作者 主题: 房规汇总  (阅读 10944 次)

副标题: 2016年1月6日更新战斗房规

离线 ChaosticMoon

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« 于: 2011-09-25, 周日 14:09:34 »

a. 基本房规
  • 对于任何灰色规则,采用无代价不得利。开团后,如果房规中没有提到的法术/灵能/物品/专长/其他因为被滥用而被禁止,你可以获得免费无偿无损失的调整机会。
  • 基于河蟹社会的跑团精神,玩家在扮演上请尽量配合/考虑队友的行为/想法,在现实中不起纷争的情况下扮演好自己的角色。选择邪恶阵营的玩家请确认自己能够与其他PC不发生冲突并组团.


  • 每个人战斗开始前最多可以拥有3个独立个体(魔宠,坐骑,召唤生物,等等,含自身),托管不计在内。
  • 无法付出代价就无法得到
  • 禁止无限及无限可能性
  • 禁止转生, 老化
  • 禁止领导力, 以及类似领导力的职业能力
  • 禁止任何类型的刷卡/重训内容
  • 禁止Celerity及其衍生法术
  • Raise Dead, Resurrection,True Resurrection,Revivify, Miracle,Wish用于复活时,每个法术一名角色一生只能使用一次。与此相对应的,被复活过的角色不能再被同名的法术再次复活。
  • Synchronicity (Complete Psionic),此灵能无法通过任何方式(e.g. Affinity Field; Share Power(su), etc )共享给其他事物,禁止与Linked Power共同使用
  • Polymorph、Metamorphosis以及这两种法术/灵能的进阶版本在使用时失去职业等级给予的特性和能力
  • 根据Shapechange的non-uniqueness精神,各种变形,拟像,召唤能力,如无特殊说明则不能:
    1. 使用任何已带有模板的生物。
    2. 变化或召唤一个种族中的特定的一员,除非施法者拥有该特定生物身体的一部分,或者施法者熟知该特定生物的习性。
  • 禁Conjurer变体Immediate Magic (PHBII)
  • 长距离传送一律耗时10分钟
  • 禁White Raven Tactic, Iron Heart Surge, Moment of Perfect Mind
  • 采用灵法共通原则
    注1:针对魔法/灵能效果的魔法灵能,在此规则下互通:如Dispel/Dispel, Psionic
    注2:Detect Magic可以侦测到灵能光环,反之亦然
    注3:Spellcraft/Psicraft, Use Magic Device/Use Psionic Device, Knowledge(Arcana)/Knowledge(Psionic)视为共通技能,两者可互相代替。
  • 所有施法时间为1 full round的法术视为1 round
  • 通过Fabricate/Fabricate,Psionic制造出来的物品需遵循以下规则:
    • 此法术一次只能把一类材料,转化成一件相连的,完整的一件成品
    • 如果材料中混杂着施法者指定材料以外的不同类物质,此法术将会在不影响其他材料的前提下改变所制定材料的形状。指定材料以外的材料可能会因为施法后的位置,产生材质断裂。
    • 此法术不能加温,冷冻,炼化,或者以其他形式改变材料的分子结构
    • 此法术只能作用于施法者所能接触到的固体或液体
    • 成品必须是这个世界已经存在,并且PC角色了解的物品
    • 用法术仿造一件罕见或独有的物品时,施术者必须拥有该物品的第一手情报(亲眼所见/触摸)
    • 如果没有使用相关的手艺技能,成品在基本的形状能力和材料强度以外,将不会拥有额外的机关能力或结构强度
    • 成品将会出现在材料之前所在的地点
    • 使用此法术时请随身携带节操
    • 股市有风险,入市需谨慎

  • 禁无神牧师/圣骑士,可以自创神祗,具体与DM协商。圣骑士的阵营不限于守序善良但必须但必须至少设立3条行为准则。
  • 禁止使用领域交换领域专长
  • 法巫德圣以及其他魔宠/动物伙伴免费赠送,如果死亡可在3天之后再次召唤新魔宠/动物伙伴,但必须支付角色等级*100g
  • Archivist(卷宗学者)在建卡时可以学到的法术限于核心中的基本职业和神域,但是允许购买部分神术卷轴并在开团后抄写
  • 武僧获得满BAB
  • 巡林客的宿敌可在8小时休息后更换
  • 半精灵可选择以下两项中的一项:
    • 人类的额外技能点或额外专长,这么做半精灵失去精灵的昏暗视觉和体质豁免
    • 任何一种精灵的属性加值以及获得Able Learner专长,这么做半精灵失去所有种族技能加值

  • 禁止自定义魔法/灵能物品
  • 禁止智能物品
  • 禁止购买或者制造不满发弹药魔杖等,以及在团开始前拥有不满发弹药魔杖等
  • 所有灵能物品视同魔法物品
  • 禁止使用Thought Bottle (CA p.150)
  • 禁止使用Amulet of Second Chances(MIC)

  • 直觉动作:除非法术/能力描述中特别指出,直觉动作只能在一个标准或移动动作之前或之后发生,而不能在其他动作发生之时发生。当数人同时使用直觉动作时,先攻高着可以后决定直觉动作的发动时机。
    1. NPC战士试图使用物理攻击(无论是否为冲锋的一部分),但丢出攻击骰之前
    2. 你成为NPC法术的目标(目标为个体的法术)之后,但你没有丢出豁免或对方没有丢出远程攻击骰之前
    3. 你的所在的格子成为NPC法术的目标(目标为范围的法术)之后,但没有丢出豁免之前
    4. 拥有一回合中攻击多次的能力的NPC,刚使用完一次攻击(包括攻击骰和伤害)之后,但在下一次攻击开始之前
    1. NPC对法师进行(无论距离)攻击,法师可以使用迅捷爆发在攻击骰丢出之前离开所在的格子。如果敌人无法再触及法师,敌人将失去攻击的动作。
    2. NPC战士砍向法师,并丢出攻击骰。法师可以在此时使用Alter Fortune改变攻击骰的结果,因为法术中明确允许该使用时机。
    3. NPC对法师进行(无论距离)攻击,法师无法用迅捷爆或小跳在攻击骰丢出之后离开所在的格子。因为法术中没有明确允许该使用时机。

  • 准备动作:你准备的动作将会在触发条件之前发生。被触发动作的长度不能超过触发动作的长度。如果因为任何原因准备动作无法触发,那么准备动作将在下一个合法的时机触发。除非准备动作中明确声明,你的先攻将调整到准备动作触发者之前。
    1. 准备:“如果对方法师使用法术,我就砍他”
    2. 准备:“如果对方战士冲锋到我15尺内,我向左跑30尺”
    3. 准备:“如果对方战士冲锋到我5尺内前,我向左跑30尺”
    4. 准备:”如果队友被打中,我攻击打队友的那人“

  • 擒抱动作
    除SRD&RC中描述的动作以外,根据WoTC Rules of the game以及房规,你还可以执行以下动作

    • Break Another's Hold: This works just like breaking another's pin, except that you use it against a foe that merely has a hold on another character. If you win the opposed check, you free the character you're helping.

    • Throw Your Foe to the Ground: This works just like a trip attack except that you don't make an initial touch attack (because you're grasping your foe already) and you and your foe make opposed grapple checks to resolve the trip attack. If you win, you and your foe fall prone in the space you both share, but you're still grappling. At your option you can take a -4 penalty on the opposed check; if you win you break your foe's hold on you and you throw your foe to the ground in a space adjacent to the space you formerly shared. (You stay on your feet.) Your foe's movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, nor does it count against her movement for the current turn (or her next turn).
      If you lose the opposed check, your foe gets a chance to trip you by making an opposed grapple check, just as described above.

    • Release Your Hold: Curiously, the Player's Handbook says nothing about voluntarily relinquishing your hold on a foe, so here's a rule to cover that. You can release your foe as a free action. You are still considered to be grappling, however, unless your foe also decides to release you at same time. If your foe does not want to release you, you can escape by winning an opposed grapple check that you make instead of a melee attack.

      When you and your foe release each other, one of you must go to a space adjacent to the space the two of you once shared. The movement provokes attacks of opportunity from foes who threaten the space the character leaves, but the movement doesn't count against the character's speed for the current turn. If you made a successful opposed grapple check to end the grapple, you decide who moves. If you both decide to release each other, make an opposed grapple check and the winner decides who moves.

    • Retrieve a Stored Item: You can use a full-round action to grab an item you're carrying. The stored item must be fairly accessible -- that is stored in a bandoleer, belt pouch, sleeve, pocket, or other location within easy reach.

    • [房规]Using Supernatural Ability: using supernatural ability while grappling follows the general rule of casting a spell while grappling, except you don't need to make concentration checks unless otherwise required by the Su.

    • 骑乘冲锋时骑手不视为冲锋,也不会得到要求骑手冲锋的相关专长的效果


b. 专长房规

Trained Stalker:Listen,Spot, Survival, Hide, Move Silently, Search, Gather Information 鉴定+2
Agile (敏捷): 除原效果外,你获得Fast Movement 快速移动10 (Ex)
Deceitful (欺诈): 除原效果外,你获得Diguise Self (sp), 2次/天, DC为11+你的智力加值
Scribe Scroll:你花费的时间改为1小时/每法术等级
Self-Sufficient (自我给养):除原效果外,你每晚可以额外恢复等同于你HD的HP
Magical Aptitude (魔法修养):除原效果外,你在所有知识鉴定上获得+1加值并且所有知识视为已受训
Run (跑): 除原效果外,你可以选择不触发奔跑过程中的一名敌人的借机攻击。

b(a). 自定义专长

Universal Scribing [Item Creation]
Prerequisite: Caster Level 1, Decipher Script 1 Rank, Scribe Scroll
Replaces:You replace Scribe Scroll with Universal Scribing
Benefit: Once per day, you can create a scroll of a spell even if you don't know or have in your spellbook but is in your classlist of spells.  To do so, you must have acess to the magic items (Scroll, or other wizard's Spellbook) that contains the writting of the spell you want to scribe. 
1. You first must make a Deciper Script check against DC 10+2*Spell Level to successfully recognize and understand the writting.  Failure on this check means you can't use this piece of magic item for Universal Scribing.
2. You then must make a Spellcraft check against  DC 15+Spell Level*(Caster Level of the spell-Your CL) [minimum zero] to successfully scribe the scroll.  Failure on this check means you wasted all the cost and XP associated with scribing the scroll.
Special: The scroll you scribe through this mean can only be used by you and your allies.  You retain the normal benefit of Scribe Scroll feat. Use this feat to scribe a scroll cost the same amount of time as if you scribe a scroll using Scribe Scroll feat.

c. 食/息的房规

熟食:简单而精致的烹饪可以让疲惫的冒险者们恢复体力,烹饪程度由Survival来决定。烹饪最少要花15分钟。恢复的体力由材料和骰点决定。烹饪可取10,这样做出来的食物如果超过DC15固定恢复1点体力。烹饪可取20,这样做出来的食物如果超过DC 25固定恢复2点体力,超过DC20固定恢复1点体力,但是需要花费1小时来烹饪。


熬夜:玩家每24小时必须拥有至少8小时的睡眠时间。若玩家超过20小时没有睡眠,则玩家每2小时必须通过一个DC10+2/每2小时的Fort鉴定来避免陷入Fatigue状态。当玩家陷入Fatigue 4小时后,每2小时必须通过一个DC14+2/每2小时的Fort鉴定来避免陷入Exhausted状态。玩家需通过1小时的睡眠从Exhausted恢复成Fatigue状态,而从Fatigue状态恢复正常需要8小时睡眠。

From 3E Armor and Equipment


玩家手册表7–7: 商品与服务给出了一般麦酒和葡萄酒的价格。想让酒单变得与众不同?可以试试下面这些酒类。

精灵阿利安酒:酿造出这种拍案美酒的野葡萄生长在密林的最深处。即使一桶酒也要花上几个月的时间来收集这种葡萄才能酿成。(强韧豁免 DC 11.)

龙噬苦酒: 这种特殊黑啤酒的秘方已有几世纪的历史,只有龙噬酿造厂才能酿造出这种酒。避免醉酒的强韧豁免为 DC 12.

顽固矮人烈黑啤:几乎只在矮人聚居区才能发现这种酒,这种烈性啤酒是战士的每日最爱。(强韧豁免DC 13.)

疯狂之水: 极端烈性的清澈烈酒。被阳光照到的几瓶酒自发燃烧这一谣言从未被证实。任何拥有狂暴职业能力的角色在喝了一杯酒后必须通过一个DC为15的意志检定,如果失败,就会难以自抑的陷入狂暴之中。如果你已经消耗了你所有的每日狂暴次数那么疯狂之水除了使你变得粗暴易怒以外没有其他的效果。(强韧豁免 DC 15.)

冰霜酒: 这种精酿白葡萄酒由一种只生长在极地气候下的罕见葡萄酿成。 在葡萄开花的季节,霜虫会被花香吸引而来,使得采摘极为危险。 (强韧豁免 DC 13.)

矮人石榴石酒 : 酿自一种高山出产的葡萄,这种粗犷却不失优良的美酒至少包含价值10金币的石榴石粉末用以“调味”。(强韧豁免 DC 13.)

侏儒金光酒: 一种精酿淡爽带有花香的啤酒,这是广受人类与半身人欢迎的商品。(强韧豁免 DC 11.)

兽人克拉格酒: 这种烈酒在兽人和地精之间广受欢迎。这种酒非常烈,对非兽人和地精的人来说味道极其可怕。喝下一杯这种酒会使不是兽人,半兽人,地精或大地精的人陷入反胃状态。 (强韧豁免 DC 14.)

精灵蜜酒: 尽管并不以酿造闻名,精灵们用在森林中找到的奇异蜂蜜酿造了这种令人愉悦的蜜酒。甚至矮人也觉得这种酒味道非常吸引人——尽管他们不愿意承认这一点。 (强韧豁免 DC 12.)

精灵月露酒 : 这种举世无双的美酒只能由具有炼金术技能的人酿造出来。(DC 30),异乎寻常的酿造过程涉及到新鲜露水及月光(强韧豁免 DC 13.)

蘑菇酒:由多个地底种族创造出来的这种酒风味多样,价格多变。 (强韧豁免 DC11–12.)

普尔什棕麦酒: 半身人酿造,在几个培养出麦酒品味的半身人聚居点发现,具有傻乎乎的快乐味道。 (强韧豁免 DC 11.)

卓尔蛛血酒 : 这种酒的名字略有偏差,实际是一种卓尔酿造的含有一剂蜘蛛毒液的蘑菇酒。这酒风味独特,不似任何地表之物。任何不常喝这种酒的人(通常不是卓尔)除了要通过避免醉酒的强韧检定 (DC 11)之外还必须通过一个强韧检定 (DC 11)否则就会中毒 (初始及后续伤害1d2 体质)。那些想要适应这种毒性的人必须三个月内连续每天隔几个小时就喝上一杯。

地精砰砰酒: 几乎被全世界的非地精种族避之唯恐不及,砰砰酒被描述为具有“着火的腐烂母牛”的味道和气味。某些野蛮人对其推崇备至,称其为上选之酒。(强韧豁免 DC 12.)



酒类             DC
普通葡萄酒     11
烈性葡萄酒     12
淡麦酒           10
烈麦酒           11
矮人麦酒        13
典型烈酒        11
极强烈酒        13
危险烈酒        15




d. 货币系统

e. 行动模式的房规
1. 每回合的开始,PC可以描述自己想要做的动作或骰出相应的骰子。随后PC可以同时做出相应的动作,每回合为12秒。
2. 侦查、聆听、搜索、开锁等皆需要花费一个标准或移动动作来使用,你可能可以同时做两个技能鉴定。
3. 平时需要骰骰来决定是否为自由动作的动作,一律自动成功(比如快速上马)。
4. 当一个PC触发战斗时,所有看到此PC正在战斗的PC皆可加入战斗。
5. 拔出武器,更换武器等都改为自由动作。
6. 如果选择Hide(躲藏)Move Silently(潜行)前进的话必须特别声明,不然当作没有故意隐藏/潜行。你在人物正常基本速度下以如上方式前进不受任何惩罚,如果你以超过人物正常基本速度而不大于双倍速度前进时,这两个鉴定将分别受到-5的惩罚。
7. 如果没有特别声明,PC以正常速度或以下行动时Listen(聆听)和Spot(侦察)鉴定视为自动执行并一律取10。如果PC以超过人物正常基本速度而不大于双倍速度前进时,你的鉴定将分别受到-5的惩罚。如果以双倍速度以上移动的话,你将不能聆听和侦查
8. 所有PC此回合所做任何动作的结果将会在回合结束时描述。DM会提醒经过时间。随即进入下一个回合。


Horses in Combat: Warhorses and warponies can serve readily as combat steeds. Light horses, ponies, and heavy horses, however, are frightened by combat. If you don’t dismount, you must make a DC 20 Ride check each round as a move action to control such a horse. If you succeed, you can perform a standard action after the move action. If you fail, the move action becomes a full round action and you can’t do anything else until your next turn.

Your mount acts on your initiative count as you direct it. You move at its speed, but the mount uses its action to move.

A horse (not a pony) is a Large creature and thus takes up a space 10 feet (2 squares) across. For simplicity, assume that you share your mount’s space during combat.

Combat while Mounted: With a DC 5 Ride check, you can guide your mount with your knees so as to use both hands to attack or defend yourself. This is a free action.

When you attack a creature smaller than your mount that is on foot, you get the +1 bonus on melee attacks for being on higher ground. If your mount moves more than 5 feet, you can only make a single melee attack. Essentially, you have to wait until the mount gets to your enemy before attacking, so you can’t make a full attack. Even at your mount’s full speed, you don’t take any penalty on melee attacks while mounted.

If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge).

You can use ranged weapons while your mount is taking a double move, but at a –4 penalty on the attack roll. You can use ranged weapons while your mount is running (quadruple speed), at a –8 penalty. In either case, you make the attack roll when your mount has completed half its movement. You can make a full attack with a ranged weapon while your mount is moving. Likewise, you can take move actions normally

Casting Spells while Mounted: You can cast a spell normally if your mount moves up to a normal move (its speed) either before or after you cast. If you have your mount move both before and after you cast a spell, then you’re casting the spell while the mount is moving, and you have to make a Concentration check due to the vigorous motion (DC 10 + spell level) or lose the spell. If the mount is running (quadruple speed), you can cast a spell when your mount has moved up to twice its speed, but your Concentration check is more difficult due to the violent motion (DC 15 + spell level).

If Your Mount Falls in Battle: If your mount falls, you have to succeed on a DC 15 Ride check to make a soft fall and take no damage. If the check fails, you take 1d6 points of damage.

If You Are Dropped: If you are knocked unconscious, you have a 50% chance to stay in the saddle (or 75% if you’re in a military saddle). Otherwise you fall and take 1d6 points of damage. Without you to guide it, your mount avoids combat.


Fight with Warhorse: If you direct your war-trained mount to attack in battle, you can still make your own attack or attacks normally. This usage is a free action.

技能Handle Animal部分
Handle an Animal: This task involves commanding an animal to perform a task or trick that it knows. If the animal is wounded or has taken any nonlethal damage or ability score damage, the DC increases by 2. If your check succeeds, the animal performs the task or trick on its next action.

从DnD Rules of the Game:
When a mount has an Intelligence score of 2 or less
and it has been specially trained for combat riding
(see the Handle Animal skill description), you'll
find that it is quite an asset in battle. Thanks to
the mount's training, you and it function more or
less as a single unit in combat , and you gain all
the benefits noted in the Basics of Being Mounted
section. You must succeed on Ride checks to get the
full benefit of your mount, as noted in the Ride
skill description and summarized below:

Fight Along with Your Mount: Make a DC 10 Ride check as a free action. If you succeed, you can direct your mount to attack a foe and you also can attack as well. See the section on attacking while mounted for details. If you fail this check, or don't bother to make it, either you or your mount can attack this turn, but not both of you.


Ride DC 5 => 可以使用双手
移动5尺以上 =>消耗马的移动动作,骑手无法全回合攻击
Ride DC 10 => 骑手可以和马一起攻击,攻击消耗两者的标准动作/全回合动作
Ride DC 10 失败或不做此鉴定 =〉骑手或马可以攻击,攻击消耗骑手或马的标准动作/全回合动作

同时,你的坐骑可以攻击的对象不受Handle Animal里描述的限制


Suppose Gruntharg the barbarian carries a longspear and wears spiked gauntlets. He has a throwing axe at his belt. He encounters two orcs 60 feet away and wins initiative. For his action, Gruntharg draws the axe and moves and also readies an action to throw the axe at any orc that comes within 15 feet. The orcs charge. As soon as the first orc gets within 15 feet, Gruntharg throws the axe and kills that orc. After throwing the axe, is Gruntharg assumed to be carrying and wielding the longspear in both hands? Thus, does he get an attack of opportunity as the surviving orc passes from 10 feet away from him to 5 feet away? (Gruntharg does not possess the Monkey Grip feat from Sword and Fist.) If not, what are the rules for going from a one-handed (or carrying) grip to a two-handed grip for a weapon, and what kind of action is it to change this grip? Now suppose Gruntharg has the longspear in both hands when a spellcaster 5 feet away from him starts casting a spell. The longspear does not threaten the spellcaster because it’s a reach weapon and the spellcaster is too close. Can Gruntharg just let go of the longspear and smack the spellcaster with his spiked gauntlet? What kind of action is it to let go of a two-handed weapon with only
one hand?

Gruntharg’s action in the first example (throwing the readied axe) is possible. Presumably, Gruntharg holds the longspear in one hand, perhaps letting the shaft rest on his shoulder, or perhaps just letting the butt drag on the ground. This arrangement leaves one hand free to draw the throwing axe while moving, which Gruntharg can manage because he has at least a +1 base attack bonus. (Even a 1st-level barbarian has a+1 base attack bonus.) As a general rule, if you’re big enough to wield a weapon in two hands, you can just carry it (somehow) with one hand.

The second example (an attack of opportunity against the
second orc) is not possible. Holding a two-handed weapon is
not the same as wielding the weapon. If Gruntharg wants to use
that longspear he has been holding on his shoulder or dragging
on the ground, he has to get his free hand on it. This maneuver
is similar to drawing the weapon, but a little easier, since
Gruntharg already has one hand on it. Therefore, it’s a free
But Gruntharg can do this only during his own turn, and
in any case, he does not threaten an area with the longspear
when he’s holding it in only one hand.


关于回合外同时使用触及武器以及Spiked Gauntlet时的问题

Rules Compendium:
劇透 -   :
For example, the rules don’t come out and say that a Medium creature threatens all squares within 10 feet while wielding a reach weapon and wearing spiked gauntlets. However, it’s appropriate to assume the creature does just that.
基于以上描述,同时使用触及武器以及Spiked Gauntlet时角色同时威胁10尺范围。然而根据之前的判定,使用Spiked Gauntlet时必须单手持触及武器,在使用Spiked Gauntlet之后触及武器只能单手使用。然而这样还不如直接用甲刺我根本不知道这条房规有毛用
« 上次编辑: 2018-08-06, 周一 12:42:58 由 ChaosticMoon »
Twin angels each born with a single wing...With imperfection, lies everchanging heart.

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Re: 房规汇总
« 回帖 #1 于: 2011-10-20, 周四 04:00:43 »
f.  Items
1. Weapon
Cold Iron:
This iron, mined deep underground, known for its effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. Weapons made of cold iron cost 1000g more than their normal counterparts. Cold Iron is not considered a magic enhancement to a weapon, but for the purpose of determine weapon bonus cost, weapon made of cold iron is considered to be +1.
Items without metal parts cannot be made from cold iron. An arrow could be made of cold iron, but a quarterstaff could not.
A double weapon that has only half of it made of cold iron increases its cost by 50%.

Cold iron has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10.

Weapons made from Cold Iron: 
Cold Iron weapon is forged under extremely low temperature.  As a result, it has to be preseved within a special-made weaponcase no less than 50gp to maintain its natural coldness.  Weapons completely made from Cold Iron deals 1d6 extra cold damage on successful hit and the target must make a successful Fortitude save equal to (DC 10 + cold damage) or be slowed for 1 round.

In additional, Cold Iron is natural conductor of magic.  Magic users can use their arcane or divine spell per day to empower Cold Iron weapons.  The magic coldness deals (1d(Spellcasting Levels) + Spell level used to empower weapon) on successful hit.  The target must make a successful Fortitude save equal to (DC 10 + cold damage) or be frozen solid for 1 round and be slowed the following round.  The magic coldness is not cumulative with weapon's natural coldness damage.

X. Poisons

Cachin is a most potent extract from the notorious laughing shroom, and is sometimes used in interrogations in kingdoms and countries where actual torture is prohibited by law. Though its name contain the phrase "laughing", its true effect is accelerating brain neurons transmission and send high frequency neurons and cause extreme emotions. Cachin, named after the act of cachinnation (meaning to laugh, and often inordinately loudly so), eventually renders its victims immobile on the floor, where all they can do is laugh or cry uncontrollably. The effects of cachin will eventually fade on their own; after the initial 12 hours, the paralysis lifts, and the laughing or crying will cease 2d6 hours later.

Type: Inhaled Fort DC 18
Initial Effect: Victim falls under the effect of unstoppable laughing or crying, much like the effect of hideous laughter spell.
Secondary Effect: Further laughing or crying

Type: Ingested Fort DC 40
Initial Effect: Victim falls under the effect of unstoppable laughing or crying, much like the effect of hideous laughter spell.
Secondary Effect: Further laughing or crying

Price: 500gp/vial
« 上次编辑: 2014-06-11, 周三 09:02:32 由 ChaosticMoon »
Twin angels each born with a single wing...With imperfection, lies everchanging heart.

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Re: 房规汇总
« 回帖 #2 于: 2012-03-26, 周一 00:52:30 »
UPDATES 1-19-2016

g. 自定义种族/种族房规

+ 所有矮人在与大体型或更大的生物战斗时在攻击骰上获得+1种族加值


半精灵可选择任何一种精灵的属性加值以及获得Able Learner专长,这么做半精灵失去所有种族技能加值

  • Medium Size
  • 30' movement
  • Type::Humanoid Type (Subtype::Elf subtype)
  • Darkvision 60'
  • +2 Cha, -2 Con
  • Daylight Sensitivity: While in brightly lit surroundings (such as a daylight spell), a Drow suffers a -2 circumstance bonus penalty to attack rolls, saves, and checks. Drow suffer a -1 circumstance bonus penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light.
  • See in Darkness(Su): Drow has the ability to see in darkness, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
  • Pierce Concealment(Su): Drow ignores the first 5ft of concealment whenever her attack involves concealment and miss chance.
  • Drow with a Charisma of at least 12 may cast darkness (duration 1 hours), and faerie fire as spell-like abilities with a caster level equal to their character level once per day each.
  • +2 bonus to saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.
  • +2 bonus to Spot and Listen checks.
  • Drow never sleep and are immune to sleep effects. Drow must still perform their 4 hour daily trance to stay coherent and rested.
  • Drow live an exceedingly interesting life and every Drow has proficiency with the rapier and an exotic ranged weapon of their choice.
  • Drow is immune to ability drain, ability loss and negative level.
  • Favored Classes: Ranger, Dreaded Necromancer and Sorcerer
  • Automatic Languages: Elven
  • Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Inferno, Behemothen, Common, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Dwarvish, Gnome,  Terran, Undercommon.
  • Level Adjustment:0

[熊族比蒙 Ursine]
+2 Str -2 Int -2 Dex
天生语言:比蒙语 可选语言:通用语,等

+2 Cha
武术天赋(Su): When multi-classing, Panda's favored class are considered having full initiator level for the purpose of gaining maneuver or stances. (I.E. A Panda whose favored class is Crusader with 1 Crusader and 1 Warblade class level are considered having an initiator level of 2 for Warblade).
Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Ex): Panda may choose to have proficiency in an exotic melee weapon.
Drunk Panda Best Panda(Ex): Panda can drink a large tankard of ale, a bottle of wine, or a corresponding amount of stronger alcohol as a move action. Every bottle or tankard of alcohol he consumes during combat reduces his Wisdom and Intelligence by 2 points each, but increases his Strength or Constitution (character's choice) by 2 points. Panda may benefit from a number of drinks equal to his character level. Each drink must worth at least 50gp.
Favored Class: Crusader, Warblade, Swordsage, any classes with full BAB progression.
天生语言;Behemothen, 额外语言: Any

- +2 Dex -2 Cha
- Monstrous Humanoid
- 40ft Base speed
- 中体型
- Low light-Vision
- Scent: Canopus have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
- +4 racial bonus on Jump checks.
- +2 on Survival and Listen checks
- Gray Sirius can take either the Dwarfism or Gigantism Feats without penalty.
- 天生语言;Behemothen 额外语言:Any besides Auran,Aquan, Ignan,Infernal,Abyssal,Orc
- Favored Class: Ranger

- +2 Wis +2 Str -2 Int -2 Cha
- 30ft Base Speed
- Dark-Vision
- Scent: Sirius have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
- +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.
- Natural Tripper: Dire Sirius gains Improved Trip as bonus feat when all the prerequisite is satisified.
- Sirius can take either the Dwarfism or Gigantism Feats without penalty
- 天生语言;Behemothen 额外语言: Elven, Dwarven, Goblin, Common, Gnoll

- -2 Str -2 Dex +2 Int +2 Wis
- 30ft Base Speed
- Monstrous Humanoid
- 中体型
- Low light-Vision
- Scent: Sirius have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
- +1 racial bonus on Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.
- +2 racial bonus on Hide checks. *Their natural coloration grants them a +7 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas of snow and ice.
- Behemoth Bond (Ex): White Siruis knows to communicate with animal or magic beasts of wolf's kind. Any kind of wolves has an attitude of friendly toward White Sirius.
- Wolf Companion(Ex): White Sirius may begin play with a wolf-kind animal companion.  This skill function exactly like the Druid's class skill animal companion, except noted below. 
At Lv1, White Sirius may choose from the following list as his wolf companion:
Dog, Riding Dog, Wolf
At Lv4 and every 3 levels after, White Siruis may choose a wolf companion from lists before,  applying the indicated adjustment to the druid’s level (in parentheses) for purposes of determining the companion’s characteristics and special abilities.
Blink Dog
Dire Wolf
Dire Wolverine
Winter Wolf

- 天生语言;Behemothen,Wolfen 额外语言:Any
- Favored Class: Druid, Dragon Shaman


战蜥(SRD Lizardfolk)
- +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Intelligence.
- Medium size.
- base land speed 30 feet.
- Low-Light Vision
- Racial Hit Dice: A Battle Xi-Coatl begins with two levels of humanoid, which provide 2d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +1, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +0, Ref +3, and Will +0.
- Racial Skills: A Battle Xi-Coatl’s humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 5 x (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Balance, Jump, and Swim.  - +4 racial bonus on Balance, Jump, and Swim checks.
- Hold Breathe: Battle Xi-Coatle can hold their breath for four times longer than normal 
- Racial Feats: A Battle Xi-Coatle’s humanoid levels give it one feat.
- Saurian Throwback: A Battle Xi-Coatl can select the Gigantism racial Feat (described in the “Feats of the Beastfolk” document) at 1st level without restriction.
- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Battle Xi-Coatl is automatically proficient with simple weapons, martial weapons and shields.
- +3 natural armor bonus.
- Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d4) and bite (1d4).
- Special Qualities (see above): Hold breath.
- Automatic Languages: Behemothen. Bonus Languages: Common,Draconic, Aquan, Goblin, Gnoll, Elven,Gnome, Dwarven, Orc.
- Favored Class: Fighter.
- Level adjustment +1.

- +2 Constituion, -2 Intelligence
- Monstrous Humanoid
- Medium-size
- Xi-Coatl,Shocker base land speed is 30 feet
- Dark Vision 60ft
- +1 natural armor bonus to AC. 
- Natural Weapon: 2 claws (1d4) and bite (1d4).
- Racial skill: Shocker Xi-Coatl has racial bonus of +2 to Climb, Balance, Jump, and Swim checks.
- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Xi-Coatl is automatically proficient with simple weapons and shields.
- Lethal Shock (Su): Shocker Xi-Coatle can emit lethal electric shock.  In addition, whenever two or more Shocker Xi-Coatle are within 20 feet of each other, they can create lethal shock together. The shock has a radius of 20 feet, centered on any one contributing Xi-Coatle. The shock deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per level.  Each additional contributing Xi-Coatle add additional 1d6 to a maximum of 12d6 additional damage. A Reflex save (DC 10 + Con Mod + Contributing Xi-Coatle) reduces the damage by half.  Lethal Shock is usable 3 times per day.
- Automatic Languages: Behemothen, Draconic. Bonus Languages: Common, Aquan, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Auran, Orc
–   Favored Class: Sorcerer or Dragon Shaman.

[蛛族比蒙] Spiderling
- Monstrous Humanoid
- 30ft Base Speed
- Medium size
- Dark vision 60 feet
- Rappel(Ex): In spider form, Elise can move to the adjacent squares of creatures entangled by web within 30 feet as a swift action without incurring Attack of Opportunity,  if she has line of sight to the target.  This move is limited to 3 use/day.
- Spider Form (Su): Once a day, Elise gain the ability to turn into Monstrous Spider.  This ability is similar to Wild Shape of Druid Class except the following:  At Lv1, Elise can turn into Small or Medium Monstrous Spider.  At Lv3 and every 3 levels thereafter, Elise can turn into Monstrous Spider one size category larger (Huge at Lv6, Gigantuan at Lv9, Colossal at Lv12).  At Lv8 Elise can turn into Tiny Monstrous Spider.  When turning into Monstrous Spider, Elise gains number of HD up to half her class level (Round down) as temporary HP but retain Monstrous Spider’s HD (d8). 
Changing form (to Spider or back) is a standard action and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity.
The ability last for 1 hour/CL or until Elise changes back.
Elise can use this ability more times at Lv3, 6, and 9,12, and 15


Foxin 灵狐
- +2 Cha
- Low Light Vision
- Foxkin gains +1 CL when using Charm spells against humanoid creature of different gender. 
(Note:  Homosexual creature is affected according to its self-identified gender, not biological sex.)
- +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
- +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
- -1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls if not able to bath in a 48 hours period, this penalty accumulates for each 24 hour beyond the first 48 hours of not bathing.  If Foxkins receive more than -2 penalty because of not bathing, he/she emits a stinking smell that all creatures that breath must succeed on a DC 11 Fortitude save or be nauseated for each round they stay within 10ft radius of Foxkins and 1 round thereafter.  The saving throw is Constitution-based.
Favored Class:  Beguiler or Sorcerer.

Kitsune 仙狐
- -2 Int +2 Cha
- Low Light Vision
- Spell Affinity(Ex): Kitsune can cast all 0-level arcane and divine spells as spell-like ability 3/day as a 1st level sorcerer.  If she gains class level in any other spellcasting classes, her caster level is increased by 1 for the purpose of casting spell-like ability.
- Orb of Essence (Ex):  Kitsune is capable of storing a(n) arcane/divine magic in a magic orb constructed by her own magic power.  You must spend 1 daily spell slot to construct an orb and you do so while preparing your daily spells.  The level of the spellslot you use determines the level of spell the orb can contain.  If you are a specialized wizard, your orb cannot store the school you prohibited.  If you use the extra spellslot from your specialized school to construct the orb, it cannot store spells from other schools.  The orb can store both arcane and divine spells regardless of whether Kitsune is only capable of casting arcane or divine spells.  Kitsune can cast spells stored in the orb regardless of whether Kitsune can cast this spell normally.  Other restrictions of the spell apply normally.   Each Orb of Essence last for 2 days or until you release it before it dissipates.

During battle, you can construct an orb on the spot.  You must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15+Level of the Spellslot used) and take one round to do so.  Constructing an orb is a supernatural ability that provokes attack of opportunity.  If you take damage or is otherwise distracted while constructing the orb, you must make additional concentration to maintain your action.

- Spelltheft (Su): When Orb of Essence is empty, Kitsune can attempt to steal spells that are cast by other spellcasters.  If you are not part of the target of a spell, you must use ready action to steal spells that has duration of instantaneous.  Otherwise, if you are one of the target(s) of a spell, you can use an immediate action to absorb the spell or you can attempt to absorb the spell by sending the orb to the area of the effect of the spell.  Sending the orb is a standard action that provokes attack of opportunity and the orb cannot be more than 15 ft away from you.
If for some reason the orb you constructed cannot contain the spell you intended to steal, you must make a Concentration check against 10+Spellcaster’s Caster Level+Spell Level or lose the orb. 
To steal the spell, you must make a Will save against the spell’s DC to sustain the strength of the spell.  If you succeed, you steal the spell and store it in your orb.  If you fail, the orb breaks and you cannot re-attempt to steal the same spell.

Under the Spell-Psionic Transparency rule, you can use this ability to steal a psionic power.  Same rules and restriction applies.

Automatic Language: Foxen, Common, Behemothen Bonus Language: Any
Favored Class: Sorcerer, Dragon Shaman
« 上次编辑: 2017-02-15, 周三 05:02:06 由 ChaosticMoon »
Twin angels each born with a single wing...With imperfection, lies everchanging heart.

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Re: 房规汇总
« 回帖 #3 于: 2012-03-26, 周一 01:06:27 »
UPDATES 2014 6 21









劇透 -   :
把水晶含在嘴里能恢复HP, 一个光点能恢复一个HD的HP,吸收光点的能量需要一个回合/每个(One Round)

劇透 -   :
通过吸取光点的能量,施法者可以重新获得一个已经使用过的法术,如此做需要花费一个回合(One Round)

劇透 -   :

劇透 -   :

劇透 -   :
« 上次编辑: 2014-06-22, 周日 12:20:11 由 ChaosticMoon »
Twin angels each born with a single wing...With imperfection, lies everchanging heart.

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Re: 房规汇总
« 回帖 #4 于: 2012-04-23, 周一 02:06:13 »
Expansion Memos

Skill Tricks: Complete Scoundrel
Additional Skill usage: Complete Adventure
Basic weapon expansion: Complete Warrior

Teleportation Extracts
劇透 -   :
A fair number of spells prevent teleportation; a wizard will struggle to gain access to some of them, but the skill Use Magic Device and a wand or staff will solve that.
•   The 4th-level Sor/Wiz spell dimensional anchor [abjur] (Player's Handbook 221) for 1 min./level prevents 1 creature from using any extradimensional movement if a ranged touch attack succeeds versus the target.
•   the 4th-level Sor/Wiz spell Otiluke's suppressing field [abjur] (Complete Mage 112) for 10 min./level in a 20 ft. emanation stops all spells from a particular school; conjuration is the obvious choice.
•   The 5th-level Sor/Wiz spell investiture of the orthon [trans] (Fiendish Codex II 104-5) for 1 min./level grants the caster a 20 ft. radius aura that prevents of extradimensional movement like the spell dimensional lock.
•   The 5th-level Clr spells hallow [evoc] (PH 238) and unhallow [evoc] (PH 297) for 1 year when the spell dimensional anchor is tied to the hallow or unhallow spell prevents extradimensional movement out of an area. This is the house rule I use as there are no guidelines that describe what tying the dimensional anchor to the hallow and unhallow actually does.
•   The 5th-level Sor/Wiz spell zone of respite [abjur] (Spell Compendium 244) for 1 min./level in a 20 ft. radius emanation prevents extradimensional movement and summoning into the area.
•   The 6th-level Clr spell forbiddance [abjur] (PH 232) permanently prevents extradimensional movement into or out of an area.
•   The 8th-level Sor/Wiz spell dimensional lock [abjur] (PH 221) for days prevents extradimensional movement into or out of an area.
•   The 9th-level Sor/Wiz spell Halaster's teleport cage [abjur] (City of Splendors: Waterdeep 155) permanently prevents teleportation into an area and sends the would-be teleporter somewhere random on the plane, while allowing teleportation within the area but sending the would-be teleporter somewhere random within the spell's area.
If the wizard doesn't have to use teleportation effects himself to escape he should probably employ the spell dimensional lock. If he does have to use teleportation effects himself, he can use the feat Chain Spell (CAr 76) to modify the spell dimensional anchor.

Magic Items
The best magic items are scrolls, staffs, and wands of the above spells, but specific magic items are also useful.
•   The weapon special ability binding (Magic Item Compendium 29) (+1 bonus) makes a stabbed victim unable to teleport.
•   The rod soul anchor (MIC 185-6) (10,000 gp; 3 lbs.) prevents adjacent creatures from moving from their squares. It's difficult to use because of the positioning required and allows a saving throw.
•   The slotless item dimensional shackles (Dungeon Master's Guide 255) (28,000 gp; 5 lbs.) prevents teleportation, but getting them on the guy who's doing the teleporting while he's conscious might be a challenge.
•   The slotless item weirdstone (Player's Guide to Faerûn 124-5) (250,000 gp; 0 lbs.) is the ultimate method, preventing teleportation into a city-sized area, but not stopping teleporation from inside the area to outside the area. In this situation, it's both ineffective and overkill.
A Few Notes about Teleportation
The presence of teleportation magic changes many of the core concepts of pre-teleportation adventuring. Certainly mere travel time is shortened, but if teleportation is at all a consideration in the campaign world, smart rulers will liberally ward many structures with hallow or unhallow (if only so the teleport invaders must exit the structure to teleport again if using the house rules above). The cave in your question is the kind of place that wouldn't be already so warded, but it's nonetheless something to keep in mind for your campaign.
Also, the spell teleport [conj] (PH 293) explicitly says, "Areas of strong physical or magical energy may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible." In that quotation the word teleportation is not italicized--that's teleportation in general. The DM can just say No to teleportation effects in any area and claim, "It's strong magical energy prevents teleportation." The wizard might've chosen the cave in the question for precisely that reason, although that may seem contrived to the players.
Players who go Dumpster-diving for travel solutions will eventually find the 7th-level Drd spell master earth [trans] (SpC 139), a transmutation spell that sends the caster anywhere on planet by shoving him (harmlessly, obviously) through the planet. I've house ruled this spell so that it cannot penetrate creature-built structures and instead moves the caster to their most common entrances. (The spell itself says, "Underground, creature-built structures don't hinder [the caster] as long as [the caster] can move around them," and I've expanded that to mean the caster can't enter any creature-built structure using the spell master earth.) Further, they might even find the never-errata-ed and never reprinted 9th-level Drd spell lookingglass [trans] (Masters of the Wild 90), whose effects I urge house ruling to actual clairvoyance and to actual teleport without error (i.e. greater teleport) instead of as if those spells. With the existence of these spells in the campaign and without house rules, high-level druids are the ultimate assassins.
Finally, a spell clock (Clockwork Wonders column "The Spell Clock") (130,000 gp; 0 lbs.) that's crafted at a high level by some ancient epic precursor and that was toted around the campaign setting could create a worldwide forbiddance effect—useful if the DM doesn't want to deal with teleportation effects at all ever.

« 上次编辑: 2019-04-08, 周一 04:36:31 由 ChaosticMoon »
Twin angels each born with a single wing...With imperfection, lies everchanging heart.

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Re: 房规汇总
« 回帖 #5 于: 2014-01-12, 周日 14:35:19 »
Updated 03-27-2014

h. 自定义技能

CRAFT (Trapmaking) & Craft (Alchemy)
劇透 -   :
The basic function of the Craft skill, however, is to allow you to make an item of the appropriate type. The DC depends on the complexity of the item to be created. The DC, your check results, and the price of the item determine how long it takes to make a particular item. The item’s finished price also determines the cost of raw materials.

In some cases, the fabricate spell can be used to achieve the results of a Craft check with no actual check involved. However, you must make an appropriate Craft check when using the spell to make articles requiring a high degree of craftsmanship.

When casting the spell minor creation, you must succeed on an appropriate Craft check to make a complex item.

All crafts require artisan’s tools to give the best chance of success. If improvised tools are used, the check is made with a –2 circumstance penalty. On the other hand, masterwork artisan’s tools provide a +2 circumstance bonus on the check.

Some crafty individuals may attempt to create magic items that mimic the effect of a spell, known as Spell Device.  Spell Device can be preset on the battlefield, just like magic trap, and activates if a creature of at least small size end their movement in the square.  The caster level of the spell is equal to the minimum wizard caster level of the spell unless the creator is also a spellcaster and has the spell in his/her classlist, in which case he/she may use her own caster level as the caster level of the spell.

Spells that have area of effect start their effects on the square where Spell Device is located.  If the spell has burst shaped effect, creator of Spell Device may set the direction of burst.  If Spell Device is made into Grenade-Shaped, the direction of burst is the same as its projectile movement.

Similar to magic traps, Spell Device is subject to elements/restrictions:

Trigger: Spell Device activates if a creature of at least small size end their movement in the square, unless it is modified by Activation Enhancement.  See sections below.

Spell Device permit a saving throw in order to avoid the effect (DC 10 + spell level+Int Bonus of the creator).
Spell Device may be disarmed by a rogue (and only a rogue) with a successful Disable Device check (DC 25 + spell level).

Stationary Spell Device
The schools/subschool of spells that you can make into Spell Device are limited to the following:

Conjuration [Creation]
Evocation (Unguided only)


To determine how much time and money it takes to make a Spell Device, follow these steps.

    Find the scroll of the desired spell's price. Put the price in silver pieces (1 gp = 10 sp).
    Find the DC from the table below.
    Pay one-third of the item’s price for the cost of raw materials.
    Make an appropriate Craft check representing one day’s work. If the check succeeds, multiply your check result by the DC. If the result × the DC equals the cost of the materials in sp, then you have completed the item. (If the result × the DC equals double or triple the cost of the materials of the item in silver pieces, then you’ve completed the task in one-half or one-third of the time. Other multiples of the DC reduce the time in the same manner.) If the result × the DC doesn’t equal the cost of the material, then it represents the progress you’ve made this week. Record the result and make a new Craft check for the next week. Each day, you can make one craft check to see your progress of the day.

If you fail a check by 4 or less, you make no progress this day.

If you fail by 5 or more, you ruin half the raw materials and have to pay half the original raw material cost again.

Creating Masterwork Items: You can make a masterwork item—a weapon, suit of armor, shield, or tool that conveys a bonus on its use through its exceptional craftsmanship, not through being magical. To create a masterwork item, you create the masterwork component as if it were a separate item in addition to the standard item. The masterwork component has its own price (300 gp for a weapon or 150 gp for a suit of armor or a shield) and a Craft DC of 20. Once both the standard component and the masterwork component are completed, the masterwork item is finished. Note: The cost you pay for the masterwork component is one-third of the given amount, just as it is for the cost in raw materials.

When you use the Craft skill to make a particular sort of item, the DC for checks involving the creation of that item are typically as given on the following table.

ItemCraft SkillCraft DC
Alchemist’s fire, smokestick, or tindertwigAlchemy20
Spell Device:Lv1 SpellTrapmaking&Alchemy(see description)18
Spell Device:Lv2 Spell aboveTrapmaking & Alchemy(see description)18+2 per spell level above 1

You can apply the following feature to your Spell Device to enhance its performance in battle by adding DC to your craft check as listed in the following table.  Multiple enhancement features can combine and Spell Device's final DC accumulates for each feature.  You may need to utilize different kinds of Craft skill to deploy different kinds of enhancement features.  You must make at least one successful Craft check from an enhancement's required craft skill type for every enhancement you add onto your Spell Device.  A Spell Device without any enhancements requires Craft(Trapmaking) to make.  The price of the Enhanced Spell Device (ESD) increase by 5% for each DC you are adding onto the original Spell Device.

Energy Substitution+1

Trigger Enhancement

Delayed [Trapmaking]: You can delay the activation of your Spell Device to a number of rounds up to 1 minute (10 Rounds).

Proximity [Trapmaking]: Spell Device activates if part of a creature's movement crosses the location of the Spell Device or any of its 8 adjacent squares.  On the other hand, if Spell Device is made into Grenade-shaped, it activates as soon as it detects a creature in its target square or any of its 8 adjacent squares. You can increase that range to any squares within 10ft of the original square by adding 1 more DC.

Magnetized [Trapmaking]:  Spell Device sticks onto any creature wearing or carrying metal objects and activates.  Spell Device sticks onto (guided) any creatures that enter its square or that enters any of its 8 adjacent squares (or vice versa for Grenade-shaped Spell Device).  Magnetized Spell Device activates automatically.

Shape Enhancement

Grenade-shaped [Trapmaking][Consumeable]:  You make your Spell Device into a grenade-shaped object, effectively turning it into a throw weapon with range increment of 30ft.  You must make a touch attack against the creature you wish to attack in order to activate the Spell Device.  If the touch attack fails, then Creature under attack bounces off Spell Device to an adjacent square he/she chooses unless it has no Dexterous bonus to AC.  The Spell Device activates in the square it lands.

You can also target a specific grid. Treat this as a ranged attack against AC 5.  Creature in the grid is then allowed a Reflex save to half the damage received, if any.

Spear-shaped [Trapmaking][Consumeable]: You attach your spell device to the tip of a spear, effectively turning it into a double threat weapon. Spear-shaped SD has range increment of 20 and deal the damage that would be normally dealt by a short spear (1d6+Str Mod for Medium creature).  Otherwise, it functions exactly like Grenade-shaped SD.

Arrow-shaped [Trapmaking][Consumeable]: You attach your spell device to the tip of an arrow or a bolt, effectively turning it into a double threat weapon. Arrow-shaped SD has range increment of a normal arrow and deal the damage that would be normally dealt by arrows/bolts.  Otherwise, it functions exactly like Grenade-shaped SD.

Spider-shaped [Trapmaking]:  Spell Device is made into shape that is capable of moving across land terrain.  It has size of Tiny, AC of 12 (due to size) and land speed of 20ft/round.

Snake-shaped [Trapmaking]:  Spell Device is made into shape that is capable of moving across aqua terrain.  It has size of Tiny, AC of 12 (due to size), land speed of 10ft/round and swim speed of 20ft/round.

Hourai [Trapmaking]:  Spell Device is made into humanoid shape that is capable of picking up object, attacking, wearing armors and performing various other duties only humanoids are capable of.  Hourai can be made with size of Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, and Huge, each with increasing difficulty.  Houari can also have different land speed depend on its size, the base land speed for Hourai is 15ft for Tiny, 20ft for Small, 30ft for Medium, 40ft for Large and 50ft for Huge.
The physical attribute of Hourai is randomly determined when Hourai is created.  For each of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitute, roll 2d6 for Tiny, 3d6 for Small, 4d6k3 for Medium, 4d6 for Large, and 5d6k4 for Huge.   BAB of Hourai is equal to ½ of your ECL, unless otherwise enhanced.


Spell Enhancement [Spellcasters Only]

In order to add the following enhancement to your Spell Device, you must be able to cast the spell inscribed in the Spell Device or find a spellcaster for service.

Empowered [Alchemy]: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables.

Energy Substitution [Alchemy]: Choose one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You can modify any spell with an energy designator to use the chosen type of energy instead. A substituted Spell Device works normally in all respects, except that the type of damage dealt changes.

Extended [Alchemy]: An extended Spell Device lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected

Explosive [Alchemy]: An explosive spell ejects any creature caught in its area to the nearest edge of its effect and knocks the creature prone if it fails its saving throw against the spell.

Reset Enhancement

Repairable [Trapmaking]:  By making your Spell Device repairable, you can retract used Spell Device and repair it by paying half the cost of materials, making a successful Craft(Trapmaking) check and additional Craft(Alchemy) check for each Spell Enhancement the Spell Device has.  This enhancement cannot be applied at the same time as any enhancements with [Consumeable] tag.

Rechargeable [Alchemy][Spellcasters Only] :  You can apply this feature to spell device to make it rechargeable after each use.  You must have a spell caster that is capable of casting that spell and make a successful Craft (Alchemy) check against SD's DC.    This enhancement cannot be applied at the same time as any enhancements with [Consumeable] tag.

Circuit Enhancement [Spellcasters Only]

劇透 -   :

Programmed Spell Device

Programmed Spell Device is capable of performing a series of commands before activation.   The mechanical core of Programmed Spell Device is empowered with spell power, meaning a spellcaster must spend one of his/her daily memorized spell to fuel a Programmed Spell Device of a particular level. 

Command: Detection (Varies, See description)

Vibration (+1 DC):  Your PSD can detect vibrations on the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground.   Your PSD gains Tremorsense up to 60 ft.

Heat (+1 DC):  Your Spell Device can sense the heat emitting/absorbed because of living creatures, including cold blood creature like snakes or lizards.  Your PSD can locate creature up to 80ft radius.  The creature must have line of effect in relation to you.   Undead and Construct are undetectable by heat sensor.

Sonic (+1 DC):  Your PSD can pinpoint creature location based on their sounds, including supersonic and infrasonic sounds.   Your PSD can locate creature up 100ft radius.  You can manually set the level of volume (measured by listen DC)  PSD can detect and level of volume that triggers an action before using PSD.  Sonic detection can be negated by Silence Spell or misguided by other sounds or spells.

Vision (+0 DC for normal sight, +1 for Low-light vision and dark vision):  Your PSD can locate creature using sight.  You can choose between normal vision, low-light vision and dark vision, with the latter two increasing craft difficulty.
Normal: PSD that does not have Command: Detection is considered blinded and take penalty accordingly.

Command: Move   
Your PSD can travel a preset route, provided that it has movement speed in the environment which it is placed in.  Each round PSD can travel up to twice its land speed.  It can charge.  However, it cannot run.

Normal:  PSD that does not have Command: Move is immobile.  You might as well call it a statue.

Command: Attack: 

Command: Protect
Your PSD gain Dexterity bonus to AC.

Normal:  PSD that does not have Command: Protect cannot dodge and must rely on its raw material strength to fend the attacks.

Command: Shockwave

Command: Ready
Ready command allows PSD to release its spell or attack only under certain condition.

Normal: PSD that does not have Command: Ready release its spell or attack at first sight of satisfying trigger condition.

Living Spell Device:


Action: Does not apply. Craft checks are made by the day or week (see above).

Try Again: Yes, but each time you miss by 5 or more, you ruin half the raw materials and have to pay half the original raw material cost again.

Special: A dwarf has a +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal, because dwarves are especially capable with stonework and metalwork.

A gnome has a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks because gnomes have sensitive noses.

You may voluntarily add +10 to the indicated DC to craft an item. This allows you to create the item more quickly (since you’ll be multiplying this higher DC by your Craft check result to determine progress). You must decide whether to increase the DC before you make each weekly or daily check.

To make an item using Craft (alchemy), you must have alchemical equipment and be a spellcaster. If you are working in a city, you can buy what you need as part of the raw materials cost to make the item, but alchemical equipment is difficult or impossible to come by in some places. Purchasing and maintaining an alchemist’s lab grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks because you have the perfect tools for the job, but it does not affect the cost of any items made using the skill.

Synergy: If you have 5 ranks in a Craft skill, you get a +2 bonus on Appraise checks related to items made with that Craft skill.


劇透 -   :
« 上次编辑: 2015-10-10, 周六 00:46:55 由 ChaosticMoon »
Twin angels each born with a single wing...With imperfection, lies everchanging heart.

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Re: 房规汇总
« 回帖 #6 于: 2014-01-24, 周五 07:38:13 »
i. Miscelleneous

Saving Throw Progression

A Good Saving throw = 2 + (level/2)
A Medium Saving throw = 1 + (level/2.5)
A Poor Saving throw = 0 +(level/3)


Aerial Movement

For Creature with Good Aerial Maneuverability:

Climbing:  First find the vertical movement amount by multiplying up speed by 2.
Then find the shorter of Vertical movement and Horizontal movement.
Total Movement spent = Shorter movement distance/2 + Longer movement distance.

Ex:  Fly up 20ft, Horizontal 10ft
Vertical Movement = 20*2 = 40ft
Horizontal Movement = 10ft
Total Movement spent = 40+10/2 = 45ft

Ex2:  Fly up 5ft, Horizontal 10 ft
Vertical Movement = 5*2 = 10ft
Horizontal Movement = 10ft
Total Movement spent = 10 + 10/2 = 15ft

Ex 3: Fly up 10ft, Horizontal 5ft
Vertical Movement = 10*2 = 20ft
Horizontal Movement = 5ft
Total Movement spent = 20+5/2 (round up) = 25ft
« 上次编辑: 2015-09-16, 周三 02:22:35 由 ChaosticMoon »
Twin angels each born with a single wing...With imperfection, lies everchanging heart.