作者 主题: PFS1e 模组鉴赏  (阅读 3799 次)

副标题: 向所有译者致敬,莉莉至大!

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  • 帖子数: 1829
  • 苹果币: 7
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PFS1e 模组鉴赏
« 于: 2023-01-05, 周四 11:03:47 »
   纪年      模组编号      英文      中文      副标题      模组等级      国家      势力      译者      译文地址   
   S0      1      Silent Tide      静默之潮            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            空山鸣   地址
   S0      2      The Hydra's Fang Incident      九头蛇之牙事件            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            Memoria   地址
   S0      3      Murder on the Silken Caravan      丝绸商队的谋杀            1-5      卡蒂亚            Memoria   地址
   S0      4      The Frozen Fingers of Midnight      午夜寒指            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            星云   地址
   S0      5      Mists of Mwangi      莽吉迷雾            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            诺莉莉   地址
   S0      6      Black Waters      黑水            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            诺莉莉   地址
   S0      7      Among the Living      生者之间      The 'Among' TrilogyⅠ      1-7      塔尔多                     
   S0      8      Slave Pits of Absalom      艾巴萨罗姆的奴隶坑            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S0      9      Eye of the Crocodile King (Retired)      (已退役)            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S0      10      Blood at Dralkard Manor (Retired)      (已退役)            1-7      安多安                     
   S0      11      The Third Riddle (Retired)      (已退役)            1-5      奥斯利昂                     
   S0      12      Stay of Execution (Retired)      (已退役)            1-7      塔尔多                     
   S0      13      The Prince of Augustana                  1-5      安多安                     
   S0      14      The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch                  1-7      卡蒂亚                     
   S0      15      The Asmodeus Mirage (Retired)      (已退役)            1-7      卡塔佩什                     
   S0      16      To Scale the Dragon                  5-9      伽尔特                     
   S0      17      Perils of the Pirate Pact                  1-7      河域诸国                     
   S0      18      The Trouble with Secrets (Retired)      (已退役)            5-9      奥斯利昂                     
   S0      19      Skeleton Moon (Retired)      (已退役)            1-7      寇托斯岛                     
   S0      20      King Xeros of Old Azlant                  7-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S0      21      The Eternal Obelisk (Retired)      (已退役)            5-9      卡蒂亚                     
   S0      22      Fingerprints of the Fiend                  7-11      切利亚斯                     
   S0      23      Tide of Morning      晨光之潮            1-5      安多安            诺莉莉   地址
   S0      24      Decline of Glory      逝去荣耀            1-7      塔尔多            诺莉莉   地址
   S0      25      Hands of the Muted God (Retired)      (已退役)            5-9      寇托斯岛                     
   S0      26      Lost at Bitter End                  7-11      法力废土                     
   S0      27      Our Lady of Silver                  5-9      卡蒂亚                     
   S0      28      Lyrics of Extinction                  7-11      莽吉莽原                     
   S1      29      Shipyard Rats      造船厂之鼠      与敌共舞 Ⅰ      1-7      塔尔多            Atropa   地址
   S1      30      Cassomir's Locker      索米尔之匣      与敌共舞 Ⅱ      1-7      塔尔多            诺莉莉   地址
   S1      31      Sniper in the Deep                  5-9      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S1      32      Drow of the Darklands Pyramid                  7-11      奥斯利昂                     
   S1      33      Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible      突击不可思议之国            1-5      扎摩诔            犬良人   地址
   S1      34      Encounter at the Drowning Stones                  7-11      莽吉莽原                     
   S1      35      Voice in the Void      虚空之声            1-7      艾巴萨罗姆            静海聆   地址
   S1      36      The Prisoner of Skull Hill            永恒战争的回响 Ⅰ      7-11      贝尔克泽恩要塞                     
   S1      37      The Beggar's Pearl                  1-7      安多安                     
   S1      38      No Plunder, No Pay                  7-11      雨浸湿地                     
   S1      39      The Citadel of Flame                  1-5      卡蒂亚                     
   S1      40      Hall of Drunken Heroes                  7-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S1      41      Crypt of Fools      愚者之墓      与敌共舞 Ⅲ      1-7      塔尔多                     
   S1      42      The Watcher of Ages                  7-11      切利亚斯                     
   S1      43      The Pallid Plague            永恒战争的回响 Ⅱ      1-7      安多安                     
   S1      44      Terror at Whistledown            永恒战争的回响 Ⅲ      7-11      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S1      45      Delirium's Tangle      谵妄之结            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            犬良人   地址
   S1      46      Requiem for the Red Raven            十人会之眼 Ⅰ      12      伽尔特                     
   S1      47      The Darkest Vengeance                  1-5      乌斯塔拉夫                     
   S1      48      The Rules of the Swift            与敌共舞 Ⅳ      1-7      塔尔多                     
   S1      49      Among the Dead            The 'Among' TrilogyⅡ      1-7      塔尔多                     
   S1      50      Fortune's Blight                  5-9      河域诸国                     
   S1      51      The Shadow Gambit            Shadow Lodge, The City of StrangersⅠ      1-7      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S1      52      The Twofold Demise            Shadow Lodge, The City of StrangersⅡ      1-7      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S1      53      The Faithless Dead            永恒战争的回响 Ⅳ      7-11      奥斯利昂                     
   S1      54      The Maze of the Open Road            十人会之眼 Ⅱ      12      切利亚斯,莽吉莽原                     
   S1      55      The Infernal Vault      炼狱宝库            1-7      艾巴萨罗姆            诺莉莉   地址
   S1      56      The Jester's Fraud      丑角之旅            5-9      塔尔多            诺莉莉   地址
   S2      2-00      Year of the Shadow Lodge      影子会之年      影子会      1-11      艾巴萨罗姆            Julien   地址
   S2      2-1      The Bloodcove Disguise            Before the Dawn Part 1      1-7      莽吉莽原                     
   S2      2-2      Rescue at Azlant Ridge            Before the Dawn Part 2      1-7      莽吉莽原                     
   S2      2-3      The Rebel's Ransom      叛逆者的救赎            5-9      奥斯利昂            诺莉莉   地址
   S2      2-4      Shadows Fall on Absalom      影临艾巴萨罗姆      影子会      7-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S2      2-5      Red Revolution            十人会之眼 Ⅲ      12      阿基顿                     
   S2      2-6      The First Heresy            Heresy of Man Part 1      5-9      拉哈杜姆                     
   S2      2-7      Where Dark Things Sleep            Heresy of Man Part 2      5-9      拉哈杜姆                     
   S2      2-8      The Sarkorian Prophecy                  7-11      世界之殇                     
   S2      2-9      Beneath Forgotten Sands            Heresy of Man Part 3      5-9      拉哈杜姆                     
   S2      2-10      Fury of the Fiend      恶魔的狂涛            7-11      切利亚斯            诺莉莉   地址
   S2      2-11      The Penumbral Accords      光影协定            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            星云   地址
   S2      2-12      Below the Silver Tarn      银湖之下            7-11      奈多            笨哈   地址
   S2      2-13      Murder on the Throaty Mermaid      喑哑人鱼谋杀案            1-5      阿卡迪亚洋            新月   地址
   S2      2-14      The Chasm of Screams                  7-11      奈多               地址
   S2      2-15      Written in Blood      血之文字      冰之阴影 Ⅰ      1-5      林诺姆诸王国            Memoria/诺莉莉   地址
   S2      2-16      The Flesh Collector                  7-11      耐克斯                     
   S2      2-17      Exiles of Winter      冬之流放      冰之阴影 Ⅱ      1-5      伊利森            Memoria/诺莉莉   地址
   S2      2-18      The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor                  7-11      卡蒂亚                     
   S2      2-19      Keep of the Huscarl King      王之堡垒      冰之阴影 Ⅲ      1-5      猛犸象大王之国            诺莉莉   地址
   S2      2-20      Wrath of the Accursed      诅咒暗燃            7-11      奥斯利昂            絮尘   地址
   S2      2-21      The Dalsine Affair      道森血案            1-7      塔尔多            诺莉莉   地址
   S2      2-22      Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained            十人会之眼 Ⅳ      12      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S2      2-23      At Shadow's Door      直面暗影      负隅顽抗 Ⅰ      1-7      安多安                     
   S2      2-24      Web of Corruption            Shadow Lodge, Shadow's Last Stand Part 2      1-7      安多安                     
   S2      2-25      You Only Die Twice      尘归于土            5-9      盖布            絮尘   地址
   S2      2-26      The Mantis's Prey            影子会      7-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S3      3-00      Blood Under Absalom                  1-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S3      3-1      The Frostfur Captives      霜毛俘虏      影子会      1-5      伊利森            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-2      Sewer Dragons of Absalom      暗渠潜龙            3-7      艾巴萨罗姆            诺莉莉   地址
   S3      3-3      The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet      庄园考验            5-9      卡塔佩什                     
   S3      3-4      The Kortos Envoy                  7-11      寇托斯岛                     
   S3      3-5      Tide of Twilight      暮光之潮            1-5      塔尔多            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-6      Song of the Sea Witch      海巫之歌            3-7      艾巴萨罗姆            诺莉莉   地址
   S3      3-7      Echoes of the Overwatched      受监者的回响            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            诺莉莉   地址
   S3      3-8      Among the Gods            The 'Among' TrilogyⅢ      3-7      塔尔多                     
   S3      3-9      The Edge of Heaven      天境之沿      追寻完美之路 Ⅰ      1-5      天下            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-10      The Immortal Conundrum      不朽秘境            5-9      艾巴萨罗姆            诺莉莉   地址
   S3      3-11      On Hostile Waters      穿越敌海      追寻完美之路 Ⅱ      1-5      天下            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-12      The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb      狗法老之墓      挂毯奇遇 Ⅰ      5-9      郝金挂毯                     
   S3      3-13      Defenders of Nesting Swallow      燕巢保卫战      追寻完美之路 Ⅲ      1-5      天下            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-14      Snakes in the Fold      褶痕中的毒蛇      挂毯奇遇 Ⅱ      5-9      郝金挂毯                     
   S3      3-15      The Haunting of Hinojai      火野斋异闻            5-9      明海                     
   S3      3-16      The Midnight Mauler      午夜恶杀            3-7      乌斯塔拉夫            诺莉莉   地址
   S3      3-17      Red Harvest      红色丰收            7-11      娜迦国            絮尘   地址
   S3      3-18      The God's Market Gamble      神市追赌            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            精金黄瓜   地址
   S3      3-19      The Icebound Outpost      冰缚哨站            1-5      郝金挂毯            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-20      The Sundered Path      崩析之路      圆山群鼠 Ⅰ      7-11      郝金挂毯            海豹PP   地址
   S3      3-21      The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment      至高天神的智慧神殿            1-5      郝金挂毯            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-22      The Rats of Round Mountain—Part II: Pagoda of the Rat            圆山群鼠 Ⅱ      7-11      郝金挂毯                     
   S3      3-23      The Goblinblood Dead      浴血地精            1-5      依斯嘉            思考喵   地址
   S3      3-24      The Golden Serpent      金蛇之约            5-9      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S3      3-25      Storming the Diamond Gate            布拉克洛斯婚礼 前传 故事线Ⅲ      3-7      郝金挂毯                     
   S3      3-26      Portal of the Sacred Rune      圣符传送门            7-11      瓦瑞西亚            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-Intro 1      In Service to Lore      传奇的开端      传奇的开端 Ⅰ      1      艾巴萨罗姆            空山鸣   地址
   S3      3-Intro 2      To Delve the Dungeon Deep (Retired)      直至地穴深处(已退役)      传奇的开端 Ⅱ      1      艾巴萨罗姆            Julien   地址
   S3      3-Intro 3      A Vision of Betrayal (Retired)      (已退役)      传奇的开端 Ⅲ      1      寇托斯岛                     
   S4      4-00      Race for the Runecarved Key            高等 重大剧情[31]      1-12+      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S4      4-1      Rise of the Goblin Guild      地精帮的崛起            1-5      瓦瑞西亚            多人   地址
   S4      4-2      In Wrath's Shadow      怒火黯影      高等 重大剧情[31]      3-7      瓦瑞西亚            傻豆   地址
   S4      4-3      The Golemworks Incident      魔像工坊事件      低等 重大剧情[32]      5-9      瓦瑞西亚            新月   地址
   S4      4-4      King of the Storval Stairs                  7-11      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S4      4-5      The Sanos Abduction      沙诺思变貌            3-7      瓦瑞西亚            诺莉莉   地址
   S4      4-6      The Green Market      绿市      低等 重大剧情[32]      5-9      瓦瑞西亚            捞鱼   地址
   S4      4-7      Severing Ties      归途绝      低等 重大剧情 (蛇徽)Ⅰ      1-5      瓦瑞西亚            放逐   地址
   S4      4-8      The Cultist's Kiss      布拉克洛斯的婚礼      高等 重大剧情 (璃殇)Ⅰ      7-11      瓦瑞西亚            伊恩   地址
   S4      4-9      The Blakros Matrimony      布拉克洛斯婚礼      布拉克洛斯的婚礼 故事线Ⅰ[33]      3-7      艾巴萨罗姆            伊恩   地址
   S4      4-10      Feast of Sigils      魔印盛宴      高等 重大剧情 (璃殇)Ⅱ      7-11      瓦瑞西亚            诺莉莉   地址
   S4      4-11      The Disappeared      无踪无痕      布拉克洛斯的婚礼 故事线Ⅱ[33]      1-5      艾巴萨罗姆            海豹PP   地址
   S4      4-12      The Refuge of Time      时间庇护所      高等 重大剧情 (璃殇)Ⅲ      7-11      瓦瑞西亚            诺莉莉   地址
   S4      4-13      Fortress of the Nail      尖钉要塞      布拉克洛斯的婚礼 故事线Ⅲ[33]      5-9      瓦瑞西亚            哈维   地址
   S4      4-14      My Enemy's Enemy      吾敌之敌      低等 重大剧情 (蛇徽)Ⅱ      3-7      瓦瑞西亚            Gwenter   地址
   S4      4-15      The Cyphermage Dilemma      密文法师的困境            1-5      瓦瑞西亚            空山鸣   地址
   S4      4-16      The Fabric of Reality                  5-9      天下, 郝金挂毯                     
   S4      4-17      Tower of the Ironwood Watch            低等 重大剧情[32]      5-9      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S4      4-18      The Veteran's Vault      老兵的宝窟            1-5      瓦瑞西亚            海豹PP   地址
   S4      4-19      The Night March of Kalkamedes      卡卡迈德梦游记            1-5      瓦瑞西亚            伊恩   地址
   S4      4-20      Words of the Ancients            高等 重大剧情 (璃殇)Ⅳ      7-11      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S4      4-21      Way of the Kirin      麒麟之道            3-7      天下                     
   S4      4-22      Halls of Dwarven Lore      矮人学识档案馆      往昔荣耀 Ⅰ      5-9      瓦瑞西亚            星云   地址
   S4      4-23      Rivalry's End      纷争的始末      低等 重大剧情 (蛇徽)Ⅲ      3-7      瓦瑞西亚            海豹PP   地址
   S4      4-24      The Price of Friendship      友谊的代价      往昔荣耀 Ⅱ      5-9      瓦瑞西亚            星云   地址
   S4      4-25      The Secrets Stones Keep      秘石永存      往昔荣耀 Ⅲ      5-9      瓦瑞西亚            星云   地址
   S4      4-26      The Waking Rune            高等 重大剧情 (璃殇), Ⅴ      7-11      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S4      4-SP      Ruins of Bonekeep Level 1: The Silent Grave            Convention Special 2012[34]      3-7      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S5      5-00      Siege of the Diamond City                  1-15      蒙蒂维                     
   S5      5-1      The Glass River Rescue      镜河驰援            1-5      拉兹密安      探索者本部,奥斯利昂, 和 卡蒂亚      放逐   地址
   S5      5-2      The Wardstone Patrol      守护石巡逻队            3-7      蒙蒂维      切利亚斯, 斯克扎尼, 和 银色十字军      哈维   地址
   S5      5-3      The Hellknight's Feast      地狱骑士之狂宴      Low level expedition to Jormurdun      5-9      艾巴萨罗姆      安多安 和 塔尔多      非龙   地址
   S5      5-4      The Stolen Heir      继承疑云            1-5      安多安      安多安 和 塔尔多      诺莉莉   地址
   S5      5-5      The Elven Entanglement      精灵的咒缚      High level expedition to Jormurdun      7-11      奇奥尼            哈维   地址
   S5      5-6      You Have What You Hold                  3-7      河域诸国      斯克扎尼               
   S5      5-7      Port Godless      无神港湾      High level expedition to Jormurdun      5-9      拉哈杜姆      切利亚斯,奥斯利昂, 和 卡蒂亚      道是无常   地址
   S5      5-8      The Confirmation      最初试炼      Evergreen      1      寇托斯岛            小六   地址
   S5      5-9      The Traitor's Lodge      叛徒小屋            3-7      蒙蒂维      探索者本部      月下小受   地址
   S5      5-10      Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread            High level expedition to Jormurdun      7-11      猛犸象大王之国                     
   S5      5-11      Library of the Lion      狮子图书馆      Low level expedition to Jormurdun      1-5      塔尔多      切利亚斯, 探索者本部, 和 塔尔多      月华   地址
   S5      5-12      A Bitter Bargain      屈辱的交易      沙之宿命 Ⅰ      1-5      奥斯利昂      奥斯利昂, 卡蒂亚, 和 斯克扎尼      笨哈   地址
   S5      5-13      Weapon in the Rift      裂隙神兵            5-9      世界之殇      银色十字军      哈维   地址
   S5      5-14      Day of the Demon      恶魔之日      布拉克洛斯的婚礼 故事线Ⅳ[33]      3-7      切利亚斯            袋愚   地址
   S5      5-15      Race to Seeker's Folly      寻者愚行之谷      沙之宿命 Ⅱ      1-5      奥斯利昂      奥斯利昂      诺莉莉   地址
   S5      5-16      Sanctum of the Sages      先哲圣殿      沙之宿命 Ⅲ      3-7      奥斯利昂      奥斯利昂      哈维   地址
   S5      5-17      Fate of the Fiend      恶魔的命运      High level expedition to Jormurdun      7-11      切利亚斯      切利亚斯      哈维   地址
   S5      5-18      The Stranger Within      异城陌客            5-9      瓦瑞西亚      安多安, 斯克扎尼, 和 卡蒂亚      道是无常   地址
   S5      5-19      The Horn of Aroden      奥罗登号角      Low level expedition to Jormurdun      1-5      布雷斡      塔尔多      丞相   地址
   S5      5-20      The Sealed Gate      此路不通      High level expedition to Jormurdun      7-11      猛犸象大王之国, 郝金挂毯      探索者本部, 银色十字军               
   S5      5-21      The Merchant's Wake      商人的葬礼            1-5      卡蒂亚      卡蒂亚      诺莉莉   地址
   S5      5-22      Scars of the Third Crusade      第三次圣战残殇            1-5      蒙蒂维      银色十字军      未知   地址
   S5      5-23      Cairn of Shadows      阴影石冢            5-9      奈多      安多安, 切利亚斯      灯泡   地址
   S5      5-24      Assault on the Wound      侵略!世界之殇!      Low level expedition to Jormurdun      3-7      世界之殇      银色十字军, 塔尔多      哈维   地址
   S5      5-25      Vengeance at Sundered Crag      破碎岩山的复仇      High level expedition to Jormurdun      7-11      世界之殇      探索者本部               
   S5      5-99      The Paths We Choose      我们的道路            3-7      寇托斯岛      All               
   S5      5-EX      The Silent Grave                  3-7      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S5      5-SP      Maze of the Mind Slave            Convention Special 2013[13]      3-7      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S6      6-00      Legacy of the Stonelords                  1-11      世界之殇                     
   S6      6-1      Trial by Machine      机械试炼            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆      银色十字军      冬熊夏草   地址
   S6      6-2      The Silver Mount Collection      银山展览祭            3-7      艾巴萨罗姆      秘文会      诺莉莉   地址
   S6      6-3      The Technic Siege                  5-9      莽吉莽原      商盟, 探索者本部               
   S6      6-4      Beacon Below      地底信标            7-11      奥斯利昂      秘文会, 圣甲虫贤者会      诺莉莉/Kidd   地址
   S6      6-5      Slave Ships of Absalom      艾巴萨罗姆的奴隶船            1-5      寇托斯岛      自由尖兵, 君权王庭      非龙/喵   地址
   S6      6-6      Hall of the Flesh Eaters      喰种之厅      幽暗峰 Ⅰ      1-5      镣铐群岛            放逐   地址
   S6      6-7      Valley of Veiled Flame      秘焰峡谷            5-9      卡蒂亚      自由尖兵, 银色十字军      诺莉莉   地址
   S6      6-8      The Segang Expedition      瑟冈探秘            1-5      扎摩诔      君权王庭      诺莉莉   地址
   S6      6-9      By Way of Bloodcove      以彼之道            3-7      莽吉莽原      商盟      小六   地址
   S6      6-10      The Wounded Wisp      负伤幽魂      Evergreen      1-2      寇托斯岛            潜水兔   地址
   S6      6-11      The Slave Master's Mirror      奴隶主之镜            3-7      卡塔佩什      自由尖兵, 银色十字军               
   S6      6-12      On Sharrowsmith's Trail      追寻沙若史密斯的足迹      天键子嗣 Ⅰ      1-5      萨迦瓦, 莽吉莽原      商盟      未知   地址
   S6      6-13      Of Kirin and Kraken      麒麟与海怪            7-11      昆莱      君权王庭      Kidd   地址
   S6      6-14      Kaava Quarry      卡瓦岩矿      天键子嗣 Ⅱ      1-5      莽吉莽原            袋愚/诺莉莉   地址
   S6      6-15      The Overflow Archives      溢出档案库            1-5      艾巴萨罗姆      秘文会s      诺莉莉   地址
   S6      6-16      The Golden Guardian      黄金守护神      天键子嗣 Ⅲ      1-5      萨迦瓦, 莽吉莽原      探索者本部      袋愚   地址
   S6      6-17      Fires of Karamoss      卡拉莫斯之火            5-9      艾巴萨罗姆            冬熊夏草   地址
   S6      6-18      From Under Ice      冰霜之下            1-5      林诺姆诸王国, 伊利森      探索者本部 和 圣甲虫贤者会      诺莉莉   地址
   S6      6-19      Test of Tar Kuata      塔夸塔试炼            3-7      奥斯利昂      探索者本部 和 圣甲虫贤者会      絮尘   地址
   S6      6-20      Returned to Sky      重返天空            7-11      纽梅利亚      商盟, 自由尖兵, 和 银色十字军               
   S6      6-21      Tapestry's Toil      挂毯杂务            5-9            探索者本部               
   S6      6-22      Out of Anarchy      逃出生天            1-5      切利亚斯      秘文会 和 自由尖兵      拉比不拉多   地址
   S6      6-23      The Darkest Abduction                  7-11      乌斯塔拉夫      圣甲虫贤者会 和 君权王庭               
   S6      6-97      Siege of Serpents            Convention Special 2015      1-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S6      6-98      Serpents Rise            4- and 5-star exclusive      7th-level pregens      艾巴萨罗姆      盾徽财团               
   S6      6-99      True Dragons of Absalom            5-star exclusive      4th-level pregens      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S6      6-SP      The Wakening Tomb            Convention Special 2014[4]      5-9      寇托斯岛                     
   S7      7-00      The Sky Key Solution            Year of the Sky Key Convention Special 2015      1-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S7      7-1      Between the Lines                  1-5      卡塔佩什                     
   S7      7-2      Six Seconds to Midnight                  3-7      河域诸国                     
   S7      7-3      The Bronze House Reprisal                  5-9      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S7      7-4      The Ironbound Schism                  7-11      铁壁群岛                     
   S7      7-5      School of Spirits      通灵学院      承接自黑水      1-5      艾巴萨罗姆      圣甲虫贤者会      放逐   地址
   S7      7-6      The Lost Legacy            To Judge a Soul      3-7      阿玛南达      自由尖兵               
   S7      7-7      Trouble in Tamran            巨蛇崛起 重大剧情      1-5      涅玛萨斯                     
   S7      7-8      Karma Reclaimed            To Judge a Soul      3-7      天下                     
   S7      7-9      The Blakros Connection      布拉克洛斯之链      巨蛇崛起 重大剧情      5-9      艾巴萨罗姆            拉比布拉多   地址
   S7      7-10      The Consortium Compact      商团之盟      Evergreen      1-2      艾巴萨罗姆            诺莉莉/金闪   地址
   S7      7-11      Ancients' Anguish                  7-11      耐克斯                     
   S7      7-12      The Twisted Circle      畸变之环            1-5      法力废土      圣甲虫贤者会      星云         
   S7      7-13      Captive in Crystal      受缚于晶            5-9      幽暗地域            诺莉莉   地址
   S7      7-14      Let Bygones Be      让往事随风      背信弃义者和被遗忘者 Ⅰ      1-5      切利亚斯      探索者本部      拉比不拉多   地址
   S7      7-15      The Deepmarket Deception      深市骗局      巨蛇崛起 重大剧情      3-7      过峡                     
   S7      7-16      Lost Colony of Taldor      失落之地      背信弃义者和被遗忘者 Ⅱ      1-5      切利亚斯      灯笼会      拉比不拉多   地址
   S7      7-17      Thralls of the Shattered God      破碎之神的奴隶      承接自 叛徒小屋      5-9      世界之殇                     
   S7      7-18      The Infernal Inheritance      炼狱遗产      背信弃义者和被遗忘者 Ⅲ      1-5      切利亚斯      银色十字军      拉比不拉多   地址
   S7      7-19      Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts      饿鬼迷宫      幽暗峰 Ⅱ      3-7            秘文会      新月   地址
   S7      7-20      First Taste of Eternity      永恒的初体验      皆求不朽 Ⅰ      12-15      图维亚                     
   S7      7-21      The Sun Orchid Scheme      太阳兰奇谋            1-5      图维亚                     
   S7      7-22      Bid for Alabastrine      谋城购案      巨蛇崛起 重大剧情      1-5      杜鲁玛      君权王庭      诺莉莉   地址
   S7      7-23      Abducted in Aether      以太绑架案      巨蛇崛起 重大剧情      7-11            商盟               
   S7      7-24      Dead Man's Debt                  1-5      莽吉莽原      探索者本部               
   S7      7-25      Orders from the Gate                  5-9      麦纳多山脉                     
   S7      7-26      All the Gods Beyond      天外众神      皆求不朽 Ⅱ      12-15      奈多                     
   S7      7-27      Beyond Azlant Ridge            承接自 Rescue at Azlant Ridge      3-7      莽吉莽原                     
   S7      7-28      Ageless Ambitions                  7-11      图维亚                     
   S7      7-29      Serpents Fall      古蛇之亡      皆求不朽 Ⅲ      12-15      切利亚斯                     
   S7      7-98      Serpents' Ire[3]            巨蛇崛起 重大剧情      8                           
   S7      7-99      Through Maelstrom Rift                  6            盾徽财团               
   S8      8-00      The Cosmic Captive            Year of the SerpentConvention Special 2016      1-11      奥克顿之泪(外星)                     
   S8      8-1      Portent's Peril      魔牌厄兆            1-5      瓦瑞西亚            诺莉莉   地址
   S8      8-2      Ward Asunder      结界破碎            3-7      唐马            诺莉莉   地址
   S8      8-3      Captives of Toil                  5-9      幽暗地域                     
   S8      8-4      Wardens of Sulfur Gulch                  7-11      纽梅利亚      自由尖兵               
   S8      8-5      Ungrounded but Unbroken                  1-5      土位面                     
   S8      8-6      Reaping What We Sow                  1-5      伽尔特      君权王庭               
   S8      8-7      From the Tome of Righteous Repose      圣典奇谭      Evergreen      3-7      终焉之墙,乌斯塔拉夫,贝尔克泽恩要塞            默'soul   地址
   S8      8-8      The Sandstorm Prophecy            风之暴政 Ⅰ      1-5      奥斯利昂                     
   S8      8-9      The Cindersworn Pact      灰烬誓约协议      在火焰中锻成 Ⅰ      5-9      火位面      圣甲虫贤者会      深海鱼   地址
   S8      8-10      Secrets of the Endless Sky            风之暴政 Ⅱ      1-5      气位面      商盟               
   S8      8-11      Cleansed With Fire      以火焰净化      在火焰中锻成 Ⅱ      5-9      火位面      君权王庭      深海鱼   地址
   S8      8-12      Caught in the Eclipse            风之暴政 Ⅲ      3-7      气位面      商盟,自由尖兵               
   S8      8-13      What Sleeps in Stone      石中沉眠            7-11      天下      探索者本部      希尔   地址
   S8      8-14      To Seal the Shadow      封印阴影            1-5      民那塔            深海鱼   地址
   S8      8-15      Hrethnar's Throne      赫莱斯纳之座      幽暗峰 Ⅲ      5-9                  新月   地址
   S8      8-16      House of Harmonious Wisdom      谐智之居      Pathfinder Quests      1-5      天下                     
   S8      8-17      Refugees of the Weary Sky                  7-11      拉哈杜姆                     
   S8      8-18      Blazing Dangerous Trails            Champion's Chalice1 of 2      1-5      萨迦瓦      探索者本部,圣甲虫贤者会               
   S8      8-19      Treacherous Waves      奸邪浪潮            3-7      水位面            希尔   地址
   S8      8-20      Torrent's Last Will      涡流遗恩            7-11      水位面      银色十字军      诺莉莉   地址
   S8      8-21      Agents of the Eye            Champion's Chalice2 of 2      1-5      莽吉莽原      秘文会               
   S8      8-22      Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen                  1-5      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S8      8-23      Graves of Crystalmaw Pass      晶渊通道墓穴            3-7      火位面                     
   S8      8-24      Raid on the Cloudborne Keep                  5-9      气位面                     
   S8      8-25      Unleashing the Untouchable                  12-15      土位面      银色十字军               
   S8      8-99      The Solstice Scar                  1-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S9      9-00      Assault on Absalom                  1-11      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S9      9-1      The Cost of Enlightenment      开悟的代价            1-5      卡蒂亚            默 ’S’ oul-del   地址
   S9      9-2      A Case of Missing Persons      要员失踪案            3-7      伽尔特            新月   地址
   S9      9-3      On the Border of War      战争边缘            5-9      布雷斡      自由尖兵      丞相   地址
   S9      9-4      The Unseen Inclusion                  1-5      图维亚                     
   S9      9-5      Call of the Copper Gate      青铜门的呼唤            3-7      艾巴萨罗姆      圣甲虫贤者会      星云   地址
   S9      9-6      The Shores of Heaven                  1-5      天堂      秘文会               
   S9      9-7      Salvation of the Sages                  7-11            银色十字军               
   S9      9-8      Birthright Betrayed      继承日反叛            1-5            圣甲虫贤者会      诺莉莉   地址
   S9      9-9      Beyond the Halflight Path            Evergreen      3-7      瓦瑞西亚      君权王庭               
   S9      9-10      Signs in Senghor                  1-5      莽吉莽原                     
   S9      9-11      The Jarlsblood Witch Saga                  5-9      林诺姆诸王国      商盟               
   S9      9-12      Shrine of the Sacred Tempest                  1-5      昆莱      君权王庭               
   S9      9-13      The Lion's Justice      狮子的正义      Prelude to Crownfall      7-11      塔尔多      银色十字军      诺莉莉   地址
   S9      9-14      Down the Verdant Path                  1-5      塔尔多      君权王庭               
   S9      9-15      The Bloodcove Blockade                  3-7      莽吉莽原      元素均衡               
   S9      9-16      Fallen Family, Broken Name            Pathfinder Quests      1-5      依斯嘉      商盟               
   S9      9-17      Oath of the Overwatched                  5-9      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S9      9-18      Scourge of the Farheavens                  1-5      艾奥巴瑞亚      秘文会               
   S9      9-19      Clash in Kaimuko Wood                  5-9      昆莱                     
   S9      9-20      Fury of the Final Blade                  7-11      伽尔特      银色十字军               
   S9      9-21      In the Grandmaster's Name            Grandmaster Torch and Mulhia al-Jakri      3-7      杜鲁玛      自由尖兵               
   S9      9-22      Grotto of the Deluged God                  1-5      镣铐群岛      探索者本部               
   S9      9-23      The Ghol-Gan Heresy                  7-11      卡瓦地      元素均衡               
   S9      9-24      Beneath Unbroken Waves                  5-9      扎摩诔      商盟               
   S9      9-25      Betrayal in the Bones            Mulhia al-Jakri and Thurl      12-15      五王山脉      元素均衡               
   S10      10-00      The Hao Jin Cataclysm                  1-11      郝金挂毯      探索者本部               
   S10      10-1      Oathbreakers Die                  1-5      河域诸国                     
   S10      10-2      Bones of Biting Ants                  3-7      莽吉莽原                     
   S10      10-3      Death on the Ice                  5-9      世界之冠                     
   S10      10-4      Reaver's Roar                  7-11      终焉之墙                     
   S10      10-5      Testament of Souls      灵魂遗嘱      月光下的秘密 Ⅰ      3-7      瓦瑞西亚      银色十字军      浩浩   地址
   S10      10-6      Treason's Chains      背叛者之链            1-5      卡塔佩什            大漠   地址
   S10      10-7      The Howling Dance            月光下的秘密 Ⅱ      3-7      瓦瑞西亚      自由尖兵               
   S10      10-8      What Prestige is Worth      旧誉之偿            7-11      地狱            INT/Julien   地址
   S10      10-9      The Rasping Rebirth                  12-15      深渊      秘文会               
   S10      10-10      The Shattered Shield      破碎之盾            1-5      拉哈杜姆            Shibboleth   地址
   S10      10-11      The Hao Jin Hierophant            Hao Jin      5-9      郝金挂毯      秘文会               
   S10      10-12      Breath of the Dragonskull                  1-5      艾奥巴瑞亚                     
   S10      10-13      Fragments of Antiquity            Hao Jin      5-9      郝金挂毯                     
   S10      10-14      Debt to the Quah                  3-7                           
   S10      10-15      Tapestry's Trial            Hao Jin      7-11                           
   S10      10-16      What the Helms Hide            承接自 负伤幽魂      1-5      瓦瑞西亚                     
   S10      10-17      On Sevenfingers's Sails            Gloomspires finale      7-11      镣铐群岛                     
   S10      10-18      The Daughters' Due            布拉克洛斯博物馆 故事线      5-9      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S10      10-19      Corpses in Kalsgard                  5-9      林诺姆诸王国                     
   S10      10-20      Countdown to Round Mountain            承接自 园山群鼠      7-11      天下                     
   S10      10-21      Slaver's End                  5-9      卡蒂亚      商盟               
   S10      10-22      Who Wears the Mask            Passing the Torch 1      12-18      梅迪奥伽尔提      自由尖兵               
   S10      10-23      Who Speaks for the Ten            Passing the Torch 2      12-18      艾巴萨罗姆                     
   S10      10-98      Siege of Gallowspire                  5-16      乌斯塔拉夫                     
         S03-Quest      Ambush in Absalom      艾巴萨罗姆突袭            1-5                  诺莉莉   地址
         S06-Quest      Fane of Fangs      锐齿神殿            4-6                  诺莉莉   地址
         S06-Quest      The SilverHex Chronicles      银色巫咒            1                  絮尘   地址
         S07-Quest      Phantom Phenomena      幽影现象            1                  诺莉莉   地址
         S08-Quest      Honor's Echo      荣耀回声            1                  拉比布拉多   地址
« 上次编辑: 2023-01-05, 周四 11:16:11 由 丞相 »

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Re: PFS1e 模组鉴赏
« 回帖 #1 于: 2023-06-03, 周六 09:13:48 »

离线 丞相

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Re: PFS1e 模组鉴赏
« 回帖 #2 于: 2023-06-03, 周六 09:28:03 »