
站务管理 => 跑團歷史區 => 歷史區 => Yellow Submarine => 主题作者是: RocketCrocodile 于 2015-09-29, 周二 12:21:38

主题: 论坛团规则 (已转移到Q&A)
作者: RocketCrocodile2015-09-29, 周二 12:21:38
1、心理动作,用【】包住。说话,用“”包住。 穿越和超游的部分,用剧透包住。动作部分,用 / me 书写。回复别人用“[ quote ][ /quote ]”包住。翻译人名,地名加下划线。
   半兽人蛮子巴萨拉(NPC):| HP 14/14 | AC 14|先攻 2| 速度 30|  Str 17 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 12| Save: 5 2 4 -1 0 1| 熟练:运动,自然,观察,生存,威吓| 巨斧+5 1d12+5| 状态:无

1) 一回合允许声明最多三个动作。无须鉴定的(正常说话,简单动作如开个抽屉)不计在内。你们随便来,别太离谱就行。
例如:  我想试试把门撞开, 搜索抽屉,再看我能不能认出墙上的圣徽;
如果其中一个动作被打断, 后续取消。
2) 动作顺序按发帖顺序, DM可以微调。跟据对玩家有利的原则和常识。
例如: 玩家1: 我冲进去 玩家2:等等我先检查一下陷阱。 如果玩家2检测出有陷阱,DM可以认为玩家1没有冲进去。
3)PC集体挑战的项目,使用技能挑战(skill challenge)规则:
   参考4E的技能挑战
   DM设定一个目标,暗中设定一个DC,设定允许的失败次数和需要的成功次数。
   每回合,每位玩家描述做什么,并掷相应技能。
   如果DM觉得你说的太扯了,会事后扣你一个激励点。E.g. “我交涉那匹马让它跑快一点!“
   不能掷其他玩家本回合掷过的技能(按发帖子顺序)。不能掷玩家本人上回合掷过的技能。
4)PC忘骰了DM有权帮骰。(D&D5E)如果PC忘骰的是优势/劣势,DM判定时优势+3, 劣势-3.

修订:按照passive check 的规则,优势+5, 劣势-5
Here’s how to determine a character’s total for a passive check:
10 + all modifiers that normally apply to the check
If the character has advantage on the check, add 5. For disadvantage, subtract 5. The game refers to a passive check total as a score.

1) 观察用被动。先攻DM统一明骰。使用同侧共用先攻变种•改(5E DMG271).
   PC方每个玩家各自掷先攻并加上先攻加值,取平均
   怪物各自掷先攻加上先攻加值,取平均
   赢的一方集体先动。
   玩家一方内部需不考虑先攻,先发帖的人先行动。
   怪物一方内部也不考虑先攻。
   PC1攻击怪物1,PC2也攻击怪物1。DM结算时发现PC1攻击完怪物1已经倒了。这是完全合理的。
2) PC攻击动作同时掷所有可能用到的骰。命中1,命中2 (5E优势/劣势),伤害,暴击伤害。 DM视需求取用。

3) DM如果觉得怪已经没有威胁了,最后一两个回合一句话带过。

4) 反射动作需要事先声明希望在什么状态下触发。
5) 怪物知识由DM统一暗骰。
当PC 有相关技能熟练 或 有相关背景, DM为该PC暗骰怪物知识。
如果暗骰成功了,DM会在放怪的时候告知:“xx牧师之前被狐狸精骗过,一眼就看出这是个狐狸精,有抗性xx, 常用技能xx”。


   PvP是严格禁止的。PC攻击其他PC会导致一只巨大的鞋从天而降。
   升级不能转职。
   升级/经验值基于故事进度。E.g. 抛下剧情到森林里掏个狼窝并不能获得经验值。
   PC每次升级可以重新训练一项之前升级的选择(咨询DM)。起始数值/背景/子职业只有通过剧情更改。
   如果你在考虑某个优化的角色设计,请在建立角色的时候告诉DM。 因为DM可能对PHB上某些项目的理解与你不一样。
   AOE对多个目标只掷一个命中骰。 AOE对多个目标只掷一次伤害骰(比如火球)。但是豁免骰分别掷。
   无视负重,水,食物,弹药限制。
   激励点(inspiration point)主要用来鼓励角色扮演,鼓励PC间相互友爱。
   PHB上列出的东西PC在城市都能买到。DMG上的魔法物品很难买到。带永久魔法属性的物品在这个地区非常罕有。
   战斗中每个玩家最多两个召唤生物。不能建立不死生物或者拟像大军。

   喝药水是一个标准动作。
   换武器是一个自由动作,但是一回合只能换一次。拿着远程武器不能借机攻击的。
   换盾是个标准动作。牧师一手锤一手盾可以施放有动作成分(somatic component)的法术。
   召唤林间生物,召唤小型元素,召唤动物:这三个法术只能选择召唤生物的等级,不能选择招出来的是什么。
   不能双持手弩。上弩需要一只空着的手。
   术士的元素亲和,法师的强化塑能:额外伤害只加在一个伤害骰上。
   5E 没有延迟动作,只有准备动作。准备动作会用到你的反应动作。准备动作施法需要专注。
   掩护(Cover): 如果是有格子的战斗,会用DMG P250,PHB196的规则。如果不是,看描述。
主题: 论坛团给DM的建议
作者: RocketCrocodile2016-02-13, 周六 14:20:08


1) 计划,时间,和节奏
a. GM需要向玩家说明你希望玩家多久回复一次,以及GM本人多久回复一次。
b. 给没有回复的玩家设置期限。如果一名玩家多久没有回复,GM就会代替玩家决定他的角色的行动,让游戏继续下去。
c. 预先设置一个时间长度,如果玩家在这段时间都没有回复,并且没有解释,他们的角色会变成NPC或者移出游戏。两个星期是通常的期限。




(Susu: 我个人的习惯是DM的劳动量越少越好。 还有就是掷骰是玩家的乐趣,应该尽量让玩家掷骰。
(比如,放任何有DC的法术就掷DC-1d20, DM拿结果与怪物的豁免比较。


a) 保持让你的玩家感兴趣。鼓励他们发帖,即使只有一句话。任何回帖都比没有回帖要好。
b) 如果GM和玩家没有回复是因为他们不知道该回复什么。首先,应该向其他玩家说明你还在游戏中。 其次,玩家们可以在游戏外讨论剧情。如果一个玩家被谜题难住了,其他玩家可以超游告诉他以推动游戏。
c) 接收玩家的反馈是任何TRPG的重要部分。 作为GM, 你应该寻求玩家的反馈和建设性的批评,以确定每个人都在享受游戏。如果你觉得某件事很蠢,在故事情节被带歪之前有礼貌的说出来。

Scheduling, Timing, and Pacing

One of the benefits and curses of PbP games is that there is no formal meeting time for games. Players post whenever they are available to check the boards. However, this also extends the time it takes to work through adventures quite a bit. It could take several hours, or even days, for every player to post to a single combat round.

Given this, a few suggestions can make the game run more smoothly. First, state how often you expect players (and yourself, as the GM, in particular) to post at a minimum - once a day, three times a week, whatever works best. If you have particularly prolific posters in your game, especially if the rest of the players don't post as often, establishing a maximum number of posts in a specific time period might be a good idea as well.

Additionally, establish limits for non-responsive players. For example, if a player doesn't post for two days, the GM will decide that PCs actions in order to keep the story moving. Another good thing is to establish a limit to how long a player can be gone (not posting at all), without providing an explanation, before their character is turned into an NPC or otherwise removed from the game. Two weeks is a typical limit.

A Leave of Absence?

The previous paragraph brings up another potential problem of the expanded time span of PbP - player absences. Players might have to leave for a week or more due to vacations, family concerns, work, school, or any of a myriad of reasons. Generally, if the player contacts the GM, that player should be able to return to the game when they get back, without penalty - though, if the absence is going to be especially long, it might be better for the player to leave altogether. Also, its often standard-practice for another player to handle an absent player's character while they are gone. This should only be done with the player's permission, and the GM should make sure the absent player's character doesn't get, well, screwed, while the player is gone.

If you as the GM are going to be away for a while, it’s a good idea to post to both the IC and OOC threads, and let people know when you'll be back.

Dropping and Adding Players

Players end up dropping out of games – whether standard tabletop or PbP – regularly due to outside concerns. This is problematic in PbP due to the extended time span the game progresses through. Ideally, having a few alternate players to call on should a regular drop is a good idea. Otherwise, adding a new character should proceed in the same manner as starting a game.

Rolling Dice and Mechanics

Many GMs prefer to make all rolls themselves, but there are also online dice rollers available. The GM should clearly establish the method used at the beginning of the game and stick to it. If you make only some of the rolls, state which ones players will be making clearly. Also, make sure to provide guidelines on how to report rolls or relevant stats so you can make die rolls. Lastly, explain how you will be reporting die roll results at the beginning to avoid confusion. Players should always follow the guidelines and format suggested by the GM.


The nature of PbP tends to promote heavy RP games. The players have longer to compose their thoughts and responses, and heavy “roll” games tend to go quite slowly, so extra RP helps keep things interesting. Of course, what this means will vary from game to game. If everyone is having fun, then you're at the right degree of RP for your game - whether it's more or less than another PbP is a non-issue. As a GM, you should explain how much RP and detail you expect, and set an example by providing that level of RP and detail in your own posts.

Private Messages and Metagame

Generally, with PbP games, you just have to trust players not to metagame. As a player, you shouldn't take advantage of this trust. However, every once in a while it’s easiest for a GM to send a private message to a player to supply information or ask questions. In this case, I suggest two things: try to stay in character for PMs, make the PM's subject clear that it is in regards to the PbP game, and mention that you've PMed the player in the IC thread.

Maintaining a Game over Play by Post

It isn’t enough to just start your game and expect it to take off. Indeed if that happens, congratulate yourself, because you’ve either written a very compelling campaign, or you’ve happened upon some very dedicated players. It takes work to keep your game flowing and interesting. The fluid and noncommittal nature of forums leads to many games dying out.

First and foremost, keep your players interested. If players lose interest, they’ll stop posting, and if one person stops posting, then everything grinds to a halt. Whenever possible, encourage your players to keep posting, even if it’s just one-liners. Anything is better than nothing. It may be worth making clear at the very beginning that if someone has to stop posting, arrange for a “heads-up” so to speak. Clear communication between all players (and the GM) is a definite must. Some possible ways of rescuing your game might be to set a maximum period of inactivity before the GM may godmode/railroad (or smite) said character to further the game.

So you, or your players aren’t posting, because nobody knows what to do, or because it wouldn’t be in character for someone to speak. First, you need to let your fellow players know, either in character, or in the out of character thread, that you’re still here and participating. At the very least, somebody should be maintaining the “action” whether it be in game or out of game. Feel free to discuss in the out of character thread. As long as everyone is there and checking in, it shouldn’t really matter that you’ve spent the past month trying to solve this one riddle (as long as it’s really good). If your character is stumped, somebody else might have the answer (out of character) that they can just tell you, and things will go on their merry way.

Feedback is a core component of roleplaying in general (not just play by post). As a GM, you should seek feedback and constructive criticism to make sure that everybody is having fun. Other people can’t see your face, and you can’t see theirs. Therefore, it is up to you to find out whether people are legitimately enjoying themselves. If you think something is stupid, say so, but do so nicely, and firmly, lest your thread get derailed.