
譯文資料區 => Pathfinder RPG 2nd => Pathfinder => 怪物大全(Bestiaries & Monsters) => 主题作者是: 四月 于 2020-11-25, 周三 16:26:31

主题: 【Bestiary 1】【BoD】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 四月2020-11-25, 周三 16:26:31

创造巫妖(Creating A Lich)

巫妖能力(Lich Abilities)
黑暗视觉 略
豁免检定 对抗正能量时,所有豁免检定获得+1状态加值。
负能量治疗 略
复生(奥术 死灵) 当巫妖被摧毁时,其灵魂会立即转移到命匣内。只有先找到并摧毁巫妖的命匣,才能永久摧毁该命匣对应的巫妖。
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识
抗力 寒冷20,物理15(魔法钝击除外)
气势凶猛(灵光 情绪 恐惧 心灵) 60尺,DC 30。
巫妖之手 所有巫妖都具有手摸非武装攻击,这造成每3个等级1d8点负能量伤害,外加麻痹之触。此攻击具有娴熟(finesse)特性。
汲取命匣(;topic=112352.0;attach=89760;image)自由 频率 1次/日;效果 巫妖释放其命匣的力量,以此来施放任意奥术法术,该法术的环级最高为巫妖自身所能施放法术的最高环级,该法术即便不在巫妖的已准备法术内也可以施放。巫妖使用该能力不需要其命匣在场。
麻痹之触(奥术 诅咒 失能 死灵) 被巫妖的手摸打击所伤害的生物必须通过强韧豁免对抗巫妖的法术DC-4。失败则会陷入麻痹(paralyzed),持续1轮。大失败时,该生物会被永久麻痹,倒地且看起来与死了无异。通过DC 25的医疗检定能揭示出该受害者还活着。

替换用巫妖能力(Alternate Lich Abilities)
亵渎之语(奥术 灵光 惑控 心灵) 10尺。巫妖身旁常时回响着亵神与污秽的低语。灵光内的生物在对抗心灵(mental)效果的豁免检定中均会受到-2环境减值,而且除非能成功通过DC 10的纯骰检定,否则无法在该灵光范围内执行具有专注(concentrate)特征的动作(actions)。检定失败意味着浪费该动作。
刺骨深寒 巫妖的手摸打击造成寒冷伤害以取代负能量,并且目标会陷入缓慢2以取代被麻痹。成功的强韧豁免能将该状态降低为缓慢1(大成功则没有效果)。
暗之救赎 巫妖具有等同于其等级的正能量抗力。
生命虹吸(;topic=112352.0;attach=89759;image)反应 触发 巫妖用他的手摸打击造成伤害;效果 巫妖恢复生命值,数值等同于其造成伤害量的一半。
虚无寿衣(灵光 死亡 死灵) 30尺。巫妖周身环绕着死亡灵光,将灵魂向着巫妖吸取,用于满足他无尽的饥渴。发散区域内的活物会在对抗恐惧和死亡效果时,豁免检定承受-2状态减值。此外,除非成功通过意志豁免对抗巫妖的法术DC-4,否则回合开始时位于灵光范围内的任意生物都会获得毁灭1状态。

引述: 边栏:建议与规则

引述: 边栏:宝藏与奖励

引述: 边栏:额外学识

引述: 边栏:关联生物

To gain more time to complete their goals, some desperate spellcasters pursue immortality by embracing undeath. After long years of research and the creation of a special container called a phylactery, a spellcaster takes the final step by imbibing a deadly concoction or casting dreadful incantations that transform them into a lich. While most undertake this drastic plan to continue their work or fulfill some long-term plan, others become liches because they fear death or to fulfill some malevolent purpose, such as long-sworn revenge. Regardless, the result is permanent and carries with it the potential to alter history—both that of those who transform themselves and of the countless mortals that will inevitably suffer as a result of a lich’s new power.
After its metamorphosis, a lich often finds some quiet place to dwell, typically protected by a variety of guardians and traps, for two primary purposes. First, a lich requires solitude in order to plan its elaborate schemes, and second, few mortals (if any) deign to interact with these legendarily corrupt necromancers. One reason begets the other, as the self-imposed isolation of a lich often drives the lich insane, further solidifying its separation from civilization. The longer a lich lives, the more meticulous a planner it becomes, secreting itself within a labyrinth of deadly puzzles, misdirection, and monsters. A lich’s servants and guardians are absolutely loyal, either due to their nature (such as constructs or other undead) or as a result of compulsion using powerful magic. Many liches go mad, in time, and the nature of a lich’s lair is a good indicator of the undead’s current mental state.
For all the protections it arrays around itself, a lich will go to greater lengths to guard its phylactery, as it knows that the destruction of this magical container spells doom for the lich. A lich is notoriously difficult to bargain with, though the threat of damaging its phylactery is a sure way to gain the upper hand in such a negotiation.

Creating A Lich
A lich can be any type of spellcaster, as long as it has the ability to perform a ritual of undeath as the primary caster (which can usually be performed only by a spellcaster capable of casting 6th-level spells). To create a lich, follow these steps.
Increase the spellcaster’s level by 1 and change its statistics as follows.
· Increase spell DCs and spell attack roll by 2.

Lich Abilities
A lich gains the undead trait and becomes evil. Liches lose all abilities that come from being a living creature.
A lich gains the following abilities.
Saving Throws +1 status bonus to all saves vs. positive
Negative Healing
Rejuvenation (arcane, necromancy) When a lich is destroyed, its soul immediately transfers to its phylactery. A lich can be permanently destroyed only if its phylactery is found and destroyed.
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious
Resistances cold 20, physical 15 (except magic bludgeoning)
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 60 feet, DC 30
Hand of the Lich All liches have a hand unarmed attack that deals 1d8 negative damage for every 3 levels and inflicts a paralyzing touch. This attack has the finesse trait.
Drain Phylactery [free-action] Frequency once per day; Effect The lich taps into its phylactery’s power to cast any arcane spell up to the highest level the lich can cast, even if the spell being cast is not one of the lich’s prepared spells. The lich’s phylactery doesn’t need to be present for the lich to use this ability.
Paralyzing Touch (arcane, curse, incapacitation, necromancy) A creature damaged by the lich’s hand Strike must succeed at a Fortitude save against the lich’s spell DC – 4. The creature becomes paralyzed for 1 round on a failure. On a critical failure, the creature is paralyzed permanently, falls prone, and seems dead. A DC 25 Medicine check reveals the victim is alive.

Alternate Lich Abilities
Although the abilities on page 220 are standard for a lich, you can create a more unusual lich by substituting any one of the following abilities for frightful presence, hand of the lich, Drain Phylactery, or paralyzing touch.
Blasphemous Utterances (arcane, aura, enchantment, mental) 10 feet. The lich is accompanied by a constant echo of blasphemous murmurs and tainted whispers. A creature in the aura takes a –2 circumstance penalty to saves against mental effects and can’t take actions that have the concentrate trait unless they succeed at a DC 10 flat check. Failing this check wastes the action.
Cold Beyond Cold The lich’s hand Strike deals cold damage instead of negative, and instead of being paralyzed, the target is slowed 2. A successful Fortitude save reduces this to slowed 1 (or negates it on a critical success).
Dark Deliverance The lich has resistance to positive equal to its level.
Siphon Life [reaction] Trigger The lich deals damage with its hand Strike. Effect The lich regains Hit Points equal to half the damage dealt.
Void Shroud (aura, death, necromancy) 30 feet. The lich is surrounded by an aura of death, drawing forth souls to be consumed by the lich’s constant hunger. Living creatures in the emanation take a –2 status penalty to saves against fear and death effects. In addition, any creature that starts its turn in the area gains the doomed 1 condition unless it succeeds at a Will save against the lich’s spell DC – 4.

Liches spend a good deal of their downtime crafting magic items. In particular, a lich will create items that help it defeat and overcome known problems. This fact can prove especially dangerous if the PCs encounter a lich but fail to destroy its phylactery, for the next time they encounter the lich, it will likely have just the right tools to overcome their defenses.

The lair of a lich is usually filled with several magical treasures, particularly items that the undead can use based on its spellcasting abilities. Scrolls, wands, and staves are quite common, as are books of lore and tomes containing entirely new spells.

The exact ritual, ingredients for deadly concoctions, and magical conditions required to become a lich are unique and different for every living creature. Understanding a spellcaster’s path to lichdom can help, but is no guarantee of success for others.

Undead minions are very common companions for a lich or demilich. Liches prefer mindless undead, that do what they’re told and don’t interrupt the lich’s studies with useless conversation. Liches with a knack for crafting are also fond of surrounding themselves with construct servitors and guardians, such as golems.
主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 四月2020-11-25, 周三 16:26:50
巫妖(Lich)    生物 12
稀有 NE 中型 不死  
察觉 +20;黑暗视觉(darkvision)
语言 深渊语,邪灵语,通用语,龙语,精灵语,炼狱语,死灵语,地底通用语
技能 奥法+28,手艺+24(能制作魔法物品),欺骗+17,交涉+19,宗教+22,隐秘+20
力量 +0,敏捷 +4,体质 +0,智力 +6,感知 +4,魅力 +3
物品 隐形术药水,传送术卷轴,高等火焰法杖

AC 31;强韧 +17,反射 +21,意志 +23;对抗正能量所有豁免+1状态
HP 190,负能量治疗,复生;免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识;抗力 寒冷10,物理10(魔法钝击除外)
气势凶猛(灵光 情绪 恐惧 心灵) 60尺,DC 29
反制法术(;topic=112352.0;attach=89759;image)反应 触发 有1个生物施放巫妖已准备的法术;效果 巫妖消耗1个已准备的法术反制触发生物对相同法术的施法。巫妖会失去该法术位就好像他已经施放了触发法术。之后巫妖尝试反制触发法术

速度 25尺
近战(;topic=112352.0;attach=89756;image)单动 手摸+24(娴熟,魔法),伤害 4d8负能量 外加 麻痹之触
奥术准备法术 DC 36,攻击+26;6环 闪电链(chain lightning),支配术(dominate),血族驱命(vampiric exsanguination);5环 死云术(cloudkill),2×寒冰锥(cone of cold),冰墙术(wall of ice);4环 次元门(dimension door),解除魔法(dispel magic),火焰护盾(fire shield),飞行术(fly);3环 目盲术(blindness),定位术(locate),魔法飞弹(magic missile),吸血鬼之触(vampiric touch);2环 虚假生命(false life),镜影术(mirror image),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),识破隐形(see invisibility);1环 快速移动(fleet step),2×衰弱射线(ray of enfeeblement),克敌机先(true strike);戏法(6环) 侦测魔法(detect magic),法师之手(mage hand),传讯术(message),冰冻射线(ray of frost),护盾术(shield)
汲取命匣(;topic=112352.0;attach=89760;image)自由 6环法术
麻痹之触(奥术 诅咒 失能 死灵) DC 32
稳定施法 若一个反应动作(reaction)将要打断(disrupt)巫妖的施法动作,巫妖会尝试DC 15的纯骰检定。成功时,该动作不会被打断

巫妖命匣(Lich Phylactery)    物品 12
稀有 奥术 死灵 负能量
价格 1600gp
用法 1只手手持;负载 —

A wizard whose insatiable desire for arcane power eclipsed their mortal life, the lich is a truly devious and versatile spellcaster.
Perception +20; darkvision
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elf, Infernal, Necril, Undercommon
Skills Arcana +28, Crafting +24 (can craft magic items), Deception +17, Diplomacy +19, Religion +22, Stealth +20
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +3
Items potion of invisibility, scroll of teleport, greater staff of fire
AC 31; Fort +17, Ref +21, Will +23; +1 status to all saves vs. positive
HP 190, negative healing, rejuvenation; Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Resistances cold 10, physical 10 (except magic bludgeoning)
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 60 feet, DC 29
Counterspell [reaction] Trigger A creature casts a spell the lich has prepared. Effect The lich expends a prepared spell to counter the triggering creature’s casting of that same spell. The lich loses its spell slot as if it had cast the triggering spell. The lich then attempts to counteract the triggering spell.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] hand +24 (finesse, magical), Damage 4d8 negative plus paralyzing touch
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 36, attack +26; 6th chain lightning, dominate, vampiric exsanguination; 5th cloudkill, cone of cold (×2), wall of ice; 4th dimension door, dispel magic, fire shield, fly; 3rd blindness, locate, magic missile, vampiric touch; 2nd false life, mirror image, resist energy, see invisibility; 1st fleet step, ray of enfeeblement (×2), true strike; Cantrips (6th) detect magic, mage hand, message, ray of frost, shield
Drain Phylactery [free-action] 6th level
Paralyzing Touch (arcane, curse, incapacitation, necromancy) DC 32
Steady Spellcasting If a reaction would disrupt the lich’s spellcasting action, the lich attempts a DC 15 flat check. On a success, the action isn’t disrupted.

Price 1,600 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
This item is crafted by a spellcaster who wishes to become a lich. When a lich is destroyed, its soul flees to the phylactery. The phylactery then rebuilds the lich’s undead body over the course of 1d10 days. Afterward, the lich manifests next to the phylactery, fully healed and in a new body (therefore, it lacks any equipment it had on its old body). A lich’s phylactery must be destroyed to prevent a lich from returning.
The standard phylactery is a sealed metal box containing strips of parchment inscribed with magical phrases. This box has Hardness 9 and 36 HP, but some liches devise more durable or difficult-to-obtain phylacteries. A phylactery might also come in the form of a ring, an amulet, or a similar item; the specifics are up to the creator.
主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 四月2020-11-25, 周三 16:27:04
半巫妖(Demilich)    生物 15
稀有 NE 超小型 不死  
察觉 +19;黑暗视觉(darkvision),真视术
语言 深渊语,邪灵语,通用语,龙语,精灵语,炼狱语,死灵语,地底通用语
技能 特技+25,奥法+32,欺骗+26,神秘+30,宗教+21,隐秘+25
力量 -3,敏捷 +4,体质 +0,智力 +7,感知 -2,魅力 +5
物品 半巫妖晶瞳(2)
休眠 通常来说,遭遇半巫妖时他通常会处于休眠,不会进行任何行动,直至他的触发术反应动作被触发为止(见后文)

AC 38;强韧 +23,反射 +27,意志 +23;对抗正能量所有豁免+1状态
HP 220,负能量治疗;免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识;抗力 寒冷5,电击5,火焰5,物理5(钝击除外)
念动飓风(奥术 灵光 塑能) 20尺。念动飓风在半巫妖结束休眠状态时便会被激活。区域内未被固定的杂物会形成一股旋转的风暴。这将模糊视觉,让区域内的任意生物获得隐蔽(concealed),区域内的生物(半巫妖除外)会将所有生物都视同为具有隐蔽。半巫妖之外的任意生物若进入此灵光或回合开始时位于灵光范围内,会受到2d12点钝击伤害
触发术(;topic=112352.0;attach=89759;image)反应 半巫妖具有1个生效的恒定8环触发术,触发术与他的1个5环或更低环级的奥术内在法术相关联——该法术通常为次元门。触发 当巫妖正处于休眠,有生物惊扰了半巫妖的遗骸、碰触他的宝物或者施放了会影响到半巫妖的法术;效果 半巫妖停止休眠,投掷先攻,获得触发术的关联法术带来的效果。此触发术会在24小时后重置
对策(;topic=112352.0;attach=89760;image)自由 触发 半巫妖的回合开始;效果 半巫妖对自身施放闪现术、飞行术、法术反转或真视术。除非法术反转已经生效,否则他通常会选择施放法术反转

速度 30尺飞行
近战(;topic=112352.0;attach=89756;image)单动 啃咬+27(0尺触及,娴熟,魔法),伤害 1d4-3穿刺 外加 6d6负能量
奥术内在法术 DC 40,攻击+30;9环 女妖之嚎(wail of the banshee);7环 随意法术反转(spell turning);4环 随意闪现术(blink),随意次元门(dimension door),随意念动战技(telekinetic maneuver);戏法(8环) 法师之手(mage hand),念动射弹(telekinetic projectile);恒定6环 真视术(true seeing)
半巫妖晶瞳(奥术) 半巫妖的宝石眼睛在半巫妖活动时会发光。每只眼睛包含1个以1个生物为目标的8环法术,通常来说一只眼睛内为迷宫术(maze),另一只为极冰射线(polar ray)。半巫妖能启动1只眼睛。这么做使用的动作数量与施放该法术所需的动作数量相同,而且依旧需要命令和想象成分。当半巫妖从一只眼睛中施放法术时,该眼瞳会停止发光1d4轮,在此期间该只眼瞳的法术无法再次被使用。有时候,你可以从被摧毁的半巫妖残骸上取得1枚或2枚半巫妖晶瞳作为魔法物品(见后文)
吞食灵魂(;topic=112352.0;attach=89756;image)单动(奥术 死灵 负能量) 要求 有灵魂被困在半巫妖的枯萎水晶宝石中(见囚困灵魂)已经过了24小时;效果 半巫妖吞食他的灵魂,灵魂被彻底摧毁,而半巫妖会恢复HP,数值相当于该生物等级的2倍
心灵魔法 半巫妖在施法时能用语言成分替换所有材料和姿势成分,而且能够在启动魔法物品时用想象(envision)成分替换所有交互成分
法杖宝石 半巫妖很久以前便将法杖的法术吸收到了镶嵌在自身头骨上的宝石瘤里,更大的宝石瘤代表着更高环级的法术。半巫妖能像启动法杖一般施放任何法术,当处于休眠状态时,每4个小时可以恢复1发充能,至多能储存8发。标准的半巫妖具有高等死灵法杖(greater staff of necromancy)的法术,但也可以用其他8级或更低等级的法杖中的法术作为替代。
囚困灵魂(;topic=112352.0;attach=89756;image)单动(奥术 死灵 负能量)命令 频率 每个宝石1次/日;效果 半巫妖头骨上的10枚枯萎水晶宝石可以用于困住活物的灵魂。启动宝石施放缚魂术(bind soul)。此种缚魂术能够影响并以濒死生物为目标,以取代原本已死尸体为目标。濒死生物能尝试DC 38的强韧豁免;若成功,该生物不会死亡,其灵魂也不会被困,而是会陷入力竭2(译注:此处状态原文为enervated,疑似写错了),大成功则完全不会受到影响。当生物的灵魂被囚困时,该生物的尸体会迅速化为尘土

半巫妖晶瞳(Demilich Eye Gem)    物品 15
稀有 奥术
价格 13000gp(无法被制造)
用法 1只手手持;负载 —
启动 命令;交互 1次/日;效果 宝石施放出它所容纳的8环法术。启动宝石所用的动作数量与施放该法术的动作数量相同。一单施放了该法术,宝石的光芒便会消失,但它会在24小时后重新恢复光芒,此时宝石内的法术也可以再次被使用了。
制造要求 半巫妖晶瞳无法被制造出来

Demiliches are formed when a lich, through carelessness or by accident, loses its phylactery. As years pass, the lich’s body crumbles to dust, leaving only the skull as the seat of its necromantic power. The lich enters a sort of torpor, its mind left wandering the planes in search of ever greater mysteries. The lich gradually loses the ability to cast spells and its magic items slowly subsume into its new form. Negative energy concentrates around the skull, causing some of its bones and teeth to petrify with power and turn into blight crystals. The resulting lich skull, embedded with arcane gemstones and suffused with palpably powerful magic, forms a creature called a demilich.
Despite its near-constant state of inactivity, a demilich grows restless from time to time, especially when living creatures draw near. Only then does the demilich’s hunger for life stir once more, causing it to lash out with terrifying bursts of power in attempts to consume vital energy. Unlike an ordinary lich, should the demilich’s skull be destroyed, its bond to the world is permanently severed, although some theorize that even then it is not truly slain. Rather, some think that once the demilich is destroyed, its foul and tormented mind is finally free to wander the planes and find new ways to enact its will. For the short-lived common folk of the Material Plane, this is good enough, though eons later a demilich may reappear in the region it once inhabited with a new—and even more insidious—agenda.

Perception +19; darkvision, true seeing
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elf, Infernal, Necril, Undercommon
Skills Acrobatics +25, Arcana +32, Deception +26, Occultism +30, Religion +21, Stealth +25
Str –3, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +7, Wis –2, Cha +5
Items demilich eye gem (2)
Torpor Typically, a demilich is inert when encountered and doesn’t take actions until its contingency reaction has been triggered (see below).
AC 38; Fort +23, Ref +27, Will +23; +1 status to all saves vs. positive
HP 220, negative healing; Immunities disease, paralyzed, poison, polymorph, unconscious; Resistances cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, physical 5 (except bludgeoning)
Telekinetic Whirlwind (arcane, aura, evocation) 20 feet. Telekinetic whirlwind activates when the demilich ends torpor. Loose debris in the area whip up into a whirling storm. This obscures vision, making any creature in the area concealed, and causes creatures in its area (except the demilich) to treat all creatures as concealed. Any creature other than the demilich that enters or begins its turn in the aura takes 2d12 bludgeoning damage.
Contingency [reaction] A demilich has one permanent 8th-level contingency spell in effect with one of its arcane innate spells of 5th level or lower as the companion spell—typically dimension door. Trigger While the lich is in torpor, a creature disturbs the demilich’s remains, touches its treasure, or casts a spell that would affect the demilich. Effect The demilich ends torpor, rolls initiative, and gains the effect of its contingency’s companion spell. The contingency resets after 24 hours.
Countermeasures [free-action] Trigger The demilich’s turn begins. Effect The demilich casts blink, fly, spell turning, or true seeing on itself. It usually chooses spell turning unless it already has that spell in effect.
Speed fly 30 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +27 (reach 0 feet, finesse, magical), Damage 1d4–3 piercing plus 6d6 negative
Arcane Innate Spells DC 40, attack +30; 9th wail of the banshee; 7th spell turning (at will); 4th blink (at will), dimension door (at will), telekinetic maneuver (at will); Cantrips (8th) mage hand, telekinetic projectile; Constant (6th) true seeing
Demilich Eye Gems (arcane) A demilich has gemstone eyes that glow when the demilich is active. Each eye contains an 8th-level spell that targets one creature (usually one eye has maze and the other polar ray). The demilich can Activate an eye. This uses the number of spellcasting actions the spell requires, and also requires command and envision components. When the demilich casts a spell from a gemstone eye, that eye stops glowing for 1d4 rounds, during which time that eye’s spell can’t be used. Occasionally, one or both of the two demilich eye gems can be harvested from a destroyed demilich as magic items (see below).
Devour Soul [one-action] (arcane, necromancy, negative) Requirements A soul has been trapped in one of the demilich’s blight quartz gems (see Trap Soul) for 24 hours. Effect The demilich consumes the soul. The soul is utterly destroyed, and the demilich regains HP equal to double the creature’s level.
Mental Magic A demilich can replace all material and somatic components for casting spells with verbal components, and can replace all Interact components for activating magic items with envision components.
Staff Gems A demilich long ago absorbed the spells from a staff into gemstone nodules embedded in its skull, with larger nodules representing higher-level spells. It can cast any of the spells as though it were Activating the staff, and regains 1 charge per 4 hours spent in torpor, to a maximum of 8 charges. A typical demilich has the spells from a greater staff of necromancy, but it could have spells from another staff of 8th level or lower instead.
Trap Soul [one-action] command Frequency once per day per gem; Effect Ten blight quartz gemstones on the demilich’s skull can trap the souls of the living. The Activated gem casts bind soul. This bind soul can target and affect a dying creature instead of a corpse. The dying creature can attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save; if it succeeds, it doesn’t die and its soul is not trapped but it’s enervated 2 (or is unaffected entirely on a critical success). When the soul of a creature gets trapped, the creature’s body swiftly turns to dust.
The gemstones work like the black sapphires used in bind soul, except that they can hold creatures of up to 17th level and have a value of 200 gp apiece. The demilich can Devour a Soul it has trapped.

Price 3,000 gp (can’t be crafted)
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk —
This glowing gem is harvested from a demilich and has an 8th-level spell magically bonded to it. This item has the traits of the spell it contains.
Activate command, Interact Frequency once per day; Effect The gem casts the 8th-level spell it contains. This activation uses the same number of actions as Casting the Spell. Once the spell is cast, the gem’s glow fades, but returns 24 hours later, when the spell can be used once again.
Craft Requirements Demilich eye gems can’t be crafted.
主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 原子能青蛙2020-11-25, 周三 16:31:49

主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 沙包2020-11-26, 周四 19:22:39
主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 璀璨星炬2022-04-08, 周五 19:15:37
为了避免犹太教的争议,paizo将 Phylactery 替换为了 soul cage
主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】【BoD】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 璀璨星炬2022-06-19, 周日 07:41:10

Immortal Spells of the Lich

Many who study necromancy see the path to lichdom as the inevitable conclusion of their endeavors, believing once one has attained mastery over life and death, all that remains is to apply the knowledge to control one’s mortal fate. By practicing the very essence of their pursuit on themselves, they believe they might finally, with their last breath, turn the page to a new, more powerful existence. They hope for a transformation that promises an eternity of time and the chance to harness true power. Rending the soul from the body does not seem so high a price when balanced against such limitless temptation.

转化仪式 The Ritual

The Ritual
No soul survives the transformation into undeath unscathed, but the process of becoming a lich deserves special consideration, for it is not just a wanton act of self-harm but a moment of narcissism that transcends the instinct of self-preservation. Severing this most vital link, in fact, opens the door to undeath. While lesser animations simply corrupt the soul, leaving a void that can be filled by necromantic energy, the process of becoming a lich is something else entirely, the willful entrapment of the soul, severed from the form.

Once the ritual is complete, the body and soul are held in a suspended state, tethered but kept forever apart. This contradiction gives the lich their power. Both forms are an aberration of the natural order, kept stable only by their bond.

The ritual, in all its specificity, is little more than a lengthy commitment to the cause, a preparation of the soul for its ritualistic tearing from the body, mind, and life thereafter. While most think the ritual to become a lich is different for each person because it must be attuned to their unique body and spirit, I would posit a different explanation. The ritual is unique because it is proof of belief in oneself, in the power one has mastered. Such an offering would, of course, be unique, for each newly risen lich is quite sure that they are the most powerful being to ever exist. Such beliefs do not leave much room for cooperation and conformity. Each must prove to themself they are the most skilled, the most deserving, the only one worthy of countless lifetimes.

There is an interesting relationship between those who seek out the path of becoming a lich and those with an absolute, often overinflated, sense of their own capabilities. Does the act of becoming a lich distill these traits until they overwhelm all others, or does the process itself only draw upon those who possess the trait?

死之具象 Manifestations of Death

Manifestations of Death
The very nature of the lich provides a near limitless wellspring of necromantic power, which can manifest in a variety of ways. Some liches radiate a chilling cold, while others can drain the life force from the living. Perhaps the most common manifestation of their power is the ability to disrupt their victims’ souls. Just their touch can cause a discordance leading to a temporary paralysis as the soul tries desperately to reunite with the body. Rare liches can steal thoughts with a touch or pull at the souls of those near them with just their presence.

It seems the only common thread between these various manifestations is that they are reflections of the lich’s desires, even if the lich is not entirely conscious of them. Such is the devastation of severing the mind and soul that they draw life, warmth, magic, and even souls into themselves in response. The lich involuntarily reaches out to the whole beings nearby, desperate to try and fix that which can never be mended.

命匣 Soul Cage
  巫妖的永生之源也是它们最大的负担,因为灵魂不能如同一堆渣滓般轻易丢掉。相反,它必须被安置、保护于一个被称为“命匣”(Soul Cage)的华贵监牢中。不论是身躯还是命匣被摧毁,巫妖都将危在旦夕。不足为奇的是,这个被遗忘圣物的位置是巫妖最严守的秘密,而那些不采取必要的保护措施抵御巫妖的怒火就打算玩弄命匣的家伙,很快就会大难临头。

译注:为了避免犹太教的争议,paizo将“Phylactery” 替换为了“Soul Cage”;中文译名保持“命匣”不变。
Soul Cage
The source of a lich’s immortality is also their greatest liability, for the soul cannot simply be disposed, tossed away like so much dross. Instead, it must be housed, protected in an ornate prison known as a soul cage. Should either the body or the soul cage be destroyed, the lich is in peril. Unsurprisingly, the location of this forsaken relic is the lich’s best kept secret, and woe to those who would trifle with such a thing without taking the proper precautions against their ire.

The soul cage can take many forms, from a literal cage covered in necromantic runes, to an ornate ring or even a priceless crown. For an object of immense importance to a lich, I have always found it ironic they so often decorate and embellish the container with such riches that no thief or marauding knight would overlook the bauble. Indeed, rare is the lich who understands this failing and thereafter take steps to cloak their most precious vessel in the mundane.

Physically safeguarding the cage is no simple task. Many liches spend years crafting the perfect safehold, surrounded by tireless guardians and deadly traps. The trick is it must be secure but also allow for the soul cage’s function. Should the lich’s body be destroyed, the soul cage’s one power is revealed, as it recreates the lich’s body. Such reincorporation occurs in proximity to the soul cage, thus its location must leave room to grow a new body and allow for escape.

长久的衰退 The Long Decline
  没有了灵魂的锚点,巫妖们陷入了近乎无尽的萎靡中,它们的思想没了束缚,在无穷中徘徊,寻找解决这个困境的办法。它们的身躯崩解,只留下一个风化的头骨,里面栖息着野蛮的恶意。追寻力量的渴望还如回响般残留在这颗腐烂骨骼中,这也是这副失去了高级理性和思想的躯体留下的唯一动机。这容纳了可怕死灵法术的东西(This seat of terrifying necromancy)会抽出附近的魔法,吞噬它们以助其继续存在。从简单的饰品到强大的圣物,都能被这块骨头吞噬。剩下的是一个半巫妖(demilich)那镶嵌珠宝的头骨。

The Long Decline
For a creature defined by meticulous schemes and plans that take centuries to unfold, many liches fail to account for the grand scale of time. Petty thoughts of vengeance are pointless after a generation or two. Schemes of conquest might take only a few decades to reach fruition, but what comes next? Even greater campaigns? Ever broadening power leading to world domination?


Such grand overreach often leads to a lich’s downfall, for many living will not tolerate the rule of the dead. The countless years granted to a lich often go wasted, brooding in dusty crypts between bouts of esoteric research.

Still, this fate is better than what awaits those liches whose soul cage has been destroyed or lost. While there are tales of those who rebuilt the vile relic and undertake terrifying rituals to locate their soul and once again tether it, most liches who lose their soul cage are either destroyed in a terrific act of vengeance or face an eternity of decay and decline.

Without an anchor for their souls, liches fall into a near endless torpor, their minds untethered, wandering the infinite in search of a solution to their plight. Their bodies crumble away, leaving only a weathered skull inhabited by feral malevolence. The drive for power remains as an echo in these rotten bones, the only motive left to the body bereft of higher forms of reason and contemplation. This seat of terrifying necromancy draws out other magic nearby, consuming it to fuel their continued existence. From simple trinkets to powerful relics, all can be devoured by the bones. What remains is the jewel and gem-crusted skull of a demilich.

While these demiliches often have great power, they lack the subtle cunning they possessed with their soul cages intact. I cannot think of a worse fate than to spend a millennium wielding unfathomable power, only to be reduced to a reckless monster, bereft of everything you attained over many lifetimes. It must be akin to a rage-filled dream, always lurking at the edges of one’s consciousness, threatening to become reality once again should your grip slip for more than a moment. No wonder so many liches prefer destruction to such a fate.
主题: Re: 【BoD】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 璀璨星炬2022-06-19, 周日 07:42:47
巫妖 Lich

对永生的渴望驱使着施法者成为巫妖,而死灵知识则使这种渴望成为现实。典型的巫妖走的是最直接的道路,也因此他们的不死形态与生前的样子相当接近。但对于那些对“自己能变为什么”的看法不那么传统的人来说,不死之躯也能带来更多的自由。骨堆巫妖(Horde Lich)和刻符巫妖(Runcarved Lich)就完全重塑了自己。基于一名施法者创造一个标准的巫妖的规则见Bestiary的第220页(见上)。

新替换用巫妖能力 New Alternate Lich Abilities

原文 (https://2e.aonprd.com/MonsterFamilies.aspx?ID=68)

引述: 盖布的话
(https://2e.aonprd.com/Images/Icons/Sidebar_6_Geb.png) 默语魔道 The Whispering Way
  在其所有的信徒中,默语暴君(the Whispering Tyrant)是迄今为止最著名也最成功的一位成员,在被大规模的凡人军事联盟击败之前几乎实现了该团体的目标。如今暴君再度归来,那些追随这一哲学的人满怀希望,认为他们崛起的时刻终于要到来了。

引述: 关联生物
(https://2e.aonprd.com/Images/Icons/Sidebar_4_RelatedCreatures.png) 不常见的巫妖 Less Common Liches
大多数寻求这种形式的不死之身的人都是强大的奥术施法者,尤其是法师(wizard)。牧师(cleric)和德鲁伊(druid)几乎从不追求巫妖之道。由于他们天生的好奇心和对神秘学的探索,(选择转化为巫妖的)吟游诗人(bard)比较少见。一些术士(socerer)会追寻巫妖之道,特别是那些有着不死血统(undead bloodline)的术士。女巫(witch)有时也会走上这条路,尤其是在他们学会了将自己的魔宠转化为 命匣 的秘密后。

引述: 建议与规则
(https://2e.aonprd.com/Images/Icons/Sidebar_1_AdviceAndRules.png) 转化仪式 The Ritual
  成为巫妖的仪式对于每位角色来说都是独一无二的,但它们常有类似的元素。这个仪式至少为6环级,但对于主要施法者(primary caster)来说总是会升阶到尽可能高的等级(译注:一般这意味着等级的一半,向上取整)。技能检定与主施法者的法术根源相关联(奥术为奥法,原能为自然,异能为神秘,神术为宗教),施法者必须在技能有着大师(master)熟练度才能尝试这个仪式。本仪式很少需要辅助施法者。在开始仪式之前,施法者必须建造命匣,它的花费为每施法者有一级至少需要100金币(通常会花费更多),并且需要进行与施法者等级相当的困难(hard)DC (http://www.goddessfantasy.net/bbs/index.php?topic=111263.msg1009571#msg1009571)的手艺技能检定。

引述: 建议与规则
(https://2e.aonprd.com/Images/Icons/Sidebar_1_AdviceAndRules.png) 腐坏的转化 Corrupted Transformation
主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】【BoD】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 璀璨星炬2022-06-19, 周日 07:43:16
骨堆巫妖 Horde Lich


原文 (https://2e.aonprd.com/Monsters.aspx?ID=1876)

骨堆巫妖 Horde Lich         生物 15

稀有 中立邪恶 中型 不死
察觉 +25;黑暗视觉
语言 深渊语,邪灵语,通用语,龙语,矮人语,炼狱语,巨人语,死灵语,地底通用语
技能 特技 +27,奥法 +31,手艺 +29(能够制作魔法物品),欺骗 +27,威吓 +27,宗教 +25,隐秘 +27,贼活 +27
力量 +2,敏捷 +6,体质 +0,智力 +8,感知 +4,魅力 +6
物品 传送术卷轴解除魔法魔杖

AC  35;强韧  +21,反射  +21,意志  +17;对抗正能量时全豁免+1状态加值
HP  250,负能量治疗,复生
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识
抗力 寒冷 10,物理 10(除了魔法钝击)
复生 Rejuvenation(神术,死灵系)  当巫妖被摧毁时,其灵魂会立即转移到命匣内。只有先找到并摧毁巫妖的命匣,才能永久摧毁该命匣对应的巫妖。
分离格挡 Shatter Block [R] 触发 一个生物对骨堆巫妖造成重击;需求 巫妖身上至少附着一个骨仆(servitor;见下“组装骨仆”Servitor Assembly 能力);效果 重击会变成普通打击。骨堆巫妖的一个骨仆从它身上分离,放置于一个空的邻接方格,处于倒地(prone)状态。该骨仆受到触发攻击的伤害。

速度 25尺
近战 [A] 巫妖之手 +27(娴熟,魔法),伤害 5d8 负能量
奥术准备法术 DC 39,攻击 +31;

组装骨仆 Servitor Assembly [A](操作)  骨堆巫妖身上附着着三个折叠好的骨仆,通常是在肋骨中、手臂上、腿骨周围。巫妖将其中一个骨仆分离出来,并将其放置在任何邻接的开阔空间。巫妖也可以用这个动作来重新附着一个相邻的骨仆。
  巫妖和它的骨仆共享动作和HP,骨仆们使用与巫妖相同的数据。以巫妖或它的骨仆为目标的法术和效果会同时影响它们所有人,但是当它们成为法术和攻击的目标时,它们仍被视为一个生物。对此类效果(译注:应当指的是单体目标)巫妖只需要进行一次豁免,但它们在对抗同时以巫妖和一个或多个分离的骨仆为目标的效果时,豁免会受到-2的环境减值。每当骨堆巫妖施法(Casts a Spell)时,它可以选择让法术以巫妖本体或任何一个分离的骨仆为起点。若骨堆巫妖被摧毁,所有附着(在它身上)的骨仆也会被摧毁。如果一个骨仆受到重击,它就会被摧毁(而骨堆巫妖则照常承受伤害)。
骨仆攻击 Servitor Attack [AA](专注)  从巫妖身上分离的所有骨仆一起打击,攻击骰承受-2环境减值。每一次攻击都会计入巫妖的多重攻击减值,但只在所有攻击结束后减值才会增加。
骨仆猛扑 Servitor Lunge [A] 触发 骨堆巫妖的上一个动作是重击的近战打击,且它身上至少附着一个骨仆;效果 巫妖附着的骨仆之一分离至邻接目标的区域,且该目标被此骨仆擒抱(grabbed)。
骨仆重整 Servitor Realignment [A](专注)  从巫妖身上分离的所有骨仆进行一个交互动作(Interact)或进行一个带有移动特征的基础动作。由巫妖决定每个骨仆进行哪个动作。
稳定施法 Steady Spellcasting 若一个反应动作(reaction)将要打断(disrupt)骨堆巫妖的施法动作,巫妖会尝试DC 15的纯骰检定。成功时,该动作不会被打断。



主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】【BoD】巫妖(Lich)
作者: 璀璨星炬2022-06-19, 周日 07:44:42
刻符巫妖 Runecarved Lich


原文 (https://2e.aonprd.com/Monsters.aspx?ID=1877)

刻符巫妖 Runecarved Lich         生物 19

稀有 中立邪恶 中型 不死
察觉 +32;黑暗视觉
语言 深渊语,邪灵语,天界语,通用语,龙语,炼狱语,巨人语,死灵语,地底通用语
技能 奥法 +34,手艺 +38(能够制作魔法物品),欺骗 +35,交涉 +35,威吓 +37,神秘 +36,宗教 +34,隐秘 +33
力量 +5,敏捷 +6,体质 +4,智力 +7,感知 +7,魅力 +10
物品 +2 高等强击 深化 战斧连发飞弹魔杖(7环),力墙术魔杖
储存物品 Store Items 刻符巫妖能将物品储存于体内,如下详述。巫妖能用一个交互动作(Interact)来移除或储存一件物品。如果巫妖被摧毁,所有储藏的物品会出现于它的体内。

AC  42;强韧  +27,反射  +33,意志  +36;对抗正能量时全豁免+1状态加值
HP  330,负能量治疗,复生
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识
抗力 寒冷 10,物理 10(除了魔法钝击)
气势凶猛 (灵光 情绪 恐惧 心灵)  60尺,DC 30。
复生 Rejuvenation(神术,死灵系)  当巫妖被摧毁时,其灵魂会立即转移到命匣内。只有先找到并摧毁巫妖的命匣,才能永久摧毁该命匣对应的巫妖。
窃法反制 Spellstealing Counter [R] 触发 一个巫妖能看见的生物进行施法动作(Cast a Spell);需求 刻符巫妖的法术典籍内储存的法术不足3个;效果 巫妖消耗一个与触发生物施展的法术相同环级的法术位来反制这个法术。巫师失去这个法术位,如同它们施展了触发法术一般。然后,巫妖尝试反制触发(counteract)法术(反制调整值 +35)。若成功,该法术被反制,并被加入刻符巫妖的法术典籍。

速度 25尺
近战 [A] 深化 战斧 +34(魔法,横扫),伤害 3d8+13 挥砍 加 3d8 负能量
近战 [A] 巫妖之手 +31(娴熟,魔法),伤害 6d8 负能量
异能自发法术 DC 45,攻击 +37;

调阅文本 Consult the Text [A](操作)  频率 每日一次;效果 刻符巫妖翻开它的法术典籍的书页,显示出一个9环及以下的异能法术,该法术为何由巫妖选择。在这一日剩余的时间内,巫妖可以如同该法术是它的已知法术一般正常施展,且可用环级为其基础环级至最高9环。
汲取法术典籍 Drain Spell Tome [F] 效果 巫妖利用它的法术典籍中储存的法术来施展自己曾反制的一个法术。这个法术的环级与被反制的法术环级相同,但它使用刻符巫妖的法术DC和法术攻击加值。以这种方式施展法术会将其从法术典籍中移除。
译注:应该是漏了“需求 刻符巫妖的法术典籍中储存至少一个法术”;可能还漏了触发条件)
稳定施法 Steady Spellcasting 若一个反应动作(reaction)将要打断(disrupt)刻符巫妖的施法动作,巫妖会尝试DC 15的纯骰检定。成功时,该动作不会被打断。
召唤武器 Summon Weapon [F] 需求 巫妖在手臂里储存了一把武器,且那只手空着;效果 刻符巫妖将它储藏的武器召唤到手中。


一个刻符巫妖用汲取命匣麻痹之触能力换来了臂中魔杖召唤武器能力。法术典籍及其相关能力是通过放弃每环级一个法术位换来的。有些刻符巫妖可能有其他的能力,比如在空空的眼眶里镶上万古石(aeon stone),用刻着强大符文的护甲来强化自己,甚至(非原文把自己变成)一个装满炼金毒素(alchemical poison)或炸弹(bomb)的储存库,这些东西对巫妖来说不大危险,但是对那些用钝击攻击打得太狠的人而言极为致命。

主题: Re: 【Bestiary 1】【BoD】巫妖(Lich)
作者: sene2022-11-14, 周一 19:00:13

内容:囚困灵魂  单动(奥术 死灵 负能量)命令 频率 每个宝石1次/日;效果 半巫妖头骨上的10枚枯萎水晶宝石可以用于困住活物的灵魂。启动宝石施放缚魂术(bind soul)。此种缚魂术能够影响并以濒死生物为目标,以取代原本已死尸体为目标。濒死生物能尝试DC 38的强韧豁免;若成功,该生物不会死亡,其灵魂也不会被困,而是会陷入力竭2(译注:此处状态原文为enervated,疑似写错了),大成功则完全不会受到影响。当生物的灵魂被囚困时,该生物的尸体会迅速化为尘土
