian, Delronge, Jarvis, Jhaltero, Sarini, Tanessen, or Vashnarstill; if you’re not human, you were adopted into the family. If you don’t take this feat, you can make up your last name.

Variant Feat—Noble Scion
You are a member of one of the signifcant noble families of Kintargo, whether or not you remain in good standing with your family. Note that the Victocora family has gone missing and its estate recently burned to the ground, so they’re not an option for this feat. Note also that the Delronge, Sarini, and Tanessen families are well known Thrune sympathizers, so that if you choose to be a member of one of these families, you should play an outcast from the family, someone who’s been shunned and perhaps even disinherited from the family for personal or political views. (In such a case, you’d still gain the monetary boon from the Child of Kintargo trait, should you take it. This boon represents all you’ve managed to get away with before being kicked out of the house.)
Prerequisites: Charisma 13 or Child of Kintargo trait, must be taken at 1st level.
Beneft: You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nobility) checks, and Knowledge (nobility) is always considered
a class skill for you. You also gain an additional beneft, depending on which family you belong to.
Aulamaxa: You gain a +1 bonus on Perform checks, and Perform is always a class skill for you. If you have the
bardic performance ability, you can use that ability for an additional 3 rounds per day.
Aulorian: You gain one of the following languages as a bonus language: Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, or Sylvan. Once per day, as a free action before you roll, you can gain a +2 bonus on any Spellcraft check you make.
Delronge: Although you no longer associate yourself with your house (and might indeed have been disowned due to your conflicting political views), you retain the horsemanship training you received as a child. You gain a +1 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks, and both are always class skills for you.
Jarvis: You have an innate understanding of architecture, particularly when looking for hidden doors and secret areas. You receive a Perception check to notice secret doors and hidden architectural features whenever you pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not you are actively looking.
Jhaltero: You have access to the family’s extensive information network. Whenever you use Diplomacy to gather information, roll twice and take the better result.
Sarini: Your family has long been open about its allegiance to House Thrune, something that has always ashamed or scandalized you. Although you are no longer welcome at home, you still have memories of lessons in diabolism, and gain a +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge (planes) checks made to know information about Hell or devils. Knowledge (planes) is always a class skill for you.
Tanessen: You no longer see yourself as a Tanessen, due in large part to your own differences in opinion with the family’s allegiance to Thrune, but what you learned as a child about leadership in battle still applies today. You apply your Charisma modifer instead of your Dexterity modifer to Initiative checks.
Vashnarstill: Your family has always prided itself in knowing as much as there is to know about any topic that interested them. You gain a +1 bonus on all Knowledge skills in which you have at least 1 rank.
Special: This is a variant of the Noble Scion trait presented in Pathfnder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide, customized to ft more seamlessly with a Kintargo-based campaign. If you take this version of the feat, you cannot also take the version presented in The Inner Sea World Guide.

Diva in Training: The opera is perhaps the most important and prestigious form of entertainment offered in Kintargo, and the Kintargo Opera House is among the most famous of its kind. You’re hardly a superstar among the performers who’ve graced the stage there, but you have performed several times before in small parts. Just recently, you got your big break—you’d won a role in the infamous opera Huntress of Heroes, and had been studying for the role furiously before the onset of martial law dashed your plans to the dirt. Now that the Kintargo
Opera House has been claimed by Barzillai Thrune, all shows have been canceled and your chance at success seems to have been lost. Yet you can’t lose hope. You still practice your skills, and some day, perhaps the Kintargo Opera House will open its doors again, at which point you intend to be center stage!
Choose one type of Perform skill. You gain a +1 trait bonus in that specifc Perform skill, and all Perform skills are class skills for you. You also increase the save DCs of all language-dependent spells and effects you create by 1.

Ex-Asmodean: You, or perhaps your family, were once worshipers of Asmodeus, but something happened that made you lose your faith. Perhaps your family was asked to give up something dear as a sacrifce, such as the life of a newly born brother or sister. Maybe the church used your family as a scapegoat to cover up a crime someone higher in the church committed. Or perhaps you simply met someone who opened your eyes and showed you the
truth—that Asmodeus does not care for his followers, and that the deity of your new religion does. In any event, you lef the church, and as a result, your family was punished; they were either put in prison, exiled from Kintargo, or perhaps even executed. Ever since, you’ve vowed to some day get revenge against the church. Choose one: you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls or you gain a +1 trait bonus on the save DCs of your spells against agents of House Thrune and worshipers of Asmodeus, including most (but not all) devils.

Fed-Up Citizen: Kintargo is a tough place to live if you count yourself as a law-abiding citizen. While you likely
agree with most others of Kintargo that many of the laws put in place by House Thrune seem excessive, you always respected the law and honored it as best you could. You likely worship a deity such as Abadar or Iomedae —a lawful neutral or perhaps lawful good power allowed to practice within Cheliax, but only under restrictions. Yet despite this, Thrune has always made Cheliax a safer place to live. But with recent events, enough is enough. As much as it pains you to admit, the law of the land is now manifestly and obviously not correct, and something must be done to oppose this misuse of power. If that means aligning yourself to a rebel faction such as the Silver Ravens, so be it.
    Note that this trait works particularly well for paladins or other characters who wish to venerate lawful causes but still oppose the government. Your GM should be open to allowing lawful characters to perform actions out of character for someone of lawful alignment, provided the end goal is a new and better government for Kintargo, but with this feat, characters tied strongly to law (such as lawful clerics, monks, or paladins) can hide those ties in ways that help them perform as rebels without giving up their actual convictions.
   You’re good at hiding your true colors and faith to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention. You gain a +1 bonus on Disguise checks, and Disguise is always a class skill for you. In addition, when someone uses detect good or detect law on you, your effective Hit Dice are 4 lower than their actual total when someone discerns the strength of your aura. If you are a cleric, paladin, or similar divine spellcaster, you treat yourself as if you were a standard-aligned creature rather than a divine spellcaster for these purposes. This means that until you become 9th level, you won’t radiate an aura of good or law at all when someone casts one of these detection spells. Finally, your internal convictions that you’re on the actual right of law help bolster your mindset, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Gifted Satirist: You grew up among Kintargo’s performers and entertainers. Perhaps your parents or older siblings were singers at the Kintargo Opera House, or maybe you simply had to make ends meet as an orphan of the streets by busking. Whatever the case, you’ve long been exposed to the practice of cloaking scathing political commentaries in the form of harmless entertainment. Whether you conceal your satire in the form of novels, plays, screeds, or public letters, you’ve yet to make a name for yourself as a political presence in Kintargo—but in time, you hope to change that!
    You gain a +1 trait bonus on Linguistics checks, and Linguistics is always a class skill for you. In addition, your irreverent attitude grants you a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against fear effects.

Historian of the Rebellion: You’ve long been interested in the legacy of the Silver Ravens—a group of freedom fghters that rose to prominence in Kintargo during the Chelish Civil War. There’s frustratingly little information today about the group, and you suspect that most of what was recorded about the Silver Ravens has long since been redacted or destroyed by government agents, but you’ve managed to pick up a tidbit here and there. Most of your knowledge isn’t so much about the Silver Ravens specifcally, but more about general histories of rebel groups and freedom fghters who have fought against oppressive governments throughout history, both in Cheliax and beyond.
    Your familiarity with rebel groups allows you to grant a +2 bonus on an Organization check of your choice once the party reestablishes the Silver Ravens during the first adventure. You can change which check you assign this bonus to once at the start of the rebellion’s Upkeep phase. Your time preparing for joining the Silver Ravens has also honed your skill at remaining unseen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a
class skill for you.

Natural Born Leader: Whenever you found yourself involved in a group effort in the past, be it working with siblings to handle a family emergency, conspiring with friends to orchestrate a prank, or throwing in with coworkers to take care of an unanticipated complication at work, you tended to end up in a position of leadership. It might be unclear to you why this is the case, or you might deliberately seek out such positions, knowing you can organize any group to be something greater than the sum of its parts, but your knack for managing groups has always pushed you to the front of any operation you’ve found yourself a part of.
     You excel in the role of manager. You treat your Charisma score as if it were 14 (or 2 points higher than its actual score if your actual Charisma is already 14 or higher) for the purposes of determining how many teams you can manage in the rebellion, and for the purposes of determining the bonus you add to your managed teams’ actions. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score if you take the Leadership feat。

Pattern Seeker: There are patterns in the world, both natural and artifcial, that if only one can interpret them correctly, great secrets could be divined. You have long been fascinated by the idea of these hidden patterns, perhaps because a sibling or parent went to the grave obsessed with seeking a pattern, or maybe because you feel that you’ve uncovered a previously unknown pattern. Kintargo has a particularly unique pattern of its own; the belfry atop the Temple of Asmodeus rings at what seem to be random intervals. None know who or what rings the bells, and no true pattern by which the so-called Devil’s Bells has yet accurately predicted the tolling. Many have tried, and extensive but always incomplete documents exist that track the dates and times of recorded ringings back to the end of the Chelish Civil War, when the church of Asmodeus first claimed the abandoned temple of Aroden as their own. Maybe you will be the one to solve the pattern of the Devil’s Bells?
   You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you. In addition, you increase the save DC of any illusion (pattern) spell you cast by 1, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against illusion effects.

Star Struck: Growing up in Kintargo, it’s hard not to become obsessed with one of the city’s celebrities. There
are so many to choose from, and they’re all so glamorous, rich, and successful! Wouldn’t it be amazing to, perhaps some day, meet one of them? Or even better, to be a Kintargan celebrity yourself? Your interest in one of Kintargo’s celebrities could be completely benign, with the NPC acting as a muse, inspiration, or role model for you that you used to guide many life choices leading you to this day. Or perhaps your interest is more akin to an obsession, in which you hope to some day live a life like that you imagine your idol lives, or perhaps even to some day meet and become friends (or perhaps more than friends) with your idol. Keep in mind, though, that sometimes a celebrity’s public persona and real personality are two very different things, and if some day you were to meet your idol, you might be surprised at the truth! That said, the fact that, by all accounts, your idol has been missing since House Thrune instituted martial law has you worried; you hope he or she is all right! The fact that all five of the local legends listed below have been rumored to have ties to the Silver Ravens further concerns you, considering how that group seems to have been particularly targeted by Barzillai Thrune’s agents over the past week. The fate of all five of these Kintargan icons will be revealed at some point during the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path, but keep in mind that some of those fates might not be pleasant discoveries for you!
    You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. Pick one of the following celebrities with which to be obsessed. Each celebrity is associated with a particular ability score. Once per day, you can draw on your inspiration from your icon when you are about to attempt a skill check modifed by that ability score. When you do so, roll the check twice and take the better of the two results as your actual result.
Jackdaw (sex and race unknown; Intelligence): A notorious folk hero or heroine (no one seems to know if Jackdaw
is a man or woman) who helped defend Kintargo during the Chelish Civil War, and whom many believe still lives on today in the city’s shadows.
Jilia Bainilus (female human; Wisdom): Kintargo’s previous lord-mayor was well known for her cutting insights into the political world. Few have fought harder to maintain Kintargo’s independence.
Octavio Sabinus (male human; Strength): The Lictor of the Hellknight Order of the Torrent might seem an odd choice for admiration, but Octavio’s physical stature certainly lent him all the support he needed to command a room.
Shensen (female half-elf; Charisma): Shensen’s performances as an outspoken force against the diabolism of House Thrune have won her nearly as many admirers as have her memorable performances on stage in the Kintargo Opera House.
Strea Vestori (female tiefling; Dexterity): Strea is often regarded as the face of the slums known as the Devil’s Nursery. As Kintargo’s most outspoken and public tiefling citizen and leader of the Cloven Hoof Society, she has nearly as many admirers as she has political enemies in Cheliax.

Urban Sleuth: Much of Kintargo’s history is lost or hidden. You know because you’ve made a point of seeking out those secrets. Local urban legends and bits of strange historical rumors have long fascinated you—who knows what amazing truths about Kintargo’s past have been lost forever to the redactors of House Thrune? What caused Professor Mangvhune of the Alabaster Academy to become the city’s most infamous serial killer? Who were the dragons Adrakash,  Ithanothaur, and Rivozair, and what were their ties to Kintargo? Why do the Devil’s Bells of the Temple of Asmodeus seem to ring at random times, and is there a pattern to the peals? Who were the Silver Ravens who defended Kintargo during the Chelish Civil War, and why did they vanish so soon afer that war’s resolution? So many mysteries, and who better than you to fnd the answers? Pick one of the questions above as your focus. Answers to these questions can be discovered at different points during Hell’s Rebels, but don’t expect to learn these answers any time soon! More important, your choice of focus grants you a +1 trait bonus in a particular Knowledge skill check associated with that focus (pick one of the two options provided below for your question). That Knowledge skill is always a class skill for you. Once per day, when you attempt a Knowledge skill check in either of the types associated with your focus, you can roll twice and take the better result as your actual result.
Devil’s Bells: Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (planes).
Local Dragons: Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (history).
Professor Mangvhune: Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (planes).
Silver Ravens: Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (history).
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密拉妮 Milani
« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 10:43:52 »
女神密拉妮,亦被称为永绽之花,是一位起义者的守护神,是牺牲和希望的化身,她的教会在切利亚斯很小,而在金塔格尤为如此,那里叛乱似乎永远不会遥远。随着巴基莱斯戎来到这座城市,开始迫使本地的密拉妮教会,金塔格玫瑰,转入地下。但是你的玩家很可能会有机会和这个团体接触,并且随着战役的进行,帮助重建力量和资源。关于密拉妮的更多细节可以在内海诸神(Inner Sea Gods)179页或者冒险之路#68:镣铐之屋(The Shackled Hut)中找到。信仰密拉妮的角色可以从以下方面获得增益。



第一神恩:玫瑰之音 Voice of the Everbloom(Sp):命令术3次/天,注目术2次/天,暗示术1次/天

第二神恩:激励 Inspiring Presence(Su):你只需露面就可以激起盟友心中的正义之怒。所有处于你30尺内被你视为盟友的生物都可以在攻击检定,豁免检定和伤害检定上获得+1神圣加值。

第三神恩:揭竿而起 Invoke Uprising(Su):你可以自动感知到距离你10尺内是否有什么生物正在受到魅惑,胁迫或是占据效果的影响。每天3次以一个迅捷动作,你可以让这个生物立刻重新进行一个对抗影响他的上述效果的豁免检定,并且该生物在这次豁免检定上获得相当于你的魅力调整值的神圣加值(最小+1)。当你可以身体接触到该生物并鼓励他时,这个加值翻倍。这是一个基于语言的效果。

第一神恩:圣志士 Sacred Partisan(Sp):神恩3次/天,灵能武器2次/天,魔化防具1次/天

第二神恩:穿街过巷 Alleyport(Sp):每天一次以一个迅捷动作,你可以传送自己,如同法术任意门的效果。但是,你只能在一处宽度比你窄的空间内使用本能力,并且你的目的地也必须是类似的宽度。

第三神恩:玫瑰之墙 Wall of Roses(Su):每天一次,你可以施放法术荆棘之墙。这个效果制造的墙壁是一大丛长满尖锐针刺的玫瑰,然而你和其他密拉妮的信徒可以自由穿越它而不受影响。这面玫瑰墙会每轮自动恢复5点其所承受的伤害,免疫火焰伤害并且它造成的穿刺伤害在穿透伤害减免时视为银和魔法武器。被这面玫瑰墙伤害的守序邪恶生物会自动恶心一分钟(这是一个毒素效果)。

第一神恩:守望者 Neighborhood Guardian(Sp):防护邪恶3次/天,防护他人2次/天,防护邪恶法阵1次/天

第二神恩:沉静卫士 Stoic Guardian(Ex):你免疫恐惧效果,并且在对抗胁迫效果的豁免检定上获得+4加值。

第三神恩:殉身成仁 Martyrdom (Su):每天一次以一个即时动作,如果距离你300尺内有一个生物被杀死或是承受一个直接伤害效果时,你可以将这次伤害导向自己。你不会在对抗这个效果时获得豁免奖励,但是如果它杀死你,你会在1d4轮后复活,如同一个法术复生术的效果。但是,如果你成功复生,同样的效果在1年时间内不会再作用于你。
引述: 边栏

信仰先锋Champion of the faith进化职业手册 128(密拉妮)
天诛之剑Crusader极限战斗 40
天策Divine strategist极限战斗 40
隐牧师Hidden Priest内海魔法 35
金塔格叛乱者Kintargo Rebel内海战斗 40
城市游侠Urban ranger进阶玩家手册 129

希望灯塔 Beacon of Hope(内海诸神 207)

密拉妮护甲 Milanite Armor(内海诸神 252)
经久之花 Enduring Bloom(内海诸神 255)
永绽玫瑰 Everbloom’s rose(冒险之路 #68 60)

殉道者之约 Martyr’s bargain(内海魔法 58)
殉道者的最终祝福 Martyr’s last blessing(冒险之路 #68 69)
斩木为兵 Peasant armanents(冒险之路 #68 69)

瞬间防御 Split-Second Defense 内海诸神 222
卓越组织 Talented Organizer 内海诸神223

劇透 -  原文:
The goddess Milani, known also as the Everbloom, is a patron of rebels and a personification of devotion and hope. Her cult is small in Cheliax, and particularly so in Kintargo, where rebellion never seems far off. The arrival of Barzillai Thrune in the city has forced the local cult of Milani, the Rose of Kintargo, underground, but your PCs might well have a chance to make contact with this group and help rebuild its power and resources as the campaign goes on. Additional details on Milani can be found on page 179 of Inner Sea Gods or in Pathfinder Adventure Path #68: The Shackled Hut. Certain characters who worship Milani can benefit from the following boons.

Spend time meditating among roses you have planted yourself, so you can inhale their sacred scent while offering prayers to Milani. If no such roses are available, you can instead brew tea from various herbs and rose petals and share the tea with close friends or neighbors. During times of war or conflict, though, you must instead spend time sparring, preferably with friends or neighbors with whom you plan to fight alongside during the conflicts to come. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects, and a +2 sacred bonus on all rolls made to dispel or remove such effects from others.

1: Voice of the Everbloom (Sp) command 3/day, enthrall 2/day, or suggestion 1/day
2: Inspiring Presence (Su) Your mere presence bolsters and emboldens allies to fight harder. All creatures within 30 feet of you whom you count as allies gain a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and weapon damage rolls as long as you are conscious.
3: Invoke Uprising (Sp) You are automatically aware of any creature within 10 feet of you that is currently under the effects of a charm, compulsion, or possession effect. Three times per day as a swift action, you can inspire such a creature to throw off the influence, granting that creature a new saving throw to immediately end the effect. The creature gains a sacred bonus on this saving throw equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum +1). This bonus is doubled if you include a physical touch as part of your invocation to rise up against the effect. In either case, this is a language-dependent effect.

1: Sacred Partisan (Sp) divine favor 3/day, spiritual weapon 2/day, or magic vestment 1/day
2: Alleyport (Sp) Once per day as a swift action, you can teleport as per dimension door, but only when you are in an area no wider than your space, and you can only arrive in an area of similar width.
3: Wall of Roses (Sp) Once per day, you can cast wall of thorns. The wall consists of a dense tangle of roses through which you and other worshipers of Milani can pass through with ease. The wall of roses heals damage inflicted to itself at a rate of 5 hit points per round, is immune to fire damage, and all piercing damage it inflicts bypasses damage reduction as if it were a magic silver good weapon. Evil and lawful creatures damaged by a wall of roses’ thorns automatically become sickened for the next minute (this is a poison effect).

1: Neighborhood Guardian (Sp) protection from evil 3/day, shield other 2/day, or magic circle against evil 1/day
2: Stoic Guardian (Ex) You are immune to fear and charm effects, and gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against compulsion effects.
3: Martyrdom (Su) As an immediate action once per day, whenever a single creature within 300 feet of you is slain by an effect or outright damage, you can redirect that effect or damage onto yourself. You gain no additional saving throw to reduce this effect. If the effect kills you, you are restored to life in 1d4 rounds as per resurrection, but once this resurrection effect occurs, you lose the ability to use martyrdom for 1 year.

« 上次编辑: 2018-12-23, 周日 10:46:31 由 丞相 »

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 10:46:14 »

  长期以来,金塔格城都作为“艺术家的避风港”闻名于世,这里尤其吸引了那些满腔热情地想要在切利亚斯传统歌剧上大有所为的编剧、导演和音乐人。在切利亚斯内战结束、斯戎(特鲁恩,Thrune)家族执掌帝国以后,金塔格的公民们自然也就不乐意了(fell in line begrudgingly)。不同于西南部城市的公开叛乱,金塔格城反地狱的抵抗力量强大而安静。因此,这座城市成了许多贵族家庭在冗杂的政府职责、偷得几分闲暇的地方,金塔格的公民和民意领袖们走钢丝的技巧也愈加纯熟:他们既是切利亚斯的好公民,又是有独立思想的自由派。多年以来,在斯戎的治下,金塔格同科瓦萨(Korvosa)、玛格尼玛(伟迹城,Magnimar)等瓦瑞西亚城市在文化、人文、财富上的联系始终比和跟寇兰庭(科伦庭,Corentyn)、艾格利安(意高城,Egorian)这些切利亚斯城市的联系更为紧密。多数金塔格人只愿意将自己称为这座宏伟城市的市民,而不是自称某个国家的公民。他们在温暖、潮湿的夏季静静地忍受着某个遥远首都的统治,然后用漫长、寒冷、多雨的冬季大胆地幻想革命。然而直到今天,对金塔格城来说,“不革命”还不至于“毋宁死”。

  金塔格的历史有很多诡异的缺失,这让许多人怀疑斯戎家族的史官在编撰文献时特别不待见旧时代的档案和记录。如今,金塔格有了一位新的领导者:巴基莱·斯戎(Barzillai Thrune)市长大人在两周前刚刚接过了吉莉雅·拜尼鲁斯(Jilia Bainilus)市长大人的交椅,而据坊间传闻,后者当时趁着夜色逃离了这座城市。有些人说她远逃东南,加入了信仰艾奥美黛的叛军,另一些人则说她彻底离开了切利亚斯,前往阿卡迪亚开始新的生活。还有人说她其实从未离开金塔格,而是被斯戎的手下监禁甚至杀害了。

  不论真相如何,由于各地的叛军四起,切利亚斯政府决定封锁主要城市——金塔格自然也包括在内。自从巴基莱·斯戎伯爵(Paracount Barzillai Thrune)接手了金塔格的统治权以来,他不仅仅是实施了戒严,还颁布了七条要求所有金塔格市民严格遵守的法令,并且每隔几天,就还会有一份新的、古怪的法令出台。



  铃花会(Bellflower Network):这个半身人组织据传正在帮助奴隶逃离切利亚斯。

  切利亚斯公民会(Chelish Citizen’s Group):并非所有金塔格市民都因为戒严令而满腔怒火。一小部分市民组成了这个团体,支持巴基莱·斯戎,并被武装成了民兵队伍,加强城市的守备。

  阿斯莫迪斯教会(Church of Asmodeus):阿斯莫迪斯教会是金塔格的官方信仰,而它那铁石心肠的高阶祭祀柯林斯迪安·格瑞芬内尔(Corinstian Grivenner)则是一个著名(且臭名昭著)的公职人员。

  银币华庭(Court of Coin):金塔格有八个贵族家族,这八个家族组成了一个名为银币华庭的团体,为政府作为顾问服务。巴基莱·斯戎最近很少有时间和兴趣听取华庭的意见。

  斯戎家族(House Thrune):切利亚斯的统治者现在每天都在直接监管着切利亚斯的主要城市,这当然也包括了金塔格。

  金塔格卫队(Kintargo Dottari):金塔格城市卫队的领导者是不久前刚刚走马上任的杜索塔斯·瓦娜斯·特蕾克斯(Duxotas Vannases Trex),在她的手下,卫队在“维护和平”的道路上越走越凶残。

  刑柱骑士团(Order of the Rack):刑柱骑士团以镇压暴动著称,他们在许多城市中都受命维持和平。金塔格城内的刑柱骑士们由副执棒官奇瑞·艾科迪尔(Kyrre Ekodyre)率领。

  激流骑士团(Order of the Torrent):自从实施戒严以来,这个金塔格本地的地狱骑士团奇怪地失声了,骑士团的领袖,执棒官奥克塔维奥·萨比努斯( Octavio Sabinus)也彻底失踪。

  金塔格玫瑰(Rose of Kintargo):一个遵从次等神米拉妮教义的反抗者团体,但是自从巴基莱·斯戎坐镇该城后就再无消息。传言道,在戒严的第一天晚上,金塔格玫瑰就被秘密镇压了。

  卷宗圣修会(Sacred Order of Archevists):传闻是第二个已经被斯戎的手下捣毁的秘密结社。卷宗圣修会由信仰义洛理的人士组成,致力于保护历史文献。

  银鸦(Silver Ravens):银鸦是第三个、也是最后一个很可能已经被斯戎家族打到的反抗者团体。已经好几周没有他们或他们领袖的消息了。

  其他小帮派(Miscellaneous Gangs):金塔格目前没有有组织的盗贼工会,但是拥有至少两个更小一些的帮派,分别是红衣女(Red Jills)和河爪会(River Talons)。这两个帮派目前都不接收新成员。

  下文列出了金塔格城市的属性。多数数字和信息都是供GM使用的,他将能在本AP第一卷:In Hell’s Bright Shadow中了解如何使用这些数据。随着《地狱叛军》团的进展,你的行动将会改变这座城市的数据。








混乱善良 大城市
腐败 +0,犯罪 -2,经济 -1,秩序 +4,学识 +0,社会 -2。
危险度:+20;缺陷:戒严(military law)

政府 霸主统治(名义上是独裁政府)
人口 11900 (85%人类,4%半身人,3%魔裔,1%半精灵,7%其他)
  市长大人 巴基莱·斯戎(Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune)
  高阶祭司 柯林斯迪安·格瑞芬内尔(Hight Priest Corinstian Grivenner

基础价值 4,400金币;购买限额 25,000金币;施法服务 4级
次级物品 2d4件;中级物品 1d4件;高级物品 1d2件

文化熏陶:金塔格以期艺术文化著称,在演员、音乐人和剧院老板间更是负有盛名。(秩序 -1,社会 +1;在进行表演检定时,总是视作繁荣城邦)
反抗精神:金塔格的市民天生就对思想自由充满向往,甚至会走向革命的边缘。(秩序 -1,社会 +1)
戒严:戒严中的金塔格城在晚上9点到次日早上6点都实施宵禁。此外,城市还需忍受斯戎家族颁布的法令。(腐败 -4,犯罪 -2,经济 -4,秩序 +2,学识 -4,社会 -4;危险 +10;在“市场”条目下的所有数据减半)

城堡区(Castle District)城堡区是城市的军事中心,也是城市政府的所在地
C1金塔格城堡(Castle Kintargo):这座城堡被刑柱骑士团控制
C2奈多大使馆(Nidalese Embassy):这栋建筑目前已被废弃。奈多因切利亚斯现在的风波撤出了大使。
C3沃尔堡(Citadel Vaull):激流骑士团的总部,这座碉堡现在是被废弃的状态。
C4高墙市场(Highwall Market):这个小市场为骑士团和城市守卫队服务。
C5安多斯宫(Andos Hall):金塔格的市政厅,曾经是市长大人的办公室,现在被木板封起来并废弃了。

绿荫区(The Greens) 绿荫区是金塔格的贵族区
G1档案馆(ecords Hall):这里为金塔格贵族存放档案
G2白门市场(Whitegate Market):这个富人市场专门经营绘画,黄金,白银和珠宝。
G4计数馆(The Counting House):这个低矮的建筑是银币华庭的开会场所。
G5五色梅公园(Lantana Park):这片广阔的公园主要给贵族享受使用
G6塔内森邸(Tanessen Estate):拥有者是杰夫·塔内森伯爵(Count Geoff Tanessen)。这个家族的领域包括武器盔甲制造,城防和军用物资。
G7戴隆日邸(Delronge Estate):拥有者是梅洛蒂亚·戴隆日大女男爵(Archbaroness Melodia Delronge)。这个家族的领域包括马匹繁育、狩猎与贸易
G8维克多邸(Victocora Estate):拥有者是波尔恰·维克多女男爵(Baroness Porcia Victocora)。这个家族的领域包括渔业、文学和诗歌。但这座府邸最近被火烧毁。
G9贾维斯邸(Jarvis Estate):拥有者是巴卡兰·贾维斯女男爵(Baroness Belcara Jarvis)。这个家族的领域包括建筑,木工、石工和城市规划。
G10奥拉玛邸(Aulamaxa Estate):拥有者是艾当娜·奥拉玛大女男爵(Archbaroness Eldonna Aulamaxa)。这个家族的领域包括狩猎,歌剧和舆论。
G11瓦什纳邸(Vashnarstill Estate):拥有者是珊第·瓦什纳男爵(Baron Sendi Vashnarstill)。这个家族的领域包括田地交易,渔业和造船业。
G12哈特罗邸( Jhaltero Estate):拥有者是坎顿·哈特罗男爵(Baron Canton Jhaltero)。这个家族的领域包括情报,白银和采石场
G13奥洛连邸(Aulorian Estate):拥有者是奥克西斯·奥洛连(Count Auxis Aulorian)。这个家族的领域包括魔法,盐业和白银。
G14萨里尼邸(Sarini Estate):拥有者是乌罗拉·萨里尼(Countess Urora Sarini)。这个家族的事业包括魔鬼学,娱乐业和戏剧。

贾维斯小径(Jarvis End) 贾维斯小径是金塔格夜生活的心脏
J1三足魔鬼(Three-Legged Devil):这里是金塔格最古老的舞厅
J2克里萨利书卷(Crissali’s Fine Tomes):这个书店以罕见文献和魔法物品闻名。
J3金塔格歌剧院(Kintargo Opera House):这个金塔格最受喜爱的建筑之一,现在是巴基莱·斯戎的家。
J4咏歌公园(Aria Park):这个大而开放的公园是最受街头艺人和音乐家欢迎的地方。(地狱义军战役开始的地点)
J5真理广场(Veritas Plaza):作为金塔格最早的市集,它每天都聚集着农民的摊贩。
J6银色之星(The Silver Star):这个荒废的音乐库房,最近被当地的莎伦莱教会占据。

旧城区(旧金塔格,Old Kintargo) 旧金塔格,顾名思义是金塔格最老的城区,是各种建筑都有的地方。
O1旧港口(The Old Harbor):这些码头主要用于运输建筑材料,食物和盐。
O2盐市(Salt Market):这个市场为泥瓦匠,炼金术士,工程师和建筑工服务。
O3萨利克斯制盐(Sallix Salt Works):这个打包盐的生意是金塔格最大最古老的产业之一。
O4盐门(Salt Gate):这个大门总是大开着,不过它主要只通过旧港口来的人流。
O5奥德草药店(Odde & Daughter Herbs):这个废弃的商店据说闹鬼。
O6金塔格旧公墓(Old Kintargo Cemetery):虽然已不再被使用,但阿斯蒂莫斯教会仍会定时巡视这片坟地。
O7“狗屎运”赌场(Lucky Bones):这个被烧毁的赌场一直没有被重建。
O8“牙和指甲”酒馆(Tooth and Nail):这个安静的酒馆是旧城区最古老的设施之一。
O9奥墨锻造坊(Olmer’s Smithy):作为旧城区最后一间铁匠铺,奥墨总有附魔盔甲贩售。
O10拘留所(Holding House):曾经是金塔格的监狱。最近被市长大人重新使用,用于关押还没被“处理”的嫌疑犯
O11真明之厅(House of Truth and Clarity):曾经是金塔格的法院,现在是拘留政治犯和执行公共处决的地点。
O12厄德公寓楼(Iudeimus Tenement):这栋公寓是旧城区最高的建筑。
O13维斯潘工艺品(Vespam Artisans):作为修补匠和技工的公会,这里经常贩卖魔法物品。
O14锈门(Rust Gate):这个金塔格最繁忙的大门现在通过需要付2银币的通行税。

红瓦区(Redroof) 与金塔格的其他区域相比,红瓦区的住宅风格最具特色。
R1霍肯的奇幻园(Hocum’s Fantasmagorium):这个藏有奇怪和少见奇物的博物馆已经关门多年。
R2克林伯干货(Kelimber’s Dry Goods and Supplies):这个杂乱的杂货铺和邮局为红瓦区完成许多每日所需。
R3红瓦市场(Redroof Market):这个市场专门经营衣物和纺织品。
R4魔鬼缝衣线(The Devil’s Threads):这间铺子大概是红瓦区最好的裁缝店。
R5好侍从马厩(Fair Fortune Livery):这个被废弃的马厩据说闹鬼。
R6裂蹄协会(The Cloven Hoof Society):这个摇摇欲坠的建筑是金塔格被压迫的提夫林居民的招待所。
R7魔鬼温床(Devil’s Nursery):这个贫民窟里主要住着提夫林。

神殿高地(Temple Hill) 神殿高地是金塔格教会的所在地
T2金面宫(House of Golden Veils):阿巴达尔的神殿,同时也是金塔格最大的银行和钱庄。
T3阿斯莫迪斯神殿(Temple of Asmodeus):毫不意外的,阿斯蒂莫斯大神殿是金塔格最大最有影响力的神殿
T4神殿花园(Temple Hill Gardens):这块地是金塔格主要的墓园。
T5亨伯特宫(Humbert House):一个古老的奥罗登神殿,曾经是一所孤儿院。现在被废弃了,而且据说里面闹鬼。
T6歌鸟宫(Songbird Hall):这座当地的纱琳神殿仍然试图维持金塔格的和平。

通途区(Villegre) 通途区是金塔格的学术中心
V1多可儿女士的女子高校(Lady Docur’s School for Girls):金塔格第二大的学院是年轻女性的精修学校。
V2通途公园(Villegre Park):这里很受想要休息和学习的学生的欢迎。
V3长路咖啡屋(Long Roads Coffeehouse):通途区最古老最受欢迎的咖啡屋,也是当地学生最爱的地点。
V4白石学院(Alabaster Academy):金塔格著名的大学,医学和生物学的专业在全内海都是知名的。最近很悲凉的衰退中。
V5蝾螈市场(The Newt Market):这个普通的市场经常有魔法物品贩售
V6夜路门(Nightways Gate):这个大门经常能看到尼达尔的交易者和观光客,除此之外不经常被使用。

约鲁比利斯港口(Yolubilis Harbor) 约鲁比利斯港口是银之城最繁忙的贸易区
Y1“战争牢笼”武器店(The War Cage):金塔格最大的武器商店,总是有魔法武器贩售。
Y2日落进口(Sunset Imports):直到最近,日落进口调节了绝大多数切利亚斯和遥远的阿卡狄亚的交易,但它失去了大部分的订单,正衰退中。
Y3瓦什纳船坞(Vashnarstill Shipyard):金塔格最繁忙的船坞总是能看见很多商人。
Y4“炸毛狼獾”酒吧(The Thrashing Badger):尤鲁比斯最吵闹的酒吧,最近被烧成了平地。


  • 他姓斯戎:巴基莱·斯戎是个羽翼丰满的斯戎家族成员;安伯嘉尔皇后是他的远房亲戚。
  • 他信大佬:不同于多数斯戎氏,巴基莱还是个能在阿斯莫迪斯的教会里排的上号的人物——一个有权有势的审判官。可以说,不论是斯戎家族还是阿斯莫迪斯教会,都不能完全信任这个脚踩两只船的家伙。
  • 他爱……搞创新:巴基莱擅长于创造和设想——尤其是对于折磨和拷问那些不忠者的的方法、工具和器材。被称作“狗屋”的酷刑就是他的最新脑洞。这是一种公开处决罪犯的方法,靠的是让恶犬慢慢地将犯人吃掉。
  • 他喜欢大狼狗:巴基莱钟爱各种血统的狗,但是他的最爱是大型犬,或者是地狱猎犬、三头犬这样的怪物。他不是那么喜欢小小狗。
  • 鸡毛大的事也能点着他:微小、无意的小事要么就是完全不入巴基莱的法眼,要么就是能直接把他炸上天。对于细微的不满意之处,他从来没有“中间地带”。
  • 他是歌剧粉:巴基莱把金塔格大剧院选做了自己的家,并且立刻关停了所有计划内的表演。据说,他用剧院为他私人演出他最爱的歌剧,但是没人知道是谁在为他演出。
  • 他是终身团员:巴基莱从来都没有过爱人,而且他也不是基佬。这让有些人猜测他没有小鸡鸡,还有人猜测他根本就不是地球人。他一定花了心思来保持自己的生活不为他人所知——哪怕是最紧密的盟友。
  • 他是个切利亚斯学者:作为斯戎家族的一员,巴基莱有权查阅海量的历史文献——这些文献后来不是被切利亚斯政府管控起来,就是被重新编撰了。他知道的关于切利亚斯历史的地理的知识多的让人吃惊。
  • 他主动来的金塔格:虽然多数斯戎家族成员都会对诸如金塔格市长之类的任命加以推诿(因为这里地形偏僻,思想自由),但传闻到巴基莱是自愿坐到这个位子上来的。
  • 他的爪牙特牛逼:虽然巴基莱现在示人时身边跟的都是人类护卫,但是传言说他和恶魔、亡灵甚至是一条蓝龙都有紧密的联系。这位金塔格的新任市长大人恐怕真的有一群超自然的牛逼盟友供他差遣!

第一轮公示 The First Proclamations
      金塔格的戒严令制度只是巴基莱·斯戎对这座城所做出的几次改变中的第一次,而它在范围上却是最广泛的。只要戒严令仍然有效,这个城市就会如数据表上受到罚值。此外,巴西莱还发表了七项声明,进一步编纂和扩大对地方法律的修改。任何被发现违反公告的人都会立即被多塔里(Dottari,切利亚斯城卫队)逮捕,并被带到城墙上最近的瞭望塔接受处理。在大多数情况下,一个人只需支付罚款就可以宽大处理,但在无法支付罚款或犯罪者是惯犯的情况下,惩罚可能会更严厉。 您的GM有关于如何跟踪这些罚款和惩罚的信息。
  • 第一法令:所有消灭城市里害虫(例如鸽子,老鼠和乌鸦)并将其出示于城市守卫队者,每只奖励一铜币。
  • 第二法令:所有公共商业场所必须在建建筑物的正门大厅显眼处悬挂一张尊敬的地狱女皇阿伯罗盖二世陛下的肖像画。并且肖像画尺寸必须不小于11X17英寸。
  • 第三法令:任何无伤捉到体重超过五十磅的野狗,并将其交给城市守卫队者,每只奖励两银币。这些高贵的忠诚生物理应拥有适合它们的住处。
  • 第四法令:从今天开始,斯戎家族和阿斯莫迪斯教会的成员以外的人禁止在公开场合穿着绣花服饰。这种权利只有由官方授予或经过城市自裁所审核。
  • 第五法令:粮食就是生命!所有撒落在公共场合的粮食必须在一小时内收集整理并重新打包完毕。放任粮食撒落者将交付地上每一粒粮食一铜币的罚金。
  • 第六法令:睡前茶对身体有害!禁止在日落到日升之间喝茶。
  • 第七法令:薄荷的口味和气味会毁掉任何精致的口感,没有比这更白痴的了!糖果,饮料和蜜饯在金塔洛禁止添加薄荷。

劇透 -   :
The city of Kintargo receives a full gazetteer in the first volume of Hell’s Rebels, but as locals, you (and by extension your character) should know a bit about the city from the start. This section of the Hell’s Rebels Player’s Guide provides a much shortened version of that article. If you see something that strikes your interest, ask your GM for more information. In all likelihood, he or she will require you to do some in-game research, information gathering, or roleplaying before revealing additional facts. Of course, paying a visit to an intriguing location is perhaps the best way to learn more about it.
      Kintargo has long been known as a haven and draw for artists, particularly composers, directors, and musicians eager to expand on Cheliax’s operatic traditions. After the Chelish Civil War ended and House Thrune seized control of Cheliax, the citizens of Kintargo fell in line begrudgingly. Unlike the open rebellions that defined cities to the southwest, Kintargo maintained a quiet but strong resistance to all things infernal. As a result, the city became a favorite of many noble families as a place to spend time away from the entanglements of government duties, and Kintargo’s citizens and leaders became experts at riding the thin line between being loyal Chelish citizens and independent-minded libertarians. During these years under Thrune law, Kintargo has maintained closer ties to the culture, people, and wealth of Varisian cities such as Korvosa and Magnimar than they have to Chelish cities such as Corentyn and Egorian. Most Kintargans choke to call themselves subjects of anything but their many-splendored city. They spend the warm, humid summers quietly tolerating being ruled by whatever distant capital insists they owe fealty, then spend the long, cold, rainy winters openly fantasizing about a revolution. Yet until today, the need for outright rebellion has never seemed worth the cost in blood.
    Kintargo’s history is strangely devoid of much information, leading many to suspect Thrune’s redactors and revisionists were particularly aggressive in doctoring old documents and records regarding the past. Today, Kintargo has a new leader. Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune took over from Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus, who (as rumors hold) fled the city under cover of night just 2?weeks ago. Some say she fled to join the Iomedaean rebels far to the southeast, while others say she left Cheliax entirely to seek a new life in Arcadia. And there are those who maintain she never escaped Kintargo at all, but was imprisoned or even killed by Thrune’s agents.
    Whatever the truth, the rebellion elsewhere has pushed the government to lock down its major cities, and Kintargo is no exception. Paracount Barzillai Thrune now rules Kintargo, and to date has done more than simply institute martial law; he’s enacted seven proclamations that all citizens of Kintargo must abide by, and it seems that every few days, a new and increasingly outlandish proclamation is added to the list.
    Kintargo’s major exports are salt, seafood (particularly silver salmon), silver, and culture in the form of entertainment and art. The city itself straddles the northeastern shore of the Yolubilis River and a large island named Argo that sits in the river’s mouth. The city skyline is dominated by three structures—Castle Kintargo, the Temple of Asmodeus, and the spires of Alabaster Academy, although the central dome of the Kintargo Opera House is perhaps the city’s greatest pride.

KinTargan FaCTions
Many different factions call Kintargo home, including the following.
Bellflower Network: This rumored organization of halflings supposedly helps slaves escape from Cheliax.
Chelish Citizens’ Group: Not all of Kintargo’s citizens seethe under martial law. A small subset have formed this group to support Barzillai Thrune, and have been empowered as a militia to augment the city’s guards.
Church of Asmodeus: The church of Asmodeus is the official faith of Kintargo, and its callous high priest, Corinstian Grivenner, is a well known (and much loathed) public official.
Court of Coin: Kintargo is home to eight noble families, all of whom gather in a group known as the Court of Coin to serve as a council of advisers for the government. Barzillai Thrune has had little time or interest in hearing the Court of Coin of late.
House Thrune: The rulers of Cheliax have now taken a direct role in the day-to-day operation of the nation’s major cities, including Kintargo.
Kintargo Dottari: Led by Duxotas Vannases Trex (herself a recent appointee by the government), Kintargo’s city guards are growing more and more aggressive in their attempts to “keep the peace.”
Order of the Rack: This order of Hellknights is known to oppose uprisings, and Kintargo is one of many cities in which they’ve been hired for additional peacekeeping. This particular group of Hellknights is led by Paralictor Kyrre Ekodyre.
Order of the Torrent: Kintargo’s own Hellknight order has been strangely quiet since martial law was enacted, and its leader, Lictor Octavio Sabinus, has been
missing entirely.
Rose of Kintargo: This group of rebels follows the teachings of the minor goddess Milani, but nothing has been heard of them since Barzillai Thrune came to town. Rumor holds that the Rose was secretly crushed that first night martial law was enacted.
Sacred Order of Archivists: A second secret society rumored to have been destroyed by Thrune agents, the Sacred Order of Archivists was a group of Irorians dedicated to the preservation of historical documents.
Silver Ravens: A third and final group of rebels supposedly put down by House Thrune is the Silver Ravens. Nothing has been heard from them or their leaders for weeks.
Miscellaneous Gangs: Kintargo currently lacks an organized thieves’ guild, but does have at least two smaller gangs—the Red Jills and the River Talons—neither of whom are currently accepting new members.

undersTanding KinTargo’s sTaTs
Presented below is a city stat block for Kintargo. Most of these numbers and pieces of information are for your GM to use; he or she has additional information in Pathfinder Adventure Path #97: In Hell’s Bright Shadow about how to employ these stats. As your Hell’s Rebels campaign progresses, your actions will adjust and enhance the city’s statistics.
Note particularly the stat block’s third line, where six modifiers are listed. These modifiers apply to specific types of rolls you’ll be making during the campaign, as summarized below. These modifiers will also change as the campaign progresses. The values listed below apply at the start of the first adventure and remain in play until your triumphs (or perhaps your failures) adjust them.

Corruption: All Bluff checks made against the dottari, the Chelish Citizens’ Group, or members of the church of Asmodeus and all Stealth checks made outdoors within the city walls gain no bonus.
Crime: All Sense Motive checks to avoid being bluffed and Sleight of Hand checks made to pick pockets take a –2 penalty.
Economy: All Craft, Perform, and Profession checks to generate income take a –1 penalty.
Law: All Intimidate checks made to force someone to act friendly, Diplomacy checks against government officials, and Diplomacy checks to call the city guard gain a +4 bonus.
Lore: All Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Knowledge checks made using city resources to do research while using a library gain no bonus.
Society: All Disguise checks and all Diplomacy checks made to alter the attitude of a non-government official take a –2 penalty.

CG large city
Corruption +0; Crime –2; Economy –1; Law +4; Lore +0;
Society –2
Qualities academic, cultured, defiant, rebellious,
rumormongering citizens, strategic location
Danger +20; Disadvantages martial law
Government overlord (formerly autocracy)
Population 11,900 (85% human, 4% halfling, 3% tiefling, 1% half-elf, 7% other)

Notable NPCs
Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune
High Priest Corinstian Grivenner
Base Value 4,400 gp; Purchase Limit 25,000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2d4; Medium Items 1d4; Major Items 1d2
Cultured Kintargo is well known for its culture of artistry, particularly among actors, musicians, and patrons of the opera. (Law –1, Society +1; always counts as a prosperous city for the purposes of Perform checks)
Defiant The citizens of Kintargo have a natural predilection for free thinking that borders on rebellious action. (Law –1, Society +1)
Martial Law As long as Kintargo remains under martial law, a 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew is in effect. Additionally, as long as its citizens must follow the edicts and proclamations put in place by House Thrune, the city stifles and suffers. (Corruption –4, Crime –2, Economy –4, Law +2, Lore –4, Society –4; Danger +10; halve all values for Marketplace entries)

KinTargo disTriCTs
Brief notes on locations of interest in Kintargo are listed below.
The Castle District serves as the city’s military headquarters, and is the seat of the city’s government.
C1. Castle Kintargo: The castle is currently controlled by the Order of the Rack.
C2. Nidalese Embassy: This building is currently abandoned, as Nidal has withdrawn its diplomats during the current crisis in Cheliax.
C3. Citadel Vaull: Headquarters to the Order of the Torrent, this bunker is apparently abandoned at this time.
C4. Highwall Market: This small market caters to those who keep the city running smoothly.
C5. Andos Hall: Kintargo’s city hall, once the office of the lord-mayor, is currently boarded up and abandoned.

The Greens is Kintargo’s noble district.
G1. Records Hall: This repository holds records for Kintargo nobility.
G2. Whitegate Market: This affluent market specializes in artwork, gold, jewelry, and silver.
G3. Greengate: Kintargo’s easternmost gate is used primarily by nobility, but it is usually kept closed.
G4. The Counting House: This squat building serves as a meeting place for the Court of Coin.
G5. Lantana Park: This expansive series of cultivated parks is intended mostly for the nobility to enjoy.
G6. Tanessen Estate: Led by Count Geoff Tanessen, this family’s interests include armor and weapon crafting, city defense, and military supplies.
G7. Delronge Estate: Led by Archbaroness Melodia Delronge, this family’s interests include horse breeding, hunting, and mercantilism.
G8. Victocora Estate: Once led by Baroness Porcia Victocora, this family’s interests included fishing, literature, and poetry, but their estate was recently destroyed by fire.
G9. Jarvis Estate: Led by Baroness Belcara Jarvis, this family’s interests include architecture, carpentry, city planning, and stonemasonry.
G10. Aulamaxa Estate: Led by Archbaroness Eldonna Aulamaxa, this family’s interests include hunting, opera, and public opinion.
G11. Vashnarstill Estate: Led by Baron Sendi Vashnarstill, this family’s interests include Arcadian trade, fishing, and shipbuilding.
G12. Jhaltero Estate: Led by Baron Canton Jhaltero, this family’s interests include information, silver, and stone quarries.
G13. Aulorian Estate: Led by Count Auxis Aulorian, this family’s interests include magic, salt, and silver.
G14. Sarini Estate: Led by Countess Urora Sarini, this family’s interests include diabolism, entertainment, and the theater of the real.

Jarvis End is the beating heart of Kintargo’s nightlife.
J1. Three-Legged Devil: This venue is Kintargo’s oldest dance hall.
J2. Crissali’s Fine Tomes: This bookstore has a reputation for rare texts and magical arcane items.
J3. Kintargo Opera House: One of Kintargo’s most beloved buildings, it is now home to Barzillai Thrune.
J4. Aria Park: This large, open park is a popular place for street performers and musicians.
J5. Veritas Plaza: As Kintargo’s original marketplace, it hosts daily farmers’ markets.
J6. The Silver Star: This ruined music store housed, until recently, a local cult of Sarenrae.

Old Kintargo is, as the name implies, Kintargo’s oldest district. It is home to an eclectic mix of buildings.
O1. The Old Harbor: These docks are used mostly for shipping building materials, food, and salt.
O2. Salt Market: This market caters to masons, alchemists, architects, and builders.
O3. Sallix Salt Works: This salt-packaging business is the largest and oldest of its kind in Kintargo.
O4. Salt Gate: This gate is left open at all times, but it mostly just receives traffic from the Old Harbor.
O5. Odde & Daughter Herbs: This abandoned shop is supposedly haunted.
O6. Old Kintargo Cemetery: Though no longer in active use, this burial ground is periodically patrolled by the church of Asmodeus.
O7. Lucky Bones: This burned-out gambling hall was never rebuilt.
O8. Tooth and Nail: This quiet tavern is one of Old Kintargo’s oldest establishments.
O9. Olmer’s Smithy: As Old Kintargo’s last remaining smith, Olmer often has magic armor for sale.
O10. Holding House: Once Kintargo’s jail, this building was recently re-commissioned and put back into use by Thrune as a place to hold suspects before they are processed.
O11. House of Truth and Clarity: What used to be Kintargo’s courthouse is now used to house political prisoners and host the occasional public execution.
O12. Iudeimus Tenement: This tenement building is the tallest structure in Old Kintargo.
O13. Vespam Artisans: Magic items are often found for sale at this a guild of tinkers and metal artisans.
O14. Rust Gate: Passage through Kintargo’s busiest gate now comes with a 2 sp gate tax.

The residences of Redroof possess a distinctive look compared to the rest of Kintargo.
R1. Hocum’s Fantasmagorium: This museum of strange and unusual oddities has been closed for many years.
R2. Kelimber’s Dry Goods and Supplies: This sprawling general store and post office serves many of Redroof ’s daily needs.
R3. Redroof Market: This market specializes in clothing and textiles.
R4. The Devil’s Threads: This business is arguably the finest tailor shop in Redroof.
R5. Fair Fortune Livery: This abandoned stable is said to be haunted.
R6. The Cloven Hoof Society: This ramshackle building is run as a hostel and advocacy for Kintargo’s downtrodden tiefling citizens.
R7. Devil’s Nursery: This slum is primarily inhabited by tieflings.

The slopes of Temple Hill are home to Kintargo’s churches.
T1. Shadowsquare: Kintargo’s second-largest temple houses the local church of Zon-Kuthon.
T2. House of Golden Veils: As a temple of Abadar, this church serves as Kintargo’s largest bank and moneylender.
T3. Temple of Asmodeus: Unsurprisingly, the grand Temple of Asmodeus is Kintargo’s largest and most powerful church.
T4. Temple Hill Gardens: These plots of lands hold Kintargo’s active graveyards.
T5. Humbert House: An old shrine of Aroden that once served as an orphanage, this building is now abandoned and reputed to be haunted.
T6. Songbird Hall: The local temple of Shelyn continues to attempt to keep the peace in Kintargo.

Villegre is Kintargo’s scholastic center.
V1. Lady Docur’s School for Girls: Kintargo’s second-largest academy is a finishing school for young women.
V2. Villegre Park: This area is a popular place for students to relax and study.
V3. Long Roads Coffeehouse: Villegre’s oldest and most popular coffeehouse is a favorite spot of local students.
V4. Alabaster Academy: Kintargo’s famed university, renowned throughout the Inner Sea region for its expertise on medical and biological sciences, is now sadly in decline.
V5. The Newt Market: This eclectic marketplace often has magic items for sale.
V6. Nightways Gate: This gate usually sees traders or visitors from Nidal, but isn’t otherwise used much.

Yolubilis Harbor is the bustling merchants’ district of the Silver City.
Y1. The War Cage: Kintargo’s largest weapons shop often has magic weapons for sale.
Y2. Sunset Imports: Until recently, Sunset Imports coordinated most of the trade between Cheliax and Anchor’s End on distant Arcadia, but it recently lost its contract and is now in decline.
Y3. Vashnarstill Shipyard: Kintargo’s busy shipyard sees many merchants.
Y4. The Thrashing Badger: Yolubilis Harbor’s rowdiest tavern recently burned to the ground.
Y5. Clenchjaw’s: This friendly tavern has lately gained an influx of new customers.
Y6. Bleakbridge: Connecting northern and southern Kintargo, this bridge doubles as the city’s busiest marketplace.

The First Proclamations
The institution of martial law in Kintargo was but the first of several changes Barzillai Thrune has made to the city, and it is certainly the most wide-reaching in scope. As long as martial law remains in effect, the city is penalized as detailed under its stat block. In addition, Barzillai has issued seven proclamations to further codify and expand changes to local law. Anyone caught breaking a proclamation is immediately arrested by the dottari and brought to the nearest watchtower on the city wall for processing. In most cases, one merely has to pay a fine, but in cases where the fine can’t be paid or the perpetrator is a repeat offender, the punishments can be greater. Your GM has information on how to track these fines and punishments.
      Proclamations are posted in public places for all to see, and when a new proclamation is set in place, town criers march the city streets to announce them. The currently active proclamations are as follows.
    Proclamation the First: All slayers of city pests (hereby ascribed as doves, mice, and ravens) who present said pests to the dottari shall be rewarded with a bounty of one copper piece.
    Proclamation the Second: All places of public business must display in a position of prominence within the first room accessible from the building’s primary entrance a portrait of Her Infernal Magestrix Queen Abrogail II. Said portrait must measure no
less than 17 by 11 inches.
    Proclamation the Third: All those who capture, alive and unharmed, feral dogs of a weight exceeding 50 pounds are to be rewarded with a payment of two silver pieces upon transfer of the dogs to the dottari. Such noble guardian creatures should find homes worthy of their kind!
    Proclamation the Fourth: The right to wear fine embroidered clothing in public is hereafter proscribed to anyone other than agents of House Thrune or the Holy Church of Asmodeus. Exceptions can be awarded or purchased at the city’s discretion.
    Proclamation the Fifth: Grain is life! Should grain be spilled in public, all must be gathered, cleaned, and repackaged within the hour. Any person who allows grain to go ungathered after a spillage shall be fined one copper piece per grain.
    Proclamation the Sixth: The imbibing of night tea brings a dangerous imbalance to the slumbering mind. Between the hours of sunset and sunrise, the taking of tea is proscribed.
    Proclamation the Seventh: The odor and flavor of mint is an abomination to the refined palate. Be not the cretin! Mint use in candies, drinks, and all manner of confections is hereby proscribed.

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 10:58:31 »
银渡鸦 The Silver Ravens

叛军表术语 Rebellion sheet Terminology

等级 Rank:叛军开始时是等级1,在第一章冒险——“踏入光明的地狱阴影”中最高能够达到等级5。这一最高等级限制将会在冒险之路上不断提高。叛军组织等级依据其拥有的支持者数量而提升(见表1:叛军晋升)。虽然你会在过程中失去支持者,但就算支持者的数量低于升级时的要求数量,叛军等级也不会随之降低,而是维持现有等级不变。
最高等级 Max. Rank:初章最高为等级5,随冒险之路的推进,这个最高等级会提升,最多至最终的等级20为止。
策略 Focus:当你的团队取得银渡鸦的领导权时,作为一个组织,你们必须决定你们的反抗军所偏好的全局策略。如果你们希望组织专注于政治影响和人气,选择忠诚策略。如果你们希望你们的组织在对抗政府时保持低调,选择隐秘策略。如果你们希望你们的组织与斯戎的特工作战时斗志昂扬,选择安全策略。
成员 Membership:叛军的初始成员数量等于PC数。这是组织内的军官、盟友和个别团队成员的总数。注意,这个数字不直接影响叛军数据,只是调味。
支持者 Supporters:初始时有0个支持者。支持者是直接支持叛军的金塔格人口(不计算银渡鸦的实际成员)。叛军组织的支持者人数如同角色经验值一般起作用,但是他们仍然表示着金塔格城市中的每一独特的个体。如果有什么事情使得你们的支持者总数降低至某等级所需的最低数量,组织不会受到额外惩罚,仅仅只是你们升级需要更多的支持者。支持者总数小于当前城市人口,大于0.
人口 Population:该数据追踪的是金塔格城市的当前人口总量,初始值为11900。人口数量会随着战役进行而上下波动,也会在持续的暴力活动中呈现不断流失的趋势。一旦银渡鸦成功地推翻了巴基莱·斯戎,当日的城市最终人口数量将会最终决定任何你们所能获得的经额外验值奖励。增长的支持者来自城市的现存人口,但是不会增加城市实际人口。在你失去支持者的时候,城市人口减少相同的数量(例如在冒险期间斯戎特工处决了一些支持者)。
金库 Treasury:初始时金库有10gp。组织需要金钱完成日常任务或应对突发事件。另外,有些小队是可以为组织赚钱的。使用表格上该行记录跟踪放置于叛军金库的当前数额。休整期期间,你们可以往金库中存钱或取钱。但是,如果金库里的金币没达到最小值,叛军和支持者们会很焦虑。
最小金库 Min. Treasury:最小金库=叛军等级×10gp;当你们的金库的总值小于该值时,叛军的士气就会受到影响,因为支持者们会认为,未来几周可能没有足够的资金来应对意想不到的挫折或寻求更多的支持者。
恶名 Notoriety:初始时恶名为0。斯戎家族和阿斯莫迪斯教会决定叛军们的恶名值。如果他们认为银渡鸦是一个更大的威胁,你们的恶名值会增加。这个值从0到100不等。有时,你们会需要进行恶名检定(骰d%)。如果检定结果小于等于银渡鸦的当前恶名值,斯戎家族(或其他特工)会注意到造反者,于是一些坏事便会发生(取决于每个冒险中GM使用的参考)。所以你会想要尽可能地骰高你们的恶名值。你们的恶名值不能超过100。一旦恶名值到达100,斯戎家族就会展开严打肃清,集合处决可疑的银渡鸦同情份子,银乌鸦的支持者和城市人口随之骤减。
组织检定 rganization Checks:叛军完成革命任务和经受挫折的的能力取决于三个组织检定:
叛军行动 Rebellion Actions:每周叛军都可以根据等级(见表1)进行一定数量的行动。行动数量可以通过军官、特殊盟友和特定事件增加(更多细节由你们的GM在冒险中遇到这些机遇时告诉你们)
可用行动 Available Actions:战役初期,叛军只能在活动期(Activity phase)进行一些特定的行动,已在叛军表中给出。当叛军招募小队时,会解锁额外的行动。详见p27~30的完整叛军行动表。
活跃事件 Active Events:许多事件的结果贯穿一周,并且会影响你的角色和下周的叛军。在此记录你的活动。如果事件是持续的,则在记录事件的左侧放置一个标记。(有关持久性事件的更多详细信息,请参阅第32页的侧栏。)
军官 Officers:在军官角色名称右边写上担任该职务PC(或特殊盟友)的名字。记录任何适用的可用加值。(有关军官角色的完整清单,见下文)。
最大小队 Max. Teams:叛军可以补给有限数量的小队,具体由叛军等级和军官的调整决定。在此记录你的最大小队。注:参与战役获得的奖励小队不计入该上限
小队 Teams:在此记录被叛军招募的特殊小队。
盟友 Allies:利用这个空格,追踪叛军聚集的盟友,以及他们给予的影响。

劇透 -  好孩子不要看:
劇透 -   :
PC奖励 PC Boons

训练 Training:2,7,12,17级,每个PC获得1个奖励技能点可以立即用于任意技能。这代表着PC通过与越来越多的技术工人和参与这一事业的反叛分子而获得的训练。如同从天赋职业中获得的额外等级。可以与其他来源的技能等级叠加,但是在一个技能内投入的最大技能点保持不变;PC不能有超出其HD的技能等级。后续的技能奖励可以如PC所愿加在相同或不同的技能点上。
礼物 Gift:3,6,8,11,13,16,18级,叛军支持者中的崇拜者为PC献上礼物。3级的礼物为价值最高300gp的药水。6、8、11级的礼物为金币。8级的礼物为价值最高1200gp的盔甲或魔杖,魔杖为满发的(或用掉合适的发数)。13级的礼物为价值最高5000gp的盔甲或魔杖,魔杖为满发的(或用掉合适的发数)。18级为价值最高10000gp的魔法物品。
称号 Title:4,9,14,19级,PC获得与其在叛军中相配的称号。虽然称号很大程度上只是一种荣誉,但也能获得奖励专长或让每个PC通过与叛军成员的一训练和不断成长的叛军所带来的自信获得其他好处。
经验奖励 XP Award:5,10,15,20级。以剧情奖励的方式,获得所列出的经验。与所有剧情奖励意义,平分给每个PC。

军官 Officers

政委 Demagogue:将体质或魅力加值调整至叛军的忠诚检定
游击队长 Partisan:将力量或感知加值调整至叛军的安全检定
招募官 Recruiter:维护期期间,通过成功的组织检定,将增加等于该军官人物等级数量的支持者,这个加值可以由其他宣传员叠加。
守望者 Sentinel:叛军的两个次要组织检定将获得+1加值,可以在事件期期间协助组织检定,以解决一个事件。在事件解决期,将体质或魅力加值调整至叛军的忠诚检定,将力量或感知加值调整至叛军的安全检定,将敏捷或智力加值调整至叛军的隐秘检定。
间谍首脑 Spymaster:将敏捷或智力加值调整至叛军的隐秘检定
参谋长 Strategist:在行动期给予银渡鸦一个额外的叛军行动,用于解决该行动效果的所有组织检定获得+2加值.

小队状态 Team Conditions

小队 Teams
名字与等级 Name and Tier:这是小队名字,1级小队是该小队的基础类型,必须由招募小队行动招募。2级小队必须由特定的1级小队晋升;需要晋升小队行动并花费金币。2级小队可以晋升为两种3级小队的一种,并需要进一步的晋升小队行动和更多金币。
招聘或费用 Recruitment or Cost:这列出了招募小队所需的隐秘或安全检定(1级小队)或升级团队(2、3级小队)所需的费用。(注:没有小队是通过忠诚招募,忠诚检定用于招募新的支持者)
可用行动 Granted Action:这列出了小队允许在活动阶段采取的一项或多项叛军行动。
规模 Size:这是多少人组成的小队。叛乱的确切人数并没有任何真实的机械效果,但如果你想在中深入了解这个层面的细节,那么知道一个小队中有多少人可以帮助你或GM为团队中的个别成员提供姓名、个性和细节。

顾问 advisors
招募 隐秘DC10
可用行动 搜集情报
规模 6人
晋升 谣言制造者

谣言制造者 RUMORMONGERS (2级顾问)
花费 50gp
可用行动 搜集情报 散布假情报
规模 6人
前身 街头表演者 晋升 煽动者或行家

煽动者 AGITATORS (3级顾问)
花费 200gp
可用行动 搜集情报 散布假情报 城市影响
规模 6人
前身 谣言制造者

花费 50gp
可用行动 搜集情报 散布假情报 知识检定
规模 6人
前身 谣言制造者      

亡命之徒 Outlaws

潜行者 SNEAKS(1级亡命之徒)
招募 隐秘DC15
可用行动 藏匿物保护
规模 3人
晋升 盗贼

盗贼 THIEVES(2级亡命之徒)
招募 250gp
可用行动 提供藏身处 藏匿物保护
规模 3人
来源 潜行者 晋升 破坏者或间谍

破坏者 SABOTEURS (3级亡命之徒)
招募 1000gp
可用行动 提供藏身处 藏匿物保护 蓄意破坏
规模 3人
来源 盗贼

间谍 SPIES(3级亡命之徒)
招募 1000gp
可用行动 提供藏身处 藏匿物保护 秘密行动
规模 3人
来源 盗贼

革命者 Revolutionaries

招募 隐秘DC15
可用行动 减少危险
规模 6人
晋升 渗透者

招募 250gp
可用行动 减少危险 营救人员
规模 6人
来源 自由战士 晋升 神秘人或施法者

秘会士 CABALISTS(3级革命者)
招募 1000gp
可用行动 减少危险 营救人员 操纵事件
规模 6人
来源 渗透者

招募 1000gp
可用行动 减少危险 营救人员 恢复人员
规模 6人
来源 渗透者

商人 Traders

招募 隐秘DC10
可用行动 挣钱
规模 6人
晋升 普通商人

普通商人 PEDDLERS(2级商人)
招募 50gp
可用行动 挣钱 刷新市场
规模 6人
来源 小商贩 晋升 黑市商人或大商人

招募 200gp
可用行动 挣钱 刷新市场 创建黑市
规模 6人
来源 普通商人

招募 200gp
可用行动 挣钱 刷新市场 特别订单
规模 6人
来源 普通商人

领导力的效果 Benefits of Leadership

盟友 Allies
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-23, 周日 11:07:06 由 丞相 »

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  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 11:02:47 »

维护期 Upkeep Phase
步骤1——支持者损耗(Supporter Attrition):尝试DC10的忠诚检定,成功只失去1d6,如果为自然20,则改为获得1d6,失败则失去2d4+叛军等级的支持者。
步骤2——恶名最大值(Notoriety Maximum):如果恶名值为100,Thrune特工立即采取行动,以捏造的罪名围捕和处决可疑的支持者。这既减少了叛乱的支持者,也减少了金塔戈的人口,数量相当于1d20+叛军的等级。
步骤3——金库短缺(Treasury Shortage):如果叛军金库在维护期低于最小值,失去2d4+叛军等级的支持者。
步骤4——提高等级(Increase Rank):由于前一周支持者的增加,对叛军等级进行任意调整。这是叛乱“升级”的时刻。如果银渡鸦自上个维护期以来的支持者大幅增加,那么有可能获得不止一个等级,特别是在叛军的早期。
步骤5——存款和提款(Deposits and Withdrawals):任何叛军军官都可以从叛军金库中储存或提取任何数量的金币。

行动期 Activity Phase

运作黑市 Activate Black Market (黑市商人):为运作一个黑市,你必须尝试DC20的隐秘检定,花费50gp走私货物,贿赂军官。检定成功后,银渡鸦会在金塔格组织期为期一周的黑市。本周该城市的基础价格翻倍,并且在所有由投骰决定的物品存在的可能性从75%提升至90%。此外魔法物品卖给黑市的价格为55%而不是50%。检定失败则恶名值上升1d6。

提供安全屋 Activate Safe House(盗贼,破坏者,间谍):你的亡命之徒小队在金塔格的某个地方保护了一座小建筑,并把它设为安全屋。你可以为这个角色选择任何建筑,前提是该建筑不是位于城堡区或绿荫区(最终选择须经GM批准)。这座建筑本身可能被废弃,也可能是叛军支持者经营的家或者小生意。激活的安全屋持续1周,在此期间,任何通过营救人员行动行动恢复的角色都可以毫无恐惧地被带到那。该建筑还提供了一个安全的地方,以获得食物,恢复和休息,而不必担心游荡怪物或其他干扰。藏在激活的安全屋的藏匿物不会因为藏匿物发现事件而丢失。最后,每一个激活的安全屋,都为叛军在安全检定检定中提供可累计的+1加值,最高为+5。

改变军官职务 Change Officer Role(无小队需求):一个PC可以改变他在银渡鸦的军官职务,盟友和追随者无法用该行动改变。

秘密行动 Covert Action (间谍):通过采取这一行动,间谍可以与任何其他团队合作,以隐藏任何证据表明叛军参与了此次行动。秘密行动之后所有的d20的加值为间谍管理者的魅力加值。此外从该行动活动的恶名自动降为最低。另一种用法,秘密行动可以被用于在特定定位放置一个接头人或隐匿装置,但只保留一周。你的GM有信息决定随着冒险的进行,他们会变得有意义。

解散小队 Dismiss Team(无小队需求):通过采取解散小队的行动,你可以将一个小队从叛军中移除,腾出这个位置来招募一个新的小队。当你采取这一行动时,尝试进行DC 10忠诚检定。如果你失败了,你的恶名值会增加1d4,因为被解散的小队成员的闲言碎语会损害叛军的秘密。

赚钱 Earn Gold(黑市商人,大商人,普通商人,小商贩):进行隐秘检定并乘以小队级别。结果为该小队本周赚取的金币。将结果添加至叛军金库。如果本次检定为天然1,依然赚钱,但恶名增加1d6.

搜集情报 Gather Information(煽动者,专家,谣言制造者,街头表演者):通过额外加值为两倍小队等级的DC15的隐秘检定,可以搜集到情报。可能是随机谣言(你的GM有每次冒险都会变动的随机谣言表)也可能是可以通过交涉检定来收集关于这个话题或者个人的来了解特定的地方信息。对于某些话题与个人,DC会超过15.隐秘检定为天然1,不会自动失败,但恶名增加1d6.

保证事件 Guarantee Event(无小队需求):通过故意降低组织的戒备提高1d6的恶名值。可以保证该事件发生在事件期,如果你进行该动作,事件的结果GM将双骰取低。

知识检定 Knowledge Check(专家):专家小队可提供能通过成功的知识检定回答的问题的答案。不用知识检定,而是隐秘检定。加上金塔格的学识修正和1/2的叛军等级。DC为知识检定所需的值。

蛰伏 Lie Low(无小队需求):如果你们选择在整个活动期不进行任何叛军行动,恶名值减少等于叛军小队总数的值。

操纵事件 Manipulate Events(秘会士):秘会士是金塔格社会中神秘的风云人物,他们的只言片语可能引发重大事件,当你的秘会士操控事件是。下个事件期必然有事发生。GM检定两次,秘会士的管理者可选择两个结果中的任一件发生。如果事件有害,秘会士的管理者可以将自己的魅力调整加到任一d20检定的结果中,以进一步影响结果。

招募支持者 Recruit Supporters(无小队需求):该行动每个活动期只能进行一次,花费等于叛军最小金库的金币,可尝试招募更多支持者。忠诚检定DC=10+叛军等级。成功增加2d6+招募官的加值。如果出在忠诚检定中出自然1,不会自然失败,但恶名值增加1d6。叛军为当前最大等级时,不得进行该行动

招募小队 Recruit Team(无小队需求):只要未达到最大小队数量,就可以招募新的小队。所需DC和特殊组织检定在小队类型中列出。如果出在组织检定中出自然1,不会自然失败,但恶名值增加1d6

减少危险 Reduce Danger(自由战士,渗透者,秘会士,施法者):通过DC15的安全检定,下周金塔格的危险度下降5点(最低为0,影响接下来的事件发生检定)每额外超出10DC,危险度额外下降5.检定失败则增加1d4恶名,下周和下次事件期的危险度上升5.

刷新市场 Refresh Marketplace(黑市商人,大商人,普通商人):通过花费100gp在贿赂和其他费用上,当前的特殊魔法物品被移除,GM决定下周结束时哪些魔法物品可用。如果使用3级小队刷新市场。可要求在每个类别中(次级、中级和高级)中重新分配一个魔法物品。

营救人员 Rescue Character(渗透者,秘会士,施法者):该小队闯入监狱或其他安全地点来营救被俘虏的人员(PC或NPC)。通过安全检定DC=10+被俘虏人员的等级,被成功营救人员可以被带到目前由叛军控制的金塔格的任何地方(通常是现在的总部,但也可以是任何由亡命之徒小队激活的藏身所)。一次成功的营救会增加相当于获救角色的等级的恶名值。营救失败恶名值降低一半,且营救失败。注意,某些NPC不能被渗透者营救,而必须由PC亲自营救。营救人员动作每次只能营救一个。

恢复人员 Restore Character(施法者):你的施法者可以治愈伤害或移除角色的虚弱状态。此操作可用于为整个小队免费执行以下行动之一:治疗所有属性伤害,治疗所有生命点伤害,或接受一个三级或更低级别的恢复法术(如解除魔法、移除目盲/耳聋、移除疾病或移除麻痹)。也可为个人(非小队)提供破除结界,死者复活,复原术,解除石化。被复活的人物尸体必须带到银渡鸦总部(可能需要单独的营救人员行动)这些更高级的法术通过卷轴施展,需要一笔等于卷轴的金钱支出。(破除结界1125gp,死者复活6125gp,复原术1700gp,解除石化1650gp)GM可酌情提供其他可用的恢复。

蓄意破坏 Sabotage(破坏者):可尝试破坏建筑,或干涉斯戎家族或阿斯摩蒂尔斯教会。通过DC20点隐秘检定。斯戎和教会特工在接下去的一周分型。所有的组织检定+2加值。另外减少2d6恶名。检定失败,支持者和金塔格人口减少2d6.另外蓄意破坏行动也可以用于影响会发生在特定地点的冒险。当在冒险过程中相关是,你的GM有这些行为的相关信息。

藏匿物保护 Secure Cache(潜行者,盗贼,间谍,破坏者):你可以将一个藏匿物装备藏在金塔格某处,这样做需要购买该物品(或给予小队该已有物品),并通过成功的隐秘检定放置该物品。藏匿物有三种规则:小型,中型,大型(见上方侧栏)潜行者只能保护小型,盗贼可保护中小型,破坏者和间谍均可保护所有类型。你可以让小队在金塔格的任何位置中保护户外藏匿物(通常隐藏在小巷或公园或其他相对偏僻的区域)或藏在专用建筑中。当放置于专用建筑时,藏匿物通常隐藏在入口附近,但在某些建筑物中有其他位置可用。(你的GM掌握了所需的信息。)。在“敌人领土”(受GM限制)内放置一个藏匿物可以使DC增加5到10。牢记隐藏的藏匿物的位置,以及它们是什么类型的藏匿物!关于DC和三个类别的其他详细信息,请参阅上面的侧栏。

藏匿物 Caches
小型藏匿物 Minor Cache:不超过5磅,900gp,通过DC15的隐秘检定
中型藏匿物 Intermediate Cache:不超过10磅,2500gp,通过DC20的隐秘检定
大型藏匿物Major Cache:不超过20磅,加值不限,允许用便利袋,次元洞等扩充藏物重量上限。通过DC30的隐秘检定。

特别行动 Special(无小队需求):有时,军官必须采取特别行动,以处理前一周事件的结果或冒险过程中的事态发展。这些特殊行动的性质差别很大,在需要它们的事件或发展中可以找到关于它们工作方式的规则。

特别订单 Special Order(大商人):通过依赖于内海地区其他城市的联系,一队大商人可以为一种价格高于金塔格基本价值、目前无法在市内商店买到的特别昂贵的物品下一份特别订单。该物品的花费必须预先支付(虽然实际价格包括5%的折扣,因为大商人在讨价还价上专业知识),它将在2D6天内交付给金塔格。(若额外支付为900 GP,则此交货时间可缩短至1天,方法是将该物品以隐形传送方式交付。这个额外的费用等于两个传送法术的费用,因为送货员的返程也必须计算在内。)GM有权决定某一物品是否可用于特殊订购。

散布假情报 Spread Disinformation(谣言制造者,煽动者,专家):小队在金塔格散步叛军的假情报,如果通过DC20的隐秘检定,降低1d6的当前恶名值。每超过10点,额外1d6。如果检定结果低于DC5以上,恶名增加1d6.

升级小队 Upgrade Team(无小队需求):花费升级小队所需的金钱,可将低级小队升级至高级小队。一只小队一周之内晋升一次,但只要金钱和叛军动作足够,可以升级多只,。

影响城市 Urban Influence(煽动者):你的煽动者可操控金塔格的贵族,花费100gp资助这影响,选择下列定居点调整值之一:腐败,犯罪,经济,秩序,学识,社会。可以增加或减少2点定居点调整值,持续1周。

劇透 -   :
劇透 -   :
事件阶段Event Phase

劇透 -   :
劇透 -   :
d%事件 Event
1-4隐秘之周(Week of Secrecy)
5-8抗议成功(Successful Protest)
9-14危险减少(Diminished Peril)
21-28支持者增加(Increased Support)
29-38市场繁荣(Marketplace Boom)
39-48风平浪静(All Is Calm)
49-51骰两次(Roll Twice)
64-67危险时期*(Dangerous Times)
68-71行动失联(Missing in Action)
72-75藏匿物被发现(Cache Discovered)
76-79加强巡逻*(Increased Patrols)
80-83士气低落*(Low Morale)
88-91队伍瘫痪(Disabled Team)
92-95队伍分歧*(Dissension in the Ranks)
100-103抗议失败(Failed Protest)
104-107盟友危急(Ally in Peril)
108-111灾难性任务(Disastrous Mission)
116-119魔鬼渗透(Diabolic Infiltration)

风平浪静(All Is Calm):本周或下周不会有事件发生;直到下周截止的所有安全检定获得+1加值。如果风平浪静时你偷的第二个事件,那么它不会取消第一个事件的影响,但仍然能防止下周产生事件。这一事件导致的无事件周不会造成再下周的事件概率提升。

盟友危急(Ally in Peril):你的一个盟友,随机决定,正处于危险之中。尝试进行一次安全检定(DC=20-盟友等级,最低DC10)。如果检定成功,该盟友只是失踪了一个星期,在下一个维持阶段,对同一DC进行安全检定。如果成功,则盟友会带着一个悲惨的故事回来,或者说明她是如何逃离并潜伏一段时间后回来的,但是如果该检定失败了,则盟友已被抓获。由GM决定谁捕获了该盟友或者他或她被关押在哪里,但是在大多数情况下,盟友都可以通过成功的营救人员行动解救出来。

藏匿物被发现(Cache Discovered):随机决定一个当前隐藏在金塔格的藏匿物,它会被发现,其内容会丢失。如果你在当前没有隐藏藏匿物,阿斯摩迪斯审判者会逮捕一些你的支持者;在你的支持者和金塔格人口上都减少1d6.

危险时期*(Dangerous Times):金塔格的街道边的特别危险。在接下来的一周内(包括下一周的事件,如果有)增加金塔格的危险值10点。如果你在事件阶段投出两次危险时期,它会变成长期效果。

魔鬼渗透(Diabolic Infiltration):一名银渡鸦实际上是经过魔法伪装的魔鬼,或者已经被魔鬼骰附体。骰1d6;如果你骰出6(以及之后每次你骰到6),则再投一个1d6,将其结果加在一起。最后的结果决定,在这个事件的真相被揭示之前,渗透一直没有被注意到的星期数;这种渗透无法超过银乌鸦持续活跃的星期数。只要渗透存在,每个星期你们会增加1d6的恶名值。成功通过DC15的忠诚检定可以使该恶名值减半。

危险减少(Diminished Peril):金塔格的街道变得异常安全。在接下来这个星期(包括下一个星期的事件,如果有),减少金塔格的10点危险度。

队伍瘫痪(Disabled Team):随机决定一只本周正在执行任务的队伍。该队伍完成了他们的目标,但是在执行期间受到了一些伤害并且暂时不能行动了。这个队伍在下周不能用于执行叛军活动。如果没有队伍在本周执行活动,则将该事件视为“危险时期”。

灾难性任务(Disastrous Mission):随机决定一只本周正在执行任务的队伍。这支队伍完成了任务,但是在过程中遭受了重大损伤。尝试进行DC20的安全检定。如果你成功了,该队伍失能。如果你在检定中失败,该对不会被摧毁,并且必须被更换。在任何事件中,你的恶名值增加1d6。如果没有队伍在本周内执行任务,那么将这一事件是为“危险时期”。

队伍分歧*(Dissension in the Ranks):银渡鸦之中的个人冲突影响到了团队合作。在下周(包括下周的事件阶段,如果有),所有的组织检定承受-4罚值。如果你在事件阶段骰出了两次队伍分歧,它会变成长期效果。


抗议失败(Failed Protest):你们的支持者在一次对斯戎家族和阿斯摩迪斯教会的抗议中失败了。将你的支持者总数(和金塔格人口)减少2d6。

加强巡逻*(Increased Patrols):本周金塔格的街道上多塔里(城卫队)的巡逻有所增加,从而提高了安全性。下周(包括下周的事件,如果有的话),所有的隐秘检定都会承受-4罚值。如果你在事件阶段骰出两次加强巡逻,它会变成长期效果。

支持者增加(Increased Support):一群意想不到的新支持者加入了你们的阵营。增加叛军支持者2d6人。



士气低落*(Low Morale):金塔格发生的事情开始致使叛军被绝望的氛围压倒。在下一周(包括下一周的事件,如果有),所有的忠诚检定承受-4罚值。如果你在事件阶段骰出两次士气低落,它会变成长期效果。

市场繁荣(Marketplace Boom):低级、中级和高级各有一个新的魔法物品开始在金塔格的市场内售卖。Gm随机决定什么物品正在哪里被出售。

行动失联(Missing in Action):随机决定一只本周正在执行任务的队伍。该队伍完成了其目标,但不久之后就失踪了。失踪的队伍仍然计入叛军可以拥有的最大队数之中。


骰两次(Roll Twice):骰两次,两次事件都会在这一阶段发生,按照它们投骰时的顺序。多次骰出“骰两次”,会叠加。



抗议成功(Successful Protest):你的支持者组织了一次针对斯戎家族和阿斯摩迪斯教会的抗议活动。你的支持者总数增加2d6.选择以下的一项金塔格的定居地调整值——腐败、犯罪、经济、秩序、学识或者社会。在下一周,这项修正值+4。

叛徒(Traitor):一名银渡鸦的成员被揭露为叛徒!从你的所有小队中随机决定一只,该队伍为叛徒的所在队。在叛徒被揭发后,该队伍失能。如果你成功的通过DC20的忠诚检定,则在该叛徒可能造成严重的损害前,已经被发祥,你可以试图挽回、处决、流放或者囚禁该叛徒。如果你在该忠诚检定中失败(或者你没有采取前面提到的四个手段中的一个),叛徒逃脱并且银渡鸦的恶名值增加2d6。如果你想挽回抓获的叛徒,你必须首先囚禁他或她,然后在下一个活动阶段采取特别行动,在这一期间,银渡鸦必须通过DC20的忠诚检定。如果你成功了,那么叛徒重新效忠于你,你的失能团队不再被禁用,你也不必担心在未来由于这一次的叛徒导致恶名值增加。每次你以这种办法挽回叛徒,你会在下一个维持阶段自动获得1d6名支持者。如果你选择逮捕并处决叛徒,你可以防止恶名值增加,但是会伤害银渡鸦的时期,导致叛军进入长期的士气低落状态中,直到你成功通过DC20的忠诚检定。如果你逮捕并希望流放该叛徒,你必须成功通过DC25的安全检定,以说服叛徒再也不会回到进塔格。如果检定失败,叛徒会偷偷潜入回到城市并向巴基莱 斯戎进行报告,将会导致叛军的恶名值增加2d6。如果你逮捕并囚禁叛徒,你必须在之后的每一个维持阶段都成功进行一次DC20的隐秘检定,直到你选择处决、流放或者成功挽回该叛徒。如果你在隐秘检定中失败,叛徒将会逃脱。并且叛军的恶名值增加2d6.如果银渡鸦目前没有任何队伍,将该事件视为没有事件。

隐秘之周(Week of Secrecy):由于斯戎城主的下属和教会之间的内部争吵,叛军这一周过得非常舒服。下周进行的所有组织检定获得+6加值,并且获得双倍的支持者。

劇透 -  原文:
evenT phase
Once all rebellion actions are resolved, the GM checks to see if a special event happens. The percentage chance of an event occurring is equal to Kintargo’s current danger rating + the Silver Ravens’ current Notoriety score. If no event occurred the previous week, the chance of an event occurring is doubled. (This doubling only happens once, regardless of how many non-event weeks have accumulated.) The minimum chance for an event to occur is 10%, while the maximum is 95%. If an event occurs, the GM rolls and consults Table 2: Rebellion Events above to see what happens.
    When the GM rolls on the event table, add Kintargo’s current danger rating to the result. Events listed with an asterisk (*) can become persistent events (see the sidebar on page 32). Other events have a “mitigation” listed; these allow officers to attempt skill checks or take other actions to lessen the event’s effects by making a specific roll. If you roll an event that can’t take place (such as by rolling “Rivalry” when the Rebellion has only one or zero teams), reroll the event until you generate one that makes sense.

All Is Calm: No event occurs this week or next week; gain a +1 bonus on all Security checks made during the next week. If you roll All Is Calm as a second event, it does not cancel the effects of the first event but still prevents an event from happening next week. An eventless week caused by this event does not raise the chance of an event occurring in the week after.
Ally in Peril: One of your allies, randomly determined, is put in peril. Attempt a Security check (DC = 20 – the ally’s level; minimum DC 10). If the check is a success, the ally is merely missing for a week. During the next Upkeep phase, attempt a new Security check against the same DC. If that check is successful, the ally returns with a harrowing story or the like of how he or she had to flee or lie low for a time, but if that check is a failure, the ally has been captured. If you fail the initial check, the ally is also captured. The GM decides who captured the ally and where he or she is being held prisoner, but in most cases, the ally can be rescued by a successful Rescue Character action.
Cache Discovered: Randomly determine one of your current caches hidden in Kintargo. That cache has been discovered, and its contents are lost. If you have no caches hidden at this time, Asmodean inquisitors instead capture some of your supporters; reduce your supporters and Kintargo’s population by 1d6.
Dangerous Times*: The streets of Kintargo have grown particularly dangerous. For the following week (including the next week’s events, if any), increase Kintargo’s dangerrating by 10. If you roll Dangerous Times twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent. Mitigation: If a rebellion officer succeeds at a DC 20 Intimidate check to spread word about the rebellion’s strength, the danger rating increase is halved.
Diabolic Infiltration: One of the Silver Ravens is in fact a magically disguised devil, or has been possessed by a diabolic spirit. Roll 1d6; if you roll a 6 (and each time thereafter you roll a 6), roll another 1d6 and add those results together. The final result tells you the number of weeks that the infiltration has persisted unnoticed until this event reveals the truth; the infiltration cannot last more weeks than the Silver Ravens have been active. Increase you Notoriety score by 1d6 for each week that the infiltration was active; a successful DC 15 Loyalty check halves this Notoriety gain. Mitigation: If an officer makes a successful DC 20 Sense Motive check, the infiltration is noticed early. Halve all results for determining the number of weeks the infiltration has been afflicting the rebellion.
Diminished Peril: The streets of Kintargo are unusually safe. For the following week (including the next week’s events, if any), decrease Kintargo’s danger rating by 10.
Disabled Team: Randomly determine one of your teams that was committed to an action this week. That team accomplished its goal, but took some damage during the mission and became disabled. The team cannot be used for a rebellion action during the next week. If no teams were committed to an action during the week, treat this event as a result of Dangerous Times. Mitigation: If you spend gold equal to your current minimum treasury value, you can restore the disabled team to full health.
Disastrous Mission: Randomly determine one of your teams that was committed to an action this week. That team accomplished its goal, but took significant damage in the process. Attempt a DC 20 Security check. If you are successful, the team becomes disabled. If you fail this check, the team is destroyed and must be replaced. In any event, increase your Notoriety score by 1d6. If no teams were committed to an action during the week, treat this event as a result of Dangerous Times.
Dissension in the Ranks*: Personality conflicts among the Silver Ravens have compromised cooperation. For the next week (including the next week’s events, if any), all Organization checks take a –4 penalty. If you roll Dissension in the Ranks twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent. Mitigation: If a Silver Ravens officer makes a successful DC 20 Diplomacy check to soothe over the dissension, this penalty is reduced to –2.
Donation: One or several of your wealthier supporters have donated food, gold, and supplies to the Silver Ravens. Roll a Loyalty check. The Rebellion treasury gains gold equal to the result of this check × 20.
Failed Protest: Your supporters have failed in a protest against House Thrune or the church of Asmodeus. Reduce your total supporters (and Kintargo’s population) by 2d6. Mitigation: A successful DC 25 Security check negates this reduction. Regardless of that outcome, randomly determine one of Kintargos settlement modifiers—Corruption, Crime, Economy, Law, Lore, or Society. For the next week, this modifier is decreased by 4.
Increased Patrols*: Dottari patrols on the streets of Kintargo are increased this week, resulting in heightened security. For the next week (including the next week’s events, if any), all Secrecy checks take a –4 penalty. If you roll Increased Patrols twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent. Mitigation: If a Silver Ravens officer makes a successful DC 20 Survival check to study the patrol routes and interpret the patterns, this penalty is reduced to –2.
Increased Support: An unexpected number of new supporters join the cause. Increase the rebellion’s supporters by 2d6.
Inquisition*: Thrune and the church have grown tired of the rebellion, and for the following week, the rebellion loses twice as many supporters as indicated whenever supporters are lost. In addition, the bonuses and penalties applied to Kintargo’s modifiers by the city’s martial law disadvantage are doubled for the week. If you roll Inquisition twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent. Mitigation: By taking the Lie Low action, the rebellion can end a persistent Inquisition by making a successful DC 20 Secrecy check.
Invasion: A dangerous creature has invaded! The GM rolls or selects a wandering monster from the encounter tables available to her in the adventures, and you must step in to fight this intruder. The location in which the invasion occurs is selected by the GM. If you choose not to deal with the invader in person, the Silver Ravens themselves handle the situation, but in doing so, 1d4 randomly determined teams are lost and 1d4 randomly determined teams are disabled. In addition, the party’s failure to handle the invader causes the rebellion to gain a persistent Low Morale event.
Low Morale*: Things in Kintargo have begun to overwhelm the rebels with a sense of hopelessness and despair. For the next week (including the next week’s events, if any), all Loyalty checks take a –4 penalty. If you roll Low Morale twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent. Mitigation: If a Silver Ravens officer makes a successful DC 20 Perform check to entertain the rebels and raise spirits, this penalty is reduced to –2.
Marketplace Boom: A new minor, new intermediate, and new major magic item become available for sale in Kintargo’s markets. The GM randomly determines what items are for sale and where they can be purchased.
Missing in Action: Randomly determine one of your teams that was committed to an action this week. That team accomplished its goal, but soon thereafter went missing. The missing team still counts against the maximum number of teams the rebellion can have. During the next Upkeep phase, attempt a DC 15 Security check. If you’re successful, the team is rescued or returns to base, but must wait until the next week to be used for rebellion actions. If you fail, the team remains missing for another week. If you roll a natural 1 on this Security check, the team is lost. If no teams were committed to an action during the week, treat this event as a result of Dangerous Times.
Rivalry*: Choose two random teams; those teams have developed an unhealthy but temporary rivalry. During the next Activity phase, you can’t use either of these teams to take actions. If you roll Rivalry twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent. Mitigation: If a Silver Ravens officer makes a DC 20 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check to deal with the rivalry, it ends.
Roll Twice: Roll two times. Both events occur this phase, in the order they are rolled. Multiple rolls of Roll Twice stack.
Sickness*: Contagion has spread through the ranks, leaving your rebels listless and sickly. For the next week (including the next week’s events, if any), all Security checks take a –4 penalty. If you roll Sickness twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent. Mitigation: If a Silver Ravens officer makes a successful DC 20 Heal check to treat the sickness, this penalty is reduced to –2.
Snitch: One of your supporters is a snitch who has been leaking rumors and information about the Silver Ravens to House Thrune and the church of Asmodeus. Attempt a DC 15 Loyalty check. If you are successful, reduce your supporters by 1, but you need fear no further repercussions as your other loyal supporters have handled the situation. If you failthis Loyalty check, reduce your supporters by 1 and your Notoriety score increases by 1d6.
Successful Protest: Your supporters have successfully protested against House Thrune or the church of Asmodeus. Increase your total supporters by 2d6. Select one of the following settlement modifiers—Corruption, Crime, Economy, Law, Lore, or Society. For the next week, this modifier is increased by 4.
Traitor: One of the Silver Ravens is revealed to be a traitor! Randomly determine one team from all of your teams; that team is the one that housed the traitor. That team becomes disabled after the traitor is uncovered. If you make a successful DC 20 Loyalty check, the traitor has been discovered before he or she could significantly damage the Silver Ravens and you can either attempt to redeem, execute, exile, or imprison the traitor. If you fail this Loyalty check (or if you do not take any of the previously four mentioned responses), the traitor escapes and the Silver Ravens’ Notoriety score increases by 2d6. If you wish to attempt to redeem a captured traitor, you must first imprison him or her, then take a Special Action during the next Activity phase, during which the Silver Ravens must make a successful DC 20 Loyalty check. If you succeed, the traitor changes allegiance, your disabled team is no longer disabled, and you need not fear an increase in your Notoriety score in the future from this particular one-time traitor. Each time you redeem a traitor in this way, you automatically gain 1d6 supporters at the start of the next Upkeep phase. If you capture and execute the traitor, you prevent any increase in your Notoriety score but damage the Silver Ravens’ morale, causing the rebels to suffer from a persistent Low Morale unless you make a successful DC 20 Loyalty check. If you capture and wish to exile the traitor, you must make a successful DC 25 Security check to convince the traitor to never return to Kintargo. Failure results in an increase of 2d6 to your Notoriety score as the traitor sneaks back into the city to report to Barzillai Thrune. If you capture and imprison the traitor, you must make a successful DC 20 Secrecy check during every Upkeep phase until you choose to execute, exile, or successfully redeem the traitor. If you fail this Secrecy check, the traitor escapes and the rebellion’s Notoriety score increases by 2d6. If the Silver Ravens do not currently have any teams, treat this event as no event.
Week of Secrecy: The rebellion is poised to have an excellent week, due to internal squabbling among Lord-Mayor Thrune’s minions and the church. All Organization checks made for the next week gain a +6 bonus, and double the amount of supporters gained.

离线 丞相

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  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
« 回帖 #8 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 11:04:18 »
政委 Demagogue:忠诚检定+
间谍首脑 Spymaster:隐秘检定+
游击队长 Partisan:安全检定+
招募官 Recruiter:额外支持者+
守望者 Sentinel:
参谋长 Strategist:



最大队伍数量: 管理者


« 上次编辑: 2019-01-13, 周日 22:34:13 由 丞相 »

离线 丞相

  • 银渡鸦
  • 版主
  • *
  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
  • 还算可以的玩家,以及不行的GM
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-12-23, 周日 11:05:40 »
玩家手册PDF 制作者:inertia
GM版 提取码:sdlt
PC版(无事件清单)  提取码:vjd8
英文原版  提取码:zw7r


« 上次编辑: 2020-03-21, 周六 21:26:13 由 丞相 »