
站务管理 => 跑團歷史區 => 歷史區 => 守灵夜与镇魂歌 => 主题作者是: 飞翔的口琴 于 2014-03-19, 周三 10:19:19

主题: 【G:tSE】显能-坟场Boneyards
作者: 飞翔的口琴2014-03-19, 周三 10:19:19
The Boneyard
Attribute: Wits
When a Sin-Eater calls forth the Boneyard, he allows his geist’s plasm to flow forth from his body to stain the surrounding area with plasmic residue. In this way, the Sin-Eater may extend his senses across a large area and affect his environment in ways associated with the Key used to unlock the Boneyard. While the Boneyard is unlocked, the Sin-Eater’s body must remain in a trance-like state. The Sin-Eater’s body need not rest in the center of the Boneyard, but he must be somewhere within the affected area. If taken by surprise (not an easy thing against the master of a Boneyard), the Sin-Eater typically loses his Defense against attackers. This Manifestation ends instantly if the Sin-Eater suffers any damage. If his body is otherwise disturbed, he may attempt to retain control of the Boneyard with a Resolve + Composure roll.



(很牛逼的描述)坟场之力使得一整片区域都弥漫着缚灵的冥质。食罪者可以将感知能力扩大到整个显能区域内,并且能以和钥匙相符的方式影响这片区域的环境。解锁坟场时所处的地点需要符合解锁所用钥匙的特质。解锁坟场之力后,食罪者需要保持一种出神的状态以维持这个能力。他不一定要在效果区域的中央部位,但是不能离开这片区域。被袭击的时候食罪者失去他的全部防御。当食罪者受到任何伤害的时候,显能立刻终止。当他的躯体被干扰的时候,他必须透 决心+沉着 以维持这个效果。

The basic (one-dot) power of the Boneyard allows the Sin-Eater to create a plasm-tainted area within a particular area whose size is governed by his Manifestation rating and his activation successes. Some Keys may modify the size of the Boneyard in thematically appropriate ways. For example, the Primeval Boneyard may be bigger than other Boneyards if unlocked within a forest or heavily wooded area. While the Boneyard is unlocked, the Sin-Eater can generally sense any particular person or thing within the affected area which she wishes to locate without a roll, provided that the object of her search is not actively hiding from her (either magically or through mundane means). She can project her senses to any spot within the Boneyard and examine the area as if she were standing there. Many Keys allow the Sin-Eater to use more esoteric senses from any vantage point within the Boneyard.


Once the Boneyard is unlocked, the Sin-Eater can unlock additional Manifestations as desired, and can target their effects against anyone or anything he can perceive within his Boneyard. If an additional Manifestation is unlocked using the same Key as the one used to unlock the Boneyard, the Sin-Eater may add the Boneyard’s activation successes to the next activation roll. If the Keys are different, however, the Boneyard’s activation successes do not apply. There is one exception to this rule: a Sin-Eater may not direct the Rage Manifestation against a target outside his immediate presence through the Boneyard.


Boneyard Activation
Cost: 1 plasm
Dice Pool: Wits + (Key Skill) + Boneyard rating
Action: Instant


Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The land is thirsty. The Boneyard fails to manifest, and the character loses two extra points of plasm.

Failure: The attempt to manifest the Boneyard fails.

Success: The Sin-Eater creates a Boneyard lasting for one scene. With Boneyard 1, the radius of the Boneyard is equal to (activation successes x 10) yards. With Boneyard 3, this radius increases to (activation successes x 100) yards. With Boneyard 5, this radius increases to (activation successes) in miles. Once its confines are established, the area covered by the Boneyard is fixed and cannot be modified by the Sin-Eater.Once established, the Boneyard cannot be dispelled prematurely, and the Sin-Eater may not create any new Boneyards while a previously unlocked Boneyard still stands. However, a Sin-Eater may attempt to replace an already existing Boneyard (whether one he created or one created by another Sin-Eater) with a new one, either to improve the Boneyard’s qualities or to assert dominance over another Sin-Eater. In the latter case, whichever Boneyard has more activation successes takes precedence over the other one. The Boneyard’s radius is fixed — although it is initially centered on the Sin-Eater, it does not move with her. Activation successes modify many higher-level Boneyard powers but only while the Sin-Eater remains within the Boneyard he created.

Exceptional Success: The Sin-Eater recovers the plasm spent in unlocking the Boneyard. If wounded, the Sin-Eater may still maintain the Boneyard with a successful (Resolve + Composure) roll, but not if he is rendered unconscious or leaves the Boneyard.



成功:食罪者创造了一个持续一场景的坟场。其范围大小,在显能1级时半径等同于 成功数x10 码。3级时 成功数x100 码。5级时 成功数 英里。范围一旦确定则不能随意更改。一旦被确立了,坟场便不能被提前消解,并且食罪者不能在前一个坟场存在的时候创造一个新的坟场。食罪者可以改善坟场的效力或者是替换掉另一个施术者的坟场,亦或者希望强占他人创造的坟场。这时候,获得更多成功数的坟场显能将取代其他坟场显能而占据主导。坟场范围是固定的,不随食罪者的移动而改变。成功数会影响很多高级的子能力,但只有当食罪者处于受影响的区域内,才有效。


Fighting Over Boneyards
Any Sin-Eater with even one dot in Boneyard will immediately know when she has entered into a Boneyard territory created by another Sin-Eater. The intruding Sin-Eater can attempt to establish her own Boneyard within the same area, but the original Sin-Eater may reflexively inflict a penalty equal to his activation successes on attempts by others to establish additional Boneyards within his demesne. If two (or more) Sin-Eaters successfully unlock overlapping Boneyards, the Sin-Eater with the most activation successes is considered to be the master of the Boneyard, and can reflexively apply a penalty equal to his activation successes against his rivals on all Boneyard-related rolls.


主题: Re: 【G:tSE】显能-坟场Boneyards
作者: 飞翔的口琴2014-03-19, 周三 10:19:56
元素The Elemental Boneyards
The Elemental Boneyards
Skill: Occult
Area of Effect: Varies
The Sin-Eater instills the essential characteristics of one of the four elements into the fabric of her Boneyard.


The Cold Wind Boneyard
The Cold Wind Boneyard draws upon frigid cold and the devastating power of storms. If the Sin-Eater unlocks the Cold Wind Boneyard while out-of-doors and in cold weather or during a heavy rainstorm, she may add her Occult rating to the activation successes for purposes of determining the maximum area.


Cold Wind Boneyard 2: The Sin-Eater can target any person within the Boneyard’s area with a powerful sensation of bone-chilling cold. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Wits + Occult + activation successes), resisted by the target’s Stamina. If the Sin-Eater is successful, the target suffers a dice penalty on all actions equal to the Sin-Eater’s activation successes for as long as the Sin-Eater maintains concentration on him, as the air around him plunges into bitter cold. With an Exceptional Success, this dice penalty will persist for as long as the Boneyard does, even without the Sin-Eater’s continued concentration. This power costs 1 plasm.

饥风坟场 2:食罪者可以以坟场效果区域内的任一人为目标,使其感到冻彻骨髓的酷寒。骰感知+神秘+启动成功数 对抗 目标的耐力。成功则目标在食罪者专注于他的时候,将在所有动作上承受一个等同于启动成功数的惩罚,仿佛无情的酷寒一直包围着他。大成功:只要坟场持续且目标处于其中,即时食罪者并未专注于目标,效果也依然生效。消耗1冥质。

Cold Wind Boneyard 3: The Sin-Eater can target multiple targets within the Boneyard with even stronger weather effects, such bitterly cold winds or freezing rain. Mechanically, this power functions just like the one before it except that the Sin-Eater may target multiple individuals with dice penalties caused by inclement weather. Each target rolls her Stamina separately, and those who fail to get more successes than the Sin-Eater are affected. This power costs 1 plasm per target to be affected.


Cold Wind Boneyard 4: The Sin-Eater can target an individual with a cold-weather attack. The precise nature of each attack depends on the extant environmental conditions — depending on the nature of the weather summoned, an attack might manifest as a lightning bolt, a gust of wind which blows a tree limb down onto the target, or even a snow flurry of incredible force which buries him under several feet of snow and ice. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Wits + Occult + activation successes). Generally, because such an attack comes as part of an environmental effect, a targeted character does not receive his Defense. However, living creatures do have some innate resistance to harmful weather phenomena, if only in the form of having enough sense to get out of the rain. Subtract the target’s Stamina from all weather-based attacks. Mundane armor rarely protects against inclement weather, but many forms of magical protection will apply. Each success inflicts one level of bashing damage, and each attack costs 1 plasm.
饥风坟场 4:食罪者可以借助寒冷的气候对一个特定的目标发起攻击。攻击的确切性质取决于当时的自然环境——一束来自云端的雷光、一阵卷裹树枝袭向受害者的疾风、或是可以将其掩埋数尺的雪崩。投感知+神秘+启动成功数。通常来说这种来自环境效果的攻击是不会受到目标防御值的影响的,但是活物确实有一些办法可以抵抗这种袭击(后面不会翻)。天候攻击的投池需减去目标的耐力。凡俗的护甲基本无法对抗严酷的天候,但是魔法护甲可以办到这点。每个成功数造成1点冲击伤害。每次攻击消耗1点冥质。

Cold Wind Boneyard 5: The Sin-Eater may now inflict lethal damage on any target within the Boneyard’s area. This power functions just the same as the 4-dot version, except that all damage is lethal instead of bashing, and each attacks costs 3 plasm.

The Grave-Dirt Boneyard
The Grave-Dirt Boneyard draws upon the resonance of cold, dead earth. If the Sin-Eater manifests a Grave-Dirt Boneyard in either an actual cemetery or in a completely subterranean environment such as a network of caverns or underground tunnels, he may add his Occult rating to the activation successes for purposes of determining the affected area. Such an underground environment may be manmade, such as a catacombs, but the environment must be predominantly stone or earthen. The Sin-Eater does not gain the extended range of the Grave-Dirt Boneyard in a completely artificial underground environment such as in subway tunnels.

Grave-Dirt Boneyard 2: The Sin-Eater can afflict any person within the Boneyard’s area with a powerful sense of claustrophobia. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Manipulation + Occult + activation successes), resisted by the target’s Composure. If the Sin-Eater is successful, the target suffers a dice penalty on all actions equal to the Sin-Eater’s successes for as long as the Sin-Eater maintains concentration on him, as the oppressive gloom of the environment preys upon his mind. With an Exceptional Success, this dice penalty will persist for as long as the Boneyard does, even without the Sin-Eater’s continued concentration. This power costs 1 plasm.
冢土坟场2:食罪者可以用一种强烈的幽闭恐惧感来折磨任意一个处于效果区域内的目标。投 操控+神秘+启动成功数 对抗 沉着。若成功,那么只要食罪者将注意力集中在他的身上,则目标在所有动作上承受等同启动成功数的惩罚,仿佛幽深压抑的环境正在啮噬他的精神。大成功:食罪者无需集中精力于目标身上,只要他仍然处在坟场的范围内,就一直承受这种减值。消耗1冥质。

Grave-Dirt Boneyard 3: The Sin-Eater can cause one or more targets to become lost, whether in the twisting tunnels of a catacomb or amid the menacing tombstones of a cemetary. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Manipulation + Occult + activation successes), resisted by the target’s Composure. If the Sin-Eater is successful, the target suffers a dice penalty equal to the activation successes on all attempts to navigate through his current environment. The Sin-Eater may direct this power against multiple targets, with each target rolling Composure separately. This power costs 1 plasm per target to be affected, and the effects last as long as the targets remain within the Boneyard.
冢土坟场3:食罪者可以使多个目标迷失在这个可怖阴森的环境里。投操控+神秘+启动成功数 ,对抗目标的沉着。对抗失败的目标在试图寻找路径和辨识方位的过程中承受等同启动成功的惩罚。多个目标的对抗沉着分别投。每指定1个目标消耗1点冥质,只要目标停留在场景内就一直饱受此效果折磨。

Grave-Dirt Boneyard 4: The Sin-Eater can cause the very earth itself to rise up against a target. Stones hurl themselves against her, and sinkholes open up to trap her feet and knock her to the ground. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Wits + Occult + activation successes, minus Defense). Each success inflicts one level of bashing damage, and each attack costs 1 plasm.
冢土坟场4:食罪者唤起大地打击他的目标。落石、坍陷的洞窟,石将她击伤,泥将她束缚。投 感知+神秘+启动成功数,减去目标防御。每点成功数造成1点冲击伤害,每次攻击消耗1点冥质。

Grave-Dirt Boneyard 5: The Sin-Eater may now inflict lethal damage on any target within the Boneyard’s area. This power functions just the same as the 4-dot version, except that all damage is lethal instead of bashing, and each attacks costs 3 plasm.

The Pyre-Flame Boneyard
The Pyre-Flame Boneyard draws upon the resonance of fire, heat and ash. If the Sin-Eater manifests a Pyre-Flame Boneyard in either in a hot, desolate area like a desert or within the confines of a burnt-out structure, she may add her Occult rating to the activation successes for purposes of determining the affected area.

Pyre-Flame Boneyard 2: The Sin-Eater can afflict any person within the Boneyard’s area with a feverish disorientation. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Manipulation + Occult + activation successes), resisted by the target’s Stamina. If the Sin-Eater is successful, the target suffers a dice penalty on all actions equal to the Sin-Eater’s successes for as long as the Sin-Eater maintains concentration on him, as he begins to burn with fever. With an Exceptional Success, this dice penalty will persist for as long as the Boneyard does, even without the Sin-Eater’s continued concentration. This power costs 1 plasm.
葬炎坟场2:食罪者可以让坟场区域内的任何一个目标迷失于热燥之感中。投 操控+神秘+启动成功数,对抗目标的耐力。若成功,只要食罪者继续将注意力保持在目标身上,则目标在全部动作上承受等同于食罪者成功数的减值(这里应该是成功数而不是启动成功数,以区别前述的两种坟场?),仿佛他正要开始自燃。大成功则食罪者无需对其保持专注,只要目标处在效果区域内就一直受到影响。消耗1冥质。

Pyre-Flame Boneyard 3: The Sin-Eater can inflict the previous penalty on targets, each of whom becomes disoriented by the sensation of acrid, burning smoke pouring into his lungs. This power costs 1 plasm per target to be affected, and the effects last as long as the targets remain within the Boneyard. Any target who rolls more successes on Stamina than the Sin-Eater is unaffected.

Pyre-Flame Boneyard 4: The Sin-Eater can ignite flammable materials within the Boneyard’s area. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Resolve + Occult + activation successes). This roll may gain +1 to +5 bonus dice on attempts to ignite particularly flammable materials, like oily rags or dry brush, or it may suffer a –1 to –5 penalty on attempts to ignite fire retardant materials, like wet cloth or foam insulation. The Sin-Eater may not target any moving object with this power, nor any living being. This power costs a variable number of plasm points equal to the size of the fire to be created. Lighting a candle costs 1 plasm, while blowing up a car might cost 10.
葬炎坟场4:食罪者可以点燃坟场内的可燃物质(哦哦哦这个好像很厉害!)。投 决心+神秘+启动成功数。根据所要点燃的材料不同,骰池可得到1-5的加值或减值。正在移动的物体和活物都不可被此能力点燃(真可惜)。该能力消耗的冥质取决于所要引发的火焰的火势大小(核心书中火焰是有Size这一属性的貌似)。点蜡烛消耗1点,拿车子点篝火大概需要10点。

Plasm Cost      Size          Description
      1     1 or smaller        A book.
      2     2-3                 A trash can, a bush.
      3     4-6                 Roughly man-sized.
      4     7-10                Up to the size of a small car.
      5     11-15               Up to the size of a large truck. This is the maximum Size which can be targeted with this power.
冥质花费        大小          描述
      1     1或更小             一本书
      2     2-3                 灌木丛、垃圾桶
      3     4-6                 和人差不多大小
      4     7-10                至多和一辆小轿车差不多
      5     11-15               至多和一辆大卡车差不多。这是该能力能点燃的最大程度

Pyre-Flame Boneyard 5: The Sin-Eater may now inflict lethal fire damage on any target within the Boneyard’s area. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Wits + Occult + activation successes). Defense does not apply to this roll, but it takes a few seconds for a burning target to take damage from the flames, allowing a quick-witted target to “drop and roll” to put out the flames without taking damage. Any target subject to a successful use of this power may roll (Wits + Athletics) to put out the flames without taking damage. The target’s successes on this roll are subtracted from those rolled for the Sin-Eater, with each remaining success inflicting one level of lethal damage (or aggravated damage for beings who are especially vulnerable to fire). Each attack made with this power costs 3 plasm.
葬炎坟场5:食罪者现在可以在坟场内的任何目标身上引发致命性的烈焰。投 感知+神秘+启动成功数。防御对此能力毫无作用,但由于烈焰在烧伤目标前大概有几秒钟的时间,所以反应迅速的目标也许可以通过打滚灭火之类的方式避免被烧伤。遭到此能力袭击的目标可以依靠一个 感知+运动 投来熄灭火焰。等同于目标的灭火成功数的骰将从食罪者的成功中减去,剩余的骰子每个可以造成1点致命伤。(以火为弱点的生物将受到恶性伤害,哦哦烧烤吸血鬼)。每一次攻击消耗3点冥质。

The Tear-Stained Boneyard
The Tear-Stained Boneyard draws upon the cold embrace of the sea. If the Sin-Eater extends the Tear-Stained Boneyard to cover a large body of water, he may add her Occult rating to the activation successes for purposes of determining the maximum area. In order to gain this benefit, the Sin-Eater must either actually be on the water far enough from shore to be over her head (although the Boneyard may be unlocked from a boat) or the Sin-Eater must be within (Boneyard rating x 100) yards of the spot where someone has drowned within the last ten years.

墓潮坟场自冰冷的海之拥中汲取力量。如果食罪者在接近一大片水体的地方施展能力,他可以将神秘技能数加到启动成功数上决定效果的最大范围。若要获得此种增益,食罪者必须处于离岸边足够远的地方,该处的水深至少要能末过他的头顶(尽管他可以在船上施展此能力)或者他所开启坟场的 坟场显能等级x100 码内,最近10年有人曾经溺死。

Tear-Stained Boneyard 2: The Sin-Eater can target any person within the Boneyard’s area and afflict them with the psychological sensation of drowning. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Wits + Occult + activation successes), resisted by the target’s Composure + Psyche. If the Sin-Eater is successful, the target suffers a dice penalty on all actions equal to the Sin-Eater’s activation successes for as long as the Sin-Eater maintains concentration on her, as she becomes unable to draw breath and becomes convinced that she is drowning. With an Exceptional Success, this dice penalty will persist for as long as the Boneyard does, even without the Sin-Eater’s continued concentration. This power costs 1 plasm.

Tear-Stained Boneyard 3: The Sin-Eater can target multiple targets with the 2-dot version of this power. Mechanically, this power functions just like the one before it except that the Sin-Eater may target multiple individuals with dice penalties caused by inclement weather. Each target rolls her Composure separately, and those who fail to get more successes than the Sin-Eater are affected. This power costs 1 plasm per target to be affected.

Tear-Stained Boneyard 4: The Sin-Eater can target an individual with a watery attack even on dry land, as a flood of brackish sea water manifests to strike the target at the Sin-Eater’s bidding before disappearing. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Wits + Occult + activation successes). The target’s Defense applies to this roll. Each success inflicts one level of bashing damage, and each attack costs 1 plasm. If the target is actually in the water (whether swimming in the sea or lounging in a bathtub), this power costs nothing to activate.
墓潮坟场4:食罪者现在甚至能使用水体攻击某个地面上的特定目标,如同咸而苦涩的洪流涌上海岸席卷目标而后消弭。投 感知+神秘+启动成功数。该打击受目标防御影响。每一点成功造成1点冲击上海,每次攻击消耗1点冥质。如果目标浸入水中,则该能力无消耗。无论目标是在水中游泳还是在浴缸中闲适地泡澡。

Tear-Stained Boneyard 5: The Sin-Eater may seek to drown his victim even on dry land. This power functions just the same as the 4-dot version, except that each net success inflicts two points of bashing damage, and each attacks costs 2 plasm.

主题: Re: 【G:tSE】显能-坟场Boneyards
作者: 飞翔的口琴2014-03-19, 周三 10:20:34
冲动The Passion Boneyard
The Passion Boneyard
Skill: Empathy
The Passion Boneyard grants the Sin-Eater understanding of the emotional states of any thinking beings caught within its confines. While the Passion Boneyard is active, the Sin-Eater may add her activation successes to all Empathy rolls to judge the emotional nature of anyone she observes within.


Passion Boneyard 2: The Sin-Eater can instill the area with a particular emotional resonance such that anyone who enters may be compelled to feel that emotional state. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Manipulation + Empathy + activation successes). For each point of plasm spent, the Sin-Eater may taint an area with a 10-yard radius with a particular emotion. Anyone who enters the tainted area whose Composure + Psyche is less than the activation successes will be compelled to feel that emotion for as long as they remain within the area. Whenever an affected character attempts to act contrary to the instilled emotion, he suffers a dice penalty on the action equal to the activation successes.

冲动坟场2 :食罪者将某种情感灌注到一片区域中,闯入者将被强迫承受这种情感。食罪者投 操控+共感+启动成功数 。每消耗1点冥质,食罪者便能将情感沾染到一个10码半径的区域中。沉着+灵格 少于启动成功数的闯入者只要停留在区域内,就会一直承受这种情感。当尝试表现出和这种情感相斥的情绪时,必须承受等同启动成功数的减值。

Passion Boneyard 3: The Sin-Eater can taint any part of the Boneyard or all of it with an emotion,using the rules described under the 2-point version,for a flat cost of 5 plasm.

冲动坟场 3 :食罪者可将某种情感灌注在坟场的任何一个地方,一个平面将消耗5冥质。其他描述如同子能力冲动坟场2。

Passion Boneyard 4: The Sin-Eater gains the power to actually feed off the strong emotions inculcated with the Passion Boneyard like a psychic vampire. Whenever a character affected by an emotional resonance instilled by the Sin-Eater acts on it in some important way, the Sin-Eater regains plasm and, in some cases, Willpower. There is no roll associated with this power.

Traits Regained    Situation
1 plasm            The target spends a Willpower in furtherance of the emotion
1 plasm            The target achieves an Exceptional Success or a Dramatic Failure in furtherance of the emotion
1 plasm            The target injures himself per health level as a result of the strong emotion
3 plasm            The target either loses Morality or gains a derangement as a result of the strong emotion
1 plasm            The target dies as a direct result of the strong emotion
per health level,
plus 1 Willpower

恢复量             状况
1冥质              角色在这种情感的促成下消耗了1点意志。
1冥质              角色在这种情感的促成下达成了大成功或者大失败。
1冥质              角色由于这种情感的驱动使得自己受到了伤害(每健康等级1点)
3冥质              角色由于这种强烈情感失去了人性值或是获得了某种精神病症。

1冥质每健康等级,  由于这种强烈情感作为直接原因,促成了目标的死亡。

Passion Boneyard 5: The Sin-Eater can damage someone psychically through the power of emotional resonance. Once a target has come under the effect of an emotional resonance created through the Passion Boneyard, the Sin-Eater may attack them emotionally, draining them of Willpower and even health. Activating this power costs 3 plasm, and the Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Intelligence + Empathy + activation successes, minus the target’s Composure). Each net success on the attack roll causes the target to lose one point of Willpower. If the target is totally drained of Willpower, she becomes emotionally overcome as any remaining successes inflict one point of bashing damage each.
冲动坟场5:食罪者可以用情感的共鸣对目标造成物理伤害。当一个目标受到冲动坟场中灌注的情感影响时,食罪者能够以情感的力量攻击他们,耗尽他们的精神力乃至生命力。使用该能力消耗3点冥质,食罪者角色投 智力+共感+启动成功数,减去目标沉着。每一点剩余成功都可以让目标失去一点意志点数。如果目标的意志点数耗尽,则由于她的精神不堪重负,剩余的每个成功都将对她造成1点冲击伤害。

主题: Re: 【G:tSE】显能-坟场Boneyards
作者: 飞翔的口琴2014-03-19, 周三 10:20:58
魅影The Phantasmal Boneyard
The Phantasmal Boneyard
Skill: Persuasion
The Phantasmal Boneyard grants the Sin-Eater the power to see through any illusions which exist within the Boneyard’s area. While the Phantasmal Boneyard is active, the Sin-Eater may add his activation successes to all rolls to detect invisible objects or beings or to see through illusions within the Boneyard. He may also add his activation successes to any Resistance traits subtracted from rolls to manipulate his own perceptions.

Phantasmal Boneyard 2: The Sin-Eater can affect the perceptions of a single individual within the Boneyard. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Manipulation + Persuasion + activation successes). This roll is resisted by the target’s Composure + Psyche. If the roll succeeds, the Sin-Eater may alter the target’s perceptions of her environment for as long as he maintains concentration on her. With an Exceptional Success, the illusion will persist for the entire scene even without the Sin-Eater’s continued concentration, although it will remain static and incapable of interacting with the target absent such concentration. Creating such an illusion costs 1 plasm.
魅影坟场2 :食罪者可以影响单一特定目标的感官。投 操控+说服+启动成功数。对抗目标的沉着+灵格。如果食罪者成功,食罪者可以改表目标对周围环境的观感,只要他一直专注于目标。大成功情况下这种幻想会持续一个场景,即使食罪者不专注于目标。尽管当食罪者不持续专注于目标的时候,创造的幻象必须维持静态,且对目标的影响缺乏回馈。创造幻象消耗1点冥质。

Phantasmal Boneyard 3: The Sin-Eater can create illusions capable of fooling multiple individuals, at a cost of 1 plasm per target. If the targets remain close together, the Sin-Eater can cause the illusion to interact with them all. If they split up, he must choose the target with whom the illusion will interact, but the other targets are still susceptible to this power for the duration of the scene. In other words, the Sin-Eater may not split his attention between different locations within the Boneyard, but so long as he can focus on one area, he can totally control the perceptions of affected targets found there.

Phantasmal Boneyard 5: The Sin-Eater can harm someone with an illusion. None of the preceding powers are directly harmful, although they can indirectly harm a target by, for example, concealing a flight of stairs or the edge of a cliff. This power, on the other hand, allows the Sin-Eater to create illusions that can kill. The resulting illusion has an ambulatory form and acts as an extension of the Sin- Eater’s will. The Sin-Eater can cause her illusion to attack anyone who believes in it. The illusory killer’s attacks inflict bashing damage if the Sin-Eater spends 3 plasm to activate this power or lethal if she spends 6 motes. Regardless, eachattack the killer makes requires the Sin-Eater’s player to roll (Wits + Intimidation + activation successes). Defense does not apply since the killer is illusory and therefore will always “hit” if the Sin-Eater wishes it to. However, the target’s Composure subtracts from the attack roll. Furthermore, if the target’s Compsure + Psyche exceeds the activation successes, he is immune to the phantasmal killer.
魅影坟场5:食罪者可以用幻象切实地伤害某人。前述的能力尽管不能直接伤害对手,但它们依然可以通过类似隐藏一段断崖或者是台阶上的塌陷的方式间接的伤害目标。从某种意义上说,子能力5可以让食罪者创造出可以杀人的幻象。幻象在该能力的作动下可以有一个运动的形态并且仿佛食罪者意识的延伸一样运动。食罪者可以让幻象攻击任何将幻象视为真实存在的目标。当食罪者消耗3点冥质发动该能力,魅影杀手造成冲击伤害,消耗6点冥质,则造成致命伤害。魅影杀手的攻击需要食罪者投 感知+威吓+启动成功数,减去沉着。防御数值在幻象的攻击面前是毫无意义的,只要食罪者希望,魅影杀手的攻击“总是”会击中目标。但攻击骰池需要减去沉着,这是由于魅影杀手的攻击是借由让目标“相信”这攻击来生效的。如果目标的沉着+灵格超过了启动成功数,则他对这种魅影杀手完全免疫。
主题: Re: 【G:tSE】显能-坟场Boneyards
作者: 飞翔的口琴2014-03-19, 周三 10:21:31
原初The Primeval Boneyard
The Primeval Boneyard
Skill: Animal Ken
Manifesting the Primeval Boneyard puts the Sin-Eater in tune with any wild area within the Boneyard’s radius and any wild animals within, allowing her to perceive the movements of such creatures with a thought. If the Sin-Eater unlocks this Boneyard within a heavily wooded or forest area, she can add her Animal Ken to the activation successes for purposes of determining the area. However, in such a case, the area of the Boneyard may never extend beyond the range of the forest in question, and its effects are blocked by signs of encroaching civilization -- the Primeval Boneyard’s range cannot extend across any road which cuts through the forest, nor any fence constructed within the last ten years, nor may the Sin-Eater perceive within any manmade structure erected within the Boneyard.

Primeval Boneyard 2: The Sin-Eater can target a specific animal within the Boneyard and trigger the creature’s fight or flight instinct. Any affected animal will either flee the Boneyard as fast as it is able or attack the first human it encounters in a rage, whichever the Sin-Eater desires. This power costs 1 plasm. There is no roll unless the animal is magical or otherwise sentient, in which case the Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Wits + Animal Ken + activation successes, resisted by the animal’s Composure). With an Exceptional Success, any affected animal gains a two-die bonus to any actions made under this power’s compulsion, such as Athletics rolls to flee or Brawl rolls to attack.
原初坟场2:食罪者可以指定一个特定的动物为目标,触动它的本能,使其攻击或是奔逃。由食罪者决定,任何被影响的动物会立刻竭尽全力逃离坟场的范围,或是狂暴地攻击它所遭遇的第一个人类。该能力消耗1点冥质。通常情况无需投骰,但当目标动物是沾染魔法,或者是有其他形式的自我认知能力的话,食罪者必须投 感知+驯兽+启动成功数,对抗动物沉着。大成功时,动物在任何受制于这个能力而做出的行动上,有+2奖励。例如逃跑的运动投或者是袭击人的格斗投。

Primeval Boneyard 3: The Sin-Eater may target multiple animals with the preceding power at a cost of 1 plasm per creature. He may also target one specific animal and control it completely. This aspect of the power costs 2 plasm but uses the same mechanical rules as the previous power. If the Sin-Eater spends 3 plasm, she can even speak through the animal with her own voice.


Primeval Boneyard ????: The Sin-Eater may now
engineer more complicated responses in the creatures
of the forest. With this power, the Sin-Eater may target
a single individual within the Boneyard’s area and instill
within him a powerful aura which provokes atavistic rage in
most animals. While the target is under this baleful effect
the target will automatically provoke a rabid, bloodthirsty
frenzy in any and every creature he encounters within the
Boneyard, and all but the smallest and most cowardly of
such creatures will invariably attack him on sight. This
power costs 3 plasm, and the Sin-Eater’s player must roll
(Manipulation + Animal Ken + activation successes, resisted
by Composure + Psyche). In addition to any other
effects, the target of this power is reduced to a Chance Die on all Animal Ken rolls while in the Boneyard. With an Exceptional Successes, the taint placed on the target is so pervasive that it persists for a full day even after the target leaves the Boneyard.
主题: Re: 【G:tSE】显能-坟场Boneyards
作者: 飞翔的口琴2014-03-19, 周三 10:22:22
造物The Industrial Boneyard
The Industrial Boneyard
Skill: Crafts
The Industrial Boneyard draws upon the relentless inhumanity of the machine and the sterility which separates man-made structures from natural ones. If the Sin-Eater unlocks the Industrial Boneyard inside a building of any kind, he may add his Craft rating to the activation successes for purposes of determining the maximum area, but when he does so, the Boneyard’s area can never extend beyond the physical structure of the building itself. In order to gain this benefit, the Sin-Eater need not be inside the structure, but he must be able to touch one of its outer walls. With Industrial Boneyard 3, the Sin-Eater can extend his control to encompass multiple connected buildings which are part of the same unit (such as a mansion and its guesthouse or all the cookie-cutter houses in a residential subdivision) but not any place outside of a structure. With Boneyard 5, the Sin-Eater’s gaze even covers the grounds of a large estate or the yards and streets of a residential neighborhood.

Industrial Boneyard 2: The Sin-Eater can target any mechanical device she is capable of perceiving within the Boneyard and turn it on or off at will. The Sin-Eater’s player must roll (Wits + Craft + activation successes) and spend 1 plasm. In addition to this power, the Sin-Eater may reflexively add her activation successes to any Wits-related roll to perceive or understand any aspect of the structure within which she stands. She can easily perceive hidden passages, concealed safes and the like. This aspect of the power costs nothing.
造物坟场2:食罪者可以任意开关在坟场范围内可感知到的机械装置。投 感知+手艺+成功启动数,消耗1点冥质。额外地,他可以将启动成功数添加到任何感知相关投,以洞察隐藏的隔间、储藏室、保险箱之类的玩意。这个额外效果是无消耗的。

Industrial Boneyard 3: The Sin-Eater can completely control a single device within the Boneyard, directing it as he wishes, using the same dice pool as the previous power. However, he can only cause such devices to do things normally within their purview. That is, he could cause a vacuum cleaner to begin cleaning a rug but he could not cause it to fly about the room. This power costs nothing provided that the target device does not require any electricity or is already plugged in if it does require power. Feats such as activating an unplugged appliance or moving an unplugged vacuum cleaner cost 1 plasm per target to be affected.

Industrial Boneyard 4: The Sin-Eater can telekinetically move any non-living item which he can perceive within the Boneyard. He can cause items to fling themselves at targets or he can turn on a television and cause it to display whatever images he desires. Controlling inanimate objects in this manner costs a number of plasm points equal to the size of the item. The player must roll (Resolve + Craft + activation successes) to activate this power. If the Sin-Eater attempts to hurl the item at a target, the roll is (Resolve + the object’s Size + activation successes, minus the target’s Defense). The Sin-Eater may only make one such attack per turn, and also costs plasm equal to the item's Size.
造物坟场4:食罪者可以用心灵传动的方式移动他在坟场中探知的非生命物体。他可以将物体掷向他的目标或者是打开电视让其播放任何他想要播放的画面。控制非活动状态的物体将消耗等同于物体体型的冥质。投 决心+手艺+启动成功数以显能。如果食罪者是要掷出物体以打击对手,则投决心+物体体积+启动成功数,减去防御。食罪者每轮只能如上进行一次攻击,并且消耗等同物体体型的冥质。

Industrial Boneyard 5: The Sin-Eater gains dominion over every object within the Boneyard’s reach. Unlocking the Boneyard at this level raises the activation cost to 5 plasm, but thereafter, the Sin-Eater pays nothing to use any of the preceding Industrial Boneyard powers. Additionally, while this power is in effect, the Sin-Eater can spend 3 plasm to cause an object to do something completely unnatural, such as causing a chair to wrap its arms around someone sitting in it and restrain her or rearranging the oil on a painting to change what it depicts. These unnatural effects only last as long as the Boneyard does before the object reverts to its prior shape.